This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
Maoist Internationalist Movement

April, 2003 Central Task Report

by PIRAO Chief, May 1, 2003

  • See also previous Web Minister reports
  • See also overall situation of prison censorship and prison struggle

    Again, thanks in part to the heroic struggle of the Iraqi people against imperialist invaders, April was a big breakthrough month for the web page and MIM Notes distribution. It's difficult to celebrate when we know that much of the interest in our web page arose from the brutality of the war on Iraq and when we also know we did not succeed in stopping the terrorism of our government.

    We did not maintain the blistering pace of the first few days of April, because the population largely concluded that the "war is over." Attention dropped off and then resumed at a higher and steadier level toward the end of the month. For MIM, the brightest spot is the improvement of our agitation numbers from low levels. Especially in the past year, we seemed to be attracting people more and more consistently for historical and theoretical purposes. People were reading more material and deepening their understanding of MIM. Now we have a "widening" trend going on with a large influx of people looking at our web page.

    Summary statistics comparing April 2002 and April 2003

    Statistic April, 2002 April, 2003 % change
    Number of different computers MIM served 22875 51029* +123%
    Avg. MIM pages served per day 1977 3735* +88.9%
    MIM data transferred 99.838 megabytes/day 213.85 megabytes/day +114%
    MIM Notes printed copies compared with pre-911=100 211
    MIM prison circulation averaged over two months Jan 2002=100 112
    Number of Art page users Unknown 6355 N/A
    Number of different MIM web page files actively chosen from 3784 3436 -9.2%
    Amazon visitors sent from web page 213 677 +218%
    *This report excludes all art, and most robots and developer hits for 2003 but not 2002.

    Web traffic broken down by department: March vs. April 2003

    (ordered from high to low by March 2003 figure)
    Department March 2003 users April 2003 users % change
    Art 7369 6355 -13.8%
    MIM Notes 5614 6213 +10.7%
    Bookstore 5342 10,764 +101.5%
    Black Panther page 4303 5101 +18.5%
    What is MIM? 4089 5089 +24.5%
    FAQ 4084 5674 +38.9%
    MIM Theory 2882 3240 +12.4%
    RAIL 2350 2570 +9.4%
    Agitation 2145 7209 +236%
    Prisons agitation only N/A 1668 N/A
    Movies 1482 1995 +34.6%
    Notas Rojas 1127 1318 +16.9%
    French 975 1103 +13.1%
    California 883 1062 +20.3%
    Contemporary controversies/countries page 842 1088 +29.2%
    Chinese 787 1204 +53.0%
    RAIL fliers (within RAIL page) 603 562 -6.8%
    Classic quotes 564 763 +35.3%
    Maoist Sojourner 223 248 +11.2%
    German 207 230 +11.1%
    Finnish 166 168 +1.2%
    Russian 94 135 +43.6%
    Study packs 103 118 +14.6%
    Albany 55 104 +89.1%
    Turkish 65 86 +32.3%
    New York City 60 81 +35%

    In this report we compare March with April. We have to remember that March has one more day than April and thus we expect our monthly totals of people visiting a web page to be lower if a department merely stagnated. If number of visitors only shrunk 3% over March in a department, then the department was stagnant, not actually shrinking on a per day traffic basis.

    This month, the Black Panther page, MIM Notes 1-250 and the arts page each had more hits than the home page. The above table counts the languages all the same way, based on number of visitors. It reveals that Spanish is now language number two, Chinese third and French fourth for our web page.

    Of note on the agitation page, the first article listed was not the most popular. The most popular new April article was "Amerikkkans: The Redcoats of the 21st Century" with 503 hits.

    We expect May will be another big month for MIM. We are also working again this year to see what we can do to avoid the summer slump we usually see.

    At the current pace of growth, MIM would achieve the suggested Five Year Plan for web page growth in less than three years. If there are a number of wars going on, perhaps MIM would achieve the goal sooner. There are both external factors beyond our control and internal factors within our grasp. MIM has never had a better understanding of what it is that increases our web page traffic. There is continuous demand for our documents. Although at some points in our history we have had trouble giving out papers and articles fast enough, we are definitely now in a position where we cannot write material fast enough or find enough money to get the material out there.