This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 1
MIM Notes
Sept. 15-30 2004, Nº 307
The Official Newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)
INSIDE: Imperialism books * Under Lock & Key * Una Página en Español...
A car bomb exploded outside the Kabul
office of an Amerikan security company
on Sunday, 29 August, killing at least seven
people, including two Amerikans. The
company, Dyncorp Inc., provides security
for "Afghan President" and U$ puppet
Hamid Karzai.(1) Early reports said the
Taliban claimed responsibility for the
attack.(2) The Taliban ruled Afghanistan
before the U$ invaded after 9/11 and
installed Karzai with the UN's blessing.
This successful attack in a section of
the city populated by Westerners and on
the "President's" Amerikan security force
no less exposes the lie that Amerika's
Afghan escapade has been a smashing
success for imperialism on the cheap.
Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld's
idea--apparently shared by John Kerry
based on his stump speeches at the
Democratic National Convention and
beyond--went something like this: send
in a few Special Forces, wave some cash
around, dust off some pro-Western exiles,
have a meeting in some quaint European
city and voila: pro-Amerikan, secular
Already in 2001 MIM predicted that
this strategy would fail, based on our
understanding of imperialism and study
of history. Only those too lazy to read a
few articles about the Soviet Union's war
in Afghanistan, Amerika's war in Vietnam
or its support of Chiang Kai Chek in
China's civil war could have thought
Rumsfeld's approach would work. Now
even laziness is no excuse. Every day the
5 o'clock news shows that the Amerikan
puppet regime's authority doesn't go past
the "President's" security cordon.
Warlordism has returned to the
countryside, and anti-Amerikan fighters
such as the Taliban and Al Qaeda are
gaining ground, despite being driven from
the cities.
Still, Afghanistan appears to be the
model for John Kerry's approach to
foreign policy. He tells the Amerikan
No end in sight to Amerika's
`war on terror'
Protesters carry hundreds of flag-draped coffins through the streets of New
York (left) to symbolize the 973 Amerikan soldiers killed in Iraq (as of 29 Aug
04). If they had carried one per every Iraqi civilian killed, like the one above,
the line of coffins would have been more than ten times as long.
Hundreds of thousands marched against the Republican National Convention
just as MIM Notes went to press. For more coverage of the RND and DNC
protests, visit and http://
Osama Bin Laden or his followers are
not just scaring the wits out of the
bourgeoisified people of the imperialist
countries. He and his followers are also
winning the praise of Third World peoples.
At this particular point in history, it is a
given that the imperialists are going to
demonize someone in the Mideast. We
have to ask ourselves why it is that an
Arab, African or Iranian Maoist leader
did not obtain this honor now given to
Osama Bin Laden.
A bourgeois research organization
found that the peoples of Indonesia,
Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan and the
Palestinian Authority regard Osama Bin
Laden as one of three leaders they most
trust to "do the right thing."(1) The people
of Jordan (71%) and Indonesia (66%)
also view Osama Bin Laden as more
peaceful than the United $tates.(2) It goes
to show that attacks on U$ interests will
be supported by the Third World masses
and even the foreign-policy bourgeoisie
of U$ imperialism knows it. It's an
important lesson to take a materialist
approach to the masses and ask them who
they trust more, their Maoist leaders or
the U$ imperialists.
MIM's summer
movie breakdown
Too busy protesting the
Republocrats to catch any movies
this summer? Don't worry, MIM will
let you know what you missed--or
didn't miss.
Addicted to celluloid? Check out
what MIM has to say about this
year's summer blockbusters. They're
not all bad. Really.
MIM reviews The Bourne
Supremacy, The Day After
Tomorrow, Collateral, and Harry
Potter: pages 8-9.
Bin Laden and the Concept of `Theocratic Fascism'
A motley crew of
counterrevolutionaries, labor bureaucrats
and centrists calling themselves "Marxist-
Leninist" are responsible for Islamic
militants' outflanking the communists in
the minds of the exploited of many Third
World countries. We have two choices
in this matter: 1) we can believe the
Islamic scriptural hocus-pocus and that
it is somehow God's will; or 2) we can
realize that communists in many Middle
East and Third World countries
surrendered nationalist credentials in the
Third World the way a Mao or even a Ho
Chi Minh never allowed. The Islamic
movement is becoming the preferred
expression of the struggle against
imperialist super-exploitation in many
countries while the "Marxist-Leninists"
Continued on page 6...
Continued on page 5...
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 2
What is MIM?
The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) is the collection of existing or emerging
Maoist internationalist parties in the English-speaking imperialist countries and their English-
speaking internal semi-colonies, as well as the existing or emerging Maoist Internationalist
parties in Belgium, France and Quebec and the existing or emerging Spanish-speaking
Maoist Internationalist parties of Aztlan, Puerto Rico and other territories of the U.$. Empire.
MIM Notes is the newspaper of MIM. Notas Rojas is the newspaper of the Spanish-speaking
parties or emerging parties of MIM. MIM upholds the revolutionary communist ideology
of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and is an internationalist organization that works from the
vantage point of the Third World proletariat. MIM struggles to end the oppression of all
groups over other groups: classes, genders, nations. MIM knows this is only possibly by
building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle. Revolution is a reality for
North America as the military becomes over-extended in the government's attempts to
maintain world hegemony. MIM differs from other communist parties on three main
questions: (1) MIM holds that after the proletariat seizes power in socialist revolution, the
potential exists for capitalist restoration under the leadership of a new bourgeoisie within
the communist party itself. In the case of the USSR, the bourgeoisie seized power after the
death of Stalin in 1953; in China, it was after Mao's death and the overthrow of the "Gang
of Four" in 1976. (2) MIM upholds the Chinese Cultural Revolution as the farthest advance
of communism in humyn history. (3) As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has
reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third
World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so-
called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty-
bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to
advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on
imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in the Canada, Quebec,
the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. MIM accepts people as
members who agree on these basic principles and accept democratic centralism, the system
of majority rule, on other questions of party line.
"The theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable. We should
regard it not as dogma, but as a guide to action. Studying it is not merely a matter of
learning terms and phrases, but of learning Marxism-Leninism as the science of revolution."
- Mao Zedong, Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 208.
Editor, MC206; Production, MC12
MIM Notes
The Official Newsletter of The Maoist Internationalist Movement
ISSN 1540-8817
MIM Notes is the bi-weekly newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement. MIM
Notes is the official Party voice; more complete statements are published in our journal,
MIM Theory. Material in MIM Notes is the Party's position unless noted. MIM Notes
accepts submissions and critiques from anyone. The editors reserve the right to edit
submissions unless permission is specifically denied by the author; submissions are
published anonymously unless authors insist on identification (prisoners are never
identified by name). MIM is an underground party that does not publish the names of its
comrades in order to avoid the state surveillance and repression that have historically
been directed at communist parties and anti-imperialist movements. MCs, MIM comrades,
are members of the Party. The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL) is an anti-
imperialist mass organization led by MIM (RCs are RAIL Comrades). MIM's ten-point
program is available to anyone who sends in a SASE.
The paper is free to all prisoners, as long as they write to us every 90 days to confirm
their subsciptions. There are no individual subscriptions for people outside prison.
People who want to receive newspapers should become sponsors and distributors.
Sponsors pay for papers, distributors get them onto the streets, and officers do both
distribution and financial support. Annual cost is: 12 copies (Priority Mail), $120; 25
(Priority Mail), $150; 50 (Priority Mail), $280; 100, $380; 200, $750; 900 (Express
Mail), $3,840; 900 (8-10 days), $2,200. To become a sponor or distributor, send
anonymous money orders payable to "MIM." Send to MIM, attn: Camb. branch, PO Box
400559, Cambridge, MA 02140. Or write
Most back issues of MIM Notes are available free on our web site. The web site con-
tains thousands of documents, with ordering information for many more.
MIM grants explicit permission to copy all or part of this newspaper for any reason, as
long as we are credited.
For general correspondence, contact:
P.O. Box 29670
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eMail: <>
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Latino soldiers' role in
the Iraq war: an
historical perspective
Historically, the function of the military
has been to protect and perpetuate the
ideological/material interest of the ruling
class. The rank and file, being
predominately from the impoverished and
middle class, are among the least informed
in society. In the 21st century, this fact
remains which explains those justifications
given by the Raza as to why they are in
Iraq. They have said, "To free the Iraqis
from Saddam Hussein" and "to eliminate
an imminent threat to the United $tates."
I will respond to both of these quotes in
turn, but first I want to make a brief
historical analysis of our role in Euro
For us, this first occurred in 1519 when
the Cempohuanlans made a strategic
alliance with Cortez and his
conquistadores. On their way to
Tenochtitlan, the conquistadores
continued to acquire recruits and make
alliances with tribes who [opposed] the
Aztec Empire. These few thousand
conquistadores and a few hundred
thousand allies went on to successfully
defeat the Aztecs. Those tribes who allied
themselves with the conquistadores
retained some autonomy during the
conquest and were under the belief that
their material conditions would improve
once free of Aztec domination. However,
once the conquest of Mexico and Central
America was completed and the
European forces were secured, their
"allies" were reduced to commodities of
the Spanish crown. Putting those "allies"
in the same category as the tribes they
helped to conquer.
Let's jump forward 300 years to Texas.
Believing the propaganda for
independence by Anglo squatters, many
Mexicans did, in fact, fight along side Sam
Houston, thinking that independence
would equal prosperity. However, once
independence was realized, they learned
that Anglos neither acknowledged their
contribution, nor allotted them any
significant role in the new independent
state. In fact, their material aspirations
only resulted in Anglo consolidation of land
and power.
Then there are the many lessons of
North Amerikan First Nations who, in
various "Euro wars," sided with the
British, the French or Amerikans.
Regardless of their alliances, once the
smoke had cleared and they were no
longer needed by Euro forces, they
learned that Europeans were not in the
habit of sharing land, wealth or power.
Consequently, they all met the same fate.
In these few examples, those
indigenous forces had either an
independent strategic and/or material
interest in fighting in "Euro wars." In 2004,
what is the Raza's interest in fighting for
Europeans? As a captured colony of the
United $tates, the Raza has no
independent interest in fighting for
imperialism. Some can point to a
"dependent interest" but even this is
illegitimate and only testifies to our
incapacitated state and is a manifestation
of our neo-colonial status.
Fighting to free Iraqis? When and where
has imperialism "freed" anyone? This
historical fact does not exist! The Raza
in the United $tates are not even free
ourselves so how are we going to free
anyone else? (Indeed, we are only free
to be good subjects of Euro imperialism.)
Underneath all the propaganda, it amounts
to Raza/people of color killing people of
color for Euro interest.
Even if all that was alleged about Iraq
was true, which the U$ Administration is
not admitting was not, we must realize
that imperialism not only provoked but
created that threat. If we analyze the 20th
century, we'll find that imperialism
frequently created (and will continue to
create) situations all over the world that
will require our bravery, our blood and
our lives in large amounts.
Let's not be fooled into believing that
the war in Iraq eliminates an imminent
threat. This idea is propagated to give
people a false sense of security. Who or
what is the most imminent threat to us
(people of color)? "Imminent" implies
something that will occur in the future.
I'd ask you to look at the material
conditions as they exist now and decide
which is the most detrimental to our
existence: other people of color in foreign
countries or the status quo in the United
$tates? Undisputedly, it is the status quo.
It is the U$ oppression. It is Mexican on
Mexican violence. It is our high child
mortality rate. It is our sky rocketing
incarceration rate. It is our suicide rate.
Etc., etc. All of which are the
consequence of imperialism.
I'd also challenge you to make a
quantitative analysis of how many civilian
"terrorists" or "rogue nations" have killed
outside of their own countries. How many
millions of civilians did the U$ kill in
Vietnam in one war alone? In Iraq, the
U$ has already killed 10 times the amount
of civilians that died in 9/11/01. So decide
who is the most imminent threat to human
kind and world stability.
Unfortunately, the Raza have become
equivalent to the Aztec forces after they
were militarily defeated. We are being
used (just as the Aztecs were) to fight
and die for the same people who have
conquered us, taken our lands and reduced
us to subsistence. Beneath the pose and
illegitimate justifications, Raza in the U$
military are only perpetuating Euro
imperialism. After 500 years, we are back
to square one!
The fact that most Raza who enlist in
the U$ military do so specifically for
economic mobility, it gives potential to a
collective realization of the cause and
effect of the U$ military industrial
complex via imperialism, as it directly
applies to them and their native country/
continent. For those of us who are
politically advanced, our challenge is to
develop this collective realization, to move
our forces, from their current front of
stabilizing Euro imperialism and
domination, to our own.
-- A California Prisoner, April 2004
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 3
After more than four years since the
ACLU filed suit on behalf of MIM, other
publishers, and some Colorado
Department of Corrections (DOC)
prisoners, we reached a settlement out
of court which requires the DOC to
institute clear policies regulating
censorship. Far from perfect, the
settlement explicitly continues censorship
of parts of MIM Notes and other
publications named in the lawsuit. In spite
of this and other limitations, the settlement
was clear progress for the battle against
prison censorship.
We have gained an explicit statement
that "there will be no general prohibition
of publications such as. . . MIM Notes . .
." And the settlement mandates the
prison follow explicit regulations when
they censor mail. For example, the prison
must notify the sender of any censorship
and give the sender and recipient an
opportunity to challenge censorship in
front of a review board.
People reading this might be surprised
that these policies are not standard for
all prisons. But this is the myth of free
speech in Amerika-- it is free for those
who support the imperialist system, but
not for those who oppose it. In reality
MIM faces censorship across Amerika,
both in the prisons and on the streets.
Censorship is the strongest in the
prisons where people are denied access
to even basic reading materials on the
whim of the prison staff. Many prisons
censor MIM Notes and other literature
without notifying either the prisoner or the
sender. When notification is given, it
generally includes vague justification if any
at all.
By this settlement the DOC is required
to offer a meaningful description for the
reasons of withholding publications,
identify the portions that are objectionable,
and remove only the objectionable portions
if that is fewer than four pages. According
to the ACLU, censorship of the specific
issues of MIM Notes in question was one
of the last point of contention in the
negotiation with the DOC. They refused
Anti-censorship activists force Colorado DOC reform
to modify their position on MIM's
organizational statement.
Ultimately the settlement included
delivery of MIM Notes to the prisoner
named in the lawsuit, but with the pages
with MIM's organizational statement
(page 2) and those written by prisoners
(Under Lock and Key) removed, along
with a few other pages. The settlement
makes it clear that no one is agreeing that
the partial censorship of these issues is
correct or even consistent with the new
Once the Colorado DOC puts the new
censorship regulations in place, MIM will
use these new regulations to challenge
the on-going censorship of MIM notes.
It used to be that Oxfam was just a
charity organization bringing food to the
Third World and maybe even wrecking
the agriculture there in order to do so.
We did not think much of its political or
economic sense. While drawing endless
attention to starvation, Oxfam does not
see a non-negotiable humyn right to eat
while MIM does. Hence, MIM is for the
dictatorship of the proletariat while
Oxfam believes that when push-comes-
to-shove the exploited and super-
exploited should negotiate away their
rights to eat in "democracy." A large
portion of the world gives money to
Oxfam to feel good about itself rather than
actually change anything.
Now things have changed. The "fair
trade" project initiated by Oxfam has
turned Oxfam into a better ally of MIM
than the countless "communist"
organizations that do not as of yet
understand international exploitation even
as much as Oxfam does. As MIM has
predicted in several articles on the
emergence of internationalist social-
democracy, Oxfam has made
internationalist reformism respectable
reformism. Together we can support an
end to imperialist country protectionism,
the abolition of agricultural subsidies or
the internationalization of them, an
international minimum wage for the
whole world and not just the export
sectors either, international regulations on
child labor, international environmental
controls--at least for all countries
wanting to participate in the WTO-
governed trade agreements which is
almost everyone.
Tackling the WTO, the Oxfam has
opened a huge subject within which there
are many, many large, medium and small
issues. Doubtless MIM will have
disagreements with Oxfam down the road
on how to implement fair trade.
However, broadly-speaking in the world,
there are two responses to globalization.
1) One fans imperialist country economic
nationalism a la Patrick Buchanan, Ross
Perot and to a lesser extent Richard
Gephardt. This camp benefits from the
irrational nihilism of many so-called
anarchists who have no way forward. 2)
The other camp accepts that the world is
getting smaller and seeks reforms of the
WTO and international trade agreements.
MIM belongs to this camp, because the
other camp speeds the planet toward an
intensification of world war. Included in
this camp should be the oppressed nation
economic nationalists seeking to compete
on terms more favorable with the rich.
For MIM, one great class struggle
occurred recently in Berkeley, California
where the labor aristocracy showed us
internationalists that the labor aristocracy
is in the saddle, not us, even in the
supposedly most radical city in Amerika.
Over 70% of voters would not require
coffee shops to use coffee beans from
"fair trade" certified sources.
It's one of the few class struggles in
Amerika in recent times that was not
Oxfam shows respectable internationalist reformism
strictly intra-bourgeois. There was real
proletarian content to that struggle in
Berkeley which we lost.
MIM wants to be clear with people that
Oxfam cannot succeed, because the
economic and political interests blocking
it will not surrender without revolution.
Any concept of "free trade" or "fair
trade" is only a pipe-dream under
capitalism. Nonetheless, as even most
calling themselves "revolutionaries" have
not figured that out yet, and because the
alternative to Oxfam reformism is
reactionary reformism, we encourage
many people to join MIM or Oxfam.
Revolutionaries should hook up with MIM
and weak-kneed reformists and charity-
lovers should push Oxfam's project as far as they
We encourage anyone launching a "fair
trade" offensive to keep MIM informed.
We can publicize it in our publications and
website as well.
Imperialism kills
Dear MIM,
Why don't you have a spot in your
paper where you print what the
Americans say is the recent number of
dead (`913'), and they don't print the
ones they cart away wounded and thus
die, the poor slobs. Those few on tap
come home with legs or arms or eyes
cut out, they can't get the right
compensation for their ills. There's so
much more, but you should print the
true deaths in your paper; it would
wake the sleepers up for sure. You owe
it to the people.
--a reader in Los Angeles, 5 August
Indeed, the Amerikan military does not
like to report on the number of U$ soldiers
killed and wounded in Iraq. Although it
publishes press releases on individual
deaths, it does not tally them ("we don't
do body counts" is the quote from U$
general Tommy Franks). It even tried to
censor photos of flag-draped coffins
returning to the United $tates.
Information on the number and severity
of non-fatal wounds is also difficult to
So as a public service we publish the
current numbers (as of 30 Aug 2004)
Iraqi civilians 11,707
U$ military fatalities 973
U$ allies' military fatalities 66
U$ military wounded total 6,497
U$ military wounded RTD 2,992
"Wounded RTD" means wounded in
action, returned to duty within 72 hours.
This gives some idea of the severity of
the wounds suffered. More than half of
the total wounded were militarily
incapacitated for over three days.
U$ military recruiters try to lure
recruits with promises of money for
college and adventure in exotic places.
Some even suggest Amerikan youth are
less likely to die by gun violence in Iraq
than in Amerikan cities--a ridiculous
claim that we debunked in MIM Notes
305. The truth is being a soldier is
dangerous. Unlike targets on a shooting
range, people tend to shoot back, especially
when they consider you a member of an
A public service announcement brought to you by MIM
illegitimate occupying army.
Young people! Don't make a devil's
bargain! Don't join the U$ military! Not
only will you be part of the system of
violence and oppression, but you might
end up tallied in one of the figures above.
Iraqi civilians:; U$ &
allies' military:
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 4
by Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell
London: Zed Books, 2004.
This is the right topic for a book, a topic
dear to MIM's heart. The first 100 pages
seem to rebut the Amerikan public that
thinks September 11th came out of the
blue. Burbach and Tarbell show the U$
history of imperialism, including those
leading Amerikan voices for empire ever
since 1776.
One point we like in this book is that
pretty much as soon as Negri and Hardt
wrote "Empire"--which claimed there is
one global capitalist empire already
without conflicts among nation-states--
the United $tates asserted its national
interests and took over Afghanistan and
Iraq, the latter especially without
international sanction (p. 197). The only
function a book like Negri's and Hardt's
now can serve is capitulation to the United
After proving the historical existence
of U$ imperialism, Burbach and Tarbell
focus on recent times under Bush.
Burbach and Tarbell come to some
surprising conclusions, mostly by analogy
with Rome and via the works of others
who have written about the decline of
empires. Burbach and Tarbell tell us that
with Bush in power, the fall of empire is
a matter of a few years, maybe even 1 to
4 (p. 195). Something worth considering
is that competent administrators such as
Clinton prolong the agony of crisis while
people like Bush may be speeding it up.
On the point of the collapse of U$
empire, Burbach and Tarbell created the
title of the book but provided little build-
up. For an example of the kind of build-
up we needed more of, we learn that in
2003 "of the thirty-three active-duty
brigades only three were actually free for
new duties" (p. 11), thanks to all the
military activities of the U$ empire.
In response to this overstretch,
Democrats such as Hillary Clinton and
John Kerry are calling for an expansion
of the military while the Pentagon wants
funding for new weapons systems
instead. Thus far, the Republicans and
Democrats have united in increasing the
size of the government budget deficit by
spending for both weapons and soldiers.
Readers of MIM Notes and the MIM
web page have seen most of the factual
material in this book already. Burbach and
Tarbell add some slight social-democratic
illusions as well that we would not. For
example, they trot out the usual facts on
how military spending produces fewer
jobs than other kinds of spending. (p. 5)
That's an example of something MIM
does not stress, because building a social-
democratic state is not our priority and
because the statement implies that in
exchange for enough jobs the authors will
put away their concerns about imperialist
war--not a good idea in this day and age.
At the beginning of the century the
European rulers offered their workers
pensions and employment in exchange for
war. On the other hand, it is an important
kind of point if one believes that capitalists
do what is most rational for business
overall. In fact, there is nothing that says
the capitalists appreciate anything of the
drawbacks of military and prison
spending for the economy.
In response to communism, Burbach
and Tarbell said it did not take root in the
Amerikan culture, thus leaving discussion
of imperialism in intellectuals' hands (p.
31). They also attack the Soviet Union's
interventions in Eastern Europe while
making clear that U$ interventions have
been historically unprecedented in scope
and ferocity. (p. 57) By page 70, we see
that the authors accepted the Brezhnevite
premise that foreign aid to Soviet allies
was greater than the gains from
In MIM's opinion, Burbach and Tarbell
needed to develop such points more
deeply. They have misunderstood both
the Soviet and U$ crises. For the same
reason that the U$ empire does not pick
the social spending that produces the most
jobs, the Soviet empire's compulsion to
export capital did not necessarily take any
particular form suitable for any particular
short-term goals that Burbach and Tarbell
would accept as reasonable even for
When we argue about pre-socialist
systems where planning has yet to reach
full acceptance, we must break from
thinking that some bourgeois ultra-planner
at the top can fully control bourgeois
development or would seek to do so
toward definite ends other than business
competition narrowly construed. Such
bourgeois planners will in fact not even
be able to maximize the profit of the
system as a whole, both because they
have no theoretical system to be able to
do so and because the state itself is not
an even-handed representative of the
bourgeois class. Some parts of the
capitalist class have more influence on
the state than others and those sections
with more influence will use the state to
make more profit. The only given is that
the individual capitalist will seek to
succeed in business competition. There
is nothing saying that the winners of such
competition will succeed in making the
state undertake a course of action to
maximize profits for capitalism in all its
business branches as a whole.
The closest thing to an overall strategy
for the imperialists is appeasement of the
bond markets; yet, these bond markets
are notorious for their psychological
fragility. One may rightly suspect that
expanding the U$ military in order to
export less oil from Iraq than before is
not the kind of thing the bond market will
accept not only universally but
increasingly at the margin.
Even if Bush does con the public into
ever greater wasteful military spending
and thus pump up military-contractor
profits, it's far from clear that really boosts
overall profitability. The nature of the
bond market is one reason that Burbach
and Tarbell are right to point out the
strange situation where the United $tates
alienates the rest of the world and then
borrows from it to attack more countries.
Burbach and Tarbell say the financial
markets are not going to tolerate that
much longer.
In this sense, we are close to the
position of Burbach and Tarbell. Whether
they know it or not, the U$ imperialists
have already lost the game. It is U$
imperialism that has the most to lose in
the slow down in trade and business
caused by the "war on terrorism." Other
countries and political actors have long
ago built their strategies without depending
on freer trade. The United $tates benefits
most from easy border crossings and
greater peace. This gets lost in the
imperialist vision, because the imperialists
see booming military, security and prison
profits without grasping the overall
Militarism is war-mongering or the
advocacy of war or actual carrying out
of war or its preparations.
While true pacifists condemn all
violence as equally repugnant, we
Maoists do not consider self-defense
or the violence of oppressed nations
against imperialism to be militarism.
Militarism is mostly caused by
imperialism at this time. Imperialism is
the highest stage of capitalism--seen
in countries like the United $tates,
England and France.
Under capitalism, capitalists often
profit from war or its preparations.
Yet, it is the proletariat that does the
dying in the wars. The proletariat
wants a system in which people do not
have self-interest on the side of war-
profiteering or war for imperialism.
Militarism is one of the most
important reasons to overthrow
capitalism. It even infects oppressed
nations and causes them to fight each
It is important not to let capitalists risk
our lives in their ideas about war and
peace or the environment. They have
already had two world wars admitted
by themselves in the last 100 years and
they are conducting a third right now
against the Third World.
Even a one percent annual chance of
nuclear war destruction caused by
capitalist aggressiveness or "greed" as
the people call it should not be tolerated
by the proletariat. After playing
Russian Roulette (in which the bullet
chamber is different each time and not
related at all to the one that came up in
previous spins) with 100 chambers and
one bullet, the chance of survival is
only 60.5% after 50 turns. In other
words, a seemingly small one percent
annual chance of world war means
eventual doom. After 100 years or turns
of Russian Roulette, the chances of
survival are only 36.6%. After 200
years, survival has only a 13.4%
What is militarism?
The unsustainability of Amerikan aggression
Review: Imperial Overstretch: George W. Bush & the Hubris of Empire
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 5
Average Monthly Combat Fatalities in
Afghan Civilian
U$ Military
Superficial, bourgeois internationalism in `Axis of Evil'
Review: Inventing the Axis of Evil: The Truth About North Korea, Iran, and Syria
Bruce Cumings, Ervand
Abrahamian, Moshe Ma'oz
The New Press (2004) 213 pp.
MIM can't recommend this book,
except as a quick substitute for reading
the last two years of the New York Times
or Foreign Affairs. It contains some
factual tidbits, many showing how the
United $tates fostered the very regimes
President Bush now calls "evil." But
these tidbits don't make up for the
authors' rather superficial analysis and
bourgeois-internationalist biases. For
example, readers interested in Korea
would well to skip Bruce Cumings' essay
and instead read MIM Notes' coverage
over the last two years; we cover the
same material, but better.(1)
Readers interested in the limitations of
the bourgeois internationalist opposition
to Bush and his neo-conservative coterie
might want to dwell on the Cumings essay,
however. Cumings falls into the "mistakes
were made" school of history, along with
former Secretary of defense and war
criminal Bob McNamara.(2) Both
Cumings and McNamara do a pretty
good job exposing Amerika's leading role
in some of the 20th century's worst
atrocities, especially the Korean and
Vietnamese wars. But both blame these
crimes on Amerikan leaders' mistaken
ideas, not the economic system of
Cumings thinks that if the Amerikan
government had only shown a little more
patience, it could have avoided the Korean
and Vietnam wars and other fiascos--
and still have come out on top of the
struggle against "communism." There
were good, socio-historical reasons
Koreans and other oppressed nations
adopted radical land reform and anti-
colonial programs, Cumings argues, and
this made them sympathetic to
communism. If, instead of waging overt
and covert anti-communist wars, the
Amerikans had been patient and
supported their just anti-feudal and anti-
colonial struggles, then these former
oppressed nations would eventually have
gotten over their radical phase and
embraced liberal capitalism.
Aside from overestimating the allure of
liberal capitalism--look at the decline in
life expectancies in Russia since the
collapse of the Soviet Union--Cumings
overestimates the imperialists' ability to
abstain from conquest. He approvingly
quotes former diplomat and architect of
the post-WWII "containment" doctrine
George Kennan:
"I considered that if and when we had
succeeded in persuading the Soviet
leadership that the continuation of [their]
expansionist policies... would be, in many
respects, to their disadvantage, then the
moment would have come for serious
talks with them about the future of
Europe. But when... this moment had
arrived--when we had made our point
with the Marshall plan, with ... the Berlin
blockade and other measures--when the
lesson I wanted to see us convey to
Moscow had been successfully conveyed,
then it was one of the greatest
disappointments of my life to discover that
neither our government nor our Western
European allies had any interest in
entering into such discussions at all. What
they and others wanted from Moscow,
with respect to the future of Europe, was
essentially `unconditional surrender.' They
were prepared to wait for it. And this was
the beginning of forty years of Cold
Kennan and Cumings fail to understand
that the cold war was an imperialist war.
On the one hand, the Amerikans (and
eventually the social-imperialist Soviets)
fought to preserve and expand their
colonial empire; on the other, oppressed
nations fought for liberation. The
Amerikans couldn't do anything but "kick
them while they were down." As Lenin
taught us in "Imperialism," the economic
pressures of monopoly capitalism drive
imperialist powers to divide and re-divide
the world; they cannot rest content with
their little piece of the world, they have
to try and take way their neighbor's
piece--or die.
This is the key point that people working
to eliminate war and colonial exploitation
have to understand: it's the economic
system of imperialism that drives nations
to war, not leaders' persynalities.
Measures that do not challenge this
underlying system--clever diplomacy or
well-meaning reforms--cannot prevent
war or end exploitation. In fact, the more
likely such "pragmatic" measures are to
change something fundamental the less
likely they will ever be adopted by the
powers-that-be--unless they are under
duress from more radical forces.
The Kennans, McNameras and
Cumings of the past 150 years have
shown us that it is impossible to reform
imperialism, no matter how clever one is.
If we want to keep the humyn race from
blowing itself up with its latest hyper-
deadly invention, we have to attack the
capitalist system, and fight for socialism,
which eliminates economic competition
among nations and makes true
cooperation possible.
1. See e.g. MN253, MN261, MN262,
MN271, MN272, MN273, MN275,
2. See
M I M / b o o k s t o r e / b o o k s / a s i a /
3. Pp.45-46.
people that more Special Forces and
greater UN involvement in Amerika's
"war on terror" will bring peace. Given
the current mess in Afghanistan Kerry
and his supporters are either lying or
willfully ignorant.
Those in the ABB ("Anybody But
Bush") camp may be tactically correct:
to win the votes he needs outside of the
big coastal cities Kerry needs to show he
can "take care of business," militarily
speaking. But this is a case where sound
tactics lead to ultimate failure because
the overall goal was poorly chosen. The
ABB crowd may well find themselves
with a president who creates one, two,
three Afghanistans--assuming he can
find any allies, as many of the
governments that backed Amerika in
Afghanistan are waiting on the sidelines
to see how Amerika handles the current
crisis of its own making in Iraq.
In the year after Don Rumsfeld
declared major combat in Afghanistan
over on 31 May 2003 ("we clearly have
moved ... to a period of ... stabilization
and reconstruction activities") between
1,532 and 1,845 people have died from
military operations.(3) 386 of these were
civilians, compared to 343 from the
No end in sight to Amerika's `war on terror'
previous 18 months. (The initial bombing
campaign killed over 2,500 civilians.) The
civilian combat fatality rate more than
doubled in the first eight months of 2004
relative to 2003. U$ military fatalities are
also up slightly (see chart). Far from
slacking off, resistance to the Amerikan-
led occupation is picking up.
Kerry and his egghead advisors ignore
the basic facts. So do Bush, Cheney et
al. The "war on terror" is not a war
between Amerika and a few nihilist
lunatics who "hate freedom." It is
Amerika's futile attempt to put a lid on
the struggle of the oppressed, who, having
exhausted all other mean of struggle, have
taken up the one method Amerikans
understand: violence. The United $tates
long ago used up the good will of the
oppressed masses. The oppressed will not
listen to pretty words and empty promises
forever while the United $tates runs
roughshod over their rights and Amerikan
companies exploit them.
Only a serious program of reparations
for superexploitation, stolen resources,
and lives lost due to imperialist aggression
can begin to win back that good will and
pave the path to peace. But this program
cannot be implemented through capitalist
elections; the companies who profit from
Third World superexploitation and from
arms sales can buy media coverage and
elections. The system doesn't need a few
tweaks--it needs a complete overhaul.
1. Associated Press, 29 Aug 2004.
2. CNN, 29 Aug 2004.
3. Numbers taken from Professor
Marc Herold's webpage http:// He
compiled them from published news
reports; as such they are incomplete but
the best we know of. Where no range is
given we use his lower estimate of the
number of deaths.
Continued from page 1...
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 6
and "Maoists" lose the battle to represent
the super-exploited by their failure to
concretely expose super-exploitation and
target the super-exploiting enemies.
Obvious sell-outs
The bourgeois press made it no secret
that after September 11 2001, the CIA
landed in Afghanistan with paper bags full
of money to buy off political leaders.(3)
This sort of thing has gone on throughout
the Mideast and even many of the most
stupid and reactionary pseudo-Marxists
ranging from Trotskyists to neo-
Hoxhaites have figured out that much
along with the fact that NGOs (non-
governmental organizations) are playing
a similar role throughout the Third World.
Along these lines the Iraqi "Communist
Party" volunteered to serve in George
Bush's occupation regime in Iraq. It's
important to understand that this goes
against not just "MIM Thought," but also
the universal teachings of Lenin, Stalin
and Mao. This is so obvious that it is
almost not worth mentioning.
Clandestine sell-outs
In addition to the obvious, in-daylight
sellouts in the Middle East, there are also
clandestine sell-outs. Like the Liberals in
the Iraqi CP and the CP=U$A that
supports it, there are many in the Middle
East and other places who have decided
that attacking "theocratic fascism" takes
higher priority than attacking U$
imperialist interests.
No doubt Russia and China have their
cynical geo-political interests involved in
enticing U$ imperialism into becoming the
world's two-fisted liberal against Islam.
Those thrilled with this idea should see
their new allies. One of those denouncing
"theocratic fascism" is Christopher
Hitchens. The other is the practically John
Birch society rag "Front Page
Magazine"(4) which has called for a
Congressional investigation of MIM.
Hitchens is hawking his credentials as a
journalist in favor of a war crimes trial
for Henry Kissinger et al. regarding
Vietnam while simultaneously talking up
G.W. Bush. Even worse, J. Sakai is calling
September 11 2001 the work of "Pan-
islamic fascism pressing home their
war."(5) Since none of these Liberals
ever claimed to buy into Lenin's theory
of imperialism as the highest stage of
capitalism dominated by finance capital,
we cannot say we are surprised. They
are all entitled to define fascism in
whatever useless way that they want.
The real problem comes when a similar
approach comes out of many
"communists" with a half-assed reading
of Dimitrov and Stalin, because Stalin
targeted the fascist imperialists "first"
during World War II. Many Third World
wannabe compradors with a Liberal
streak adopt Marxist-Leninist or even
Maoist camouflage while claiming to
target "theocratic fascism" "first." What
they did not read in the definition of
Bin Laden and the Concept of `Theocratic Fascism'
fascism used by Dimitrov and Stalin is
that fascism is a strategy of "finance-
capital." In other words, fascism stems
from imperialism, not some local tradition
of Islam or the like, which is really just
obtaining its strength from taking up the
nationalism of the oppressed nations.
There are no imperialist countries in the
Middle East except for I$rael. None have
reached the stage of having the banking
organization that coordinates global
business, so fascists in the Middle East
are only there as puppets of U$
The pseudo-anti-fascist struggle by
Third World Liberals is clandestine in two
aspects. First, Liberals are hiding in many
parts of the world inside communist
parties, because full-blown consistent
Western Liberalism has no chance, no
electoral popularity in many Third World,
Middle East and ex-Soviet bloc localities.
It's the opposite in the majority-exploiter
countries where liberalism is mainstream,
so that the accusation usually runs the
other way around--that communists
might be adopting liberal camouflage in
the majority-exploiter countries.
Secondly, the Third World Liberals are
clandestine in hiding their line of attacking
local reactionaries through alliance with
the government agencies of imperialism.
What these Liberals masquerading as
communists have done is hijack the
proletarian banner for a bourgeois-
democratic pipedream. They have no idea
why even for as large a country as China,
Mao said, socialism is the "only way out."
The clandestine Liberals hope no one
notices that they are working with
George W. Bush's state apparatus.
Between the open sell-outs like the
Iraqi "CP" and the clandestine sell-outs
who are really just two-fisted Liberals
seeking like-minded support in the United
$tates, "Marxism-Leninism" and even
Mao's image have been dimmed.
Confusion-spreading sell-outs
Another road to selling the struggle
short and making Osama Bin Laden look
like a giant is the "tail wags the dog thesis"
that I$rael calls the shots in Russia and
the United $tates--e.g. the line of the
Syrian "Communist Party." In reality, this
line reflects the political flabbiness of the
Middle Eastern bourgeoisie. Rather than
admit that the United $tates is the root of
national oppression in the Middle East,
the bourgeoisie attempts to pin everything
on I$rael with its handful of millions of
exploiters instead of the United $tates
with its over 200 million exploiters. The
absolutely shameful thing is that this goes
on among those calling themselves
"Marxist-Leninist" even as U$ troops
stand in Iraq.
Connected to this approach of
downsizing the enemy to be more
manageable is the line that "we are a
small country. We cannot take on U$
imperialism. I$rael is about all we can
handle!" The truth is this shows a lack of
global perspective, something even the
bourgeois internationalists such as Clinton
and Bush Sr. have more of than most of
the Arab bourgeoisie. Even nutcase
Donald Rumsfeld knows that he's
stretched thin globally so he has ordered
a third of the troops out of Korea. For
that matter, even Osama Bin Laden thinks
more globally than some of our spineless
"communists" and comprador
bourgeoisie. Osama Bin Laden organized
in several Arab and non-Arab countries.
So it is not true that a small country ever
has to worry about taking on all of U$
imperialism for starters. Iraq is showing
how to take on the bulk of the U$ armed
forces as we speak.
Politically subtle sell-outs
Should the oppressed of the Middle East
decide to bolt from all the sorry excuses
regarding an oppressive reality, there is
one last hurdle before getting on the road
to Marxist-Leninist-Maoist liberation. The
centrists stand at the door.
Although there is a MIM saying that
the imperialist countries owe huge
reparations and have populations of
hundreds of millions of exploiters, the
centrists say there are 10% or 50 or 60
million enemies in the imperialist
countries. They echo the CP=U$A on the
class structure almost precisely. The
centrists assuage the flabby Arab
bourgeoisie by telling them tall tales about
Amerikan workers about to flip over to
the Arab side any day, thereby justifying
the Arab bourgeoisie's focus on the Jews.
The centrists are also there dampening
the struggle for reparations, again
counseling that Arabs not offend
Amerikan workers too much. When it
comes to Western exploiters operating in
their countries, the centrists are there with
a bleeding heart for Amerikans they call
"exploited," in the oil, food transport and
military contractor businesses.
The centrists of the imperialist countries
combine with Third World leaders to
present a social-imperialist future, one
complete with aspiring social-imperialist
leaders and aspiring social-imperialist
compradors. Together they are arranging
a new neo-colonialist deal for the future,
because it is always easier to re-engineer
a deal for division of surplus-value than
to take down imperialism and all its
attendant exploitation.
All of this must be combated without
subtlety. 1) Westerners in the Middle East
are exploiters. MIM calls on them to read
the writing on the wall and leave. 2) A
demand for reparations must go forward
to bring out the global proletariat to target
the real source of its problems. 3) The
comrades in the West must do whatever
else they can to make sure that the
comrades in the Middle East do not find
themselves outflanked in representing the
super-exploited masses of the plundered
countries. Islam vs. Maoism
In reality, Islam has no record of
success relative to Maoism. That's both
in terms of kicking out oppressors and
speed of social progress. If we purge the
rot from our Marxist-Leninist-Maoist
movement and adhere to its universal
principles we will get back on course and
earn the proper enmity of the imperialists.
The Iranian theocrats denounce "Great
Satan," the United $tates all the time, but
these leaders were not able to stop the
Iran-Iraq war that bled oppressed and
exploited people for the benefit of U$
imperialism. Of course, Saddam Hussein
deserves much of the blame for that war
serving U$ imperialism. On the other
hand, the only principle that can unite the
Arab and Iranian people against U$
imperialism is a secular one, and the
Iranian side is more to blame in that
question. The religious sects unable to
build an alliance against U$ imperialism
because of their supposed religious
divisions (but in reality their subordinated
class positions) only prove that they are
in league with "Great Satan."
MIM is clear that fascism is the
dictatorship of the most reactionary, most
chauvinistic, and most imperialist
elements of finance capital. Finance
capital is a crucial part of this definition;
this means that it is impossible to have
fascism without imperialism. The
imperialists export fascism to many Third
World countries via puppet governments.
And imperialist countries can turn to
fascism themselves. But it is important
to note that there is no third choice for
independent fascism in the world: they
are either imperialist or imperialist-
puppets. Germany, Spain, Italy and Japan
had all reached the banking stage of
capitalism and had a real basis for thinking
they could take over colonies from the
British and French.
The vast majority of the world's fascist-
ruled countries have been U$ puppets.
None would survive without U$
backing--whether El Salvador or
apartheid South Africa. Today possible
exceptions would be Russia and China.
They could go fascist and claim to have
reached the finance-capital stage of
capitalism; although in China we would
probably see some debate the point by
saying that China is too dependent on the
United $tates to be counted as
independently social-fascist. Even white-
ruled South Africa was a candidate for
fascism but fell out.
The notion that Saddam Hussein or
Osama Bin Laden could go fascist misses
that they are both former U$ puppets.
Saddam Hussein proved to have no
independent imperialist basis. As far as
we know about Osama Bin Laden, he
also cannot operate banks globally in the
manner of imperialist finance-capital.
Today Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin
Laden are both independent. They may
have aspired to fascism, but they are in
fact not fascists, because they are neither
imperialists nor their stooges. Osama Bin
Laden and Saddam Hussein are simply
unscientific competitors on our turf.
Khruschev/Gorbachev appeal
to the West
Continued from page 1...
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 7
The battle against fascism globally has
two scientific components: 1) for the
leaders; 2) for the masses. The
communist scientific leaders must know
the root causes of economic development,
as specifically stemming from the labor
theory of value. Labor occurs along with
poverty thanks to exploitation. The same
can be said of entire countries. There is
no positive record of independent fascist
economic development.
The uninformed intellectuals of the
Soviet bloc in the 1980s reacted badly
against social-fascist Brezhnevism and
actually believed Gorbachev Liberalism
was going to bring economic progress.
The root error was a misunderstanding
of the political economy of economic
development. In the ex-Soviet bloc, China
and the whole developing world, we must
win the battle for the intellectuals on
questions of economic development.
They must understand that there is no tool
better than Marxism for understanding
economic development. Key to that
Marxist understanding is labor
appropriation and its connection to the
distribution of wealth in the world.
Genocide and slavery started it, and
super-profits sustain the great Amerikan
economic miracle. It is not the case that
"free markets" and "democracy" bring
prosperity. It is now 2004, 15 years after
the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the notion
that the ex-Soviet people were going to
leap into Bloomingdale's by taking up
free-market capitalism is achieving the
same skeptical embrace that intellectuals
gave Brezhnevism.
Among the masses, we must be even
more concrete than in the questions of
surplus-value, labor appropriation and
uneven economic development. Among
the masses of the ex-Soviet bloc, China
and the whole developing world, we must
unleash their enthusiasm for proletarian
internationalism by giving detailed
demands for reparations their due. This
must be done before revolution in order
to unleash the full revolutionary potential
of the exploited masses who will
otherwise fall for Amerikan consumer
The fascists excel often by copying
Leninism and adding nationalism. There
is no reason to let Marxism-Leninism-
Maoism take a backseat to fascism or
Islamic nationalism or any mystical
competitor in the oppressed nations or ex-
Soviet bloc. Many of these competitors
will crowd into our turf of standing up for
the oppressed nations, but none will have
Marx's insight into economic injustice. No
matter what "spiritual" tradition they are
from, they won't be able to recognize
economic injustice when they see it--not
compared with Marxism.
What is more: no imperialist country
fascist is going to back the demand for
reparations. This will give the
international communist movement a leg
up over fascism. So we MIM
communists say it again: we don't want
to hear about any Third World comrades
letting fascists or Islamic nationalists get
the upper hand in nationalist credentials!
Our Third World comrades can point to
us. The fascist comrades in imperialist
countries will make it evident what self-
defeating projects Hitler-type fascism and
Limonov-style national bolshevism are.
They have no real prospects of
In this battle for the hearts of the
exploited and oppressed, we must not
repeat errors that communists have
already made. Lenin broke with all the
parasitic European social-democracy
when he formed the Third International.
When Khruschev came to power, the
socialist bloc had unprecedented power.
It had only to stay united on the road of
Lenin and Stalin to keep moving forward.
Yet at that very moment of communism's
greatest political power, Khruschev chose
to orient himself toward the Western labor
aristocracies by abandoning the Third
World armed struggles. Information about
this continues to seep out into the public.
Khruschev's splittest activities very much
pleased much of the Liberal rot
accumulating in Western "communist"
parties. According to Gromyko--no
blazing Stalin supporter himself--
Khruschev gave birth to
"Eurocommunism"--the watered down
"communism" which a good chunk of the
labor aristocracy adhered to in Western
From Khruschev to Gorbachev and the
very end of the Soviet Union, each step
rightward came with the justification by
the Soviet Politburo that it would make
the European "communist" parties more
popular. Indeed, Gorbachev openly
courted U$ public opinion so successfully
that 74% of the U.S. public gave him the
highest possible rating during the coup(7)
that marked the turning point ending
Gorbachev's rule in 1991. (When Reagan
retired his approval rating was said to be
68%. It hit a high point of 73% after an
assassination attempt and during the latter
stages of his senility.(7)) The truth is that
abandoning Stalin and socialism was in
fact popular with the Western
"communist" parties and U$ public
It's important not to repeat Khruschev's
history. Had Khruschev written off the
entire Western "working" class, the worst
that could have happened is that the West
would have threatened the Soviet Union
with nuclear annihilation--and had more
backing from the Western "workers"
than usual. Yet, the Soviet Union could
have handed back an amazing punishment
as well, a punishment that even our labor
aristocracy would understand. Instead of
catering to Yugoslavia and Western
European public opinion, Khruschev
should have taken advantage of his
military position to neutralize those while
turning up the heat by staying on Stalin's
road for the Third World. Chasing after
Western labor aristocracy popularity,
Khruschev broke with Mao, perhaps the
single greatest crime against the
international communist movement from
Khruschev became known for his
speech at the 20th Congress of the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
The speech attacked Stalin and
consolidated Mao's proletarian
internationalist duty to break away from
the Soviet Union. Today, Gorbachev and
Yeltsin are called "children of the 20th
Congress;"(8) though there continue to
be those calling themselves "communist"
too dense, pig-headed or accustomed to
bribery to admit it or understand its
implications. When Gorbachev made his
final moves to destroy the Soviet Union,
he had the assistance of a right-hand man
accused of Trotskyism during the Stalin
era--Yegor Ligachev.(9) Only after it
was too late did Ligachev admit he was
wrong in supporting Gorbachev. Trotsky,
Khruschev and Gorbachev are connected
together in history for their condemnation
of Stalin and contributions to the
dissolution of the Soviet Union.
It is only fitting that Ligachev was there
for the demise, because it was grandpa
of labor aristocracy-based revisionism
Trotsky who had excoriated Stalin for not
making the Soviet Union more appealing
to the Western workers. From the days
of Trotsky's delaying negotiations with
Germany on peace in World War I
(despite Lenin's insistence contrary) till
his death, Trotsky always had an
unrealistic sense of how much Western
European workers could help the Soviet
Revolution. Here is what he said about
the treaty with the Germans: "It was
necessary to give the European workers
time to absorb properly the very fact of
the Soviet revolution, including its policy
of peace."(10) That's his explanation for
why he delayed making peace with the
Germans despite orders from Lenin.
Trotsky wanted to wait for the Western
workers as usual. That's exactly the
same substance of what Khruschev and
Gorbachev were to say later.
The CIA itself has noted that in the end
the Soviet leaders did manage to move
public opinion in the West: "Polls in
Europe showed that Gorbachev's
popularity exceeded that of any Western
leader of the 20th century. Time chose
him Man of the Decade, and he received
the Nobel Peace Prize for 1990--a token
of the West's gratitude for his helping to
end the Cold War. Critical assessments
in the media and the scholarly journals
were rare."(11) Bush Sr. had to answer
the following question: "Q. Mr. President,
despite your recent success at the NATO
summit, Mr. Gorbachev seems to enjoy
far greater popularity in Western Europe
than you do. Why do you think that is,
and what can you do about it?" Bush
answered, "You know something? I don't
really care about that. I'm not interested
in that. I am delighted that he enjoys
popularity in Europe."(12) Hence, it
cannot be questioned that the USSR had
effective tactics to change Western
public opinion, but their tactics added up
to a strategy of alliance with the labor
aristocracy of the imperialist countries,
so the entire goal of the struggle was lost.
It's a case where political line should have
said that the strategy is wrong and
therefore the tactics effective but still not
desirable for the international proletariat.
The tactics worked; the strategy was left
somewhat shrouded to those of cloudy
politics, but the line was impermissible.
That is evident to anyone who had hoped
the Soviet Union would go down the
socialist road. Khruschev and Gorbachev
did succeed in producing a big change in
Western exploiter opinion and the result
was state-capitalism followed by open
free market capitalism.
Now what we have is this: Gorbachev
won higher approval ratings from the
Amerikan public than Reagan did and
Osama Bin Laden has higher ratings in
the Third World than any Soviet leader
including Khruschev and after. What good
did that do? This whole result proves that
socialism does not win with pragmatism.
It's a profound lesson, that yes, tactically
it is possible to maneuver a formerly
socialist state into popularity with the
Western labor aristocracy; however, the
game is not worth the candle.
Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=2870 Hitchens
is all over the Internet with the phrase
"theocratic fascism," e.g., http://
books/fascism/shock.html6. "USTINOV: It's
not a secret that the westerners never loved
us. But Khrushchev gave them such
arguments, such material, that we have
been discredited for many years.
"GROMYKO: Basically thanks to him the
so-called `Eurocommunism' was
resource19556.asp ;A discussion of
Reagan's ratings and how they became
dramatically better with the labor
aristocracy by bombing Libya is here: http:/
Gorbachev's approval ratings were higher
than Reagan's and Bush's, even moreso
then than in retrospect.
1987.html ;
b3827024_mz005.htm ;There are 26 Google
entries mentioning Gorbachev and his like
as "children of the 20th Congress" in which
Khruschev denounced Stalin.
9. Yegor Ligachev, Inside Gorbachev's
Kremlin: The Memoirs of Yegor Ligachev
(Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990), p. 10.
10. Trotsky, My Life http://
11. CIA, 1999,
12. Bush presidential library, http://
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 8
Bourne Supremacy (2004)
Directed by Paul Greengrass
Starring Matt Damon
The action in this film far outweighs its
cerebral plot. Although the CIA comes
off as a combination of stupid, inept,
corrupt and evil people following orders
or working on the black market, I predict
few people will notice.
Politically, it seems that the plot could
do no wrong. "Bourne Supremacy" is
about the CIA's and FSB's (Russia's
CIA) assassination of a politician opposed
to the privatization of oil in Russia and
the subsequent corruption of governments
by oil tycoons established by the CIA.
Of course, the facts of real life are that
the CIA was involved in privatization of
assets in Russia and spawning of the
mafia there. The privatization was very
bloody, not to mention unjust and in fact
the bleeding of Russia has yet to stop. In
the movie, a former CIA assassin even
apologizes to the Russian daughter of two
of his victims, thus rightfully raising the
question as to what good ends the CIA
serves with all its secrecy.
The plot line is all very contemporary,
so contemporary that the lines are stolen
from reality. When Iraq weapons
inspector Scott Ritter tried to tell the
Congress that the planned Iraq war
regarding weapons of mass destruction
was a sham, Senator Biden of Delaware
told Ritter that he was making judgments
above his pay grade, but the Boston
Herald movie reviewer thought that
comment was the wittiness of the
"Bourne Supremacy" script writer.(1)
Leave it to the official newspaper of the
Boston labor aristocracy to find a put-
down by people of higher rank an
entertainment high point in a movie. No
wonder Trump is such a hit with his reality
TV series saying "you're fired."
There are good reasons and bad
reasons to criticize the "Bourne
Supremacy," so we will defend this movie
against those who seek to sell the public
on its action alone, such as one critic who
said, "Unfortunately, much like its
predecessor, Supremacy's only real
failing is its muddled and confusing plot
about CIA cover-ups, espionage, and a
Russian politician. I'm sure there's a
cohesive story somewhere in this mess
(which a rewrite would have clarified),
but it's not completely necessary to figure
out."(2) Quite the contrary, there should
be more films that try to show power
struggle as it is; even though, the public
may refuse to believe it or even engage it
thanks to a naive existence.
Whenever a movie portrays a
sophisticated power struggle, the public
and some critics say the plot is
"confusing" or even "muddled." Such
spectators don't want to think. They want
the movie to drive the spectator instead
of the other way around. All the better if
the chairs would raise the soft drinks and
popcorn into our mouths and maybe the
arm rests should rise to open our mouths
to await the food to begin with.
MIM's criticism of "Bourne
Supremacy" would be different. The plot
and actors are in no way to blame, but
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Directed by Roland Emmerich
We have to hand it to Hollywood this
time--a very good movie. They even
came up with a revolutionary solution that
MIM did not think of. If the joint
dictatorship of the oppressed nations over
imperialism (JDPON) does not come
about in time to stop global warming, it's
still possible that "what goes around
comes around."
As the closing words of the movie point
out, there are other ways to clean up the
atmosphere. Sorry, Kanada, Iceland,
England--those are the breaks. On the
bright side, the Emmerich solution
improves relations with Mexico. We have
secretly obtained some excised script
notes here that apparently did not make
it into the movie. The Vice President of
the United $tates came from a mega-
corporation, called "Hailabunchon" that
operates in oil and puts the squeeze on all
forward thinking on energy. While in
office, he steadfastly turns away all
scientific advice on the causes of global
Training for the brain
Bourne Supremacy overwhelms with action
the scripting of such intense action will
have the effect of glorifying the life of a
CIA assassin or covert operative. The
various dim bulbs will fail to see the
substance while seeking to join the CIA
out of some romantic and adventurist hope
for a thrill. In the end, if George Bush
can use Woodward's book Plan of Attack
to boost his campaign, then "Bourne
Supremacy" might as well be a recruiting
tool for the CIA.
For the rest of us with set careers apart
from the CIA, the film is just yet another
long scene of violence seemingly justified.
Instead of organizing a communist
movement to do away with secrecy and
oil motivations behind that secrecy,
Bourne takes on the main capitalist states
of the world by himself on behalf of his
sense of privacy and family. The novelty
in this film is that Bourne is so
aggressively violent that he has the
gumption to take the battle to the enemy
instead of waiting for legions of evil
assassins and cops to kill him. So in this
movie, Bourne happens to be completely
right, but we're sure the public will not
notice. Instead, he's just another example
that copy-cat serial killers will follow.
e m p o r i u m . n s f / 0 /
warming, because too many corporate
interests are at stake.
When the president goes soft and starts
giving government orders that affect the
corporations' business, Hailabunchon
cronies arrange to have him die and make
it look natural. Then the Vice President
comes to power. Hailabunchon also pays
off droves of scientists to cover up the
effects of fossil-fuel dependency.
Nonetheless, one heroic scientist working
with some other people deemed lesser
lights for making lesser money figured out
that global warming was going to melt
too much Antarctic ice.
Unfortunately, our discontented but not
discontented enough scientist and would-
be hero joined a phony communist party
working for the labor aristocracy. While
he was at demonstrations chanting for
higher welfare payments to the top richest
10% of people in the world and trying to
move his own salary from the top 5% to
the top 4% and getting "30 for 40" in the
United $tates, a proletarian party
organizing people hungry for change
languished without his support. At a
crucial rally of 1 million people, our would-
be hero led the people off track and the
JDPON had to delay coming to power,
when the weather started changing.
Our would-be hero was critical of
mega-corporations and the Vice-
President, but he channeled that into
petty-bourgeois channels instead of
realizing that the capitalist corruption of
truth-production, distribution and
implementation processes was more
important than the white-collar class's
economic demands. He knew somehow
that the question of the status of scientists
like himself was somehow at issue, but
he never studied Marxism-Leninism-
Maoism-MIM Thought. He had read a
lot of books to get his earth science Ph.D.
and now he was kind of tired of studying.
When the Vice-President came to
power, he made mea culpa for the
previous disasters, only because he had
invested in Mexican hotel chains first. The
process of corrupt truth production started
anew, from a base in Mexico when our
earth scientist finally joined MIM. Better
late than never.
As far as the movie acting and scenes
go, the point was to be overwhelming to
the point where one has to be a bit
cerebral. There's no hope in physical
resistance. Even the people on the margin
of survival do not have the scenes or
acting of say a "Poseidon Adventure."
The kid was either going to drown at the
payphone or not, and it was not going to
be glorious. We'd blame it on the actors,
but it was like that in all the scenes. The
nervous tension is not quite as high in this
film as some others, simply because
nature is too overwhelming in this film
and the director chose to do scenes and
acting that do not match up with some
other disaster flicks. All in all, though,
given the script, we think the choices are
justified. Maybe they saved a few bucks
too. Off hand, I can't think of a better
disaster film, to which people could say
that's not saying much, but really--it was
very good.
Disaster flick shows new solution to environmental problems
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 9
Directed by Michael Mann (2004)
A contract killer hires a taxi for the night
to drive him to his hits in Los Angeles. In
the wrong place at the wrong time, the
cabbie looks for opportunities to escape,
but gets himself into even more trouble.
The killer's employer is a drug cartel with
a Mexican face.
This summer has seen a few movies
defending the overall integrity and
legitimacy of the law enforcement
agencies of the United $nakes in subtle
("The Bourne Supremacy", "The
Manchurian Candidate") and not so subtle
ways ("Spider-Man 2"). To the latter, we
may add "Collateral."
The drug cartel in "Collateral" is "an
offshore narcotrafficking cartel,"
according to the movie's website. In the
movie itself, little is said about the cartel.
From what we can tell, it seems to be
involved with heroin produced in
Southeast and Southwest Asia, and
cocaine and heroin produced in Latin
America. In the real world, these areas
are major sources of the cocaine and
heroin in the united $tates. Lieutenant
Colonel James "Bo" Gritz and University
of Wisconsin Professor Alfred McCoy
have each discussed the relationship
between the CIA and heroin distribution
in the united $tates, and the CIA's
involvement in cocaine distribution has
been well-reported.
Leaving the theater, one would think
that there was absolutely no relationship
between cocaine in Los Angeles, and the
U$ government. All we see in "Collateral"
is a jurisdiction conflict between the FBI
and the LAPD, and the typical remarks
about how the other organization is trying
to take credit for catching the bad guy
who is giving the morgue a lot of business.
This reviewer wishes that "Collateral"
would have gone with this idea further, to
expose the link between homicide and
capitalism. To the scriptwriter's credit, all
of the homicides depicted in the movie,
including the killings of the white men who
mug the cabbie Max (Jamie Foxx), are
clearly a consequence of private
property. But the movie gives us no way
out of this situation.
To justify his line of work, Vincent (Tom
Cruise) makes a comment about how,
some time ago, nobody noticed a corpse
on the MTA (metro rail) for six hours.
He also talks about how the media blows
the deaths of privileged people in the
United $tates out of proportion and forgets
about Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Rwanda.
He criticizes Max for not getting as upset
about these things. Vincent's remarks are
more cynical than anything else.
Certainly, by spending his own time
serving drug capitalists, Vincent is doing
nothing about these massive deaths.
What's wrong with "Collateral" is not that
it depicts Colombian or Mexican big drug
capitalists as being Vincent's employer,
or that Vincent's killing of a Korean
witness is almost the climax of the movie,
but that the movie distorts the U$
government's involvement in the
distribution of Colombian cocaine in Los
Angeles. Not for nothing is the CIA called
the "Cocaine Importing Agency"(1). At
the same time, "Collateral" whips up
support for the incarceration of oppressed
nationalities. "Kalifornia's Three Strikes
law and federal sentencing guidelines for
cocaine disproportionately target Blacks
and Latinos. The high incarceration rates
for petty so-called crimes and the courts'
complicity with police who harass and
arrest people from oppressed communities
on trumped up charges show that the
Amerikan injustice system is not about
stopping crime; rather, it is about social
control. Meanwhile the biggest
criminals--the cops themselves and
politicians and militarists like the coke-
importing CIA--these criminals go
unpunished."(2) "Collateral" offers no
alternative to the Amerikan injustice
Even the atmosphere of "Collateral" is
pessimistic. The movie's almost exclusive
use of nighttime urban party and urban
street scenes, and lonely subway cars,
set in Amerikkka is typically
"postmodern" in feel and politically
discouraging. Max's potential intimate
relationship with the Department of
Justice lawyer, Annie (Jada Pinkett
Smith), seems a welcome respite.
Why would Max want to seek refuge
in romance culture? Economically
speaking, this is not clear. Max has
continuously been a taxi driver for twelve
years, and as Vincent points out, Max
could have made a down payment on a
luxury car to start the limousine business
that he often talks about. Vincent criticizes
Max for not having more ambition. Max
is petty-bourgeois, and on speaking terms
with moneyed white people. In the
hospital room scene with Max's mother,
it is made painfully obvious that Max
aspires to be "more" than a taxi driver.
(Max had been telling his mother that he
was already a limo driver.) But he also
has the means to do so, in the long run if
not the short.
When "Collateral" makes a point of
emphasizing Max's economic situation,
we have to be clear on some things here.
Not only is Max not exploited (MIM has
already explained in Notes and Theory
how incomes at or above the U$ legal
minimum wage typically do not represent
exploitation), Max is a net beneficiary of
imperialism with superprofits shifting his
income upward. One has only to drive a
few hours south of L.A. to see taxi drivers
in Tijuana who get one-fifth or less of
Max's annual income(3). Tijuana cabbies
do not have Max's luxury to give free
rides to anyone. Jamie Foxx says that he
"really drew upon from the black
experience"(4) in his performance as
Max, who is supposedly adverse to calling
on the police. This is bullshit. Although
his fear is understandable, Max does try
to use the police more than a couple of
times. Also, he ends up in the arms of
Department of Justice prosecutor Annie,
who is Black. Undercover LAPD officer
Fanning appears to be friendly to Max.
The clear message is that the blue uniform
is Max's friend. Finally, Vincent is
depicted as being a cold-blooded killer.
But this does not stop the movie from
"humanizing" him, and we have to ask
ourselves, to what purpose? This is more
of that amorality that is typical of
postmodernists and which makes it
difficult to talk about who is oppressed,
and who is oppressive, in the world.
As if to recognize the limitations of the
postmodern approach, "Collateral" tries
to provide a specific objective basis for
the violence it depicts. Vincent suggests
that he suffered physical abuse as a child,
which, leaving aside the empirical validity
of this cycle-of-crime theory, ignores the
fact that most of today's crimes would
be impossible in a classless society without
1. "Who profits from the drug trade?,"
MIM Notes 55,
Politics/MIM/mn/mn.php?issue=055 ;
"Cocaine Importing Agency," http://
ben/news/cia/ ; "CIA Hawking Heroin in
2. "West coast RAIL rallies opposition
to imperialism," MIM Notes 161, http://
mn.php?issue=161 4. "Angry Tijuana
cabbies push past police, tell grievances
to mayor,"
3. "The Thrill of It All: Tom Cruise and
Jamie Foxx on making Collateral," http://
w w w . f r e e t i m e s . c o m /
4. "By 1970, Huey Newton and
Eldridge Cleaver were both putting
forward something a little different than
what would be found in standard Maoist
circles. Influenced by Fanon, they took
up Lenin and wrote off the economic
demands of the middle-classes as
imperialist parasitism. Then they said what
was left was the lumpenproletariat. This
represented the correct recognition that
salary and wage-receiving people within
U$ borders are labor-aristocracy or
higher, unless they are undocumented."
"On the internal class structures of the
internal semi-colonies," http://
"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban" (2004)
Directed by Alfonso Cuarón
While "Shrek 2" set the record for
reaching $300 million in sales by doing it
in 18 days, "Harry Potter: The Prisoner
of Azkaban" hit the market and also did
well. As we said about the previous Harry
Potter movie "The Chamber of Secrets,"
"The Prisoner of Azkaban" deserves a
neutral to somewhat positive rating.
"Prisoner" is almost the best we can
expect from bourgeois liberalism's films
for children. It's pointedly anti-fascist--
giving the boot to eugenics in the opening
scene, where Aunt Marge talks about the
parents of Harry Potter in a disparaging
way as reflecting on Harry.
Many critics said this was the best of
the three Potter films, probably because
it has the most adult depth--by which I
am totally excluding sex. Australians
heard that children under 15 should not
see the film. That seems a bit excessive
to us. 13 should definitely be OK.
There continue to be lots of curios and
special effects. As we said before in the
"Chamber of Secrets" review, the fantasy
element--including going back in time--
is heavy. This can lead to escapism, but
there is recognizable struggle that offsets
the losses, so let it not be said that MIM
opposes all fantasy.
The state is still unable to eradicate
crime despite all the wizards running
about and it errs by putting in prison Sirius
Black, framed by someone who later
changed himself into a rat. Bourgeois
democracy is not developed yet, because
Sirius Black does not have a trial before
being sent off to prison. The propaganda
machine goes into overdrive to demonize
a totally innocent man and he nearly dies
for it.
The guards in charge of Sirius Black
are "Dementos" who suck the life out of
people, but Sirius Black builds his
fearsome reputation by getting by them
all. Dementos lower the quality of life of
everyone in the kingdom. They have one-
track minds to pursue their quarry and
they are not able to distinguish the
innocent from their quarry. Their presence
even damages business at bars. Thus, the
script-writer is a shrewd persyn aware
of the prison mentality's effect on the
whole society. We would only add that in
real life Dementos would have unions, and
those unions would make sure that more
prisons get built, guards hired and secrecy
built in connection to any abuses by prison
guards, most recently including two prison
guards who went to Iraq and continued
their profession at Abu Ghraib.
Collateral obscures U$ role in Colombian cocaine
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 10
MIM on
Prisons & Prisoners
MIM seeks to build public opinion
against Amerika's criminal injustice sys-
tem, and to eventually replace the bour-
geois injustice system with proletarian jus-
tice. The bourgeois injustice system im-
prisons and executes a disproportionately
large and growing number of oppressed
people while letting the biggest mass mur-
derers -- the imperialists and their lack-
eys -- roam free. Imperialism is not op-
posed to murder or theft, it only insists that
these crimes be committed in the interests
of the bourgeoisie.
"All U.S. citizens are criminals--
accomplices and accessories to the crimes
of U.$. oppression globally until the day
U.$. imperialism is overcome. All U.S.
citizens should start from the point of view
that they are reforming criminals."
MIM does not advocate that all
prisoners go free today; we have a
more effective program for fighting
crime as was demonstrated in China
prior to the restoration of capitalism
there in 1976. We say that all prisoners
are political prisoners because under
the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, all
imprisonment is substantively
political. It is our responsibility to
exert revolutionary leadership and
conduct political agitation and
organization among prisoners --
whose material conditions make them
an overwhelmingly revolutionary
group. Some prisoners should and will
work on self-criticism under a future
dictatorship of the proletariat in those
cases in which prisoners really did do
something wrong by proletarian
Under Lock & Key
News from Prisons & Prisoners
California DOC
Budget Crisis
We are currently keeping tabs on the
ongoing propaganda campaign being
espoused by the Department of Corruption.
A fellow convict who receives the local
newspaper sent around an article where the
chapter president of the guards union claims
the state system is only over-budget because
we receive "name brand medications" and
"elective surgery." (Although the operations
manual and title both securely state that no
prisoner can or will receive any form of
"elective surgery.") I suppose they're hoping
that blatant lies will help keep their pockets
lined with pay-raises and other incentives.
-- A California Prisoner, May 2004
Fighting back
behind the bars
I just wanted to say thank you for sending
your newsletter to me. I let everyone read it,
and a lot of them are feeling what you're
saying. I just ask that you continue to send
me your newsletter because me and everyone
else here is in ad-seg waiting to go to a SHU
program. We will be here longer because we
held our food trays, and demonstrated in here
about the conditions (no yard, clippers, books
to read, etc.) Don't forget: while you're
demonstrating out there, a few of us are still
doing it in here. Thank you!
-- a California prisoner at HDSP, July 2004
Criminal medical
neglect in California
At Corcoran State prison we don't have a
24 hour medical service. Just last month a
dialysis inmate died. It was during first watch
between 10:30pm and 6:00 am. Dialysis inmates
go to the hospital on the streets three times a
week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, to
get their blood treated to clean out poison
from their body. Dialysis inmates also get a
special meal because they can't eat what the
general population eats.
The dialysis inmate asked the floor officer
to go to med-line because he was feeling dizzy.
The officer wasn't familiar with dialysis (that's
common in prison) and told him to wait until
tomorrow because the medical treatment
assistant wouldn't see him that late. The time
was 9:45pm, 15 minutes until first watch, and
the officer was tired and ready to go home.
But that doesn't give that officer the right to
deny any inmate his or her medical treatment.
A couple of hours later they finally sent him
to the med-line but there were no doctors there
to treat the dialysis inmate so he died. Had
somebody with knowledge of dialysis
patients he would be alive today because all
he needed was blood treatment because he
didn't go to dialysis that Friday and it was
-- a California prisoner at Corcoran, June
We are all "Riders of
the storm!"
To my bro. KStorm! Indiana bro., my black
nationals, Chicano nationals, Taino warriors,
my Red brothers of the first nations. To all
those in cliques who are waking up!!! We are
all "Riders of the Storm." We are "kinetic
energy." I am proud to see many of you waking
up and I encourage you to spread the word
about MIM.
I was cut off for a minute from getting MIM
Notes. But the pen is like a sword, I pulled it
out and cha-ching! Now I'm back doing my
thing, spreadin the light like a Sun of Light.
Dig this, Under Lock & Key is a blessing, so
I encourage you all to help MIM not only by
writing, but also having your people get the
paper and distribute it. Leave it in convenient
spots where it will get read.
There was a time when I thought as a child.
Then I began to think like a King. But after
studying with MIM, I've begun to think of
bigger things, global things: the masses and
internationalism. I no longer see brothas as
Crips, bloods, Eme, Netas, etc. I see them now
as oppressed nationals. Some are asleep, few
are awake. Many of you reading this come
from one of those backgrounds or another.
You are a revolutionary Sun of Light and it is
your duty to learn from MIM and take it back
to your peers. Some will accept it, many won't.
On Feb. 1 Storm mentioned about the
disunity, about all the things the Attica bros.
died for that are now being taken away. I want
to remind you all, the struggle is full of twists
and turns. But it's a trail going up the
mountain. Steadily up, at times we'll lose some
ground. The object is: fall four times, get up
five. Maoists are only defeated once they stop
their strenuous efforts toward any goal.
Failure is not an option. Revolution is a
process, not a single act. You are proof that
everything can be taken from a man, but one
thing: the last of human freedoms, to choose
one's attitude in any given set of
circumstances, to choose one's own way ...
the Maoist way!
I'm proud to see brothers growing. Take
what you learn back to your peers. This is a
function of our "USW program." United
Struggle from Within. Sure, many are divided
and some of your own may even lash out at
you, inadvertently helping the beast, when
you try to educate them. They do so out of
ignorance because the most violent element
in society is ignorance. I speak from
experience. We are all Storm.
Remember: none of us who sacrifices to
help our people (even from their own
ignorance) can expect to come out of the
struggle unscathed. Na mean? We attempt to
educate our people, and like Mao admonished
make the people do self-criticism and in the
process conjure up the most evil of those
half-tamed demons that inhabit the human
beast and seeks to wrestle with them.
But like Marx has proven to us, we don't
have nothing to lose but our chains. Me
personally, I ain't gonna fret about what them
righteous bros. in Attica died for that we are
now "losing." Sure, it was positive gains,
momentary gains. That is the moribund nature
of imperialism. Pacify the masses for a while,
give them a few treats then, when they forget,
take it back and much more. No! For all I care,
they could take it all. It's all cosmetic, them li'l
gains. What the Blaze in my heart yearns for
is Real Change, a change where we tear the
mothafucka down and erect a revolutionary
system once and for all. And this change will
come when we all ARISE, Active Resistance
In Social Enslavement.
A solidarity Red Salute to all my comrades
in the USW (I'm proud of youStorm),
--a Federal prisoner in Kansas, 12 May
Washington state
censors MIM
Washington State Department of
Corrections has censored incoming mail of
MIM Theory on Prisons at Clallam Bay
Corrections Center at Clallam Bay
Washington State. All persons who are
interested in protesting this mail rejection
notice, the file number is 0804159 dated on
August 12, 2004. Whoever is interested and
still are able to read any of MIM literature
might want to read Thornburgh v. Abbott,
490 U.S. 401 at page 414-19 or in the Supreme
Court reports at 109 S.Ct. 1874, 1881-82 which
somewhat explains "Incoming Mail"
standards. Also thought about reading
Prisoners Self Help Litigation manual that has
cases cited to find out how the imperialist
U.S. so-called reasons in their unreasonable
Send protest letters to:
Sandra Carter, Superintendent
Department of Corrections
Clallam Bay Corrections
1830 Eagle Crest Way
Clallam Bay, WA 98326
You can request the DOC Policy Directive
450.100 (mail policy) under the public
disclosure request pursuant to RCW 42.17
on WAC 137-08.
Refusal of MIM Theory on Prisons, their
claim is that the incoming mail violates mail
rule #13 which states: "Mail that advocates
that any ethnic, racial, or religious group is
inferior for any reason and makes such group
the object of ridicule and scorn, and may
reasonably be thought to precipitate a violent
confrontation between the recipient and a
member(s) of the target group."
The comments section of the mail rejection
slip states "give a brief but specific description
of reasons for rejection. List titles, dates, issue
numbers, etc." In this section the mailroom
staff just wrote "13. MIM Theory Number 11,
Clearly the prison has no valid legal
justification for this censorship. Please send
protest letters to help fight this violation of
freedom of speech.
--a WA prisoner, August 15, 2004
Abu Ghraib is typical
For the millions of people across the united
states and throughout the world who have
found the torture chambers of Abu Ghraib
prison in Iraq and outrage should be equally
outraged that these same practices of torture
are being carried out right here in the united
No! Abu Ghraib prison is not an isolated
incident committed by a few sick minded
individuals as your government and its media
mouthpieces would have you believe, but is
a common practice employed by your
government and its middle class reactionary
Yes! There are numerous Abu Ghraib
prisons across the united states that are
overflowing with an extremely high number
of oppressed nationals, mostly Latinos and
Blacks. These torture chambers are called
SHUs and other similar names, the prisons
within prisons that the Department of
Corrections and politicians avoid
acknowledging. These SHUs are just one of
the many repressive appendages built into
an inherently corrupt capitalist system, that
results in the social inequalities where crime
develops, that the Department of Corrections
and politicians would rather you not know
about. And on those rare occasions that the
mainstream media mouthpieces do inform you
about the SHU facilities, you're fed half truths
and lies which are manipulated to further the
political and financial agendas of politicians
and correctional officers seeking higher
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 11
Facts on U$ imprisonment
The facts about imprisonment in the United $tates are that the United $tates has been the world's leading prison-state per capita for the last
25 years, with a brief exception during Boris Yeltsin's declaration of a state of emergency.(1)
That means that while Reagan was talking about a Soviet "evil empire" he was the head of a state that imprisoned more people per capita.
In supposedly "hard-line" Bulgaria of the Soviet bloc of the 1980s, the imprisonment rate was less than half that of the United $tates.(2,3)
To find a comparison with U.$. imprisonment of Black people, there is no statistic in any country that compares including apartheid South
Africa of the era before Mandela was president. The last situation remotely comparable to the situation today was under Stalin during war
time. The majority of prisoners are non-violent offenders(4) and the U.S. Government now holds about a half million more prisoners than
China; even though China is four times our population.(5)
The rednecks tell MIM that we live in a "free country." They live in an Orwellian 1984 situation where freedom is imprisonment.
Notes: 1. Marc Mauer, "Americans Behind Bars: The International Use of Incarceration 1993," The Prison Sentencing Project, 918 F. St. NW, Suite
501, Washington, DC 20004 (202) 628-0871 Reference: SRI: R8965-2, 1994
2. Ibid., 1992 report.
3. United Nations Development Programme, "Human Development Report 1994,:" Oxford University Press, p. 186.
4. Figure of 51.2 percent for state prisoners there for non-violent offenses. Abstract of the United States 1993, p. 211.
5. Atlantic Monthly December, 1998.
Join the fight against
the injustice system
While we fight to end the criminal
injustice system MIM engages in
reformist battles to improve the lives
of prisoners. Below are some of the
campaigns we are currently waging,
and ways people behind the bars and
on the outside can get involved. More
info can be found on our prison web
Stop Censorship in Prison: Prisons
frequently censor books, newspapers
and magazines coming from MIM's
books for prisoners program. We need
help from lawyers, paralegals and
jailhouse lawyers to fight this
Books for Prisoners: This program
focuses on political education of
prisoners. Send donations of books and
money for our Books for Prisoners
End the Three Strikes laws: This
campaign is actively fighting the
repressive California laws, but similar
laws exist in other states. Write to us
to request a petition to collect
signatures. Send articles and
information on three strike laws.
Shut Down the Control Units: Across
the country there are a growing number
of prison control units. These are
permanently designated prisons or cells
in prisons that lock prisoners up in
solitary or small group confinement for
22 or more hours a day with no
congregate dining, exercise or other
services, and virtually no programs for
prisoners. Prisoners are placed in
control units for extended periods of
time. These units cause both mental and
physical problems for prisoners.
Write to us to request a petition to
collect signatures. Get your
organization to sign the statement
demanding control units be shut down.
Send us information about where there
are control units in your state. Include
the names of the prisons as well as the
number of control unit beds/cells in
each prison if that is known. Send us
anti-control unit artwork.
MIM's Re-Lease on Life Program:
This program provides support for our
comrades who have been recently
released from the prison system, to help
them meet their basic needs and also
continue with their revolutionary
organizing on the outside. We need
funds, housing, and job resources. We
also need prisoner's input on the
following survey questions:
1. What are the biggest challenges
you face being released from prison?
2. How can these problems be
3. What are the important elements
of a successful release program?
salaries and reelections.
I want you to imagine, you or one of your
loved ones, being left stripped naked in a cold
cell for days at a time as a so-called form of
disciplining or "softening up" as they do, not
only in Abu Ghraib, but in SHU facilities
across the united states. I want you to imagine
yourself being pepper sprayed and beaten
by 15 club wielding guards armed to the teeth.
Imagine your loved one being forced to
endure the exposure to extreme cold weather,
out and inside your cell, making it nearly
impossible to sleep, or the confinement to
100 degree plus temperatures in cells with no
ventilation. Imagine your physical health
being compromised, being fed below the u.s.
government's requirements that's necessary
to sustain a healthy body, all in order to divert
money so your anatagonizers can continue
collecting highly paid overtime hours.
I want you to imagine what it's like being
confined to a windowless single man cell
where the lights never go off for 23 hours a
day, sometimes 47 hours, with an occasional
hour alone in a so-called exercise module that
amounts to being placed in the bottom of a
dim mine shaft. And aside from the physical
deterioration that inevitably ensues, imagine
the slow mental deterioration of your loved
ones mind at it slowly loses its grip on reality
as a result of the years of extreme isolation of
all human contact and the sensory
deprivation. Imagine sick minded guards
setting up your loved ones to fist fight with
one another as a form of gambling only to
shoot them down and kill them in cold blood.
Although equally atrocious and intolerable,
this is not only Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq,
these are also the numerous SHU facilities
within the belly of the beast, right here in the
United States.
In Iraq, a prisoner was beaten to death by
u.s. soldiers who then attempted to hide their
murderous deed by sneaking the prisoner's
corpse out of the prison. This attempt by u.s.
mercenary soldiers to cover up their
murderous deeds is all too familiar to many of
us who are confined within our own Abu
Ghraib prisons here in the united states where
Corcoran SHU guards shot and killed
numerous prisoners in California for
"entertainment" and then also attempted to
cover the tracks of their murderous deeds
until one of their own, as in Iraq, blew the
whistle on them. And in Iraq have no illusions,
just as in Corcoran, the reactionary middle
class never convicts its own. And it should
come as no surprise to many of us ot learn
that two of the seven soldiers charged with
the torture of Abu Ghraib prisoners in Iraq,
one of whom poses so proudly in the now
world infamous photographs, first learned
their tactics as correctional officers here in
the united states. The photographs of the
atrocities being committed against Iraqi
prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison could easily
be the photographs of conditions inside a
SHU facility here in the united states.
The states fascist policy of confinement of
oppressed nations within u.s. borders has
been employed under one guise or another
for years. The Department of Corruptions
knowingly uses falsified and fabricated
evidence it not only manufactures itself, but
also obtains from unreliable prisoners who
themselves are seeking to avoid the harsh
conditions of SHU confinement. This falsified
evidence is uncorroborative and
unchallengable by the accused prisoners.
These prisoners are dragged before kangaroo
courts established by the Department of
Corruptions and are falsely labeled prison
gang members, associates, and security
threats to the prison institution which results
in lifetime confinement within these torture
chambers offering no way out except parole
or death. The dept of corrections and
politicians would have you believe that the
control units house the worst of the worst,
but many of these prisoners have no history
of institutional violence. Even after years of
discipline free behavior and no links to prison
gangs, prisoners are still denied adequate
legal relief and release to general population.
These Department of Correction tribunals are
mirror images of the tribunals staged by the
u.s. military.
The practices of Guantanamo Bay where
prisoners are being held indeterminately with
no due process rights, no rights to confront
their accuser, or adequate access to legal relief,
is nothing new to the Department of
Corrections or to the thousands of prisoners
who have been confined illegally to the
control units across the united states.
Those of you who are outraged by the
atrocities and human rights violations of Abu
Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, should not only
be equally outraged by these same atrocities
and human rights violations that even the
imperialist U.N. condemns that are being
committed here in the united states, but need
to join the struggle with the prisoners of the
control units and MIM in a fight to abolish
this fascist form of oppression. The
Department of Corrections, politicians, u.s.
government and its reactionary supporters
can no longer stifle our voices and sweep us
under the rug like dirt that the public
shouldn't know about. The time has come
and is long over due. We will materialize our
voices and make them be heard. Join the fight
to shut down the control units.
--a California prisoner at Pelican Bay, July
Lockdown in
On June 1, 2004, Salinas Valley State Prison
in California was locked down due to an
alleged assault on a correctional officer. The
prison administration always overreacts to
these types of incidents in their retaliation
against all prisoners and this includes
retaliation against prisoners on different
yards than where alleged incident took place.
In contract to this, the prison administration
at Salinas Valley State Prison constantly
covers up humyn rights violations at this
prison. Staff members assault prisoners;
which is usually covered up by placing that
prisoner in administrative segregation and
charging the prisoner with assault on staff.
The medical care at this prison is very
inadequate and has even led to prisoners'
deaths. Prisoners can be placed in holding
cages for up to eight to sixteen hours as a
form of staff retaliation for as little as prisoner
speaking his mind back to correctional
officers. (Holding cages are three feet square
by six and a half feet tall cages). There are
numerous other types of abusive treatments
that is sanctioned by this prison
This alleged incident did not take place on
my yard, so I can not comment on that
incident. But, I have personally observed an
incident, where the correctional officer
provoked a prisoner and before the prisoner
did anything the c/o sprayed the prisoner
with a large canister of pepper spray. There
have been numerous other staff assaults on
prisoners on this yard, but most of these
assaults happen behind close doors with the
prisoner being handcuffed. When a
psychologist witnessed one of these assaults
and she filed a formal complaint against those
officers; that psychologist was pressured into
withdrawing the complaint a week later. Later,
the psychologist was transferred to another
prison. The prison administration at Salinas
Valley State Prison sanctions these types of
abuse by covering up these incidents and
refusing to investigate corruption by its staff.
Recently California's correctional officers
union has been advertising on television that
nine assaults happen a day throughout
California's prison system and that California
Department of Corrections needs more money
to staff prisons. This advertisement is in
response to Governor Schwarzenegger being
the first governor in over twenty-five years
that was forced to make budget cuts to CDC
due to California having severe financial
difficulties. So, if this prisoner is skeptical that
this most recent incident is more about money,
it is probably for a good reason.
-- a California prisoner, June 2004
MIM Notes 307 · September 15-30, 2004 · Page 12
Notas Rojas
sep 15-30 2004, Nº 307 Fragmento del Periodico Oficial del Movimiento Internacionalista Maoista Gratis
Traducido por Células de Estudio
para la Liberación de Aztlán y América
El MIM aprovecha la oportunidad para
publicar la entrevista con Pablo Pueblo,
uno de los líderes del Partido Noble Young
Lords (NYLP). Llevamos muchos años
colaborado con los fundadores de esta
organización y conocemos la solidez de
la teoría y práctica revolucionarias detrás
de su trabajo. La formación del NYLP
es un paso hacia adelante para el
movimiento revolucionario dentro de las
fronteras estadounidenses, y una
culminación de años de duro trabajo y
lucha por parte de Pablo Pueblo y otros
líderes. Consideramos al NYLP una
organización fraterna que respalda la
revolución cultural en China, que se opone
al revisionismo postestalinista y que
reconoce correctamente el hecho de que
la mayoría de trabajadores
euroamericanos constituyen una pequeña
burguesía objetivamente no aliada con la
revolución proletaria. En la actualidad,
el MIM es un partido multinacional. Sin
embargo, el MIM reconoce el hecho de
que durante ciertas épocas las fuerzas
vanguardistas de nacionalidades
oprimidas tienen la necesidad de partidos
vanguardistas compuestos por gente de
sus propias naciones. El MIM reconoce
su derecho a formar partidos separados
como parte de la lucha de las naciones
oprimidas por su autodeterminación. En
nuestra opinión, la validez de movimientos
compuestos por una sola nación ha sido
comprobada a lo largo de la historia
Watching Bear: A muchos de nosotros
nos agarraste por sorpresa. Como líder
de la Organización Nacional Lumpen
(National Lumpen Organization), una de
las organizaciones más grandes en
EE.UU., has ejercido mucha influencia.
¿Después de 20 años de tu participación
te vas para fundar el NYLP/LNNA
(NYLP en breve)?
Pablo Pueblo: ¿A ver, como te has
enterado de estos detalles?
WB: Investigando.
PP: Mm... (una sonrisa sospechosa),
no es ningún secreto. En cuanto a la
influencia, todo depende de la gente que
te apoye o se te oponga en un momento
determinado, y ese no es el juego en el
que quiero involucrarme. He tardado
bastante tiempo en madurar políticamente
pero cuando lo conseguí, sentí que lo que
hacía falta en EE. UU. era una
organización latina de vanguardia, una
organización firmemente guiada por una
línea política- la ÚNICA manera de
representar la lucha del tercer mundo.
WB: ¿Firmemente guiada por una línea
PP: Sí, a lo que me refiero es que una
organización que pretende representar a
un pueblo tiene que establecer una
CLARA línea de identidad. ¿Hay que
pandilla, un sindicato criminal, un club
social, una organización social progresista,
o como un partido de vanguardia? He
llevado una vida de pandillero y he estado
involucrado con organizaciones sociales
progresistas--no me satisface ninguna de
estas dos opciones. La primera opción
es una rebelión sin dirección, un veneno
para mi pueblo. La segunda no resulta
suficiente para una autodeterminación
nacional. Lo que tiene en mente el NYLP
es acelerar el proceso para que otras
organizaciones que pretenden representar
a los oprimidos y a los países del tercer
mundo, o bien aceleren su práctica
revolucionaria, o bien terminen
repudiados debido a su representación
errónea. Nosotros tenemos una línea
política: el Marxismo. Optamos por
eliminar el partido original Young Lords
(YLP) que operaba desde Harlem,
Brooklyn, Bronx, Nueva York y
Bridgeport, Connecticut. Aunque hay que
felicitar a la Organización Young Lords
que operó desde Chicago, IL, pues
engendró la actividad política de los Young
Lords. Sentimos que el desmoronamiento
de los Young Lords originales fue
prematuro y que hacía falta resucitar un
partido más avanzado basado en líneas
semejantes. Para nosotros, el adherirse
a una línea política equivale a una
supremacía de principios socialistas.
WB: ¿Entonces el NYLP es socialista?
PP: Sin duda.
WB: ¿Y Uds. piensan que es un
proyecto realista?
PP: Sin duda alguna, millones de
personas de naciones latinas están
buscando un cambio revolucionario.
Nosotros intentamos hacer todo lo posible
para acelerar este cambio.
WB: En cuanto al desarrollo de su
organización, ¿cuánto ha evolucionado el
NYLP desde el tiempo de su concepción?
PP: Bueno, pongámoslo de esta
manera: el nombre "Young Lords" tiene
una larga historia. Al principio hubo una
pandilla. Durante los años 60, los Young
Lords pasaron por una madurez política
y empezaron a comprender y actuar en
contra del opresor a favor de los intereses
de los oprimidos. En este sentido, Cha-
Cha Jiménez encabezó el movimiento de
Chicago. En Nueva York, el partido
Young Lords entendió que el socialismo
era la clave para la libertad social y
económica, para poder deshacerse de la
superexplotación de entidades
gubernamentales y corporativas. Y a
pesar de que el partido tomó un camino
correcto, permitió que surgieran
innecesarios puntos de ruptura que
obstaculizaron el avance de su conciencia
política. Claro está, los programas de
contrainsurgencia de los marranos del
FBI desempeñaron un papel fundamental
en su desestabilización, pero aparte de
eso, faltó un análisis completo pertinente
al método dialéctico. Es por eso que las
cuestiones nacionalista y feminista iban
resultando cada vez más difíciles de
reconciliar. Uno de los errores principales
fue el aplicar el nombre de proletariado
obrero a la fuerza laboral estadounidense.
El NYLP ha sobrepasado las teorías del
YLP al reconocer que en EE. UU. no
hay o casi no hay proletariado, y que una
lucha contra la patriarquía se lleva acabo
mejor si se lucha contra el enemigo
número uno que es el imperialismo. Sin
embargo, no habríamos podido llegar a
este punto sin el legado de los Young
Lords. En cuanto a la estructura, nos va
bien, aunque nos hacen falta elementos
cruciales como líderes con mucha
experiencia, fondos monetarios y
recursos. Tenemos un buen liderazgo
pero necesitamos más gente. Tenemos
dos puestos vacantes en el Comité Central
Nacional (CCN)- el de Ministra Nacional
de Relaciones Femeninas y el de Ministro
Nacional de Información.
WB: Al leer el Manual Compendio
Político del NYLP (MCP)- retomaré este
punto más adelante- noté un fuerte
énfasis en la importancia de la lucha
PP: Sí, es una declaración del derecho
de las mujeres a la igualdad e
independencia que las libere de la opresión
económica, social y militar (es decir, la
patriarquía). Empezamos por cambios
ortográficos para abolir el sexismo
lingüístico cuando sea posible [se alude a
la sustitución de la ortografía inglesa
tradicional de la palabra "mujer"-
"womyn" en singular o "wimmin" en
plural- por "woman"y "women",
respectivamente. Se pretende cambiar
la raíz "man/men" "hombre/s" -
WB: Hice un poco de investigación y
encontré varios manifiestos, estatutos, y
manuales de reglamentos en Internet que
tenían cierta semejanza con el MCP. Sin
embargo, hasta en los mejores
documentos (específicamente el
manifiesto de la Latin Kings Nation y un
semejante estatuto de la costa del Este),
se nota un sentido de objetivación que
relega a las mujeres a una posición
secundaria en sus respectivas
organizaciones. Se las glorifica o "se las
protege". Esta línea de pensamiento es
bastante popular entre organizaciones
"lumpen" como la de Uds. Sin embargo,
el NYLP tiene una visión más avanzada
con respecto a las mujeres aunque no sea
nueva. ¿Porqué esto no se daba antes
en la arena "lumpen" y cómo ha podido
el NYLP superar esta línea de
pensamiento retrógrada?
PP: Mier*@, Bear, me quedé dormido,
¿podrías repetir la pregunta?
WB: Conmigo no puedes quedarte
dormido. Soy más rápido que un cuervo
PP: No mames, pensé que no le darías
tan duro (se ríe).
WB: En pocas palabras: el NYLP
representa un "feminismo revolucionario",
algo que organizaciones de tipo lumpen
no representan eficientemente. Uds.
provienen del mismo lugar, ¿Cómo es que
Uds. aciertan en su visión al respecto,
mientras que la mayoría de organizaciones
lumpen no lo hacen?
PP: Verás, todos somos producto de
nuestras circunstancias, lo creo de
verdad. La cosa es que aunque este sea
el caso, también tenemos la capacidad
de superar nuestras circunstancias. Las
agrupaciones lumpen reflejan su sociedad,
de modo que sus leyes sociales, reglas y
opiniones sobre la lucha femenina no
adquieren tanta importancia como su
propia percepción de la "sobrevivencia"-
la mierda que un cabr*@ que proviene
de barrios bajos o de la cárcel tiene que
aguantar. Lo que la mayoría de gente
lumpen no logra entender es que la razón
por la cual siguen atrapados en el mismo
círculo de opresión es que les falta un
análisis socio-político y económico. La
mayor parte de nuestro tiempo se nos va
en HACER FRENTE a nuestras
situaciones individuales, por lo cual no
logramos enfocarnos en las CAUSAS de
nuestra situación.
WB: Es por eso que el NYLP se adhiere
a un línea política. Uds. piensan que la
arena política es responsable de los
puntos claves de opresión incluyendo la
percepción de las mujeres.
PP: ¡Exacto! En el caso de la lucha
femenina, el problema es la patriarquía.
Es un problema político fundamental y
una vez que está identificado, podemos
buscar soluciones al problema. ¿Quién
es el más responsable de la opresión de
género en este momento? ¡El imperialista!
Pues el blanco del NYLP son los
imperialistas; a nuestro modo de ver, son
la principal contradicción contra la cual
hay que luchar. Tenemos que aprender
un SINFÍN de cosas sobre este problema,
pero sabemos que hemos empezado bien
porque nuestro análisis es correcto. Le
agradecemos al MIM por ayudarnos con
nuestros estudios con respecto a este y
otros temas.
Continua en la edición siguente...
La resurrección de un viejo legado revolucionario
Habla el Partido Noble Young Lords