This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.

MIM Theory #11
Amerikkkan Prisons on Trial
Revolutionary analysis of Amerikan injustice leads to the only reasonable verdict. For the crime of oppression and genocide, the people find this imperialist system... GUILTY!
Reviews of MIM Theory #11
"In the issue of MIM Theory that was sent, ``Amerikkkan prisons on trial'', the article on CCA -- Corrections Corporation of Amerika was very well written."
--Tennesse prisoner
"Let me first say that I got MIM Theory no. 11. And I have
had it for about three weeks and each time I pick it up, I
find something else new, strong and meaningful."
--Texas prisoner
"Your MIM Theory 11 pierces through the veil into the heart of this mad-human-drama that many of us have
become accustomed to. . . articulating our struggles, highlighting the injustice, and identifying the real criminals."
--New York prisoner 1999
The best reviews of MIM work come from the U.S. Government: censored!
ACLU hits against prison censorship of MIM
Get the scoop on censorship of MIM by state
[2014 UPDATE: MIM(Prisons) has posted more of these articles online.]
- Letters to MIM Theory
- Reality and Unholy Alliances
- Prisons are not Kamps
- Manhood in Crisis: Black Identity
- Whining Leftist Pieces of Shit?
- Sexual Self-Ownership
- Open Reply to 'Not the Best of Anarchists'
- Letter to Utopian Anarchist Party
- Notice on Language
- Corrections
- Amerikkkan Prisons on Trial
- Amerikan Fascism and Prisons
- Capital and State Join Hands in Private Prisons
- Prison Business: Companies
- Prison Labor: Profits, Slavery and the State
- Political Prisoners Revisited
- Letter: Crimes Against the People
- Political Prisoners and Anti-Imperialist Struggle
- Who Are the Political Prisoners
- Control Units: Technology that Tortures
- Modern Slavery: In Full Effect
- Criminal Justice as Social Control
- Prison Awareness Week in Ann Arbor
- Death: Extreme Amerikan Injustice
- "War on Crack Against Blacks and Latinos
- Media Vilifies Sex Offenders
- Real Criminals
- Clinton's Sweatshop
- Feds Step Up Surveillance
- Review: Book Exposes Injustice
- The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison
- Review:Soledad Brother
- Amerikkkan Lockdown Index
- Labor Aristocracy Debate Continues
- Struggle Rages in Imperialist Countries
- Marx and Engels on Split in the Working Class
- Historical Review
- FBI's War on the Southern California BPP
- Malcolm X's Progressive Development
- Critique of Ghandi from the Left
- Reviews & Briefs
- Differences Between MIM and PLP
- RCP's Historical Revisionism, Too
- Response to Spartacist League
- Review: Communist Action
- Wang Li Interviewed
- Poem
MIM Theory is the official theoretical journal of the Maoist
Internationalist Movement (MIM).
USA prices:
$59 for first 13 MIM Theory magazines by regular mail
$30 for 10 copies of the same issue
No subscriptions
$79 for first 13 MIM Theory magazines by sea mail
$45 for 10 copies of the same issue sea mail
No subscriptions
Send a money order (and keep the stub) to:
attn: MT
PO Box 400559
Cambridge, MA 02140