Solving the terrorism problem: MIM answers critics Critic: You oppose the U.$. war Bush has called, but violence is the only language these terrorists understand. MIM replies: That's probably what the terrorists think about us here in North Amerika. If Third World terrorists really committed the World Trade Center/Pentagon bombing and they were not intentional provocations by the secretive CIA, Mossad or other state service, then they have already seen much more U.$. violence than what happened in Manhattan. That violence did not prevent terrorism: it created it. Critic: If the United States does not attack, it will face more attacks for its weakness. MIM replies: The United $tates has already attacked in the past, and that is why we are being attacked in North Amerika now. We of North Amerika have to endure these terrorist attacks because our government stays with its long-failed strategies. Making tighter rules for air travel has been done before. Attacking alleged terrorists has been done before. The problem with our critic's statement is that it makes it sound like terrorism has not gone on before. The reactionary dinosaur Pat Robertson has done more to account for reality than many people noticing terrorism for the first time. He says that the terrorists probably have nuclear weapons in suitcases, something that analysts have been talking about a long time. Unlike 100 years ago, the humyn species has now reached a point where it requires an utterly just and stable system, one that does not have war built into it like capitalism, a system that does not drive people into maniacal aggression including three world wars in a century. Critic: You are dreaming. MIM replies: Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell conclude that Amerikans should get square with their Makers, and that God "punished" America for too many abortions and maybe God already entirely left "America," which is why the World Trade Center attack succeeded,(1) but MIM concludes that we need to work toward communist Heaven on Earth right now, so that no one would use a suitcase nuclear weapon. A week ago, many would have laughed at MIM for saying so, but now there is a wake-up call for peace. People who think Amerikans can kill a few thousand bin Ladens and go back to "security" at home are badly mistaken: they are the ones dreaming. Critic: You sound like Liberals tolerating everything. Terrorism should not be tolerated. MIM replies: That's right: terrorism should not be tolerated. That's why those who do not really eliminate its causation should not be allowed as leaders. People talking about changing curbside baggage rules and doing more surveillance missed the boat. MIM is not composed of Liberals; however, it is ironic that Bush keeps calling the United $tates a "free country," at the same time that his administration is proposing all kinds of laws to decrease freedom even more. Benjamin Franklin said those who pursue security at the expense of liberty shall have neither. All living people should not tolerate those leaders willing to sacrifice the lives of others for their unscientific ideas about how to end terrorism. The "national security" crowd that has run the U.S. Government has proved that it cannot eliminate terrorism. It's time for the people globally to crackdown on these Amerikan leaders, and not tolerate their failure to end terrorism. Critic: What makes you say the Israeli Mossad or even the CIA might have done it? MIM replies: These are cowardly, covert terrorist organizations working in the shadows. They are admittedly covert and despite being from "democratic" countries, the public does not know what they are doing. The first Foreign Minister of Israeli imperialism and its prime minister from 1954-1955 Moshe Sharett said in his diary: "'I have been meditating on the long chain of false incidents and hostilities we have invented, and on the many clashes we have provoked which cost us so much blood, and on the violations of the law by our men--all of which brought grave disasters and determined the whole course of events and contributed to the security crisis.'"(2) An American colonel concluded in 1954 that one terrorist incident killing 10 people on a bus may not have been conducted by Arabs. Moshe Sharett said, "'From another source I heard this week that Dayan said to Israeli journalists that it was not proved that the Ma'aleh Ha'akrabim gang was Jordanian--it is possible that it was local.'"(3) Jordan claimed that the attackers were Israeli, and Sharett admitted that even Western intelligence believed Israel was staging incidents to destabilize the Middle East and create pretexts for war that Israel was prepared to win. In other shadowy incidents, Israel hired Arab agents to do its dirty work, some of whom may have turned around and killed Israelis. Regardless of what happened in any particular terrorist incident, the fact is that state agencies do carry out terrorist incidents and the ordinary public cannot usually know who is to blame. The solution for this can only be the abolition of governments in the distant future of communism, when people cooperate economically, culturally and politically, so that no nation has secret services like the CIA. These secret services are themselves an irritant in relations amongst nations and must be eradicated for a completely secure world. Critic: In a free country, our media keeps us informed about what the government is doing. MIM replies: The same media reported on September 11th that an airliner crashed at Camp David and that a car bomb went off in front of the State Department. In 1998's attack on Sudan and Afghanistan, the mainstream media initially reported slavishly along with the government, but it turned out that the United $tates bombed Sudan's only pharmaceutical plant, not a terrorist hideout. (MIM is willing to bet that that choice if it were not deliberate was based on "humyn intelligence" that the Bush administration wants to expand.) When the airports reopened, the media reported that 10 people were arrested with knives and fake pilot identities. Eventually the government released them and admitted there were no weapons involved and that the real evidence against these people was much shakier than reported, and hinged on things like the appearance of baggage tags. If the government had not released these people, it was not going to be CNN to uncover the truth. CNN, Foxnews, USA Today report what the government says and they only vary in reporting arguments within the government. These agencies rarely confirm anything independently of the government as the Camp David airliner thing proves and as numerous false reports of World Trade Center "survivors" also show. As for being a "free" country, Bush himself admitted that the borders are more closed than at any time since World War II. This is on top of the fact that the United $tates has the world's largest prison and jail population as admitted by Reuters recently. As of September 17th, Fox News had a story about giving up freedoms for security as a lead story. There was no story on concrete peace proposals for the Middle East, no story on possible universal food, shelter and medicine security as a solution to terrorism and no stories about Amerikan terrorism.(4) The same is true of all the other major media outlets. They suggest giving up freedom to increase security and they consider various war strategies, but no attention goes to any non- government ideas to end terrorism. Notes: 1. ay_Page/0,,PTID2546|CHID101024 |CIID838600, ml 2. Livia Rokach, Israel's Sacred Terrorism (Belmont, MA: Association of Arab- American University Graduates, 1986), p. 4. 3. Ibid., p. 29. 4.,2933,34449,00.html