Shock and anger should be directed at U.$. imperialism daily As the people in the u.s. register tremendous shock and anger MIM reminds our readers that tragedy of this scale is perpetuated by the u.s. imperialists on a regular basis. People should be shocked and angered every day by the mass murder and destruction caused by the u.s. government and capitalist institutions. We call on all people upset by this tragedy to think about why these deaths of Amerikans are more important to you than the deaths of thousands of people around the world every day. Over the past two years the U.$ has carried out hundreds of air strikes against Iraq killing people and destroying property. At the same time, the U.$. is enforcing an embargo that is literally killing Iraqi people. According to a UNICEF report 200 Iraqi children under age five die every day as a result of the sanctions. Over the past ten years, over 500,000 children have died as a result of the sanctions.(1) The bombings of Iraq are just one of the more open acts of violence perpetuated by the u.s. terrorist military. That same military supports u.s.- funded death squads in the Third World in their war against the people, defending reactionary governments propped up and funded by the u.s. For instance, in 2000 Human Rights Watch released a report detailing ties between the Colombian Armed Forces and right-wing paramilitary groups, while the U.$. was working on approval of expanding funding for the Colombian military which hundreds of millions of dollars from the U.$. every year. Perhaps the most tragic and sweeping form of terror against the people of the world that MIM holds the imperialists responsible for is the denial of food and medicine. Starvation and preventable disease cause much more death than all war, terrorism and political repression combined. Because the middle- classes of the wealthy countries do not experience starvation and preventable disease, they tend to attack only the violence they see and overlook this "institutional violence." We Maoists believe a dead persyn is dead whether shot by a bullet or starved to death. When the capitalists back military governments that allow factories where workers are forced to work long hours for wages on which they can not survive, we hold those capitalists responsible for the deaths from starvation. It is estimated that 40,000 Third World children starve to death or die from simple preventable diseases each day.(2) 38,000 children starve to death each day (3), and 60,000,000 die of starvation each year.(4) Estimates of 10,000 people killed in the recent attack on the u.s. pale in comparison to the deaths caused directly by the U.$. and by imperialism more generally every day. If you oppose tragic and unnecessary violence and death join the only effective movement against the biggest terrorist in the world, U.$. imperialism. Notes: 1. 5. USA Today, Dec. 09, 1999 Page 18A. 2. New York Times, September 17, 1992, p. a24. 3. 4. Pulitzer Prize author John Robbins, heir to Baskin Robbins fortune (When we say we use bourgeois sources at MIM, we do not kid!)