This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 1
MIM Notes
February 15, 2004, Nº 314 The Official Newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)
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On January 26 2005, 31 U.$. troops
died in a helicopter crash in Iraq and
insurgents killed another 6 Marines for
the bloodiest day of the land war for the
U.$. side. CNN ran an unscientific poll
of 60,000 website users that MIM found
very interesting: 9% of website users said
they would be willing to sacrifice their
lives to establish "democracy" in Iraq.
First of all, MIM is also interested in
this question of the altruist minority--in
this case willing to die so that the country
can have cheap oil. Often times we are
told that communism is unrealistic
"because people are selfish."
MIM agrees that people are selfish and
that is why they are some day going to
put down U.$. imperialism at the source.
The world's people are going to realize
that Bu$h has no right to risk their lives in
endless wars for contractor profits and
counter-productive efforts against
"terror." Selfishly, but with the best
intentions for the species, the world's
oppressed and exploited are going to
establish the joint dictatorship of the
proletariat of the oppressed nations over
u.$. imperialism and its allies, thanks
above all to the efforts of rulers such as
Nonetheless, the 9% is an interesting
figure. It's about what MIM thinks is
possible for a communist party in most
countries, (probably not the U$A just yet),
not a communist society. That's the big
mistake at this stage in our movement.
Finding a society of 100% altruists is
indeed impossible in the industrial world,
but finding 9% is fairly probable. The other
91% should take notice of what it means
and not assume that everybody is like
they are.
Nine percent or even two percent is
not nothing. Much can be done with that
number of people and that is crucial to
MIM has plans that the altruist minority
serve in responsible positions in society.
Iraq: Altruism worth pondering
February 5, 2005
The governor of Colorado and the
craven leadership of the University of
Colorado have whipped up a bureaucratic
witch-hunt against a tenured professor
named Ward Churchill. This has come
as no surprise to MIM, because Ward
Churchill had badly hurt the u.$.
imperialists with his past books on
government documents related to FBI
repression of the American Indian
Movement and the Black Panther Party.
The new furor damages further an
already government-financed academic
institution--the University of Colorado
and all similar state schools. The witch-
hunt also fits the federal government's
priorities--to blame someone else for its
failures. Ward Churchill is a professor
without state power who never had a
chance to run the U.S. government and
prevent 911. In fact, Ward Churchill and
all advanced people like him suffer the
frustrating risk of living in a country that
allows its government to go to war after
war. Unlike the vast majority who turn a
blind eye and then claim shock when the
war hits home, Ward Churchill knew what
was going on and continued to live in a
country that risked his and others' lives.
Now happily ignorant yokels are asking
for Ward Churchill to lose his tenured post
at the University of Colorado--instead
It's enough people to run a government
with a leadership principle that means the
death penalty for those who are corrupt
or inept. It means that until the world gets
to a safer and more harmonious place,
we can choose our leaders on the basis
of who is willing to bear a heavy burden
of risk for failure instead of picking our
leaders based on campaign contributions
and baby-kissing photo opportunities.
Secondly, the CNN poll is of interest
for a general rebuttal of individualism, the
ideology behind Liberalism--the "war of
all against all." Going back a million years,
humyns always had a survival advantage
because at least some individuals were
altruists and not focused on saving their
own lives or even just those of their mates
and offspring. The formation of tribes and
the idea of sentry duty was a step along
those lines hard to imagine if the world is
really "all against all." One might
speculate that gay sexual behavior
survived over a million years because it
is an advantage in evolutionary struggle
against other species: it guaranteed that
there were always some people not
focussed on their own offspring. Groups
without that minority had a disadvantage
in putting up a united physical effort for
Continued on page 3...
The world's people are going to
realize that Bu$h has no right to
risk their lives in endless wars for
contractor profits and counter-
productive efforts against `terror.'
Finally, and relevant to the war in Iraq,
9% is important because it shows there's
a limit to the U.$. war effort globally. It
means there are less than 30 million people
in the united $tates ready to die. When
we subtract out the portion that is really
too young or old to fight, we get a better
picture. When we consider that some of
that 30 million also will not believe
establishing democracy in Iraq by U.$.
force is possible in the real world, the
number is less than 30 million.
Right now there are 150,000 troops in
Iraq, a lot less than 30 million. Many of
those 30 million will be the wrong age to
serve in the military and won't have to
because they're done with their service.
Others won't have the proper physical
condition or education to serve under
current regulations.
Still the 9% says that a draft should not
be necessary at least in theory. The land-
based forces and reserves are having
trouble recruiting, but u.$. imperialism
does have more back-up forces possible.
On the other hand, in a battle that rachets
up internationally, there is no way the u.$.
imperialists can win. The more intense it
gets, the worse for the imperialists.
15 years later, Soviet dissidents'
record a shambles
Continued on page 8...
As 2004 drew to a close, we
celebrated the 125th birthday of Stalin on
December 21,
but we can
also look at the
15 year record
of Russian
Liberalism in
power. In
1989, the
critics of Stalin
and the Soviet
Union finally won open victory with the
dissolution of the Soviet Union.
In 2000, Soviet-era dissident Alexander
Solzhenitsyn deigned to meet with Russian
President Putin for three hours.(1)
Meanwhile, polls show that 21% of
Russians consider Stalin to have been a
"wise leader,"(2) while a larger portion
has an overall positive view of Stalin. The
Russian people are chewing on this issue
somewhat as evidenced by various polls
Backward lynch
mob blames the
messenger on 911
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 2
What is MIM?
The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) is the collection of existing or emerging
Maoist internationalist parties in the English-speaking imperialist countries and their English-
speaking internal semi-colonies, as well as the existing or emerging Maoist Internationalist
parties in Belgium, France and Quebec and the existing or emerging Spanish-speaking
Maoist Internationalist parties of Aztlan, Puerto Rico and other territories of the U.$. Empire.
MIM Notes is the newspaper of MIM. Notas Rojas is the newspaper of the Spanish-speaking
parties or emerging parties of MIM. MIM upholds the revolutionary communist ideology
of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and is an internationalist organization that works from the
vantage point of the Third World proletariat. MIM struggles to end the oppression of all
groups over other groups: classes, genders, nations. MIM knows this is only possibly by
building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle. Revolution is a reality for
North America as the military becomes over-extended in the government's attempts to
maintain world hegemony. MIM differs from other communist parties on three main
questions: (1) MIM holds that after the proletariat seizes power in socialist revolution, the
potential exists for capitalist restoration under the leadership of a new bourgeoisie within
the communist party itself. In the case of the USSR, the bourgeoisie seized power after the
death of Stalin in 1953; in China, it was after Mao's death and the overthrow of the "Gang
of Four" in 1976. (2) MIM upholds the Chinese Cultural Revolution as the farthest advance
of communism in humyn history. (3) As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has
reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third
World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so-
called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty-
bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to
advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on
imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in the Canada, Quebec,
the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. MIM accepts people as
members who agree on these basic principles and accept democratic centralism, the system
of majority rule, on other questions of party line.
"The theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable. We should
regard it not as dogma, but as a guide to action. Studying it is not merely a matter of
learning terms and phrases, but of learning Marxism-Leninism as the science of revolution."
- Mao Zedong, Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 208.
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MIM Notes
The Official Newsletter of The Maoist Internationalist Movement
ISSN 1540-8817
MIM Notes is the bi-weekly newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement. MIM
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The courageous judge in Massachusetts
who said gays are the same as everyone
else and deserve the right to marry has
triggered global repercussions that include
Bu$h's re-election but also many
activities outside the united $tates. MIM
picks up on some conversations that
Amerikans may not hear much.
MIM's biggest criticism of Stalin--one
that makes us doubt if he were even a
communist--is that he did not lead his
people correctly on the gay question. To
this day, the ex-Soviet proletariat is an
easy sucker for anti-gay chauvinism used
by the bourgeoisie to divide the proletariat
on non- principal leisure-time questions.
That is why the Russian Maoist Party has
had to tackle this question with
aggressiveness to the point of
The proof of the true nature of the gay
political question is available today in how
successful professional politician Putin
handled Ukraine's election for president.
Yes, it was an important foreign policy
question for the world, the election in
Ukraine and it is in that important moment
we see the role that the gay question plays
in the proletariat of the ex-Soviet Union
but also many other places.
In an effort to campaign against
Yuschenko, Putin held a press
conference. He correctly derided a Texas
judge which ordered that Putin not
disband a Russian oil company named
Yukos that did not pay its taxes. Putin
was right that it was typical Amerikan
Putin also derided the forces involved
in the so-called "Orange Revolution." So
then in the midst of such important
subjects and taking a cue from Bu$h no
doubt, he took a shot at the side he was
opposing in Ukraine's election by asking
whether a gay revolution would be next.
The Yuschenko forces fired back even
in English, and without the context. They
said that Yanukovych was also carrying
out the "Blue Revolution."(1)
Not satisfied with his gay-baiting on
national television, Putin's lawyers also
went to court. A critic had called Putin
gay. The defense lawyer had to say it
should not be considered an insult.(2)
While successful politician Putin knows
how to push the buttons, we can be sure
that among the proletariat the gay question
screams even louder or Putin would not
be pushing the buttons. A Latvian poster
linked to by the unofficial "National
Bolshevik" (Nazbol) website of the
Russian fascists shows a
firing squad saying, "we don't care which
one is the gay pedophile."(3) The same
website links to the official
nazbol party website that advocates
Hitler's "final solution" for the Chechens,
which means eliminating them all through
At the moment, there is a lead article
in a December issue of a well-read paper
of the Russian/English-speaking literati
featured right above an article by the
fascist Limonov. The article sports a
mockery of the Black Panther
Program,(5) with the same picture MIM
uses, with no less than two of the ten points
bashing gays in order to get at Putin,
including the first point in the program.
Though Putin be imperialist enemy, it is
shooting ourselves in the foot to take him
down with gay-baiting.
The article reeks of an FBI
connection, because the FBI also
historically forged documents showing
Huey Newton to be gay in order to
attempt to split the BPP. Having seen that
move, Huey Newton moved quickly to
champion gay rights and he was right.
We cannot give the enemy any crease to
get through. At the very least, the
mockery of the BPP program plays 100%
into FBI hands.
The comfortable people of Leningrad
and Moscow can make jokes like these
as if the gay question were worth dividing
over. They give not much thought to the
people of Russia's hinterland, susceptible
to such demagoguery but needing
proletarian economic leadership.
Meanwhile, Nelson Mandela admitted
his last surviving son Makgatho Mandela
died of AIDS at age 54. Previously, "in
1996, one of Zimbabwe's foremost and
revered son of the struggle, Dr Nkomo
revealed that his son Earnest Thuthani
aged 41, had died of Aids." (6) In some
ways, the death of a ruler's son by AIDS
is more revealing than the death of a poor
persyn. In cases of poverty we are sure
a lack of health-care was the problem.
For rulers, the question could be something
It has been common African opinion
that only gays get AIDS. The denial of
heterosexual or blood transmission is
adamant among common and even
educated people. In Africa, the warping
effect of anti-gay chauvinism and male
supremacy on sexual questions (such as
condom use and promiscuity) is causing
millions to lose their lives --another
reason sex education is a life-and-death
question not to be left to parents or
ignorant religious organizations. The
Catholic Church in Mandela's South
Africa chose this moment to object to
condom use.(7) For that alone, a Bishop
would be shot under the dictatorship of
the proletariat.
Decent people anywhere with any
sense would refuse to bash gays solely
on the basis of the influence of anti-gay
chauvinism in Africa in causing so many
deaths. It's another case where fear
leads to ignorance of a fatal kind for the
proletariat. This is no good for our anti-
imperialist struggle --to have our side die
off because of bourgeois scapegoating.
It's no better than dying off because
corporations sold us cigarettes.
The global funding for the tsunami relief
reached the same level as the total global
funding for all international AIDS, malaria
and TB campaigns according to the
UN.(8) Yet at the moment, 4.1 million
Africans are dying just from AIDS, with
6500 deaths every day.
The gay question does successfully
Gay rights question heats up globally
Continued on page 4...
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 3
of asking for the resignation of the many
government officials with documented
ties to Al-Qaeda including arms and
finance ties. They wonder what right
Churchill has to question all the risks that
governments not of Ward Churchill's
choosing heaped on him.
We ask Ward Churchill not to back
down. He should fight this thing to the
end, no matter how lop-sided and stupid
the media may seem. He should not resign
his post. Quite the contrary, the people
who should resign are the ones who
formed the committee to investigate him.
If a poll could be found revealing that a
majority of the u.$. public knows anything
about the wars the united $tates conducts
around the world, including those relevant
to 911, then, just maybe, an argument
could start. As it stands, Ward Churchill's
opponents barely deserve his reply.
The comparison of Amerikans to Nazis
is even more apt than Ward Churchill has
said, because the u.$. public knows and
admits that the Nazis were engaged in a
massive war. When engaged in a war and
when fully dealing with that reality, a public
does not demonstrate the shock so
widespread in Amerika after 911. Shock
is really proof of ignorance or a level of
consciousness choosing to be uninformed.
No one was shocked that the Nazi
movement that lived by the sword died
by the sword. Anyone who knew about
u.$. wars around the globe should not
have been shocked by retaliation. People
who were not paying attention to
international wars and politics before 911
like Ward Churchill was have no right to
judge him now. It's not possible to have it
both ways. People who want to stay
uninformed should not claim to know
what is right and cast stones at Ward
January 31, 2005
Continued from page 1...
statement from Ward
h t t p : / / w w w . c o l o r a d o . e d u /
E t h n i c S t u d i e s / p r e s s _ r e l e a s e s /
In the last few days there has been
widespread and grossly inaccurate media
coverage concerning my analysis of the
September 11, 2001 attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon,
coverage that has resulted in defamation
of my character and threats against my
life. What I actually said has been lost,
indeed turned into the opposite of itself,
and I hope the following facts will be
reported at least to the same extent that
the fabrications have been.
* The piece circulating on the internet
was developed into a book, On the Justice
of Roosting Chickens. Most of the book
is a detailed chronology of U.S. military
interventions since 1776 and U.S.
violations of international law since World
War II. My point is that we cannot allow
the U.S. government, acting in our name,
to engage in massive violations of
international law and fundamental human
rights and not expect to reap the
* I am not a "defender"of the
September 11 attacks, but simply pointing
out that if U.S. foreign policy results in
massive death and destruction abroad,
we cannot feign innocence when some
of that destruction is returned. I have
never said that people "should" engage
in armed attacks on the United States ,
but that such attacks are a natural and
unavoidable consequence of unlawful
U.S. policy. As Martin Luther King,
quoting Robert F. Kennedy, said, "Those
who make peaceful change impossible
make violent change inevitable."
* This is not to say that I advocate
violence; as a U.S. soldier in Vietnam I
witnessed and participated in more
violence than I ever wish to see. What I
am saying is that if we want an end to
violence, especially that perpetrated
against civilians, we must take the
responsibility for halting the slaughter
perpetrated by the United States around
the world. My feelings are reflected in
Dr. King's April 1967 Riverside speech,
where, when asked about the wave of
urban rebellions in U.S. cities, he said, "I
could never again raise my voice against
the violence of the oppressed . . . without
having first spoken clearly to the greatest
purveyor of violence in the world today ­
my own government."
* In 1996 Madeleine Albright, then
Ambassador to the UN and soon to be
U.S. Secretary of State, did not dispute
that 500,000 Iraqi children had died as a
result of economic sanctions, but stated
on national television that "we" had
decided it was "worth the cost." I mourn
the victims of the September 11 attacks,
just as I mourn the deaths of those Iraqi
children, the more than 3 million people
killed in the war in Indochina, those who
died in the U.S. invasions of Grenada,
Panama and elsewhere in Central
America, the victims of the transatlantic
slave trade, and the indigenous peoples
still subjected to genocidal policies. If we
respond with callous disregard to the
deaths of others, we can only expect equal
callousness to American deaths.
* Finally, I have never characterized all
the September 11 victims as "Nazis."
What I said was that the "technocrats of
empire" working in the World Trade
Center were the equivalent of "little
Eichmanns." Adolf Eichmann was not
charged with direct killing but with
ensuring the smooth running of the
infrastructure that enabled the Nazi
genocide. Similarly, German industrialists
were legitimately targeted by the Allies.
* It is not disputed that the Pentagon
was a military target, or that a CIA office
was situated in the World Trade Center .
Following the logic by which U.S. Defense
Department spokespersons have
consistently sought to justify target
selection in places like Baghdad , this
placement of an element of the American
"command and control infrastructure" in
an ostensibly civilian facility converted the
Trade Center itself into a "legitimate"
target. Again following U.S. military
doctrine, as announced in briefing after
briefing, those who did not work for the
CIA but were nonetheless killed in the
attack amounted to "collateral damage."
If the U.S. public is prepared to accept
these "standards" when the are routinely
applied to other people, they should be
not be surprised when the same standards
are applied to them.
* It should be emphasized that I applied
the "little Eichmanns" characterization
only to those described as "technicians."
Thus, it was obviously not directed to the
children, janitors, food service workers,
firemen and random passers-by killed in
the 9-1-1 attack. According to Pentagon
logic, were simply part of the collateral
damage. Ugly? Yes. Hurtful? Yes. And
that's my point. It's no less ugly, painful
or dehumanizing a description when
applied to Iraqis, Palestinians, or anyone
else. If we ourselves do not want to be
treated in this fashion, we must refuse to
allow others to be similarly devalued and
dehumanized in our name.
* The bottom line of my argument is
that the best and perhaps only way to
prevent 9-1-1-style attacks on the U.S.
is for American citizens to compel their
government to comply with the rule of
law. The lesson of Nuremberg is that this
is not only our right, but our obligation. To
the extent we shirk this responsibility, we,
like the "Good Germans" of the 1930s
and '40s, are complicit in its actions and
have no legitimate basis for complaint
when we suffer the consequences. This,
of course, includes me, personally, as well
as my family, no less than anyone else.
* These points are clearly stated and
documented in my book, On the Justice
of Roosting Chickens , which recently
won Honorary Mention for the Gustavus
Myer Human Rights Award. for best
writing on human rights. Some people will,
of course, disagree with my analysis, but
it presents questions that must be
addressed in academic and public debate
if we are to find a real solution to the
violence that pervades today's world. The
gross distortions of what I actually said
can only be viewed as an attempt to
distract the public from the real issues at
hand and to further stifle freedom of
speech and academic debate in this
These are the views of Ward Churchill,
not the University of Colorado.
by Mousnonya
Rosa Suarez, an Aztlan national living
on her ancestral homeland within the
illegal borders of Amerika lost her son to
human sacrifice: namely, her son was
eaten by the imperialist war machine. But
his death wearing the uniform of the
oppressor is not in vain. Ms. Suarez has
learned the vital anti-imperialist lesson.
She does not hate those who killed her
son. In proletarian unity she is telling all
who will listen to stop the killing and end
the war. Ms. Suarez recently led a
delegation with humanitarian aid for Iraqi
refugees to Jordan.
MIM regrets each and every
unnecessary death that the imperialists
stick us with. Mao taught us that some
deaths are meaningful and others are
meaningless. The death of Ms. Suarez's
son would ordinarily be meaningless for
he was serving the imperialist cause, the
forces of reaction, ignorance, hatred and
death. But the courage and love of his
mother who learned the bitterest of
lessons, shines out as an example to us
all. We extend our hands and hearts in
proletarian sympathy to Ms. Suarez and
all who understand that they were on the
wrong side and come over to the
proletarian camp. Stop the imperialist
machine of death before it kills someone
you love too.
Source: "US Families of Dead Raise
600,000 Dollars for Fallujah Refugees,"
AFP Dec 23, 2004
a f p / 2 0 0 4 1 2 2 3 / t s _ a l t _ a f p /
usiraqrefugees.0412231737 37
Mother of dead soldier loves Iraqi people
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 4
divide proletarian ranks, which shows that
the proletariat is not ready to rule. We
will be able to tell if we have reached a
critical mass of proletarian leaders when
we can convince the proletariat
somewhere to put aside this question
through solidarity.
It is the duty of the communists to use
the gay question to teach the difference
Gay rights question heats up globally
Continued from page 2...
between science and religion and
between Liberalism/fascism on the one
hand and proletarian science on the other.
We need a fighting unity of heterosexuals
and gays/lesbians.
1. http://
new_nota.asp?idnews=27187 ;
see also, http://
1. Isn't it Liberal imperialist
decadence to support gay rights?
Countless species exhibit gay behavior.
It is unscientific to believe that gay sexual
behavior is a specific product of imperialist
decadence. Gay sexual behavior has
existed in all cultures at all times.
Sexual behavior in general can exhibit
imperialist decadence, by putting one's
sex life ahead of the revolution or by
hurting other people and by divorces that
damage children's interests. It has nothing
to do with gays per se.
2. Aren't you making too big an
issue of gay rights just like Liberals?
MIM believes there are three strands
of oppression--nation, class and gender.
We do not even have a secondary strand
of oppression for gay rights and we
believe that the total of gender oppression
is a secondary oppression.
It is the fascists and other reactionaries
who are obsessed with the gay question.
Like the Liberals, these reactionaries see
lifestyle questions as paramount.
MIM fights back hard on the gay
question to prevent division of the
proletariat and as a matter of fighting
against child molesting--in other words
both as a class question and a gender
question. Currently, many child molesters
have the protection of anti-gay chauvinists
who believe gays are the only ones who
carry out child molesting.
Treating gays the same as everyone
else is the way to end the obsession with
the issue by Liberals and fascists. They
should marry like everyone else, suffer
divorce like everyone else and they
should go to prison for child molesting just
like everyone else--no difference.
3. How can you call the gay
question a general gender question?
If we had a dime for every time that
someone said that child molesters are all
gay, we would have funded world
revolution by now. Child molesting is a
general gender question, not specific to
gays. Heterosexual child molesting is also
evil, so the proper way to handle this
question is as a general revolutionary
approach to gender, not just one orientation
or the other. (It may make sense to read
more on how MIM defines gender.)
We also call it a gender question
because gay sexual behavior is largely
an issue of leisure- time and our definition
of gender is connected to leisure time.
We cover work under the term "class."
Child molesting is a gender question,
not a gay rights question.
4. Didn't Engels write a letter
opposing pederasts?
Yes, he did. He did not publish it. He
did not distribute a flyer just about gays.
He wrote a whole book on the gender
question in general, and it is not a pretty
picture that he creates about humyn
sexual behavior. Marx and Engels were
highly critical of both heterosexuals and
gays at that time. Marx and Engels were
revolutionary anti- Liberals: they did not
give a hoot for particular lifestyle
questions except to prove that they are
all linked to class questions.
This again is something that shows the
lack of logic. Marx and Engels never said
anything good about heterosexual child
5. You're just saying that to pander
to "pc."
It does not matter who we are
pandering to. The question is who is right
in this case for the international
In the Republic of Je$u$land, ex-U$A,
in the ex- Soviet republic in many places,
in Africa--these places have their own
version of "politically correct" that
revolves around lifestyles instead of real
issues of class, nation and gender.
6. How is it fascist to oppose gays?
Gays are a minority group. Historically
fascists stem from Liberalism and
scapegoat minority groups--Jews, gays,
Blacks and Chechens--to distract
attention from the crisis of imperialism.
Now we also have "social-fascists" who
stem from communism where capitalism
became restored.
Some Liberals may oppose fascism on
the gay question, but all Liberals and
fascists share in common a lack of an
underlying system level approach. They
share an obsession with cultural lifestyle
and not the causes of humyn behavior.
Fascists and Liberals simply have differing
versions of "pc."
The word "scapegoat" means to
wrongly blame for a problem. The
scapegoating problem by fascists and
other reactionaries is the reason MIM is
not silent on the gay question. Hitler
scapegoated communists, Jews, gays,
gypsies etc. and we of the proletariat
should have learned our lesson on the
importance of solidarity.
7. Then Marxism is Liberal on the
Fascism and Liberalism share in
common the belief in breaking down
humyn society into tiny groups. Hitler
targeted Jews and gays. Some fascists
target Chechens. Countless fascists
target their nearest neighbor of a tiny
nation on a global scale--the ex-
Yugoslavia being a prime example.
The underlying root of Liberalism is
individualism. According to Liberals if
there are 6.5 billion people, there are at
least 6.5 billion social groups.
Individualism is also anti-science, because
of course it is impossible to scientifically
generalize about the individual. To
translate into Marxist terms, individualism
is the philosophy of the small group, the
smallest group.
U.$. elections break things into small
separate issues--gun-ownership, gays
and even surfing was key in San Diego
mayoral elections. The underlying belief
of Liberalism is that alliances of small
groups can prevent abuse of power by
any one dominator.
In contrast, Marxism started with only
two groups--proletariat and bourgeoisie.
The contrast could hardly be better--two
versus 6.5 billion. Obviously the more
small groups one talks about like the
Liberals and fascists do, the closer one
gets to saying there are 6.5 billion social
groups of one individual each.
Eventually Marx added two more
splits--oppressor versus oppressed nation
and oppressor versus oppressed gender.
The total of groups talked about as most
important is eight. With Lenin, Stalin and
Mao the principal focus has been on the
four groups--1) Exploiters of oppressor
nations ; 2) Exploited of oppressor nations
; 3) Exploiters of oppressed nations; 4)
Exploited of oppressed nations.
Moreover, those four groups often boil
down to two again, because over 85% of
the exploiters live in the oppressor nations.
Marxism derives its anti-Liberal
strength and universalism by talking only
about large groups--by lumping people
together. If you find yourself talking about
separate solutions for gays, separate
solutions for Chechens, Jews, gun-owners
etc., you have entered Liberal or fascist
territory. Once we go down the road of
looking at cultural lifestyles, there is
almost an infinity of "groups" to account
for. The fight to have gays counted the
same as heterosexuals is a fight against
Liberalism and fascism.
Basic questions and answers on
scapegoating, fascism and Liberalism
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 5
February 5, 2005
Public opinion in Germany has not
exploded yet, but it may well as details of
U.$. treatment of Germans continue to
leak out in the "war on terror." In January
2005, it came out that the united $tates is
holding at least 9000 new prisoners
outside U.$. borders since the "war on
terror" began. One was Khaled al-Masri,
an unemployed used car salespersyn from
While Khaled al-Masri was on holiday
in ex-Yugoslavia on New Year's Eve, u.$.
authorities kidnapped him and brought him
to Afghanistan for torture there. He
returned to Germany in May 2004 and
now the story is getting out. The German
government is belatedly carrying out an
investigation into how the united $tates
picked on Khaled al-Masri for torture.
U.$. lackeys of all sorts ranging from the
government to Nazis have downplayed
the case, because the united $tates tends
to persecute those with Arab-sounding
It has become apparent that the CIA
believes it has the right to pose as anyone
and kidnap anyone for torture in Afghan
and Guantamo prisons to name the ones
that are public knowledge. Corrupt and
treasonous government officials in
eastern Europe, Germany and elsewhere
are allowing the CIA to pose as whatever
they want--border officials for example.
When there was a Soviet Union, Uncle
$am bent over backwards for the Western
European imperialists to prevent their
sliding into the Soviet camp. Now there
is no Soviet Union, so the locus of
bourgeois competition has changed and
the world is still finding it difficult to get
used to that. Instead of a relatively united
West competing with the Soviet Union,
we are starting to see increasingly
competitive behavior among the Western
Instead of forever saying "I can't
believe they are doing this," we have to
prepare people with Marx's contributions
on capitalism and Lenin's contributions
on imperialism. Despite victory in the Cold
War, the Western imperialists still have
the same old competitive system and drive
to war. They have learned no lesson of
peace from the world wars or Cold War.
Cut-throat economic competition is built
into capitalism and the corresponding
politics is what we see in the global u.$.
kidnapping policy.
Historically, the kidnapping of a citizen
by another country would result in a war
or at least an expedition to capture the
pirate kidnappers. In U.$. history, the
Congress debated at length the
recruitment of u.$. sailors by the British
as an act of hostility leading up to the war
of 1812--and those cases were much
more in doubt than what the united $tates
is doing now, since the British sea
merchants paid for the services of the
recruited Amerikan sailors while
Amerikans are torturing and imprisoning
foreigners from Germany, England,
Au$tralia and many other countries. In
the German case as in all the others, the
German and Amerikan people are not
ready yet for a war between Germany
and the united $tates.
Also in the news and of obvious interest
to Germans is that the CIA has turned
down freedom of information requests
regarding its ties to Nazis after World War
II. Now the U.S. legislature (Congress)
is having to threaten to extend the law
and hearings to force the CIA into
compliance with existing law on releasing
of documents, especially those over 50
years old.(2) Such foot-dragging can do
nothing to improve the u.$. image in
Germany or I$rael.
Meanwhile, in January, the united $tates
also released four British citizens from
Guantanamo Bay,(3) another illegal u.$.
prison; Russian ex-prisoners announced
February 4 that they are suing the u.$.
government for torture(4) and even one
Australian from Guantanamo Bay went
home at the end of January.
It was a member of the Au$tralian ruling
class that championed Au$tralian
nationalism against the united $tates: "A
former senior Australian cabinet minister
has come to the defense of released
Guantanamo Bay inmate Mamdouh
Habib, assailing the government for letting
US authorities hold him and other terror
suspects for years without charge on the
basis of `doctored' intelligence."(5)
In the united $tates, the Bu$h
administration is receiving slight
resistance from two sources--local
governments and the judiciary. A federal
judge ruled on January 31 that the U.$.
government's Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo)
tribunals are unconstitutional.(6) In this
situation, the temptation of many rulers is
to impose the judgements of their core of
political lackeys through fascism and war
by abolishing the independence of the
judiciary, eliminating local government
powers and carrying out wars against all
other countries not going along.
At first glance, one might make the
mistake of thinking the u.$. prisons outside
the united $tates are proof of
"globalization" dominated by u.$.
imperialism. In actual fact, they are proof
of MIM's thesis on the national and class
question, because nations still do matter
as proved by the indignation in each
country that citizens of each country face
arbitrary kidnapping and torture by u.$.
The faultlines in international politics are
along lines of parasitism and united front
strategy dictates that the Europeans will
not feel a complete unity with U.$.
parasitism. Indignation about u.$.
kidnapping of Germans and Au$tralians
is likely to be much greater than U.$.
kidnapping of Third World people or even
Amerikans themselves. Although both
Germany and the united $tates are
countries with huge parasitic middle-
classes dominating, alliance with u.$.
Democrats leads no where while alliance
with the German middle-classes in general
does have some potential anti-u.$.
imperialist thrust on a vacillating basis.
The reason for this is that the parasites
of any country have no real basis for
conflict with their government
representatives, but the parasites of other
countries certainly do have a basis of
conflict with imperialist governments not
of their home country. These parasites in
Inter-imperialist rivalry:
Are the Germans, British, I$raelis and
Au$tralians panzies for U.$. imperialism?
Europe will wonder why they should risk
kidnapping by the CIA when the contracts
and oil control in Iraq go to the united
$tates for example.
Militarism is war-mongering or the
advocacy of war or actual carrying out
of war or its preparations.
While true pacifists condemn all
violence as equally repugnant, we
Maoists do not consider self-defense
or the violence of oppressed nations
against imperialism to be militarism.
Militarism is mostly caused by
imperialism at this time. Imperialism
is the highest stage of capitalism--
seen in countries like the United
$tates, England and France.
Under capitalism, capitalists often
profit from war or its preparations.
Yet, it is the proletariat that does the
dying in the wars. The proletariat
wants a system in which people do not
have self-interest on the side of war-
profiteering or war for imperialism.
Militarism is one of the most
important reasons to overthrow
capitalism. It even infects oppressed
nations and causes them to fight each
It is important not to let capitalists risk
our lives in their ideas about war and
peace or the environment. They have
already had two world wars admitted
by themselves in the last 100 years and
they are conducting a third right now
against the Third World.
Even a one percent annual chance of
nuclear war destruction caused by
capitalist aggressiveness or "greed" as
the people call it should not be tolerated
by the proletariat. After playing
Russian Roulette (in which the bullet
chamber is different each time and not
related at all to the one that came up in
previous spins) with 100 chambers and
one bullet, the chance of survival is
only 60.5% after 50 turns. In other
words, a seemingly small one percent
annual chance of world war means
eventual doom. After 100 years or turns
of Russian Roulette, the chances of
survival are only 36.6%. After 200
years, survival has only a 13.4%
What is militarism?
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 6
"Finding Neverland"
Directed by Marc Forster
Miramax Films, 2004
Reviewed by a contributor January 28,
It would be very easy to write off
"Finding Neverland" as being mindless
drivel about the cultural and romantic
adventures of filthy-rich bourgeois adults
in an imperialist country. And shouldn't
"Finding Neverland" fall in the exact
same political dung heap as "The
Phantom of the Opera" (2004) for
example? There are not one, but two,
sexy, thin white wimmin in semi-
biographical "Finding Neverland": J. M.
Barrie's (Johnny Depp) wife, played by
Radha Mitchell, and Barrie's seemingly
adulterous romantic interest, Sylvia
Llewelyn Davies (Kate Winslet). Busy
playwright Barrie hasn't been putting out
for gender aristocrat Mary not-quite-
madonna Ansell Barrie, who wants to get
a divorce; they sleep in separate rooms.
Sylvia, on the other hand, is a widow with
four children. She likes the fact that Barrie
spends time with her children, but seems
to long for companionship herself. Sylvia
has a bad "chest cold," but insists to her
children that it's no big deal. Mary
becomes jealous of Sylvia after Barrie
begins to spend much time with her and
her children. This seems to be a variation
on the love-triangle theme, but there is
more going on in "Finding Neverland"
than a love story or even a story about a
child's love for their parent. "Finding
Neverlands"'s portrayal of children's
perspectives is just as false as the movie's
stereotypical portrayal (under the pretext
of portraying the content of J. M. Barrie's
imagination) of First Nations' peoples as
being menacing, with war bonnets and
In several different ways, "Finding
Neverland" claims to be about looking at
things from a child's perspective, so I will
take that claim as a starting point and talk
first about what is good in this movie,
which is more important than other movies
that touch on children's issues only
incidentally. The notion that "Finding
Neverland" has something to do with the
viewpoint of children is interesting to
MIM's line on children and their
oppression under the patriarchy.(1)
Something that "Finding Neverland"
does which is good is to stand the doting-
grandmother theme on its head and use it
to explore children's oppression under
patriarchy. Dislikable Mrs. Emma du
Maurier (Julie Christie) is obviously
overbearing toward both Sylvia and her
children for reasons partly having to do
with keeping Sylvia's lifestyle "proper"
and acceptable to future suitors. At one
point, the youngest of the Davies children
(Luke Spill) says: "Is [Barrie] in trouble?
Because I've been alone with Grandma,
and I know what it's like" (my emphasis).
Later, George (Nick Roud), the oldest
Davies child, angrily objects to his
grandmother's interventions and tries to
exclude her from the family verbally.
In the real world, one of the problems
relating to children's oppression under the
patriarchy is that it is difficult for children
to leave a caretaker who is abusive,
harmful or obstructive to their
participation in the revolution, and then
go to another caretaker if necessary.
Under the patriarchy, children are
oppressed by gender oppressors
regardless of who their parent is, but under
the patriarchy, the separation problem
expresses itself as a relative inability of
children to choose their own oppressors.
Connected to this is the fact much of
parents' disciplining of their children is
hidden and insulated from the rest of the
community, which is why some of the
most damaging and terroristic physical
and sexual abuse happens inside the
family. So-called parents' rights
advocates have whined about some
progressives threatening parents' rights.
Well, this reviewer is here to say, shit yes
communists will in the long term do
whatever it takes to destroy patriarchy
and all other kinds of oppression, so step
out of the way. Even if some groups of
exploited and oppressed people
experience a temporary resurgence of the
nuclear family after imperialism and its
interfering effects are overthrown, there
will be less and less room for disciplining
children in private--and keeping abuse a
family secret. The situation that "Finding
Neverland" portrays faces eventual
extinction. Disciplining children in the
privacy of one's own home may not exist
Children are oppressed under the
patriarchy. One of the manifestations of
this is the pervasive culture of child-hating
and a presumption of gullibility, incapacity
or ineptitude when it comes to culturally-
defined children. In "Finding Neverland,"
Peter Llewelyn Davies (Freddie
Highmore) is deeply affected by his
father's death. Barrie is concerned that
Peter is growing up too fast. Peter doesn't
like to play pretend as much as his
brothers, and he is incredulous when
Barrie puts on a show with his pet dog
and encourages the Davies to imagine that
he's dancing with a circus bear. Later in
the movie, Peter becomes angry after
Sylvia and seemingly all the adults, Barrie
included, refuse to let him know what's
going on with his mother's sickness.
George also objects to being treated like
a "fool."
Barrie gets up in Peter's face and puts
him down for not going along with the
pretending. The idea is that Peter is being
difficult or uncooperative. Sylvia tells him
to mind his manners. In the real world, a
child like Peter would be considered a
"brat" or a "snot-nosed kid." By the end
of "Finding Neverland," Peter learns to
deal with loved ones' deaths by using his
imagination. It is as if he had been broken
and made a child again, or "put in his
place" mentally.
Most of the time, even in imperialist
countries, uncooperative children have
legitimate concerns and are not just being
difficult, or whining, to get economic or
social privileges. We should sympathize
with Peter when he is being a "snot-nosed
kid." In large part, it is patriarchy that
makes children have so much affection
for their parents even though they may
be abusive; it is patriarchy that conditions
them to be more emotionally vulnerable
than they would otherwise be; and it is
patriarchy there waiting to take
advantage of their vulnerability when they
lose a loved one, in order to reinforce
To the movie's credit at a time when
so much attention is being paid to
children's so-called mental illnesses,
"Finding Neverland" does not end up
suggesting that Peter has a mental illness.
In the real world, Peter would probably
be diagnosed with a mental illness
because of his seeming depression
symptoms and unusual interpersynal
behavior, but "Finding Neverland"
suggests an alternative to psychiatry:
mentoring and imagination. Barrie
encourages Peter to develop his own
writing ability and teaches him to use his
imagination. However, this is sub-
reformism of the weakest kind; it
absolutely doesn't even try to end the
Some may sentimentalize adults'
mentoring children, but children don't need
adults, period. This doesn't mean that no
child will ever need a persyn, who
happens to be an adult, for survival, just
that children do not need adults as a
group. Even if age segregation and age
hierarchies existed for pragmatic reasons,
pragmatism does not determine for
communists how child-rearing practices
should be revolutionized. This needs
pointing out because, in some theaters in
the united $tates, an advertisement
encouraging adults to mentor children
appears on the screen before the movie
starts. The gives "Finding Neverland" the
context of mentoring and makes Barrie
look even more like a mentor to the
Davies children. This reviewer does not
deny that there is something to be said
for some adults' mentoring children.
However, most movie viewers will not
understand what it means for an adult to
mentor a child in an imperialist country,
like the united $nakes, and encourage
them to grow up to be a good citizen
without adjustment problems--content.
Mentoring is often done explicitly for
social control (as when adults mentor
children to discourage them from being
delinquent), but basically, mentoring is a
recipe for contentment and one that does
not challenge either patriarchy or the
adultist assumptions of many mentoring
"Finding Neverland," like Barrie's play
Peter Pan , presumes to bring adults and
children together. Within the movie itself,
Barrie, whose own "childishness" is a
recurring theme in the movie, invites a
number of orphans to attend the opening
performance of his play "Peter Pan."
Barrie purposefully scatters them
throughout the mostly adult audience, and
they seem to encourage the rest of the
audience to laugh with them during the
funny parts of the play. This is a feel-
Patronizing portrayal of children's
oppression under patriarchy
Go to next page...
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 7
good moment for "Finding Neverland"'s
own movie audience, but the theme of
connecting adults with children detracts
from the fact that patriarchy, and the
corresponding institution of childhood,
need to be destroyed.
At one point, Barrie learns that his
relationship with the Davies children has
come under suspicion for child-molesting.
He reacts indignantly, saying that some
people are just trying to squash his (or
the Davies children's) moment of
happiness. "You find a glimmer of
happiness in this world, there's always
someone who wants to destroy it."
"Finding Neverland" may take the some
of the heat off real-world mentors for
child-molestation accusations, but the
movie does nothing to contribute to the
movie audience's scientific understanding
of why child sexual abuse or assault
happens, or how to end it. Worse, the
movie excludes mentors from the
category of child molesters without
considering that mentors are often adults,
too, and participate in the gender-
oppression of children and can engage in
the sexual abuse of children.
(Interestingly, Barrie mentors Peter
Davies, but still uses Peter by drawing
inspiration from him. Also, the kind of
access Barrie has to Peter through
Peter's mother may be possible only
under patriarchy.) The sentiment that
child molestation is perpetrated
sporadically by just a tiny group of
evildoers, violating "innocent" and
"precious" children, supports the
patriarchal institution of childhood and is
detrimental to children by detracting from
a scientific understanding of child abuse.
In "Finding Neverland," Barrie seems
to create problems for the Davies by
involving himself with their family, for
example, the gossip about his relationship
with Sylvia, but the idea at the end of the
movie is that he was needed after all.
"Finding Neverland" pretends to be
concerned with the best interests and
perspective of one child, Peter Davies,
but leaves the oppression of children under
the patriarchy virtually untouched and is
patronizing toward children in general. In
this way, "Finding Neverland" is an insult
to the real Peter Davies when he was a
"Finding Neverland" never even really
deals with its central theme with the Peter
Davies character: a certain kind of
paternalism toward children and keeping
"How to Dismantle an Atomic
Universal, 2004
We at MIM consider lead singer of U2
Bono to be a worthy friend of the
international proletariat. In his spare time
he campaigns against Third World debt
and has appeared in public with Senator
Jesse Helms and others to the extent that
it is necessary.
We call Bono a "internationalist
reformist," because he is seeking
forgiveness of debt, not overthrow of
global capitalism. On this particular
question, he will find that he has more
allies among international bankers than
the so-called working class of the united
$tates and other countries where the
biggest banks reside.
The bankers themselves realize that
tax-funded debt relief enables them to
issue new loans. Whether the taxpayers
of the united $tates or the Third World
country in question pay the bill is of no
consequence to the banker, as long as the
bottom line shows a profit. Because
bankers feel constant pressure to make
loans that turn a profit, they are more open
to ideas such as Bono's than the smaller
exploiters not in the banking business. The
ones most open to the idea of forgiving
the debt placed on Third World countries
through u.$.-puppet regimes and direct
brute force are the exploited Third World
people themselves.
Often times people ask MIM what to
do for the revolution. Before one has the
skills or resources to carry out work in
public opinion or financing, it may be
useful to work for a debt relief
organization or even certain departments
of a charity such as Oxfam. Many
communists learn how to write leaflets,
distribute literature and collect petitions
by starting in other political campaigns,
even campaigns for the bourgeois parties
such as the Democrats.
Despite Bono's politics, this album has
none. "Love and Peace or Else" is as
close as it gets: "Lay down/ Lay down
your guns/ All you daughters of Zion/ All
"The Dana Owens Album"
Queen Latifah
Universal, 2004
Queen Latifah gained a public
reputation as a Black radical when Bill
Clinton denounced her in his campaign
for the presidency. By denouncing Black
radicals, Clinton reassured oppressor
whites everywhere that he could stand
up to Black criticism. This album seems
to show the public a different side of
Queen Latifah, other than radical
It would be wrong to refer to this as
jazz or bluesy jazz music. There seems
to be a point in being ultra-retro. This is
the old-fashioned crooner's music of the
1920s to 1940s before electricity made
much difference. It may come as a shock
to hear someone like Queen Latifah pull
it off in 2004, but she did.
It seems that Queen Latifah is trying
to evoke something "classy" from the
past while simultaneously casting doubt
on the message of current forms of
music. We can't deny that her form fits
what she's trying to do--reform
heterosexual relations.
Her first song is about power struggle
with a lover. Other songs emphasize the
old "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" theme. The
demand for good treatment from men is
there. At the same time, Queen Latifah
provides no insight into the underlying
reasons that Black men in particular may
not treat their wimmin well or why it may
seem that way to Black wimmin.
On the question of balance, Queen
Latifah steers a firm course for romance
culture. Most of the songs such as "simply
beautiful" and "if I had you" express a
joyous heterosexual passion. Hence, her
criticisms of the men in her songs are in
a context leaving no doubt that she does
want relations with men or at least one
The problems Queen Latifah has
uncovered in romantic relations are real.
At the same time, the concerns of adult
females about adult males in the
imperialist countries and the oppressed
Black nation are not a top priority for
MIM. We're much more concerned
about adult treatments of children and
gender relations with more coercive
underlying class relations.
By staying with the happy heterosexual
themes, Queen Latifah missed a chance
to move in to more political territory by
talking about how gender ratios in the
Black nation became so skewed toward
females. Hopefully Queen Latifah does
not start a trend of ultra-retro music. At
the same time, for people who can stand
this particular art form, there is no
doubting that the music is less decadent
than the vast majority of pop music
available in the imperialist countries.
your Abraham sons." General love and
pacifism seem to be vaguely expressed
in U2.
As far as the art goes, the first song
"Vertigo" reminds listeners of the early
U2 that rightfully gained popularity. The
rest of the album does not. People trying
out U2 would be better off with 1980s
albums especially since the themes and
politics of the music have not changed
U2's "Bomb" shows no politics
them in ignorance. The movie's take-
home message is that children's
ignorance is bliss, whether that ignorance
takes the form of adult-encouraged
wishful imagination or withholding
information. Barrie's own fictional
character of Peter Pan represents an
idealized, and misleading, concept of
childhood--an institution by which
children are harassed, humiliated,
terrorized, silenced without reason, used,
attacked and sometimes killed. The
makers of "Finding Neverland" should
have thought twice about making this
movie after finding out that the real Peter
Davies detested being associated with the
name "Peter Pan" and committed suicide
for perhaps this reason.(2) Peter Pan
represents an romanticized concept of a
group of people who are demeaned and
hated, and damaged and exploited, in
patriarchal society: children.
1. MCB52. "The Oppression of
Children Under Patriarchy." MIM Theory
, no. 9 (1995): 14-17.
2. Michelle Powell. "An Awfully Big
Adventure." <
past/peter/peter1.html> (28 January
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 8
On January 24th, the U.S. Supreme
Court refused to side with Florida's
government to stop the killing of Terri
Schiavo, a brain-damaged patient who has
had to have a feeding tube to stay alive
these past ten years. The court ruling
clears the way to allow her to die from
her inability to swallow her own food.(1)
As of now, it is back in local Florida courts
for some more jousting over when doctors
can remove the feeding tube.
Terri Schiavo of Florida clings to life in
a vegetative state. Much ink has spilled
on whether the husband should have the
right to let her die without being kept alive
artificially or if the parents should prevail
in keeping her alive. Such a story is horror
enough, but getting lost is the reason for
the whole case in the first place.
We are not referring to the inevitable
private property concerns under
capitalism which could possibly taint the
parents' view of the husband of their
daughter in this case. Even if not true in
this case, in other cases there could be
an inheritance question in the event of
Terri Schiavo's death. Hence, outsiders
may question the motivations of those
who do not have Terri Schiavo's best
interests in mind. It's an example of how
capitalism pollutes social relations and
health care.
Worse than this obvious fact is the
hidden cause of Terri Schiavo's
vegetative state. She arrived in her
condition by an eating disorder, a refusal
to eat.
In Anglo-Amerikan culture, the refusal
to eat looks at first like an act of a strong-
willed individual. In fact, the eating
disorder phenomenon is located
disproportionately among upper-middle-
class people of the imperialist countries;
hence it is much tied up with the social
relations and culture of a given time and
country. Readers should check the book
Fasting Girls by Joan Jacobs Brumberg
for a social history. A review is on our
If it had not been for capitalist
advertising connected to the romance
culture, we cannot say for sure that
Schiavo would have had an eating
disorder. Hence, this whole terrible case
is just another price we pay for legalized
brainwashing done for money.
The forced-feeding of eating disorder
patients by hospitals is another issue of
patriarchy and capitalism. Unfortunately,
forced drugging of hospital patients for
phony mental conditions is too frequent
while forced feeding in this case came
too late to save Terri from her brain
damage. In the long run, forced feeding
is a manifestation of the capitalist
patriarchy that we want to abolish. In the
short run, before communism, there may
be no choice but an odiously authoritarian
hand for severe cases of people culturally-
damaged by capitalism like Terri Schiavo.
We do not recognize a right to suicide via
eating disorder. Suicide-bombers, suicide
missions in combat and hunger strikes for
political demands are one thing, but we
have no sympathy for death by eating
disorder as some kind of social statement
by mousnonya
It won't get much press in amerikkka,
but the truth is out: the CIA admits that
there were no weapons of mass
destruction In Iraq.
Seeing blatant examples of imperialist
hypocrisy like this will hopefully get you
thinking. MIM has this to say:
International law does not outlaw
possession of nuclear, chemical, or
biological weapons. It may even permit
the defensive use of such weapons. When
the imperialists go around acting like
possession of weapons is a reason for
war they point out their hypocrisy. The
united $tates, i$rael, and just about all
major imperialist powers have chemical,
nuclear and biological weapons. They are
hypocrites when they claim a right to
disarm the Third World.
Now that the lying murderers admit they
lied are you going to help stop the killing?
Thanks to capitalism
Terri Schiavo had an eating disorder
in Amerikkka. We cannot respect and
take seriously the notion that people
should be "free to die" just to live on the
edge of weight control. Whether people
know it or not, this is not something in
their self-interest.
"`If Terri's feeding tube is removed she
will die . . . agonizing death by dehydration
and starvation that will set precedent
leading to the forced death of other
disabled individuals, thereby eroding the
sanctity of all human life,'" said Dana
Cody, executive director of Life Legal
Defense Foundation.(3) Much as we do
not like to agree with the organizers
creating the political climate that
contributes to murder of abortion doctors,
it is true that the historical issue in this
case is that it is difficult to "draw the line."
In Hitler Germany, for example, Nazi
executioners decided who was fit or unfit
for life. It's also a class issue, because
the disabled are generally from the lowest
economic strata and face oppression by
the able-bodied.
At MIM, we fail to see why all interests
concerned cannot be reconciled in Terri
Schiavo cases, because we are for
socialism. The husband should be allowed
to move on emotionally and socially and
the parents should know that nothing in
the economic system displayed a
motivation affecting their daughter's
remaining health, once ruined by the
romance culture.
CIA Admits: No WMD in Iraq
Save a life. Resist imperialism. Work with
Source: CIA korrigiert sich in der Frage
irakischer Massenvernichtungswaffen
(CIA Corrects itself in the Question of
Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Deutsche Presse Agentur Tues. 1.
Februar 2005, 4:20 http://
d e . n e w s . y a h o o . c o m / 0 5 0 2 0 1 / 3 /
Continued from page 1...
15 years later, Soviet
dissidents' record a shambles
Go to next page
over the past two years. Ranging from
36% up, the Russian population finds
Stalin to have had a positive role. One
poll placed Stalin's positive approval at
53% of Russia.(3)
Since that percentage is higher than any
percentage for any Liberal leader recently
or for phony communist Zyuganov, we
are not surprised that Zyuganov placed a
wreath at Stalin's grave on the 125th
birthday of Stalin, December 21 2004.
Zyuganov is just jumping on the
bandwagon while continuing to mutter
Liberal bromides about Stalin. So it seems
that 15 years after the creation of open
free market capitalism in Russia,
communism is not "dead" and in fact, the
real communist leader of the Soviet Union
after Lenin still stands tall despite the
huge blitz of Western and bourgeois
Russian propaganda.
In the long Cold War from the end of
World War II to 1989, the Western media
put forward a simple and ignorant
message, one seemingly echoed by
dissidents within the social-fascist Soviet
Union. Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Andrei
Sakharov were the biggest name
dissidents who sought to make the Soviet
Union openly capitalist instead of state-
capitalist. Their courageous but
uninformed message was to copy the
West economically and thereby enjoy
Western freedoms, but life has not turned
out to be so simple.
The economy
"It is almost universally recognized that
the West shows all the world a way to
successful economic development"
Solzhenitsyn said at Harvard, June 8,
1978.(4) Actually, what the West did was
convince Russia to adopt a system
promoting even more Russian alcoholism
and an early death for men and death
from exposure and starvation among
senior citizens. In November, the
Washington Post admitted: "The average
Russian male born in 2002 will live to be
58.5 years old, a slight improvement from
the 1994 figure of 57.6 years and down
from 64 years in the mid-1980s. In terms
of life expectancy, Russia ranks 122nd in
the world, at the same level as Guyana
and North Korea."(5) We can be sure
that if that drop in life expectancy had
happened under Stalin still living in the
1990s and 2000s, there would be hundreds
of books published in the West declaiming
the millions murdered by him. The
difference is that Stalin doubled the life
expectancy of his people and did it in a
time of horrible war while Russia of today
lives in relative peace and with the benefit
of the industrialization completed by
The Russian economy has not
recovered from its suicidal turn from the
road of Lenin and Stalin. Khruschev and
Brezhnev brought economic stagnation
while Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin
brought outright economic regression. In
1990, the GDP per capita in Russia was
$3817 and by 2001 it was $2669 (in 1990
dollars which means the statistic is
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 9
15 years later, Soviet dissidents' record a shambles
Historical imprisonment rates in
selected countries, per 1000 people
Year U$A
Russia PolandBulgaria
1 10-100?*
1980-86 4.3
*According to the State Department of 1952.
**Figure for the entire USSR, not just Russia.
United Nations Development Program,
Human Development Report (Oxford
University Press) (for the years 1991, 1992,
1993 and 2000).
2001 figures from British Home Office,
Percentage of U.$. males ever
experiencing federal or state
prison (excluding jails) and their
lifetime chances of going to prison
based on year born
Expected to
go to
From previous page...
adjusted for inflation).(6)
This is nothing new to MIM, because we
always said that Khruschev and Brezhnev
brought about capitalism and the business
cycle. However, the economic facts firmly
rebut people such as Solzhenitsyn who came
up with easy "theories" about abandoning
alleged socialism and copying the West for
economic gains.
Imprisonment rates
After four years in the West, Alexander
Solzhenitsyn gave a speech at Harvard that
openly recommended a turn away from the
Enlightenment and a return to Christian
spirituality. In the same speech he intended
to level some criticism against the West, but
even then it was apparent that Solzhenitsyn's
grip on reality was weak.
To his credit, he noted with surprise that
Western journalists conform to underlying
trends in profit-making dictated by a few
owners of the media, not intellectual pursuit
of truth. He also said that criminality was
higher in the United $tates than in the Soviet
Union of the time.
Of criminality, Solzhenitsyn said there "is
considerably more of it [in the United $tates--
ed.] than in the pauper and lawless Soviet
society. (There is a huge number of prisoners
in our camps which are termed criminals, but
most of them never committed any crime; they
merely tried to defend themselves against a
lawless state resorting to means outside of a
legal framework)." This statement hid an
important misconception of the Soviet
dissidents, one that was contrary to the
interests of most Soviet people, who now
enjoy Amerikan-style murder and
imprisonment rates.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn's fiction works on
the Soviet gulag system loom large in
Amerikan thinking about not just Russia but
many other countries that Amerikans fear.
Solzhenitsyn catered to Amerikan nationalism
that believes other countries are more
dangerous and backward to live in. Thanks
to Solzhenitsyn, most Amerikans know more
about other countries' prisons than their own.
This sort of Amerikan nationalism may be nicer
than open "Aryan race" chauvinism, but it is
in some ways more blinding: people who
believe they live in a "free country" readily
dismiss any facts about prisoners and prison
The truth is that the imprisonment rate in
Russia has doubled since the days of Soviet
dissidents, and may soon triple. Yet,
dissidents express their satisfaction despite
all their years of talk about the evils of
excessive imprisonment. This tells us
something about the dissidents, namely that
progress for them is praise for their pro-
capitalist speeches, not greater freedom. The
exploited and oppressed who continue to
follow these Liberals jump from the frying pan
into the fire.
Although some Liberals such as chess
player Kasparov talk about communists as if
it were still the 1980s or 1930s, more typical is
Vladimir Bukovsky imprisoned 12 years under
social-fascist Brezhnev. While the
imprisonment rate has exploded in Russia, he
believes Russia has progressed: "It will never
go back all the way to Brezhnev's time. History
doesn't repeat itself so precisely." (7)
Famous dissident and another physicist
Yuri Orlov told the Associated Press in
November that Putin's huge electoral victory
may have paved the way for what he would
consider retrogression, but overall, "Russia
today is different."(7)
Even BBC admitted that despite his criticism
of Putin, Solzhenitsyn is a "firm supporter"
of Putin.(8) In turn, Putin campaigned for
president with poster images of Sakharov and
Going openly capitalist increased the
imprisonment rate in Russia--the opposite
of freedom. Today, the imprisonment rate of
U.$. Blacks in Louisiana is vastly worse than
the imprisonment rate in northern Korea--
and Louisiana is not in a state of war with its
neighboring states or the world's superpower,
the United $tates.(9)
In reply, the irrational say that crime went
up and that prisoners today deserve their
imprisonment in Russia and the United $tates
while they did not deserve it under Stalin and
phony communist Kim in northern Korea
today; although in the case of some like
Khodorkovsky, the Liberal descendants of
Solzhenitsyn would say they did not deserve
their imprisonment even today.
So to put it in Solzhenitsyn's language, in
1978 prisoners were spiritually deserving, but
the more numerous prisoners of say 1998 are
not spiritually deserving. To be a prisoner of
an openly Soviet system is a virtue while
being a prisoner in a capitalist system is an
evidence of criminality according to
Solzhenitsyn. In other words, Solzhenitsyn
speaks purely for the bourgeoisie, but he does
it in the guise of Christianity and in a way
completely compatible with Franco fascism
in Spain for example. When it's good for
capitalism, Solzhenitsyn criticizes
imprisonment, while we communists believe
the long run goal is to do away with
imprisonment by eliminating its causes. We
find little excuse for the poverty-related
imprisonment seen in the united $tates.
In 1952, the year before Stalin died, the U.S.
State Department published imprisonment
rates that compared the Soviet Union in World
War II with the United $tates in (relative)
peacetime, and not under occupation or threat
of occupation. The 1952 statistics on the
united $tates "show that there is an average
of one person out of 1,000 imprisoned. . . . If
the U.S.S.R. had the same ratio of prisoners
to population it would have 200,000 prisoners
rather than 2 to 20 million."(10) If we read this
State Department statement carefully, it is
defending a 0.1% imprisonment rate against
a 1% imprisonment rate. The article is talking
about the same things that made Solzhenitsyn
In 1952, the united $tates was killing millions
of Koreans and Chinese in the Korean War
and doing so with the justification that the
Soviet Union might have 1.8 million more
prisoners than it should. Yet it was in a way a
fair question as to whether everyone in Soviet
prison had been a Nazi collaborator or whether
there needed to be some mass releases of
prisoners. The Stalin government was indeed
discussing this.
The authors of the 1952 State Department
article on Soviet prisons should step forward
to condemn the united $tates now. As of 2003
statistics, the United $tates imprisons 5
people per 1,000 instead of just 1 for a total of
over 2 million prisoners if we add in jails. That
means that in 50 years time since the State
Department condemned the Stalin era Soviet
Union, the united $tates has had a five-fold
increase in federal and state imprisonment per
capita. In fact, the United $tates even left the
Soviet Union in the dust for imprisonment,
because after World War II, the Soviet rate
decreased, while the U.$. imprisonment rate
increased. Only since Russia has gone openly
free market capitalist and copied the United
$tates has Russia been in the running for
world's number one prison-state.
By the time Solzhenitsyn was speaking at
Harvard, the united $tates had already passed
the imprisonment rate of the Soviet Union.
While the State Department of 1952 used to
brag about a 10 times better imprisonment
rate than under Stalin in war time, today, the
U.$. imprisonment rate of Blacks is 3.4%, more
than three times higher than the lower end
estimate of imprisonment in the Soviet Union
that the State Department was talking about.
In other words, as far as Blacks are concerned,
they already live with the Stalin depicted by
the State Department, but now Stalin is in the
White House.
In this crisis potentially worse statistically
than in Stalin-era war time, Solzhenitsyn
contributed to the problem by saying about
the united $tates in 1978: "The defense of
individual rights has reached such extremes
as to make society as a whole defenseless."
As usual, there was no statistical basis for
this observation, just pure Western
A scientific approach needed
This brings us to Solzhenitsyn's resistance
to the Enlightenment as a whole. It's hard to
argue with someone who is just going to say
that Jesus does not get his due. It's obvious
to intelligent people that such a formulation
will have opportunist use in defending
capitalism. It's a fraud as far as "spirituality"
In his 1978 speech, Solzhenitsyn criticized
the United $tates for backing out of the
Vietnam War in which it killed four million
Vietnamese people while he simultaneously
tried to claim that the Bolsheviks are guilty of
mass lawlessness. To this, our readers may
wonder which side is really worse,
Solzhenitsyn's or ours.
In reply, MIM says this: we are willing to
measure the question. Our critics on the other
side, the Soviet dissidents are unwilling and
Solzhenitsyn is openly opposing the
Enlightenment, so it is obvious that his side
of the debate has more to hide in obscure and
inaccessible screeds on Jesus, the Orthodox
Church and any other mumbo-jumbo that can
serve as an intellectual opiate.
The measure of a prison-state in normal
times is its incarceration rate. Choosing some
other criterion to discuss the prison-state may
very well represent simple cultural bias as in
Solzhenitsyn's preference for imprisoning
people to uphold Christian values instead of
socialist ones.
The fact that Amerikan prisoners are better
off than Russian ones stems from the
economy, and that is a separate question also
worthy of study. For one, white Amerikan
prisoners were better off than Russian ones
before 1917 too, so it has nothing to do with
communism. For two, by now, the simpleton
dissident views that copying the united
$tates's shopping malls would bring
prosperity to Russia have proved false.
As far as the economy goes, none of the
leaders after Stalin has done as good a job in
bringing about economic development, so it
is not factually true that copying the West is
the road forward. Russia has done nothing
but copy the West more and more since Stalin
and the result has only been more and more
The functioning of the economy and the
state are the keys to understanding why the
Soviet era dissidents have disappeared
without a trace. Even the monopoly capitalist
Associated Press article on Stalin's 125th
birthday obliged itself to point out that the
World War II veterans honoring Stalin in his
hometown receive $6 a month as a pension
from the state--not enough for food. It's quite
an irony that Stalin left the Soviet Union in a
condition equal to the united $tates in most
regards except luxury goods production, but
today the great free market Russia gives its
pensioners $6 a month for saving their country
from Nazi barbarism.
In the ex-Soviet Union and China, it seems
to be a favorite course of becoming well-
known experts on politics and economics to
study neither. While this is understandable
in China's case, where the state steered youth
into hard sciences and put a social-fascist
party chokehold on other subjects, it is no
longer acceptable in Russia. Solzhenitsyn was
a fiction-writer, who loved to cite a book by
an algebra teacher on socialism--Shafarevich.
Sakharov was a physicist. Today, one of the
handful of major Liberal leaders of the next
generation is a chess champion named Garry
Kasparov who literally believes history
started coincidentally when chess did in its
modern form--500 years ago. He is working
to promote a more radical crackpot theory of
history than promoted by Fomenko.(11)
Easy ideas about Jesus, easy ideas about
humyn rights that copy the West's and easy
ideas even about the length of history itself--
the intelligent of Russia have reacted badly
to the social-fascism of the Brezhnev era. It's
not enough to be intelligent. One must also
put in effort on the question of economic
development and the causes of crime and
state formation--even if those subjects once
seemed dominated by highly corrupt or boring
Continued on page 12...
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 10
MIM on
Prisons & Prisoners
MIM seeks to build public opinion
against Amerika's criminal injustice sys-
tem, and to eventually replace the bour-
geois injustice system with proletarian jus-
tice. The bourgeois injustice system im-
prisons and executes a disproportionately
large and growing number of oppressed
people while letting the biggest mass mur-
derers -- the imperialists and their lack-
eys -- roam free. Imperialism is not op-
posed to murder or theft, it only insists that
these crimes be committed in the interests
of the bourgeoisie.
"All U.S. citizens are criminals--
accomplices and accessories to the crimes
of U.$. oppression globally until the day
U.$. imperialism is overcome. All U.S.
citizens should start from the point of view
that they are reforming criminals."
MIM does not advocate that all
prisoners go free today; we have a
more effective program for fighting
crime as was demonstrated in China
prior to the restoration of capitalism
there in 1976. We say that all prisoners
are political prisoners because under
the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, all
imprisonment is substantively
political. It is our responsibility to
exert revolutionary leadership and
conduct political agitation and
organization among prisoners --
whose material conditions make them
an overwhelmingly revolutionary
group. Some prisoners should and will
work on self-criticism under a future
dictatorship of the proletariat in those
cases in which prisoners really did do
something wrong by proletarian
Under Lock & Key
News from Prisons & Prisoners
Contraband stamps?
Dear MIM:
Thanks for coming into my life in a time of
personal trouble. Your letter showed me the
way back onto the path I once was on years
ago. The prison here has come out with a
new rule that prisoners cannot use postage
stamps as currency to pay for products or
services, and the rule said that if postage
stamps are placed in outgoing mail for this
purpose it will be deemed contraband. This is
not a security threat because some prisoners
don't receive money from home but they
receive stamps to purchase books, magazines,
--A prisoner in Florida, December 2004
Charged for services but never
saw the doctor
Dear MIM:
I have been having a problem with the
medical department here. On 11-04-04 I sent
an inmate sick call request to the see the
doctor and was denied medical treatment. On
11-14-04 I sent an informal grievance to the
chief health officer and was charged $4.00 for
sick call and I never saw the doctor. Then the
grievance came back from the chief health
officer saying that the review showed that I
saw the nurse on 11-12-04 and "became
demanding, upset and angry" and that the
interview was "appropriately terminated." So
how can I be charged for sick call and the sick
call was terminated?
--A prisoner in Florida, December 2004
Rage in a Cage
My wrath will be felt because my anger boils
within me...
With no means of expression,
it's only a matter of time before I blow...
I walk with a smile so they know not what I
But the smile is so fake I can't believe they
think it's real.
If only they knew my krys would overflow
their thoughts,
but I will never let down my walls cause they
will play me like a sport.
As the thoughts of suicide run rapidly
through my mind,
and the sun fails to shine because in darkness
is where I am confined...
Hearing screams that aren't there and seeing
shadows that haven't moved,
and if I close my eyes real tight I could still
smell my mother's food...
Even though it's been many years,
and every night is filled with tears...
I'm no longer a little boy, I'm a man who shows
no fear.
At least that's what I think,
But I'm not really sure at all...
Because I'm just a number in the system.
I don't even have a name anymore...
These are just some of the thoughts that run
through the mind of one who has
experienced the brutality of the united snakes
of amerikkka. It's just sad
that others have no knowledge of the torture
that goes on in their "Land of
the free!" But to them I say next time you
watch your news [US propaganda]
make sure you know that every Iraqi that you
see being tortured, there is 2
or 3 of your own being treated the same way
if not worse.
I close with a salute of "Power to all people of
the world" who fight to end
oppression, and all those that see through
this veil of evil that is draped
over the face of the government that so many
have to love. [Ha, Ha] What a
fucking joke!
Signing off from the land of the locked and
the home of the slave,
In struggle,
The Fallen Angel, May 2004
Punished for Indigenous culture
All these capitalists see us Indians as they
saw the Gold Rush in 1849 when California
made it illegal to be Indian to make way for
the 49ers. I feel like that today, here in the
Ironhouse. I'm told to cut my hair short or
face discipline; we are not allowed to have
our spiritual packages, only set to us from a
vendor approved by the institution. They
want us to buy imitation eagle feathers to
pray with, (our religion is not fake), also they
won't let our people, tribes, elders, and circles,
send it to us blessed, prayed over, real eagle
- A Navajo California prisoner, Nov. 2004
Letter to the oppressed prisoners
Amerikas government system has stripped
what freedom we once had and placed us
within their dungeons under lock and key
only to take more away from us, to humiliate,
degrade and then provoke us as puppets in
their game show so that we can act out like
"animals" (as they would say) so they can
put it out to the "brainwashed" society to
pass more laws to better "control" the
"criminals" in society or (and) behind bars.
As it stands right now, no matter how we
look at it, it plays out the same every time,
everywhere in this prison system that we are
forced to live our lives in. The inmate
population plays into the pigs plan every time.
Whether you want to deny it or not, it's the
truth and we "let" it happen.
Look at what has been taken from us in
California. First on the list was to take
something from the people most likely to do
something about it -- the lifers family visits.
Lifers, and I am one myself, need to realize
that no matter how "good" we are or even if
we complete all requirements to meet the
parole board all the way, we are not and will
not ever be paroled. We will always be
deemed as a threat and a thorn to the
brainwashed society, but most of all to
Amerika's government. They are using Parole
as a carrot on a string in front of a mule (and
it is working). Nothing happened once the
lifers lost their family visits. Then went our
weights. They installed cameras on the rec.
yards, they reinforced the grooming
standards, they are taking tobacco, they took
our porn mags, and now we have to use their
vendors for our quarterly packages. Our
people can no longer put their hearts into
getting together our packages -- which many
enjoyed doing. Visiting is only allowed on
Saturday and Sunday. We get no night yard,
day rooms are on their way out, they took the
TV's from the inmates in ASU's and there is
talk about taking them from us in the SHUs.
How much more are we going to "let" them
take from us? What the prison population
needs to realize is that we are the gears in this
machine called a prison. If we shut down, so
does it. Take a minute and think how many of
us it takes to keep this machine running
smooth. If everyone stopped, it would also
stop! True only for a minute but why should
we be the ones putting forth the efforts for
three cents an hour and to have things
stripped from us? We should not! It may
not happen overnight, but we must unite as
one and look at the real picture at hand that
many of us are either top blind to see or just
want to ignore the fact that Amerika's prison
system is having its way with us. The longer
we stay divided, the longer we "let" these
pigs have their way with us. It will take small
steps, but is can be done. To stop the key
master, we must join as one.
-- a California prisoner, October 2004
Three Strikes lies and deception
MIM Introduction: This article was written
prior to the defeat of Proposition 66 on the
California ballot in November of 2004. We
print it here because the injustice of the Three
Strikes laws in California, and throughout
the country, continues.
As a drug war correspondent buried alive
for a nonviolent drug offense, I make my
reports from deep within the bowels of the
California prison system, one of the last true
bastions remaining from the tough-on-crime
I have been locked up longer on this drug
case than all my strikes cases put together,
said 54 year old Manuel Madrid from San
Fernando Valley, who began his three strikes
life sentence in 1997. "I'm an old man. I'm
going to die in here."
Justice in the Golden State
The "three strikes and you're out"
sentencing laws came into being at the apex
of the lock- em-up movement in the mid-90s.
This statute has proven to be infallible,
surviving a gauntlet of state and federal
judicial challenges. Entering its second
decade of existence, the regulation is being
challenged once more, this time in the court
of public opinion.
Ever since The Three Strikes and Child
Protection Act of 2004 qualified for
November's ballot - codified as Proposition
66 - it has enjoyed wide support. In August,
Fields Research Corporation reported 69
percent in favor and only 19 percent against.
If approved, penalties for child molesters
would increase while removing nonviolent
offenders from the mandatory sentencing
The numbers associated with three strikes
and corrections in general are prodigious.
Approximately 7,400 have been given life
sentences under this controversial
sentencing mandate, 57 percent of whom have
committed a nonviolent third strike.
Additionally, over 32,000 second strikers have
been sentenced under this law, the majority
of whom are nonviolent as well.
Second strikers must serve 80 percent to
85 percent of their doubled-up sentences,
while three strikers have to serve at least 25
years before they are eligible for parole. This
steady-stream of second and third strikers
are one of the reasons why the prison
population has hit an all-time-high of over
With many state governments moving
away from harsh punishments as their primary
approach to crime, California refuses to
acquiesce to the national smart-on-crime
"Crime is down, which proves to us the law
is doing what it was supposed to do. We
don't want to reverse that progress," said
Carol Norris, president of the California
Probation, Parole and Corrections
The progress about which Mrs. Norris
speaks is a state that spends approximately
$30,000 a year to incarcerate an inmate and
roughly $5,000 a year per pupil on education.
By investing so generously at the wrong end
of the problem, the children from underfunded
education are systematically absorbed into
the California Department of Corrections
(CDC) by $100,000 a year prison guards who
make more money that\n tenured CSU
California spends nearly $6 billion a year
on corrections, and the CDC alone employs
over 50,000 workers. The influence the 31,000
unionized prison guards exert on state
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 11
Facts on U$ imprisonment
The facts about imprisonment in the United $tates are that the United $tates has been the world's leading prison-state per capita for the last
25 years, with a brief exception during Boris Yeltsin's declaration of a state of emergency.(1)
That means that while Reagan was talking about a Soviet "evil empire" he was the head of a state that imprisoned more people per capita.
In supposedly "hard-line" Bulgaria of the Soviet bloc of the 1980s, the imprisonment rate was less than half that of the United $tates.(2,3)
To find a comparison with U.$. imprisonment of Black people, there is no statistic in any country that compares including apartheid South
Africa of the era before Mandela was president. The last situation remotely comparable to the situation today was under Stalin during war
time. The majority of prisoners are non-violent offenders(4) and the U.S. Government now holds about a half million more prisoners than
China; even though China is four times our population.(5)
The rednecks tell MIM that we live in a "free country." They live in an Orwellian 1984 situation where freedom is imprisonment.
Notes: 1. Marc Mauer, "Americans Behind Bars: The International Use of Incarceration 1993," The Prison Sentencing Project, 918 F. St. NW, Suite
501, Washington, DC 20004 (202) 628-0871 Reference: SRI: R8965-2, 1994
2. Ibid., 1992 report.
3. United Nations Development Programme, "Human Development Report 1994,:" Oxford University Press, p. 186.
4. Figure of 51.2 percent for state prisoners there for non-violent offenses. Abstract of the United States 1993, p. 211.
5. Atlantic Monthly December, 1998.
Join the fight against
the injustice system
While we fight to end the criminal
injustice system MIM engages in
reformist battles to improve the lives
of prisoners. Below are some of the
campaigns we are currently waging,
and ways people behind the bars and
on the outside can get involved. More
info can be found on our prison web
Stop Censorship in Prison: Prisons
frequently censor books, newspapers
and magazines coming from MIM's
books for prisoners program. We need
help from lawyers, paralegals and
jailhouse lawyers to fight this
Books for Prisoners: This program
focuses on political education of
prisoners. Send donations of books and
money for our Books for Prisoners
End the Three Strikes laws: This
campaign is actively fighting the
repressive California laws, but similar
laws exist in other states. Write to us
to request a petition to collect
signatures. Send articles and
information on three strike laws.
Shut Down the Control Units: Across
the country there are a growing number
of prison control units. These are
permanently designated prisons or cells
in prisons that lock prisoners up in
solitary or small group confinement for
22 or more hours a day with no
congregate dining, exercise or other
services, and virtually no programs for
prisoners. Prisoners are placed in
control units for extended periods of
time. These units cause both mental and
physical problems for prisoners.
Write to us to request a petition to
collect signatures. Get your
organization to sign the statement
demanding control units be shut down.
Send us information about where there
are control units in your state. Include
the names of the prisons as well as the
number of control unit beds/cells in
each prison if that is known. Send us
anti-control unit artwork.
MIM's Re-Lease on Life Program:
This program provides support for our
comrades who have been recently
released from the prison system, to help
them meet their basic needs and also
continue with their revolutionary
organizing on the outside. We need
funds, housing, and job resources. We
also need prisoner's input on the
following survey questions:
1. What are the biggest challenges
you face being released from prison?
2. How can these problems be
3. What are the important elements
of a successful release program?
government renders their power unmatched
and the success of their bottom-feeder
industry assured for generations.
Crime is not down, it's a chronic social
problem. The Golden State's rates of
recidivism lead the nation at nearly 70 percent,
and has the larges state prison system in a
country which accounts for on-quarter of the
world's prison population. Crime is a constant
in California, and shows no signs of going
The Myth of Discretion
One little understood aspect of three strikes
is how it gives too much power to the
prosecutors and limits a judge's ability to
exercise discretion.
"[J]udges and prosecutors already have
substantial discretion to avert application of
three strikes in the furtherance of justice,"
wrote Sen. Chuck Poochigian (R-Fresno) in
The Sacramento Bee. The Senator and I took
opposing positions on Proposition 66 in the
Forum section on July 25.
Poochigian refers to the California Supreme
Court's decision in People v. Superior Court
(Romero) (1996), holding that a sentencing
judge has discretion to avoid excessive
punishments in the interest of justice.
"My sentencing judge spent 5 minutes
considering Romero and denied it," said
Tommy Wallen, a 34 year old from Kern
County who was struck out for receiving
stolen property. "It makes me very angry
because it is so misleading to the public. Very
rarely is it exercised because most judges are
afraid to use it."
Wallen is right. Since the case law favors
the prosecution few judges are willing to
exercise their limited authority under Romero
over the objections of the prosecutor --
especially in counties like Kern where three
strikes is vigorously pursued by the District
Further, in People v. Carmony, the state's
highest court recently limited Romero even
more when they upheld a life sentence for
failing to register as a sex offender by a mere
five days, a technical violation.
"The court did leave open the possibility
that it still could happen," said Deputy Attny.
General David Andrew Eldridge, the prevailing
attorney in Carmony, when asked under what
circumstances a judge would risk exercising
discretion. "But it would have to be extremely
Wallen and Eldridge provide two realistic
views of how discretion actually works.
Poochigian, on the other hand, like so many
who vigorously support three strikes,
repeatedly cite discretion as a substantial
safeguard when it is merely a judicial rubber
stamp cherished by the prosecutors.
Fear vs. Fact
Due to my serious felony convictions of
robbery and two burglaries committed in my
late teens and early 20s, I am serving 26 years
to life for a nonviolent drug offense. This is a
victimless crime generally carrying a couple
of years of mandatory treatment instead of
jail per Proposition 36. However, due to three
strikes, I have already served six years with
at least 20 to go.
Recently, my injection into the debate has
touched a nerve in my hometown of
Sacramento. The Bee published a couple of
rebuttals to my July 25 article.
"He minimizes a crime spree from 1984-1988
-- slashing a juvenile across the chest with a
knife, requiring 200 stitches," wrote Jan Scully,
the District Attorney. "Most recently, a buck
knife was found in his car along with 200
baggies of marijuana."
Then Marjie Lundstrom a columnist, took
a similar path and claimed, in addition to
slashing a juvenile in 1986, I committed yet
another assault in 1988 as well. Making me
look even worse, she said I possessed not
one, but two knives in the commission of the
current drug crime.
While a rap sheet is never a pretty picture,
neither are prosecutorial journalists who spin
the facts in an election year.
I never had 200 bags of marijuana, just one
bag weighing five grams. The 1986 slashing,
while tragic and regrettable, was reduced to a
misdemeanor because the prosecutor
discovered the juvenile lied about his role. A
misdemeanor is not a strike, and there wasn't
a second assault from 1988.
Sadly, the 200 bags of marijuana that don't
exist, the misdemeanor assault that isn't a
strike and the second assault that never
happened have no logical correlation to the
lawfully possessed buck knife in the glove
box or the multi-wrench with a 2 inch blade
on the seat of the car.
The fact is I entered prison a 22 year old
high school dropout in 1988, and left a college-
educated, published writer in 1994. I paid my
debt to society in full. Upon release from
prison I pursued an upwardly mobile path --
taking a full-load at my hometown university
while starting a construction company from
However, just like a rap sheet, relapse is
not a pretty picture either. I started using
again. Eventually, in 1998, I was caught with
approximately 20 grams of methamphetamine,
a felony, and have been buried alive ever
Regardless of our individual stories,
fearmongers like Poochigian, Scully and
Lundstrom work very hard to portray three
strikers as an amalgam of Willie Hortons about
to be unleashed on society if they approve
Proposition 66. Too often, as I experienced
first-hand, their arguments are based on
flawed analysis, evidence that doesn't exist,
and illogical correlations meant to
sensationalize. Politics is simply a dirty game.
"I hope and pray that the public will see
the injustice of the current law and vote to
make changes," states Wallen. "It is a huge
misconception that the District Attorneys
Association is trying to say that murders,
rapists and child molesters will be freed. This
change only affects nonviolent convictions."
-a California prisoner, October 2004
Classification in California
They are only allowing us to have one book
in our cell at a time. In order to receive another
one we have to exchange it, donate it, or send
it home. They just recently opened up this
new administrative segregation (ad-seg)
building called Z-unit and they moved a lot
of us from D6, D7 and D8 to fill it. We are in a
little cell with only a skylight that is located
on top of the ceiling to give us a look of the
outside world. We do go to the yard 3 times a
week in a dog like kennel. Three hours each
time. We do not see much out there. This is
no place for a human to do his time. No TV,
radio or any electronic devices in or outside
of our cells.
At intake the CDC system puts a label on
you. Northern or Southern [Mexican]. They
put that down on your c-file and once you
are in the system all they need is 3 points:
1030s from other people saying you belong
to a gang and they can and will validate you,
whether you have done something wrong or
not. Once this happens they put you back in
the ad-seg and give you an indeterminate
SHU sentence. That means that you will never
see the outside of these ad-segs or hit a
mainline unless you tell on someone else.
Which is how they received info/1030s to put
on another person and use that against them.
However the few that are strong must stay
back here and fight it. It will take years but all
we have is time and people like MIM to help
get us through these rough times. We do 602
(file a grievance) these. In many cases, almost
all, they are denied and we must go through
Sacramento to fight it. If not our last chance
is to file a habeas corpus and go through the
court systems. These so-called gangs are not
violent. They just use the debriefing system
for the weak and cowards who can not handle
the hard times and will give up whatever it
takes. They will even tell lies against another
prisoner to get out of the hole.
- a California prisoner at High Desert State
Prison, July 2004
MIM Notes 314 · February 15, 2004 · Page 12
Notas Rojas
feb 15 2004, Nº 31fa4 Fragmento del Periodico Oficial del Movimiento Internacionalista Maoista
¿Que es el MIM?
El Movimiento Internacionalista Maoísta (MIM) es un partido revolucionario
comunista que ejerce el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo. El MIM es una organización
internacionalista que trabaja desde el punto de vista del proletariado del Tercer Mundo;
es por esto que sus miembros no son amerikanos sino ciudadanos del mundo.
El MIM lucha para acabar con la opresión de todos los grupos sobre cualquier otro,
naciones por naciones, clases por clases, y géneros por géneros. La revolución es una
realidad para los Estados Unidos mientras su ejército continúa extendiendose en su
esfuerzo por asegurar la hegemonía mundial.
El MIM difiere de otros partidos en tres puntos basicos: (1) El MIM sostiene que
después que el proletariado conquiste el poder estatal, existira aún el potencial para una
restauración de tipo capitalista, bajo la dirección de una burguesía nueva dentro del
mismo partido comunista. En el caso de la Unión Soviética, la burguesía se apoderó del
gobierno después de la muerte de Stalin, en 1953; y en China después de la muerte de
Mao y del derrocamiento de la llamada "banda de los cuatro' en 1976. (2) El MIM
sostiene que la Revolución Cultural en China es la fase ms avanzada a la que llegó el
comunismo en la historia. (3) El MIM afirma que la clase trabajadora blanca de los
EE.UU. es primordialmente, una élite trabajadora no revolucionaria en el presente. Es
por esto que no es el principal vehículo para avanzar el Maoísmo en este país.
El MIM acepta como miembro a cualquier individuo que esté de acuerdo con estos
tres puntos basicos, y que acepte al centralismo democrtico, el método de gobierno por
la mayoría en lo que se refiere a cuestiones de línea del partido. El MIM es un partido
clandestino que no publica los nombres de sus miembros para evitar la represión estatal
dirigida históricamente contra los movimientos revolucionarios comunistas, y anti-
imperialistas. Si Ud. desea una suscripción para cualquiera de nuestros periódicos o
libros teóricos, en español o en inglés, por favor mandar dinero en efectivo o un cheque
al nombre de MIM a esta dirección:
MIM · P.O. Box 29670 · Los Angeles CA 90029-0670
[MIM no tiene ningún conocimiento
de condiciones en Bolivia y Nepal.
MIM no sabe FRP--el Ministro de
Relaciones Internacionales del
Movimiento Maoísta Internacionalista
El 13 de febrero de 1996 en las
montañas himalayas se plantó la bandera
roja del marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo con
el inicio de la Guerra Popular en Nepal,
que fue iniciada y dirigida por el Partido
Comunista de Nepal (Maoísta)
[PCN(M)], este acontecimiento despertó
la alegría de las masas oprimidas en Nepal
así como de las masas oprimidas y
explotadas de todo el mundo.
En dura lucha contra la autocracia
feudal y por la instauración de una
República Popular el PCN(M) ha
desarrollado la guerra de guerrillas
construyendo su Ejército Popular de
Liberación (EPL), que se basa en el
apoyo de las profundas masas populares,
creando zonas guerrilleras, zonas
liberadas y construyendo el poder político
rojo. A través de sucesivas ofensivas
planeadas por la dirección del Camarada
Prachanda ha elevado la fase de la Guerra
Popular de la Defensiva Estratégica al
Equilibrio Estratégico y así se ha
desarrollado la revolución en todos sus
El EPL ha enfrentado la incursión del
Ejército Real de Nepal (ERN), ejército
reaccionario que sostiene a las clases
feudal compradoras de Nepal y a la
autocracia real que apoyada a la vez por
el expansionismo indio y el imperialismo
norteamericano y británico, así como
otras potencias como Bélgica que han
provisto de armamentos a las fuerzas
genocidas reaccionarias de Nepal.
En su guerra contrarrevolucionaria el
gobierno nepalés no ha escatimado
esfuerzos en asesinar a poblaciones
enteras, a masas desarmadas, a
prisioneros que los hacía pasar por
combatientes, a periodistas, intelectuales,
artistas, etc. la tortura y la desaparición
han sido norma y política rectora en su
afán de detener los avances maoístas,
pero en esto no han estado solas las
fuerzas contrarrevolucionarias, han
contado con el asesoramiento de militares
norteamericanos y militares indios, el
imperialismo ha entrenado y pertrechado
de armamento a los reaccionarios
nepaleses para aplastar la auténtica
revolución de las masas oprimidas en
Nepal y han intentado desprestigiar a los
guerrilleros tildándolos de terroristas,
dentro del plan fascista del imperialismo
yankee de guerra contra el terrorismo,
cuando sabemos todos que el principal
terrorista y enemigo de los pueblos del
mundo es precisamente el imperialismo.
Pero la lucha de los maoístas ha dado
grandes saltos. Al constituirse las bases
de apoyo y elevarse la guerra en grandes
ofensivas de guerra de movimientos, el
PCN(M) llegó a controlar más del 75%
del territorio nacional y en ellas se
construye el nuevo poder y se estructura
la nueva república de nueva democracia.
En este camino, la revolución en Nepal
nos dio la gran sorpresa a finales del año
pasado, cuando la guerra entraba en la
etapa de la Ofensiva Estratégica, fase que
se ha iniciado con grandes acciones
asestadas a los terroristas reales (ERN)
dentro del Primer Plan de la Ofensiva
Estratégica, aniquilando a cientos de
elementos reaccionarios destruyendo los
cimientos de la vieja sociedad.
La situación actual en la que el Rey ha
suprimido el gobierno y a tomado en sus
manos todas las funciones
gubernamentales y la tarea de enfrentar
a la Guerra Popular coloca al PCN(M)
en la posibilidad de dirigir a todas las
masas populares de Nepal en un gran
frente contra la autocracia feudal y
fascista y por establecimiento de una
República Popular.
La situación entonces nos demanda la
enorme necesidad que tenemos los
comunistas de estar a la altura de las
Saludamos desde los andes de Sudamérica la
brillante perspectiva de la toma del poder
circunstancias, la presente situación nos
pone en la perspectiva clara de la
posibilidad de la toma del poder en Nepal
y la posible intervención imperialista
yankee de manera más directa, pues en
la actualidad tiene una intervención
indirecta, o utilizando a la India. Entonces
el mejor apoyo que podemos dar a las
masas nepaleses, a su Partido y a su
Ejército, es redoblar los esfuerzos para
iniciar la revolución en nuestros países y
así abrir frentes de batalla al imperialismo
En esta fecha de celebración asumimos
ese compromiso y nos aunamos a los
diversos pedidos en Asia, Europa y
América de celebrar este aniversario
para llevar a las masas de nuestros países
las noticias de la revolución en Nepal.
¡¡Viva el Partido Comunista de Nepal
¡¡Viva el marxismo-leninismo-
¡¡Muerte al imperialismo
principalmente yankee!!
Saludamos desde los andes
americanos la brillante perspectiva de
la toma del poder
Frente Revolucionario del Pueblo
Bolivia, Febrero de 2005
In 1978, Solzhenitsyn said this: "In our
Eastern countries, communism has suffered
a complete ideological defeat; it is zero and
less than zero. But Western intellectuals still
look at it with interest and with empathy, and
this is precisely what makes it so immensely
difficult for the West to withstand the East."
Yet, the Soviet bloc collapsed without the
violence to overthrow it predicted by
Solzhenitsyn and others in 1978. In 2004, it is
already evident that the intellectual trends of
Russia in the 1980s have not prevailed.
Stalin's approval rating at 53% is one
indication that communism is not "zero and
less than zero."
Kicked out of the Reagan administration
for being too anti-Soviet, historian Richard
Pipes himself noted that Solzhenitsyn "`is
quite innocent of historical knowledge.'"(12)
Facts are stubborn things. The decline of
the Russian life expectancy under free market
capitalism, the doubling of the imprisonment
rate, the continued hold of Stalin on the mind
of the Russian people--these are
manifestations of the same knot of problems
connected together in the subject of political
economy--not religion, chess or physics.
Solzhenitsyn did put his finger on
something. The Eastern intellectual betrayed
the international proletariat in the 1980s. Yet,
while the West tends toward an effete post-
modernism and watered down Marxology in
academia, we are sure that the East will once
From page 9...
again give rise to the intellectual dragons
Marx thought he would give birth to.
2820061.stm ;
A Houston Chronicle article mentioned a poll of
40% supporting Stalin 20Nov2004.
solzheni tsyn/harvard1978.html
10. "Forced Labor in the Soviet Union," U.S.
Department of State Bulletin, Vol. 27 (1952)
reprinted in Alex Inkeles & Kent Geiger, eds.
Soviet Society: A Book of Readings (Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1961), p. 253.
12. Reactionary views and how they divided
over Solzhenitsyn: