Amerikan public opinion turns to war following attacks by MC12 Gallup, the big polling company, did a series of polls in the few days after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Even thought the results are inflamed by the fact that the polls were done just a few days afterward, the news is still bad. In terms of racism against Arabs, although most Amerikans might be opposed to violent attacks of the kind that led to several deaths in the week after the plane crashes, there is a high level of public support for repression against Arabs. Of those surveyed, 58% said they would support, "Requiring Arabs, including those who are U.S. citizens, to undergo special, more intensive security checks before boarding airplanes in the U.S." and 49% said they would support, "Requiring Arabs, including those who are U.S. citizens, to carry a special ID." The vast majority of Amerikans said they would "support military action" even if it "would continue for a period of several months" (86%), lead to increased taxes (84%), involve U.$. ground troops (80%), cause oil and gas shortages (79%), reduce spending on "programs such as education and Social Security" (78%), lead to the reinstitution of the draft (77%), and cause the deaths of 1,000 Amerikan troops (65%). And, as evidence that the war attitude is about revenge rather than a rational response to stop terrorism, 78% said they would support military action even if "Further terrorist attacks would occur in the U.S." Gallup has been recording public "approval ratings" for Amerikan presidents for 60 years. They have now released a record of the greatest upward spikes in public approval for presidents. Rather than showing partisan support for Republicans or Democrats, most of these spikes seem to reflect generally increased patriotism or jingoistic nationalism in response to wars or similar events. So, Roosevelt got a 12% boost after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Kennedy got 13% from the Cuban missile crisis, and Bush senior got about 30% from the war against Iraq. But the spike for George W. Bush is the largest ever recorded. His approval rating shot up to 86% from just 51% in the days after the plane attacks. His 86% is just three points below the record, set by his father in the war against Iraq, and one point less than Truman got after Germany surrendered in World War II. MIM has long understood that the majority of Amerikans are not on the side of the oppressed in World War III. However, shocks such as the plane attacks can still make matters worse, and in the short run at least, that is what appears to have happened. On the other hand, MIM and its allies can do a lot with a few hundred or thousand activists who are inspired to get involved in response to such a crisis. So even if the great majority of Amerikans get even more warlike in these times, our task is to work with and capture the energy of those who are ready to step up and represent the world's majority, even if that means taking a minority position within U.$. borders. Notes: Gallup results are posted at