This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
Maoist Internationalist Movement

Scholars issue report for Ward Churchill

May 17, 2007

On May 8, a University of Colorado committee recommended that Ward Churchill be suspended for a year, not fired.(1) The University of Colorado president is now considering his action in the case. Ward Churchill is in the process of being disciplined by the University of Colorado for a controversial speech he made called "Some People Push Back."

On May 10, several University of Colorado professors and experts in indigenous studies filed a crushing rejoinder to the nonsense againt Ward Churchill so far. Responding to a report that called for discipline against Ward Churchill, several professors accused the accusers of research misconduct themselves.

Among other things, the pro-Churchill professors pointed out the stupidity of deciding the question of firing by "preponderance of evidence" on a question. If professors were always fired in a dispute where one had the preponderance of evidence against another professor, there could only be one professor in each field--not all bad from MIM's point of view, since the remaining professors would all be MIM- supporting professors, and the know-nothing reactionaries would be thrown out. Nevertheless, this is certainly not the usual bourgeois academic practice.

The fireworks are just getting started. If the reactionaries continue to press this matter, they will have to be taught some lessons.

It's astonishing how wife of Vice-President Cheney, Lynne Cheney has put her finger on something MIM has also noticed. The physics professors receive their money from the Department of Defense and Department of Energy. The international subject professors connect themselves to the CIA. The area least dominated by the federal government is Amerikans' study of themselves in English, History and the social sciences--in questions of race, class and gender.

Lynne Cheney organized ACTA (American Council of Trustees and Alumni). What Ms.-Halliburton-on-the-Federal-Dole- Moneybags has noticed is that the professors not tightly tied to the federal government already are the most critical of the government. So ACTA and David Horowitz have launched a criminal conspiracy against Ward Churchill's civil rights with the hope of mopping up the minority of professors still deluded into thinking they are in a university that is not an extension of the government.

One federal agent with a web page has said recently he has the right to criticize Ward Churchill, because Ward Churchill is a public employee. This is to evade that the furor occurred because of a speech that was not at the University of Colorado. That's a very relevant distinction for the First Amendment that is supposedly part of the highest law of the land. Meanwhile, these federal agents are criticizing MIM, spreading rumors about MIM from FBI files and using taxpayer money to do so--in retaliation for Ward Churchill's criticism of the federal government.

How the Cheneyites want the university to work is that a would-be professor donates money to the Cheney campaign. Then he gets a professor's seat, taken from the Ward Churchills kicked out. Next the professor works to churn out students for the Department of Defense. So the good ones go to work for Navy intelligence or the like, with recommendations from professors who make donations to the Cheney campaign, under officials who of course also donated to the Cheney campaign.

The University of Colorado is land-locked but it has such a history, even with the Navy:

"East Asian language training became firmly established at CU-Boulder during World War II, when the Boulder campus served as the site of the U.S. Navy's Japanese language school.

"The school offered intensive Japanese instruction, and later some Chinese, to military recruits who went on to serve in Navy intelligence, translating the language of the wartime enemy."(2)

Professors like Ward Churchill who suggest that Amerikans take co-responsibility for their international actions face action by the profiteers of militarism such as Lynne Cheney. The growth of parasitism has reached a point where people such as Lynne Cheney are outraged when some people actually think not all thought should serve the interests of contractors for the federal government. How dare people such as Ward Churchill and Ron Paul say that 9/11 was the fault of the government, not an excuse to expand the government. These Ward Churchills just do not know a good business opportunity when they see it.

In Mao's Cultural Revolution, the universities also faced politicization. The difference is that the Cheney/Horowitz politicization serves the military, the growth of the military- industrial complex. Mao sent college professors and college students (who were the less than 1% elite because of China's relative poverty) to serve the peasants in the countryside, only to have countless negative accounts about the Cultural Revolution written by resentful intellectuals. Mao's concern for the countryside helped China double its life expectancy and establish rural businesses that evened out the situation of economic development in the country. The activities of the Lynne Cheneys just expand the central government's parasitism.
