This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 1
MIM Notes
October 1, 2002, Nº 267
The Official Newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)
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The day
Not really
Statement by the Maoist
Internationalist Movement
8 Sep 2002
ust as we predicted one year
ago,(1) the Amerikan bourgeoisie
did not learn its lessons from the
September 11 attacks it failed to prevent.
Billionaire Warren Buffet and nutcase
Secretary of "Defense" Donald Rumsfeld
concede the use of weapons of mass
destruction against the United $tates is
inevitable, yet all they can offer is more
of the draconian "security" policies that
got Amerikans into this mess in the first
place.(2) Amerikan bombs killed
thousands of Afghan civilians and yet
apparently Osama bin Laden and
certainly al Qaeda survive.(3) The
Amerikan government held thousands for
months without charges, instituted secret
military tribunals and stepped up spying
on its own citizens yet charged only one
persyn in connection with the September
11 attacks.(4)
Neither Buffet nor Rumsfeld nor
Cheney nor any other capitalist leaders
have the political courage to admit that a
system falling apart by their own logic
has to be replaced by a system built in
which there is no such risk of aggressive
motivation by anyone. This risk is
accelerated by capitalism, reduced by
socialism and eliminated under
September 11 provided the Amerikan
people with a great chance to come to
grips with global violence-better late than
never. Some have and have stepped up
their activism against Amerikan
militarism and imperialism. But one year
later is back online and
"American Idol" draws huge television
audiences. Apparently Amerikans
consider it indecent for NakedNews to
make money off the World Trade Center
bombing, but it's allright to make money
off deaths of Afghans or Palestinians.
Days after September 11, 49% of polled
Amerikans approved of special ID cards
for Arabs;(5) days before the first
anniversary, 49% of polled Amerikans
Amerikan war will
hasten, not delay,
deployment of weapons
of mass destruction
By MC206
14 September 2002
n September 12 U.$. President
George Bush demanded the
United Nations force Iraq to
give up its alleged weapons of mass
destruction--including its ability to build
"nucular" weapons as he calls them. He
also called on Iraq to "end all support for
terrorism and act to suppress it, cease
persecution of its civilian population,
release or account for all Gulf War
personnel whose fate is still unknown,
and end all illicit trade outside of the oil-
for-food program."(1) Although
Amerika's European allies expressed
relief that Bush sought their blessing, the
President made it clear Amerika would
go ahead even if the United Nations
opposed an attack on Iraq--and the
sooner the better. "We're talking days and
weeks, not months and years," said
Bush's speech was a ham-fisted
attempt to justify the war he wants so
badly. The demands he's made of Iraq
are so unrealistic and vague--not to
mention hypocritical--that Iraq is bound
to fail to meet them.
For example, former U.N. weapons
inspector Scott Ritter said two years ago
that, "Iraq has indeed been disarmed...
The chemical, biological nuclear and
long-rage ballistic missile programs that
were a real threat in 1991 had, by 1998,
been destroyed or rendered harmless."
Even Richard Butler, another former
weapons inspector who is now a hawk
backing his calls for war with allegations
about Iraq's weapons program, said in
1998, "if Iraqi disarmament were a five-
lap race, we would be three quarters of
Bush rushes toward war on Iraq
the way around the fifth and final lap."(3)
Hard for Iraq to give up weapons that
only exist in Bush's speeches.
The claim that the United $tates needs
to invade
with or
without a
U.N. figleaf
in order to
d i s m a n t l e
I r a q ' s
n u c l e a r
w e a p o n s
program is
also disingenuous. Sensational "news"
reports quoting a study which concluded
Iraq could develop nuclear weapons
within months either fail to mention or
bury a key point: if Iraq got a hold of a
sufficient amount of weapons-grade
radioactive material, then it could build
a bomb in months or a few years. That's
a big if, however, and one of the reasons
more countries don't have nuclear
weapons. Iraq is not the only country
which could make a bomb if it were given
enough plutonium. As the headline for
an article in the Frankfurter Rundschau
Continued on page 5...
Continued on page 4...
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 2
MIM Notes
The Official Newsletter of The Maoist Internationalist Movement
ISSN 1540-8817
MIM Notes is the bi-weekly newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement. MIM
grants explicit permission to copy all or part of this newspaper for any reason. Please
credit MIM Notes where appropriate. The paper is free to all prisoners. Overseas airmail
is $2 per issue. MIM Notes is the official Party voice. Material in the paper is the Party's
position unless noted to the contrary. MIM Notes accepts submissions and critiques from
anyone. The editors reserve the right to edit copy unless permission is specifically denied
by the author. Back issues of MIM Notes are available for $1 per issue. A bound volume
of the original MIM Notes 1-34 and MIM Theory 1-13 (old numbering) is available for
$15, post-paid. MIM has a complete literature list of progressive books and pamphlets.
Send $2 for a copy. MIM's ten point program is available to anyone who sends in a
SASE. MIM is an underground party that does not publish the names of its comrades in
order to avoid the state surveillance and repression that have historically been directed at
communist parties and anti-imperialist movements. MCs, MIM comrades, are members
of the Party. RCs are RAIL Comrades. The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL)
is an anti-imperialist mass organization led by MIM. MIM runs a books for prisoners
program which provides Maoist and general political material to prisoners for free. Make
checks or money orders payable to "Books for Prisoners, Inc." Federal EIN: 04-3475938.
Send to: Books for Prisoners, Inc. c/o the address below. Donations and books can be
sent to the address below. Send cash or check payable to "MIM Distributors".
P.O. Box 29670
Los Angeles, CA 90029-0670
eMail: <>
WWW: <http//>
What is MIM?
The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) is the collection of existing or emerging
Maoist internationalist parties in the English-speaking imperialist countries and their English-
speaking internal semi-colonies, as well as the existing or emerging Maoist Internationalist
parties in Belgium, France and Quebec and the existing or emerging Spanish-speaking
Maoist Internationalist parties of Aztlan, Puerto Rico and other territories of the U.$. Empire.
MIM Notes is the newspaper of MIM. Notas Rojas is the newspaper of the Spanish-speaking
parties or emerging parties of MIM. MIM upholds the revolutionary communist ideology
of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and is an internationalist organization that works from the
vantage point of the Third World proletariat. MIM struggles to end the oppression of all
groups over other groups: classes, genders, nations. MIM knows this is only possibly by
building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle. Revolution is a reality for
North America as the military becomes over-extended in the government's attempts to
maintain world hegemony. MIM differs from other communist parties on three main
questions: (1) MIM holds that after the proletariat seizes power in socialist revolution, the
potential exists for capitalist restoration under the leadership of a new bourgeoisie within
the communist party itself. In the case of the USSR, the bourgeoisie seized power after the
death of Stalin in 1953; in China, it was after Mao's death and the overthrow of the "Gang
of Four" in 1976. (2) MIM upholds the Chinese Cultural Revolution as the farthest advance
of communism in humyn history. (3) As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has
reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third
World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so-
called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty-
bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to
advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on
imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in the Canada, Quebec,
the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. MIM accepts people as
members who agree on these basic principles and accept democratic centralism, the system
of majority rule, on other questions of party line.
"The theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable. We should
regard it not as dogma, but as a guide to action. Studying it is not merely a matter of
learning terms and phrases, but of learning Marxism-Leninism as the science of revolution."
- Mao Zedong, Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 208.
Editor, MC206; Production, MC12
MIM is looking for distributors and
sponsors to step forward. Sponsors pay for
papers; distributors get them onto the
streets and officers do both distribution and
financial support:
Cost per year
12 (Priority Mail)
25 (Priority Mail)
50 (Priority Mail)
900 (Express Mail!)
900 (8-10 days)
If you know you have some good places
distribute, we suggest starting at 200 and
working your way up. If you are not willing
to distribute, just send money. If you are
not willing to pay, then request papers after
somehow proving to the party that you are
serious (words won't count). You who will
cough up/raise the money to distribute 900
papers each issue and then do the
distribution -- you are what drives this party
Make anonymous money orders payable
to "MIM." Send to MIM, attn: Camb.
branch, PO Box 400559, Cambridge, MA
02140. Or write
A call for MIM Notes sponsors and distributors!
Mandela and Arafat:
What Gives?
Dear MIM,
I need to hear your opinion about
Nelson Mandela. Correct me what I may
be wrong: Is he a puppet of the Afrikaans
[the white settler minority], and the
British and Amerikan empire?
The South African blacks did get their
"independence" and they did have
apartheid dismantled, and had a black
president installed, but did they truly
become independent? Or is it just a
charade? Don't the whites still control
most of the resources (that includes the
diamond mines) and much of the fertile
land? In other words, nominally [it's] the
black man's land but in actuality it's still
in the white man's pocket? Another
sleight of hand! What you see you really
don't see!
Comrade Mandela and subsequent
ANC presidents are nothing but
figureheads and really don't run nothing
but their heads and press agents so they
can look pretty for American cameras.
And whatever little power and riches they
may have is what these behind-the-scenes
white rulers may give them as "lucre"
under the table. So comrade Mandela has
been purchased, a very expensive slave?
And we thought slavery was over!
Instead of asking for slave reparations,
shouldn't we get unslaved first? Not just
in Africa, but in the USA too? I remember
reading a while back on how
magnanimous comrade Mandela seemed
to the press, for all the years he was
incarcerated, he did not seem revengeful
against his former white rulers. Very
noble indeed! By God, a black Jesus
Christ! Turn the other cheek. So comrade
Mandela, he was not in a prison, he was
in a monastery! Comrade Mandela was
so magnanimous, he even won the Nobel
Peace Prize!
Of course he did not want revenge.
That's because he "deal" was that once
he got out of prison he was going to toe
the line in the white man's way and he
better not rock the boat in any established
ways. If he had done otherwise, like
confiscating all the land and resources
of the white man and given it back to the
black righteous owners a la President
Mugabe of Zimbabwe, instead of a Nobel
Prize he would have received a coup
prize! And instead of being praised as
magnanimous, he would have been
demonized such as Mugabe is being
demonized for breaking white man's law.
What a load of bullshit!
Poor comrade Mandela, instead of
being shackled physically as he once was,
he is now shackled mentally. You can't
win with these white folks! Comrade
Mandela's spirit was really broken, but I
don't condemn him. It is foolish to judge
him as an armchair critic. If I was in his
shoes, perhaps I would have done the
same? Just think about it, either continue
eating crappy food in a roach-infested
cell or eat steak with your arm wrapped
around a "winnie the pooh" in a
penthouse? That should be a no brainer.
I'll tell you what, if you're gonna sell
your soul for a mess of pottage, comrade
Mandela knows how to do it in style! He
didn't sell it for no crumbs! Pimp!
So comrade Mandela did not have to
think too hard on this choice. It was best
to live out one's remaining days in a half-
ass "freedom" acting in a charade with
one's face omnipresent all over he world
while chuckling to himself of the
absurdity of life and how grand the
people think he is! Yes, one can be
compelled to make such a decision. The
mind is a motherfucker! It can conjure
all kinds of tempting excuses such as
might as well from the charade because
you just can't beat those blue-eyed
I would also like your opinion on Yassir
Arafat. This leader of the unfortunate
Palestinians! I have heard that he has sold
out, that he is working hand-in-hand with
the Americans and Israelis by letting
them gradually grab up all the Palestinian
land and resources and just gave the
Palestinians a small part of the land here
and there dottingly? If this is true, then
why did Arafat do this?
Did the Amerikan and Israeli officials
convince him that the Palestinians
weren't really going to get anything so
they might as well just get what they
could and call it a win? Better then
nothing? So Arafat concluded that it
would be best to go along with this deal
and get whatever power and riches he
could obtain, and for his underlings, than
nothing at all?
So here he was for a while, eating steak
and flying around the world, riding in a
Mercedes and having a personal
helicopter, until the Israelis decided to
put a stop to it? With this aggressive
move that the Israelis committed, killing
Palestinians, bulldozing homes, and
destroying the Palestinian infrastructure,
why did they do it? Did Sharon see an
opportunity to finally get all the land he
wanted under the guise of this "terrorism"
and conclude that he really didn't need
Arafat anymore--that's why he tried to
make him look "irrelevant," and in this
way could black-boat him out to exile?
Or when Arafat was holed up in his office
building, completely surrounded by the
Israeli army, was it just a charade and
Arafat was in on it? Did the Israelis really
try to get him this time, since they thought
that they no longer needed him? That's
why they were destroying his buildings
and helicopters?
It does make sense that Arafat works
hand-in-hand with the Americans and the
Israelis because nothing ever got resolved
in the continuing so-called "peace
process." All that got resolved was that
Continued on page 9...
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 3
MIM Notes has seen a big spike in
circulation since the "war on
terrorism" began. It's not surprising:
MIM Notes is a free and independent
newspaper. Yes, there are especially
now knee-jerk patriots who believe
everything Bush says and pass by a
chance to read MIM Notes. There are
other patriots and internationalists
who realize that at this time papers
like MIM Notes can undo the huge
spectacle that Uncle Sam is creating
for its own benefit.
Sure, you have seen MIM Notes
around, but MIM Notes needs people
to do two simple things: 1) Pay for it
(postage and printing), 2) Distribute
MIM is looking for sponsors,
distributors and officers. Sponsors pay
for papers; distributors get them onto
the streets and officers do both
distribution and financial support.
Distribute # Cost per year
12 (Priority Mail)
25 (Priority Mail)
50 (Priority Mail)
900 (Express Mail!)
900 (8-10 days)
If you know you have some good
places to do distribution, we suggest
starting at 200 and working your way
up higher. If you are not willing to do
distribution, just send money. If you
are not willing to pay, then request
papers after somehow proving to the
party that you are serious (words
won't count). You who will cough up/
raise the money to distribute 900
papers each issue and then do the
distribution, you are what drives this
party forward.
A call for MIM Notes
sponsors and distributors!
Make anonymous money orders payable to "MIM." Send to MIM,
attn: Camb. branch, PO Box 400559, Cambridge, MA 02140. Contact
MIM in regards to this campaign by writing
In June of this year the U.$.-backed
Turkish government sentenced
progressive journalist Memik Horuz to
15 years in prison. He was arrested in
June 2001 shortly after he returned from
the founding assembly of the
International League of People's
Struggle, of which he is the deputy
chairpersyn. Police charged Horuz with
conducting an interview with a Turkish
guerilla leader, a charge he later proved
false (another journalist in Germany took
credit for the interview). The Turkish
government then changed the charge to
membership in a banned organization.(1)
The key prosecution witness in Horuz'
trial was an individual who testified in
return for leniency in his own trial.(2)
In a statement about the accusations
against him Horuz said, "I will not
abandon my ideas; I am proud of them.
But I will never accept the conspiracy
made against me."(3) This is not the first
time Turkey has imprisoned Horuz. He
spent several years in prison in the 1980s.
He has endured torture tactics such as
sleep deprivation, isolation and constant
blindfolding. The reactionary Turkish
government's prisons are notoriously
brutal. Scores of prisoners have died
resisting the "F-type" prisons designed
to isolate prisoners and make them easier
to "disappear."(7)
The Turkish Penal Code and the Anti-
terrorist law allow the arrest and
imprisonment of journalists critical of the
government. The Turkish government
considers such journalists terrorists.
Those arrested must prove their
innocence; the government does not need
to prove their guilt. In another well-
known example, a Turkish publisher who
printed essays by Noam Chomsky critical
of U.$. support for Turkey's genocidal
war against the Kurdish people was
charged under the anti-terrorism law.
Horuz' lawyer Feliz Kalayci and 26
colleagues are due to appear in court to
face charges stemming from their defense
of the victims of the September 26
Free Memik Horuz!
Continued on page 8...
San Francisco
MIM and RAIL attended the annual
Power to the Peaceful rally in Golden
Gate Park in September. Organized by
Michael Franti, a popular local musician,
and other performers and activists, the
rally attracted a predominantly white
crowd of thousands with the mission of
"Unifying the Peace Community." The
theme of the event was "Schools not
Prisons, Humanism not Militarism"
Overall, as a gathering place for people
interested in opposing the Amerikan war
machine, and for activists to set up tables
to sell and distribute information and
products, the event had a positive impact.
MIM unites with the overall message of
opposition to the Amerikan militarism
and criminal injustice system. Our main
difference with the organizers is what we
would call their "anarchist pacifism."
This was the fourth annual Power to
the Peaceful event, scheduled to coincide
with the date 9-11. According to Franti
"911 began in 1999 as an international
day of art and culture in support of
political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal. The
eleventh day of the ninth month (911) was
chosen to call attention to the emergency
status of Mumia's impending execution.
In 2000 the event was expanded to show
support for all prisoners on death row, and
to speak out against the exponential
growth of the prison industrial complex.
In 2001 the day of September eleventh
took on a wider significance as a result
of the tragic loss of life which took place
on the attacks of the day. At our 4th annual
911 Power to the Peaceful Festival, we
will create a compassionate space of
healing for ALL those people killed or
displaced by terrorism and by the war on
This was an excellent opportunity to
link the events of 9-11 last year to the
ongoing terror perpetrated by
imperialism. And several speakers made
important points about U.$. policies, the
criminal injustice system, and other
aspects of imperialism. But as the mission
statement and information from Franti
makes clear, the goal of the event was not
to oppose imperialism. Taking a stand
against terrorism is only correct if the real
terrorists, the imperialists, are clearly
identified. Supporting peace without
making it clear that the people waging
revolutionary armed struggle are in the
forefront of this fight for peace is
deceptive and ends up playing into the
hands of the imperialists.
Because of our disagreement with the
political message, MIM and RAIL
activists focused on collecting petition
signatures, distributing revolutionary
literature, and talking to people attending
the event so we can't report in detail on
the speakers or performers. As an
opportunity to talk to a largely progressive
audience the event was a success for MIM
and RAIL organizers. Hundreds of people
stopped at the MIM/RAIL table set up in
front of prominent colorful anti-
imperialist signs. Most people who
stopped were eager to help with the
San Francisco peace rally
supports anti-imperialist work
Continued on page 8...
San Fran
The "Care Not Cash" campaign, led by
San Francisco Superintendent Gavin
Newsom, gathered enough signatures to
put an initiative on the November ballot
that would cut homeless people's
monthly cash stipend. Posturing for an
expected Mayoral campaign, Newsom
spent $10,000 on television ads and
$50,000 on billboards,(1) claiming that
Proposition N will replace the cash with
services, keeping people from abusing
the city's homeless support. In reality the
cut in cash assistance will not be replaced
with any additional services and instead
will put up one more barrier to homeless
people getting off the streets.
Homelessness is a chronic problem of
capitalism. Even in a wealthy imperialist
country like the United $tates people are
living on the streets because they don't
have the money to pay for housing. In
the city of San Francisco alone there are
between 11,000 and 14,000 homeless
people on the streets on any night. But
there are only 1,400 shelter beds in the
city.(2) A number of factors can lead to
homelessness: unemployment, disability,
lack of education, drug or alcohol
addictions, family problems, sudden
financial difficulties. But none of these
need lead to homelessness. They
wouldn't, if housing was not a
commodity bought and sold for a profit.
Capitalism fails to provide for every
persyn's basic needs; under socialism
shelter, like jobs, is guaranteed. Of course
Continued on page 6...
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 4
On September 12th, the Wall Street
Journal reported that the second quarter
2002 was a record trade deficit for the
united $tates, which at $130 billion was
even higher than expected and amounted
to 5% of the whole U.$. economy's goods
and services. In MIM Notes #266, we
explained the basic problem with
common views of trade deficits in the
article titled "U.$. trade deficit expanded
in June; so-called Marxists don't get it."
Further investigation into recently
released economic statistics shows that
those crying wolf for the past generation
on U.$. trade did so inaccurately and in
a chauvinist way. The proof is that we
have now reached even more colossal
deficits than ever before and no collapse
of the u.$. economy has occurred--
despite the expressed worries of so many
"Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan has said the trade gap
eventually `will have to be restrained.'
But others, including Treasury Secretary
Paul O'Neill, have said the growing gap
isn't a cause for concern partly because
it is unlikely foreigners will pull money
out of the U.S," the Wall Street Journal
MIM advises readers that
commonsense and bourgeois economic
theory suggest that imports do not happen
unless someone is making a profit from
them. The multiple decisions of the
importers to make a profit have not
amounted to and do not add up to
bankruptcy for the united $tates by any
means. The economy generates enough
paper money to buy the goods and the
united $tates uses military force to keep
other countries in check when they
inevitably challenge the paper order.
Although the United $tates has had a
trade deficit in goods and services in
every quarter since 1976, the amount at
stake was too small to mention relative
to the wealth the united $tates was
plundering. Only now at an estimated
$412 billion a year is the trade deficit
really something to consider relative to
wealth ownership. Those who believed
the trade deficit was some kind of
indication of crisis prior to recent years
were simply wrong--whether they were
mercantilists, social-democrats or even
so-called Maoists. They were wrong
because new wealth "creation" in the
united $tates outpaced the trade deficit.
Since 1999 there has been a stock
market crash. Foreign investors in the
United $tates lost over $500 billion in
2001 alone thanks to the stock market
according to government statistics
released in July. Thus, as measured by
the market valuation of assets, in a sense,
the foreign capitalists paid for more than
the entire consumption of imports of
goods and services by the u.$. public in
2001, and then some.(2) These investors
bought dollars and brought them to the
United $tates for investment while
Amerikkkans importing foreign goods
and services bought foreign currencies.
It is also true that U.$. investors lost
money abroad, and in fact, the U.$.
investment position abroad has declined.
In contrast, the foreign position in the
United $tates increased in absolute terms,
because although foreign investors lost
over $500 billion, they sent $752.8 billion
in 2001.(2)
From 1992 to 1995, the total of
investments in the United $tates by
foreigners in liquid assets increased over
$1 trillion. Prior to 1992, $200 billion
was the ceiling in annual investments, but
by the end of the decade, new
investments reached to the $500 to $800
billion range each year.(3) However,
while the liquid assets of foreigners
increased rapidly, in the same time period
the expansion of tangible fixed
reproducible wealth was even greater,
more than $1.3 trillion in real dollar terms
between 1992 and 1995.(4) What that
means is that foreign-owned wealth can
increase while U.$-owned wealth also
increases. In fact, one may think of the
trade deficit in the united $tates as being
financed by the "creation" of new wealth.
In actuality, what is happening in the
united $tates is not creation of new
wealth but accounting for new wealth
already created in the Third World but
not counted as wealth until it arrives in
the united $tates.
New wealth arises in the united $tates
through importing of manufacturing
goods created by super-exploited
workers kept in line by u.$-backed death
squads and military regimes. Salespeople
in the united $tates take imported goods
and mark them up sufficiently to pay their
own salaries and give their bosses a
profit. That is only possible partly
because of the low prices of imported
goods, but also, ironically, because so
many such salespeople exist--enough
people with high salaries to buy the
goods. Of course, Third World
salespeople could do the same thing, but
the Third World has been plundered so
long that there are no people with money
to buy the goods that the Third World
produces. Thus, the production happens
in poor countries, but the goods go to the
countries with the population doing
everything but producing goods. As long
as the Third World workers are exploited
enough, there is no limit to the number
of Amerikkkans who can have sales jobs.
The whole United $tates could be
employed in sales and live more
comfortably than the workers who
actually produce goods.
Backward spokespeople of the U.$.
labor aristocracy who should be called
mercantilists or neo-mercantilists go so
far as to call themselves "Marxist." They
see only that other countries do not buy
as many goods from the United $tates (or
other similar imperialists countries) as
they sell to the United $tates (or similar
imperialist country). What they are really
doing is providing the thin veneer, the
justifications for a fascist nationalization
movement in the imperialist countries.
By exciting the labor aristocracy with
trade deficit figures and by issuing law
suits like the one of the September 11th
survivors seeking Saudi assets, the
leaders of Amerikkkan economic
nationalism seek to whip up their social
base into a frenzy. In contrast, we point
to the huge parasitism involved in
economic relations between the
imperialist countries and the Third
World, thus explaining why disaster did
not strike long ago in connection to the
trade deficit and why the Third World
finds itself so poor. This situation cannot
end until U.$. puppet regimes in the Third
World fall to Maoist revolutions and the
parasitism of the imperialist countries
also comes to an end. Prior to that, at
most, the portion of U.$. wealth owned
by foreigners may increase, but there is
no reason to believe that total wealth of
Amerikkkans and foreigners both cannot
increase while the united $tates sustains
huge trade deficits, the likes of which we
see today.
1. Wall Street Journal, 12 Sep 2002.
2. Elena Nguyen, "The International Investment
Position of the United States at Yearend 2001."
Plunder of Third World provides U.$. cushion
said the Amerikan constitution went too
far in protecting individual rights.(6)
When the Amerikan media aren't
reheating anti-Arab "clash of cultures"
explanations for September 11 they're
dragging out griefsploitation pieces and
cheesy sentimentality.
The best way to memorialize those who
died in the World Trade Center--as well
as the millions more who die every year
from poverty due to imperialist mis-
development and militarism--is to work
toward a world with the causes of war
removed. We cannot blame the oppressed
for attacking the u.$. military and the
institutions of Amerikan imperialism,
any more than we can blame George
Washington for attacking the British or
Nat Turner for attacking slaveholders.
The Amerikan people must act
The day Amerika changed?
Continued from page 1...
ferociously as never before in history,
because tolerating even a slight but
constant cause of war may mean the end
of the humyn species. The Middle East
alone and its economic conflicts are
reason enough for a revolution which
puts the survival rights of the global
majority ahead of a minority's "right" to
Get informed! Get Angry! Get busy!
1. MIM Notes Special Edition, 12 Sep 2001.
2. MIM Notes 260, 15 Jun 2002.
3. MIM Notes 262, 15 Jul 2002; MIM Notes
246, 15 Nov 2002.
4. MIM Notes 263, 1 Aug 2002; MIM Notes
252, 15 Feb 2002; MIM Notes 245, 1 Nov
5. MIM Notes 244, 15 Oct 2002.
6. San Francisco Chronicle, 31 Aug 2002.
Militarism is war-mongering or the
advocacy of war or actual carrying out
of war or its preparations.
While true pacifists condemn all
violence as equally repugnant, we
Maoists do not consider self-defense
or the violence of oppressed nations
against imperialism to be militarism.
Militarism is mostly caused by
imperialism at this time. Imperialism
is the highest stage of capitalism--
seen in countries like the United
$tates, England and France.
Under capitalism, capitalists often
profit from war or its preparations.
Yet, it is the proletariat that does the
dying in the wars. The proletariat
wants a system in which people do not
have self-interest on the side of war-
profiteering or war for imperialism.
Militarism is one of the most
important reasons to overthrow
capitalism. It even infects oppressed
nations and causes them to fight each
It is important not to let capitalists
risk our lives in their ideas about war
and peace or the environment. They
have already had two world wars
admitted by themselves in the last 100
years and they are conducting a third
right now against the Third World.
Even a one percent annual chance of
nuclear war destruction caused by
capitalist aggressiveness or "greed" as
the people call it should not be tolerated
by the proletariat. After playing
Russian Roulette (in which the bullet
chamber is different each time and not
related at all to the one that came up in
previous spins) with 100 chambers and
one bullet, the chance of survival is
only 60.5% after 50 turns. In other
words, a seemingly small one percent
annual chance of world war means
eventual doom. After 100 years or turns
of Russian Roulette, the chances of
survival are only 36.6%. After 200
years, survival has only a 13.4%
What is militarism?
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 5
summing up the German spy agency's
assessment of Iraq's nuclear capability
put it: "Anybody can build atomic
Which is MIM's point. If Iraq doesn't
get the bomb, somebody else will.
Pakistan, India and Israel did. In fact, by
buying off critics and bullying Iraq the
United $tates increases the appeal of
nuclear weapons. Why engage in
negotiations with the United $tates when
you know it will take what it wants
anyway, backed by the power of its own
nuclear arsenal? Even former U.$.
Secretary of Defense McNamera grasped
the obvious conclusion, quoting an
Indian politician, "`Before one
challenges the United States, one must
first acquire nuclear weapons."(5)
If all those clamoring for war against
Iraq were serious about eliminating the
risk of nuclear war, they would be
working to eliminate the tensions which
drive countries to war--tensions built in
to capitalism.
More obfuscation
Bush also claimed that Iraq had defied
U.N. resolutions for years by not letting
weapons inspectors into the country.
Setting aside that the United $tates has
ignored U.N. resolutions pertaining to
I$rael for decades, it was the United
$tates which pulled its weapons
inspectors out of Iraq in 1998. Iraq did
not end weapons inspection.
As Voices in the Wilderness, an
organization dedicated to lifting U.N.
sanctions on Iraq, points out, "Richard
Butler, the head of UNSCOM, pulled the
inspectors out of Iraq in anticipation of
the 1998 U.S. Desert Fox bombing
campaign. It was only as a result of these
bombings that the Iraqi government
subsequently refused to allow inspectors
to return to the country.
"The US is not really interested in
weapons inspections. People forget that
the Iraqi accusations that UNSCOM was
spying on the Iraqi government turned
out to be true. The U.S. infiltrated and
subverted the mission of the international
inspectors, and then used the Iraqi
government's protests against that
subversion as an excuse to bomb the
country. The U.S. itself destroyed
weapons inspections in Iraq, and used the
expected dramatic standoff as a reason
to unleash the deadly Desert Fox
Immediately after September 11
officials in the U.$. state department
linked Iraq to the attacks, with no
evidence. Bush did not make any specific
connections between Iraq and September
11, but then he didn't have to, as former
Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey wrote,
"there is credible evidence that Iraqi
intelligence personnel met with one of
the leaders of the attack." It is still not
clear that this Prague meeting actually
took place, but if it did, it was just that, a
meeting which couldn't have lasted more
than an afternoon. It is still no reason to
Bush rushes toward war on Iraq
think Iraq had anything to do with
September 11.
Unilateral multilateralism
Leaders from the U.N. and Amerika's
European allies like France were glad that
President Bush sought the endorsement
of the United Nations. Frances's Foreign
Mnister said, "[if an attack takes place]
without legitimacy there is a risk of
increasing instability in the world. This
legitimacy for France means of course
the role of the Security Council."(6) The
Security Council is the supreme authority
in the U.N.; France has a permanent seat.
However, considering that the
substance of Bush's speech to the U.N.
was "act on Iraq or the U.S. will" as a
New York Times banner headline put
it,(7) it is the legitimacy of the U.N. that
is on the line. If these leaders who up to
now criticized Bush's war plans support
the war through the U.N., they will be
exposed as lackeys who simply wanted
to save some face. A U.N. resolution
against Iraq on the heels of Bush's speech
will merely give Bush's war a veneer of
"legitimacy;" the U.N. will play its
familiar role as a fig leaf for aggressive
Amerikan imperialism.
As MIM Notes reported on the eve of
the first Gulf War, "instead of choosing
between war and diplomacy, the United
States is pursuing both with a vengeance.
Consolidating power over allies, creating
puppets and punishing defectors, the
USA is laying the groundwork for a
broader military victory in the war of
expansion in the Middle East. The wide-
ranging efforts undertaken by the USA
around the world underscore the
imperialist nature of the conflict,
eliminating arguments that the war is
caused by a single policy decision or an
aggressive personality."(8)
This time, however, other capitalist
powers--Russia, Saudi Arabia and most
of the countries in the Middle East except
Israel--oppose a renewed attack on Iraq.
George Bush may be risking Amerikan
hegemony by pushing forward in so many
areas simultaneously: Afghanistan, Iraq,
Israel, south Asia, the Philippines, Korea,
etc. If Russia were to stand up to the
United $tates and pledge to defend Iraq,
which it has large business deals with,
ties with the United $tates might become
politically and economically risky.
Suddenly economic ties to Russia and the
European Union would not look so bad
to a host of Eastern European, Middle
East and Central Asian countries. Those
who have played Othello or the more
complex Go game can see the risks that
the above-average-but-overmatched
Bush is playing with.(9)
German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder
already declared German armed forces
will not participate in any attack on Iraq.
As MIM notes goes to press, the ruling
SPD-Green coalition is debating whether
or not to propose a parliamentary
resolution supporting Schröder's
decision. This is a response to pressure
from the smaller social-democratic PDS,
the former East German ruling party,
which was the first to suggest a resolution
opposing "any form of German
participation" in a war on Iraq.(10) The
SPD and Greens--both of which rabidly
supported German participation in the
NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, by the
way--want to make sure that the PDS
can't pose as the party of peace in the
upcoming elections. In any case, this
shows how social-democratic parties in
second-tier imperialist powers like the
PDS might make promising allies when
they come into conflict with the world's
imperialist hegemon, the United $tates.
The real deal
So if Bush's war not a moral crusade
against tyranny or against the threat of
"nucular" weapons, what is it?
Rami G. Khouri, an American-
educated Jordanian journalist
interviewed by the New York Times,
summed it up well. "There is a sense by
many ordinary people and politicians that
the moves against Iraq are an effort to
redraw the map for the strategic interests
of the United States and Israel...
Everyone I know wants Saddam Hussein
removed. Nobody I know wants the
Americans to do it--because we believe
they are the last people in the world who
will work on the behalf of Arab
Another man interviewed in the same
article said, "all this talk of democracy
in the Middle East is baloney. The United
States wants to do this against Iraq to
spite Arabs and in spite of Arabs."(11)
A talking head interviewed on National
Public Radio agreed with this
perspective, noting that pro-U.$.
"stability" in the region would require
local governments to become more, not
less, repressive.(12) As MIM and many
others have repeated since September 11,
Amerikan client states like Saudi Arabia
or Egypt were not necessarily better than
the Taliban regime when it came to
wimmin's rights, the right to free speech
and political association, economic
exploitation, etc. The difference was the
Taliban did not play along with U.$.
designs--at least not as much as
Washington wanted.
And of course for all his talk about Iraq
flaunting U.N resolutions, Bush said
nothing about U.N.-resolution-flaunting
Israel. Voices in the Wilderness make the
interesting point that, "UN Security
Council Resolution 687 calls for regional
disarmament throughout the Middle East,
not just in Iraq... The US can begin good-
faith negotiations with the Iraqi
government to return weapons inspectors
to Iraq in the context of this regional call
for disarmament. Ultimatums that are
issued without any possibility of
discussion, under the threat of massive
war, and ignoring Iraq's own security
concerns in the region, are not a useful
form of international diplomacy. The US
could examine its weapons sales to all
of Iraq's surrounding neighbors over this
period of eleven years that Iraq has been
sanctioned from international trade."(3)
Most notably on the question of
"nucular" weapons, it is an open secret
that Israel has them now, not just the
capability to produce them in a few years.
If the United $tates does attack, it is
the common people of Iraq who will
suffer even more. In the first Gulf War,
the United $tates bombed civilian
infrastructure--an internationally
recognized war crime (13)--and this
combined with U.N. sanctions has
contributed to the deaths of 5,000 Iraqis
a day. As a speaker at a teach-in in Iowa
put it: The images of death and human
suffering in Iraq, should evoke the same
feeling of horror as the images of people
leaping from the World Trade Center on
September 11. "We need to be every bit
as outraged."(14)
An Amerikan attack on Iraq will kill
thousands but peace in the Middle East
and the world will be further removed
than ever. Far from achieving Pax
Amerikana, war against Iraq will increase
worldwide anger against the Unites $tates
and send the message that the United
$tates will only listen to the criticism of
If Shakespeare were to write a tragedy
about Amerikan imperialism, he
wouldn't have to come up with a new
ending; he could just borrow these lines
from Hamlet:
And let me speak to th' yet unknowing
How these things came about: so shall
you hear
Of carnal, bloody and unnatural acts;
Of accidental judgments and casual
Of death put on by cunning and forced
And, in this upshot, purposes mistook
Fall'n on the inventor's heads.
1. Reuters, 12 Sep 2002.
2. Associated Press, 13 Sep 2002.
3. Voices in the Wilderness,
4. Frankfurter Rundschau, 13 Sep 2002.
5. MIM Notes 255, 1 Apr 2002.
6. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 12 Sep 2002.
7. New York Times, 12 Sep 2002.
8. MIM Notes 48, Jan 1991.
9. MIM Notes 266, 15 Sep 2002.
10. Frankfurter Rundschau, 12 Sep 2002.
12. All Things Considered, 28 Aug 2002.
14. Des Moines Register, 12 Sep 2002.
Continued from page 1...
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 6
Sunday (2002)
Directed by Charles
"Sunday" is a docudrama about the
events in the occupied six counties (so-
called Northern Ireland) on January 30,
1972, known as Bloody Sunday, when
British troops killed 14 unarmed civilians
and wounded 15 more during a civil
rights march in Derry. Produced to mark
the 30th anniversary of Bloody Sunday,
the film is carefully researched, drawing
on British military documents and first-
hand interviews with those involved in
the events. The producers claim that the
film is a factual representation of events
with only small modifications for
dramatic film effect. The film provides
insight into why the oppressed in the
occupied six counties took up arms
against British imperialism.
The bulk of Ireland won its
independence in 1920 after years of
guerrilla warfare against British
occupation. However, Britain kept
control of the Six Counties as the largest
contiguous piece of land where the
majority of the population supported
union with Britain. Such Unionists are
mostly Protestant, while Irish nationalists
are mostly Catholic; hence the usual
superficial characterization of the
colonial situation in the six counties as a
"religious conflict." It is important to note
that Britain settled these Protestants in
Ireland in the 17th century to increase its
control over Ireland.
The movie focuses on the lives of
several Irish youth who attended the
illegal but peaceful civil rights march on
January 30, 1972. The marchers were
protesting laws which restricted voting
rights based on property ownership--
Irish Catholic families could not afford
much property and so were frequently
denied a vote--and a new interment
camp near Derry city.
(The British Emergency Powers Act
denies citizens their right to habeas
corpus when they want an excuse for
political repression. Britain has exercised
this power in Ireland for 75 years. Special
powers also exist under the Prevention
of Terrorism Act, first passed in 1973 and
renewed every year since. This act allows
individuals suspected of terrorism to be
detained and interrogated for up to seven
days without charge.(1) When similar
provisions were included in the U$A
Patriot act, MIM pointed out that British
law has led to numerous abuses, without
actually preventing any "terrorism."
Perhaps most familiar to Amerikans are
the events documented in the film "In the
Name of the Father," where British police
tortured a group of young people during
the seven days they were held without
charge to force them to confess to
"crimes" they had not committed.)
"Sunday" first portrays the events of
the massacre from the marchers'
perspective. The main character, a man
named Leo Young, searches for his
brother after the shooting starts. He ends
up helping another boy who was shot,
taking him to the hospital. British troops
stop their car at a roadblock and force
them out at gunpoint. They then imprison
Leo and interrogate him. The troops don't
take the boy in the car to a hospital.
Instead they plant bombs in his pockets
and photograph him as evidence that the
IRA was behind the violence at the
The film then takes the audience
through the first official Government
Inquiry into Bloody Sunday, conducted
by then Lord Chief Justice, Lord
Widgery. The film revisits events of the
day from the perspective of the soldiers.
From the outset it is clear that they are
deployed to Derry to attack the crowd.
Their officers have encouraged them to
expect violent confrontation; they are
shown talking up the opportunity to kill
Irish Catholics. Before the tribunal they
are shown discussing the need to lie to
cover for themselves. One soldier who
submitted a report describing the events
as he saw them was told his testimony
would not be needed since his report
made the soldiers look like they fired
indiscriminately into the crowds. The
Widgery Tribunal concluded that the
soldiers were telling the truth and that it
was likely those demonstrators killed
were in fact IRA fighters and that the
fault for the violence was with the
marchers who staged the illegal protest.
The main character, who was released
from detention to learn that his brother
was killed at the march, goes from
incredulity at the police questioning
whether he is in the IRA to asking himself
whether or not he should join. He
promises his wife that he will not join if
the Government Inquiry delivers justice.
When the results of the tribunal are
reported he goes to an IRA recruiting
meeting to join, over the protests of his
wife who argues that he should not
because they have kids.
Throughout the film wimmin are
portrayed as trying to keep the men from
joining the IRA because they will be
killed. Leo's mother tells her daughter
that she will not let her sons see her grief
over the one who was killed because it
would drive them to join the IRA and get
killed themselves. Leo's wife says that
she would join the IRA herself but they
have kids and so neither of them should
This underlying message that
responsibility to family overrides
responsibility to society is the one
negative element to this documentary.
Support for armed struggle was built
through the events around Bloody
Sunday precisely because people
understood that they would not win civil
rights through non-violence. These rights
were and are essential to the survival of
the people living in the occupied six
counties of Ireland. It was for the future
of their families and children that people
join the armed struggle.
BBC Channel 4 commissioned
"Sunday" to mark the 20 year anniversary
of the massacre. This film is
fundamentally critical of the British
government and military. But it carefully
restricts its focus to the events of Bloody
Sunday. What is missing is a connection
to the on-going violent colonial
occupation of Ireland.
Note: 1. MIM Notes #137, June 1997.
`Sunday' exposes British colonialism in Ireland
capitalism also exacerbates factors that
lead to homelessness like homelessness
and drug abuse.
Currently everyone who receives cash
aid from San Francisco must work for
the city in return for their aid checks or
prove they are disabled. The new "Care
Not Cash" program would pay these
workers in vouchers for services that are
already free to other people (shelters and
soup kitchens). The program is modeled
after the failed homeless program of
former Mayor Guiliani in New York City.
In New York after Guiliani's version of
the "Care Not Cash" plan the number of
people staying in shelters rose rapidly,
up to 32,850 people a day in 2002.(3)
The city of San Francisco spends $104
million per year on direct homeless
services.(4) Currently 8,674 adults in San
Francisco receive a monthly cash stipend
of up to $395 from the city, also known
as General Assistance.(5) Approximately
2,756 of these people are homeless single
adults who will be affected by the
initiative.(6) If this "Care Not Cash"
program passes these homeless people
San Fran homeless
will have their monthly allowance cut to
$59 and the rest of the money. This will
result in less than $2 per day for
necessities such as medicine, laundry and
toothpaste and assumes that all the
homeless can be accommodated in
shelters and fed in soup kitchens. Nearly
60% of homeless people are disabled, but
they too will have only $2 per day to pay
for medicine.(7)
According to the Department of
Human Services 2002 report, for the
2,756 homeless adults on General
Assistance in SF there are only 1,294
shelter beds available (and note that these
beds also accommodate all the homeless
adults not on GA).(5) From the outset the
program can not succeed without
significant investment in homeless
services. Newsom argues that cutting
cash aid will free up $10 million a year,
which could fund 1,000 new residential
hotel rooms and 150 methadone
treatment slots. But the ballot initiative
doesn't include anything about using this
money to help the homeless. Further,
many methadone programs currently
charge for services and homeless people
who lose their cash benefits will not be
able to afford these services.
The "Care Not Cash" plan requires
people to stay in shelter beds to receive
even the $59 per month. If someone loses
their shelter, for any reason, they lose
their benefits as well. This program will
also perpetuate homelessness by
reducing people's ability to pay rent in
informal arrangements with family or
friends or save money for permanent
Most Bay Area counties have recently
switched to services rather than cash for
homeless programs, but there is no
evidence these are an improvement over
cash grants. In Alameda, a county near
San Francisco where a similar program
is in place, they found that most homeless
people chose to go without General
Assistance rather than be forced into
Political posturing leads to new
programs on the homeless every few
years. Under capitalism the best we can
hope for is more spending on food,
housing, medicine and other services and
rehabilitation for homeless people. But
this is not a solution to homelessness. The
only real solution to homelessness will
come when capitalism is overthrown and
people's basic needs become a priority.
Homelessness caused by capitalism is
a far bigger problem than what we see in
the United $tates. In Third World
countries, where the U.$. props up puppet
government with economic and military
aid, literally millions of people are
without adequate shelter, food, medicine
and even water. For these people, access
to a soup kitchen is not even a distant
dream. This doesn't make homelessness
in Amerika acceptable. But we do need
to keep this problem in perspective. We
should not just be fighting to end
homelessness in Amerika. The denial of
basic needs, putting profit before survival
rights, anywhere in the world is a crime.
1. National Lawyers Guild statement opposing
"Care Not Cash".
2. Mayor's office on housing, quoted in http://
3. New York City Department of Homeless
Services and Human Resources Administration,
shelter census reports. available at: http://
4. San Francisco Chronicle, Aug 17, 2002.
5. Committee Against Increased Homelessness
web site (
6. San Francisco Bay Guardian, June 19, 2002.
7. Department of Human Services, March 2002.
Continued from page 3...
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 7
On June 5th, police arrested Hip Hop
star R. Kelly for child pornography. The
prosecution claims that he had sex with
a 14 year-old girl in a videotape. On
August 28th, there was a report that the
performer "Truth Hurts" nonetheless
decided to release a single with Kelly,
who continues to be wildly popular. For
MIM, this case and others involving the
treatment of Black wimmin raise
important analytical questions.
Kelly's attorney says the womyn in the
tape was not underage. Since then critics
have turned to the act of a Black man
urinating on a Black womyn in the tape
as indicative of abuse.
Unfortunately MIM has to report that
urinating is all the fashion in Western
pornography and we find it difficult to
pin much meaning on this particular act
of the pornography, especially vis-a-vis
Black-men-to-Black-wimmin relations.
All we can say is that capitalism has to
come up with new and novel ways to
titillate the audience and keep sex fresh
or the customer does not pay.
That is to say Black people are not
sealed off from the rest of the Western
culture, and it is not correct to think they
will not demonstrate the decadence of
imperialist culture before successful
revolution. Ewuare Osayande of the San
Francisco Bay View wrote at length on
the right issues. We agree with him when
he said, "Those who want to quash
critique are often those who in some way
profit from this problematic state. They
reap profits by either making money from
it or by keeping their own oppressive dirt
from being exposed."(1)
Knowing Blacks are part of a profit-
making and decadent imperialist culture
is a large part, maybe most of the story.
Yet the question remains, why people buy
the videos that Kelly is selling. From our
scientific viewpoint, it is not enough to
say the culture is rotten. Yes the culture
is rotten. It is rotten in a particular way.
People have money and some free time.
They could choose to do something else,
but instead they buy the Kelly videotape,
which is on every street corner according
to Osayande.
The question comes up, why should
Blacks oppose Black men making porno
money, if white men make it that way.
That's what Kelly's supporters are
saying. Obviously within a capitalist
context, there is no fair rebuttal to Kelly's
supporters on this point. We have to be
for socialism before we have the right to
criticize Kelly or pornographers in
general. Otherwise, our criticism of our
artists like Kelly will be meaningless.
Indeed, if we seek to win over a section
of the Black bourgeoisie for revolution,
there may need to be concessions to the
Black bourgeoisie in particular, the Black
pornographers at the expense of the white
For a long time, the question of whether
rap is more misogynist than other music
forms has existed. Much rap refers to
Black wimmin as "whores" and "bitches"
by habit.
Considering that we are not in
socialism yet, MIM is ambivalent about
this point too, because though it may be
different the white man's rock is also
solidly misogynist. Rappers just have
their distinctive way of making money.
One thing we can address however is
the question of the psychology of Black
wimmin. We have to get away from
questions like why do Black wimmin put
up with their Black men. It's not a self-
esteem problem. There are a lot of
feelings of betrayal and abandonment out
there, but it would be wrong to leave the
question at that level of psychology and
culture, because psychology will never
point to a solution. People getting caught
up in their feelings are going to end up
going for fascism.
The fact is that Black wimmin are now
more likely to go through college than
Black men. According to the New York
Times in August, a "study found that in
2000 there were 791,600 black men in
jail or prison and 603,032 enrolled in
colleges or universities. By contrast, the
study said that in 1980 there were
143,000 black men in jail or prison but
463,700 enrolled in colleges or
universities."(2) The New York Times
also reported that the rise in Black men's
imprisonment between 1980 and 2000
was three times faster than the rise in
Black men going to college.
MIM would say that in fact Black men
in prison are more gender oppressed than
Black wimmin outside the prisons. The
white man is gender oppressing Black
men. It is wrong to call this issue one of
"triple oppression" (class, gender and
race/nation) and then refer only to
wimmin outside the prison walls. It's not
that simple.
In response to the Black labor
aristocracy and capitalists that say those
Blacks should be in prison, this is where
we say the Black labor aristocracy is too
R. Kelly and the dialectics of `triple oppression'
liable to the white man's propaganda.
Other countries manage to do without
that rate of imprisonment. There is no
reason for Black people to put up with it.
No country in the world imprisons people
at the rate that Amerikkkans imprison
Blacks, so Amerikkkans better be
learning something about other cultures
and systems and stop making excuses for
imprisonment rates not seen since Stalin
in war time. This is how the Black people
will benefit from the dictatorship of the
proletariat of the oppressed nations'
proletariat coming to the united $tates--
actually addressing problems instead of
putting everyone in prison.
In addition, Black men have a lower
life expectancy than Black wimmin. This
all adds up to one thing: a shortage of
available Black men for heterosexual
Black wimmin. As it stands, Black men
are also more likely to seek white
wimmin than white men are to seek Black
wimmin, so at least in practice there is
no balancing occurring in inter-racial
gender relations either.
This shortage of Black men is a
material fact affecting Black gender
relations. It is part of the very definition
of the gender relations. Cultural and
psychological explanations will end up
in self-blame. No matter how good the
rap song lyrics or the revolutionary will
of the people, there is going to be hurt
until we address the underlying causes.
2. New York Times, 28 Aug. 02.
"The number of people in the U.S.
correctional system hit a record 6.6
million--more than 3 in every 100
adults--last year, the Justice Department
says," says the Associated Press. The
figure counts 631,240 people in jails as
distinguished from prisons, probation and
The Amerikkkan population is
vacillating slightly in our favor at the
current time as 64% of the public have
moved to support a moratorium on the
death penalty(2) and 61% of California
passed Proposition 36 to require non-
incarceration for non-violent drug
offenders. The slight trend in our favor
is not showing up in imprisonment rates
yet, however. As MIM points out in every
issue, the united $tates is the world's
leading prison state.
An interesting tidbit from the
Associated Press is that "Whites
accounted for 55% of those on probation,
while blacks made up 31%. Among those
behind bars, however, 46 % of those
incarcerated were black and 36% were
These kinds of numbers indict the
whole system. Whether Amerikkkans are
the most criminally deranged in the world
or whether the system merely frames
more people than any system in the
world, either way, the structure of society
is to blame. When we Maoists get to
power, all people will benefit from a
reduction in crime, because we
understand its causes and have reduced
it before in other countries.
2. Boston Globe 15 Sep 2000
Media admits one in 32
Amerikans in penal system
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 8
Yahoo! suddenly canceled Lake
Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace
(LMNOP) e-mail account, alleging
LMNOP had violated "the terms of
service agreement." LMNOP is an anti-
war group in Oakland California. They
learned of the cancellation when they
could no longer access their email
address. Mail sent to the address was
returned as "undeliverable because the
account has been discontinued or
Yahoo!'s service agreement states that
Yahoo! can delete e-mail accounts on its
system at any time. In response to
LMNOP's questions Yahoo!
representatives stated that they have a
policy of not revealing the specific reason
behind account termination. One
customer representative did state that the
decision to shut down the account was
only made after complaints are filed,
however. Yahoo! made it clear to
LMNOP that there is no recourse once
the account is shut down. There is no
chance to prove the termination was
unfounded and no chance to retrieve
information stored on the account.
LMNOP organizers believe that
Yahoo! received a complaint about the
group because of their stance on
Palestine. [LMNOP raises the slogan
"Israel out of the West Bank and Gaza -
The Occupation is Killing Us All!"]
There is no way to know for sure, but in
a political climate like the United $tates
where the majority enjoy parasitic
benefits from imperialism, it is easy to
make enemies and likely that some of
those enemies enjoy the chance to
"report" progressive groups to any and
all authorities.
LMNOP lost their entire email list to
this Yahoo! censorship, which should
serve as a warning to other activist groups
taking advantage of free e-mail accounts
offered by corporate groups like Yahoo!.
We know that surveillance of political
activists is commonplace. And
corporations like Yahoo! are certainly
cooperating with the government to
provide any and all information they
request about users. Activists should use
these free tools cautiously. Be careful to
back up your information, and never give
out any information on those systems that
you don't want the government to have.
Check out MIM's web page FAQ on
security for more ways to protect yourself
and your work:
Yahoo! censors Oakland peace group
San Fran peace rally
agitation campaigns we were promoting
and also purchased copies of the latest
MIM Notes and other literature.
Focusing on two issues at the table,
activists drew people's attention to an
important local campaign with
international connections and an
important international campaign with
local relevance. The local campaign,
demanding the University of California
divest from Israel, garnered 131 petition
signatures and overwhelming enthusiasm
from the crowd. Younger people did not
recognize the connection to the call to
divest from South Africa in the 1980s
which was an important and successful
part of the anti-apartheid campaign. We
took the opportunity to explain the
historical lessons from that battle and the
reasons behind our current campaign.
Several people asked why we were
focusing on the UC schools, rather than
taking on a wider campaign of Amerikan
divestment from Israel. We explained that
we see this as a first step, and a winnable
battle, in the divestment campaign which
ultimately targets Amerikan imperialism
to pull out entirely from Israel. And we
encouraged people to research other
corporate connections to Israel to add to
the campaign.
The second campaign focused on at the
table demanded freedom for Memik
Horuz, deputy chairperson of the
International League of Peoples'
Struggle (ILPS), who has been in prison
in Turkey since June of 2001. He was
recently sentenced to 15 years in prison
on trumped-up charges (see article in this
issue of MIM Notes). We pointed out the
U.$. government's support for brutal
Turkish fascism. A number of people
who stopped to sign the petition
commented on the importance of Turkey
to Amerikan imperialism in the Middle
East. This drew important connections
to the Amerikan war machine activities
over the past year. Horuz is important to
us in San Francisco as a part of the
internationalist struggle that we are
waging. For this campaign we collected
120 petition signatures, limited by the
number of petition sheets we brought to
the event.
Our main regret is not having more
comrades with us to walk through the
crowd collecting more petition
signatures. The Open the U.$. Border
petition on the table drew about 20
signatures and the anti-censorship
postcards on hand, protesting censorship
of prisoner mail, attracted the attention
of a number of people stopping by the
table as well. We are confident we could
have gathered many more petition
signatures and postcards with greater
forces. We will work to build awareness
of the need for this anti-imperialist voice
at rallies such as this one in the coming
Bush Did It rally
A more radical and march with a
correct focus joined the Power to the
Peaceful rally after marching through
Golden Gate park. A RAIL contingent
joined the Bush Did It demonstration
which was organized by the All Peoples
Coalition Against U.S. Terror and War.
The overall message of the rally was that
the Bush regime is responsible for the
attacks on the u$ on 9/11, whether they
were actively involved or not. Organizers
recognized the role of imperialism in
breeding incidents like 9/11 from the
majority of the world, which has not
benefited from this system.
RAIL hopes that marching into the
crowd chanting, "Hey Bush, you can't
resist. We charge you as a terrorist." and
carrying signs such as "Fighting
Imperialism Is NOT Terrorism" brought
a more revolutionary message to the
broader audience. Contingent members
followed with hours of outreach and
discussion with individuals to better
explain our differences with the more
reformist and pacifist tendencies
represented at the festival. Getting mostly
positive responses, we hope those people
looking to eliminate this system of war
will help us to promote the most effective
solution to war at the next peace rally:
Continued from page 3...
massacre in Ulucanlar prison. The
government has also charged her with
membership in an illegal organization
and with having slandered the Turkish
The Amerikan government stepped up
military aid to Turkey after martial law
was declared in the early 80s, spending
about $500 million in military aid to
Turkey each year from 1988 to 1993.
Between 1980 and 1999, the U.S.
Government gave the Turkish regime
$4.6 billion in military aid and $2 billion
in military loans. In fiscal year 1999, the
Turkish regime imported $1.56 billion in
weapons from the United $tates.(4) The
Turkish army uses Amerikan helicopters
and other machinery in its genocidal war
against the Kurdish people.
After September 11, 2001, the U.$.
turned to Turkey for support in the so-
called war on terrorism. In this terrorist
war Turkey sent forces to join the U.$.-
led massacre of Afghanistan.(5) In return
Bush agreed to donate Turkey 25
helicopters and write off all or at least
part of a $5 billion loan for the purchase
of arms.(6) Those of us living in
Amerika's borders who oppose the brutal
thuggery used to support the "New World
Order" must speak up.
Please FAX or email your letters asking
that Horuz' bogus conviction be
overturned to the Turkish Embassy and
consulates in the united $tates:
* Washington D.C. Embassy Fax/
Email: 202-612-6744
* Washington D.C. Consulate Fax/
Email: 202-319-1639
* Los Angeles Consulate Fax/Email:
* Chicago Consulate Fax/Email: 312-
* New York Consulate Fax/Email:
You can also send faxes to the
following authorities in Turkey:
* Ankara Interior Ministry Fax:
01190 312 418 1795
* Ankara Justice Ministry Fax:
01190 312 417 3954
Send a copy of your letter to MIM.
1. International League of Peoples' Struggle
(ILPS) press release,
August3, 2002,
2. ILPS press release, June 30, 2002
3. ILPS press release, March 18, 2002
5., 11/6/2001
Free Memik Horuz!
Continued from page 3...
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 9
What questions do YOU have?
Wasn't Mao a butcher? Why do you spell it "Amerika"? Shouldn't
you try non-violence first? What is internationalism? Isn't hating white
people reverse racism? Why don't you leftists work together? Why
don't you tone it down? What is a cardinal principle? What is your
program? What is necessary to join MIM? What concrete actions can I
take? How do I write articles for MIM? What is your copyright policy?
Go to
and get real answers to these and other questions.
MIM Theory 2 and 3
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Send $5 cash, check, or stamps, or money
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29670, Los Angeles CA 90029-0670
In June journalists in Nepal(1) and
around the world condemned the torture-
killing of a journalist who spoke for the
People's War in Nepal named Krishna
Sen. Other journalists continued into July
to ask why the government did not even
confirm Krishna Sen's death.(2) Two
months after his death, the government
in Nepal issued an investigative report
and denied that the journalist Nepali
Krishna Sen was ever in government
custody and said it had no records of him
anymore! Hundreds of journalists have
protested in Nepal as a result of the
government coverups.(3)
Thus it appears that the regime in Nepal
has adopted the strategy of
"disappearance," except that it was
caught in the act. BBC reported that Sen
was in custody since May 2002.(4) Sen
had been in and out of detention the past
few years.
The government's version of events
held no credibility with Nepal's
journalists, as much as they had backed
the government against the People's War.
The Federation of Nepalese Journalists
leading demonstrations of hundreds has
said that over 100 journalists are in
custody, not just Krishna Sen.(5) That
number rose to over 140 journalists in
detention with 22 still in custody as of
our latest update.(6)
The Maoists in Nepal had spent quite
some time in peace negotiations with the
regime in Nepal. With the bizarre
monarchy self-destruction, with
supposed "communists" in the
Parliament that do not oppose U.S.
military aid to the semi-feudal
government(7) and with a state of
emergency under which the regime kills
journalists, it is little wonder that peace
negotiations failed.
Under any conditions it is impossible
to get landlord-backed rulers to
redistribute the land in land reform and
bring an end to semi-feudalism and
conditions of poverty affecting the
world's peasantry. That's why land
reform in Japan, Taiwan, China, southern
Korea, northern Korea and elsewhere
occurred through force, either communist
force or U.$. troops (after war) or both.
Blood of Krishna Sen moves Nepali people
That is a cruel reality for the world's
starving people, as cruel as the fact that
most of slavery did not come to an end
through mutual good wishes.
A people facing widespread poverty
and starvation cannot simply agree on
nice-sounding words with a landlord
government. The workers and peasants
in a country as poor as Nepal must have
the implementation of actual survival
rights before they can peacefully coexist
with anyone else. There can be nothing
more stupid than the idea that the starving
can negotiate away their right to
survival--whether it be in elections or
peace negotiations. For this reason, real
communists in Nepal must be firm in
their demands. Settling for nice-sound
phrases effectively means death for many
now and prolonged suffering for others
in the future.
Another factor in the inability to
conclude peace negotiations is that
politicians in Nepal see their power rising
from an increase in foreign aid to root
out "terrorists." In June, a London
meeting saw Great Powers promise $128
million in economic and military aid for
Nepal.(8) The most visible result was the
split in the ruling Nepali Congress party
with the prime minister playing the
"terrorist" angle for as much aid as
2002-6-29/kp_editorial.htm is an example from
the Kathmandu Post
~ser00003/NS1.html has a story on the
government's calling Sen "a missing case" while
it was conducting its investigation.
7. See
the Israelis were gradually grabbing land
for the settlements. It looked very
obvious that something tricky was going
on--even Ray Charles could see it. I can
remember back when I did not know if
this charade would become utterly
frustrated and would think that if I was
in Arafat's shoes I would not have the
"patience" that he manifested. I would
have told the Israelis that I did not have
time to play games, so when they got
serious to negotiate, then call me. But
now I know why Arafat had this gigantic
"patience." It was a charade! But if this
is true, then why haven't the Arabs and
Palestinians figured it out yet? Does
Hamas know that he's a charade? So they
are the real representatives of the
Palestinians? That's why the Israelis
don't want to deal with them? Tell me
your opinion.
In Solidarity,
--A Texas Prisoner
MIM responds: Your comments on
Mandela and Arafat are very well taken.
Fifteen years ago, the movements they
led--the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) and the African
National Congress (ANC), along with
their allied movements in Nicaragua and
El Salvador and a few others--
represented to some people the cutting
edge of anti-imperialism and the future
of socialist movements.
Those of us who disagreed at the
time--including MIM--were clearly
vindicated in the 1990s when all of these
organizations gave up the revolutionary
cause for good and went over into
negotiated capitulation whole hog. To
MIM, this history holds valuable lessons,
including two major ones. First, national
liberation from imperialism without a
socialist program and leadership leads to
neocolonialism. This we already knew,
but these cases underscored it. Second,
national liberation movements tied too
heavily to external great-power
support--in this case the social-
imperialist ex-USSR--are not
independently sustainable. Whatever was
revolutionary in the programs of these
movements was quickly sacrificed when
they could no longer leverage Soviet
support against the U.$. empire. When
the ex-USSR collapsed, they had no one
to lean on, so they quickly cut the best
deals they could with imperialism, and
declared victory.
Before the collapse of the ex-USSR,
Arafat and Mandela were more likely to
end up in the Soviet camp. That was how
they played their hands. Now, to MIM
that is not as big a difference as it is to
some others, because we understand that
the Soviet Union had become social-
imperialist after the development of state
capitalism in the 1950s. So this was a
choice between imperialist powers. It is
not inherently wrong to play one
imperialist power off another, but
revolutionary movements need to
maintain their independence and self-
sufficiency in such situations (look at
formerly-Soviet-dependent Cuba, too).
These guys were the two leaders
supposedly representing the most visible
unresolved colonial legacies post-WWII.
These cases posed international political
problems for imperialism in the
neocolonial era, because they
undermined the imperialist propaganda
that the current era is "post-colonial," the
"former" imperialists having given up
their colonies out of their own largesse
or political savvy. So maybe it is fitting
(from the imperialist's perspective) that
when these two guys finally gave it up,
they got the Nobel Prize. The
revolutionary aspirations of the people
they represented were a major thorn in
the side of imperialism.
Which brings us to your final question:
why do the masses put up with this? On
that we urge you to take a longer view.
In the long run, the masses do not put up
with this. Developing revolutionary
organizations and leaders takes time and
requires capitalizing on the historical
moment. Already in both Palestine and
Azania (South Africa) there are growing
mass movements which see Arafat and
Mandela/Mbeki for what they are:
imperialist running dogs. You won't
catch imperialist mouthpieces reporting
on these movements though; the myths
they've built up around Arafat and
Mandela are important propaganda.
Continued from page 2...
Mandela (left),
and Arafat
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 10
MIM on
Prisons & Prisoners
MIM seeks to build public opinion
against Amerika's criminal injustice sys-
tem, and to eventually replace the bour-
geois injustice system with proletarian jus-
tice. The bourgeois injustice system im-
prisons and executes a disproportionately
large and growing number of oppressed
people while letting the biggest mass mur-
derers -- the imperialists and their lack-
eys -- roam free. Imperialism is not op-
posed to murder or theft, it only insists that
these crimes be committed in the interests
of the bourgeoisie.
"All U.S. citizens are criminals--
accomplices and accessories to the crimes
of U.$. oppression globally until the day
U.$. imperialism is overcome. All U.S.
citizens should start from the point of view
that they are reforming criminals."
MIM does not advocate that all
prisoners go free today; we have a
more effective program for fighting
crime as was demonstrated in China
prior to the restoration of capitalism
there in 1976. We say that all prisoners
are political prisoners because under
the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, all
imprisonment is substantively
political. It is our responsibility to
exert revolutionary leadership and
conduct political agitation and
organization among prisoners --
whose material conditions make them
an overwhelmingly revolutionary
group. Some prisoners should and will
work on self-criticism under a future
dictatorship of the proletariat in those
cases in which prisoners really did do
something wrong by proletarian
Under Lock & Key
News from Prisons & Prisoners
Alabama censors
MIM Theory
I guess you can add Limestone prison
to your censorship list. I state the above
assuming that MIM Theory 8 & 11 were
returned to sender. If so, send me a letter
notifying me so. I know that postage is
hell but please send MIM Theory 8 back.
I request this because I'm trying to see if
it was MIM theory 11 that prompted these
pigs to censor the package. I think that is
I'm working on this censorship because
its not the first time. They, recently
censored MIM Theory 6 a comrade
received out in general population.
In June 2000, the Poverty Law Center
settled a lawsuit on behalf of prisoners
in Alabama concerning publications. The
suit was titled Prison Legal News v.
Haley. Out of the settlement came
Admin. Reg. 303 which states that
anytime a publication is denied the
officials must notify the prisoner of its
denial and give the prisoner the chance
to protest this censorship. Also, the
publisher must also be notified and given
the chance to protest.
In the case of the censorship of MIM
Theory 8 & 11, I was not notified and
given the chance to protest. I'm sure that
MIM was not notified as to why these
publications were being censored.
I'm in contact with the SPLC on this.
Plus, I've taken other independent action
against this censorship. If it's not stopped
by November I'm going on hunger strike
to protest censorship. So, forward me
MIM Theory 8 and I'll reimburse you on
the cost soon.
-- a prisoner in Alabama, August
MIM responds: We are working with
this prisoner to fight the censorship in
Alabama. Any other prisoners
experiencing similar problems there
should contact us so we can coordinate
our actions. Protest letters can be sent to:
Warden Billy Mitchem
P.O. Box 66
Capshaw, AL 35742-0066
Illinois DOC
persecutes Rasta
prisoner, censors MIM
After receiving your paper for the past
two months here at Moline C. C. I am
now being told that the paper is banned.
They refuse to give me a good reason and
continue to send me this [form to protest
the censorship]. This corrupt system
continues to violate my rights. My being
denied the papers from MIM Notes is just
the tip of my problems with these people.
They are denying me all visits due to my
religion (Rastafarian). Because I have no
outside help they are basically railroading
I have 18 years in and now that I have
gotten to the end of my bit all hell is
breaking out. I can't get visits or your
paper, and they're saying that if I should
be transferred or go to segregation for
any reason, they will forcefully cut my
hair. So their game is that if I should
create any waves about getting my copies
of MIM Notes then I will either be put in
seg. or transferred so that the power that
be can violate my religious rights.
The authorities also said that because
of my martial arts skills the joint will be
locked down so that they can use all
available staff to assist them. So the
bottom line is that I will soon be killed
for what I believe in: my right to be a
Rastafarian and to read MIM Notes. I
may not be the only one in this position;
I'm sure that I'm not. But because I am
alone in this struggle I can easily be used
by the system to show others: Look what
happened to him. If you don't want it to
happen to you, don't make any waves.
But as I've said, I am willing to go to
the end for what I believe in. Any help
you can give will be greatly appreciated.
The struggle continues,
--An Illinois prisoner, June 2002
Seize revolutionary
In prison the struggle is on the street.
We face oppression and victimization.
Some people in here are more
comfortable being victimized than
actually standing up for themselves. I do
spread around that we the oppressed need
to drown our fears, get out of the fantasy
of religion, and believe that were all
considered equal by the people. We need
to face the reality of our equal struggle
against oppression, brutality and
discrimination. The afterlife one can
debate, but whatever we do in life affects
the people and the world that remains.
We must help and support other
revolutionary people in their struggle and
feed them knowledge. We can not fear
the enemy and must care nothing of death
if we have to battle.
With true salute,
--A California prisoner, July 2002
Georgia prisoner
defends himself
against pig attack
Around the latter part of May 2002,
two guards attacked a prisoner here in
the lockdown area (SMU) of [prison] in
Georgia, forcing the prisoner to defend
himself. It is not uncommon for guards
to jump on prisoners in the Georgia
prison system and definitely not at [this
prison]; but what is uncommon is for a
prisoner to stand up and defend himself
from an attack. Prisoners usually submit
to force, and the guards know this. But
what the guards didn't know and could
not have known at the time was that this
prisoner would defend his life from their
vicious attack with such vehemence that
he would leave a mark on the minds of
any guards who even thought about
attacking a prisoner. Yes, the prisoner
came out on top. And today, two weeks
later, the rest of the guards are walking
around with a black strip of tape covering
their badges (one of the pigs died and the
other is out on medical leave.)
The warden claims that things will get
tighter for prisoners around here. But
with prisoners already being locked down
23 hours day and being divested of even
the bare minimum privileges and rights
required by the state and federal law, how
on earth does he expect to "tighten things
up?" What the warden apparently doesn't
know is that the repression is what led
the pig to his death. He needs to be trying
to loosen things up because once these
prisoners recognize the duplicity of this
so-called program and the prisoners in
population realize that they are subject
to being snatched up at any time and
forced into it, there's bound to be more
killings in this prison.
--A Georgia prisoner, June 2002
Washington prisoners
denied adequate
Washington State prisoners held in the
intensive management unit are denied
shower access four days a week because
those who rule over them seek to be paid
without working for their money. In order
to cover for this the parasites justify
repression by claiming rules were being
broken in IMU and restrictions on the use
of showers would deter similar acts
which prisoners might commit anytime
someone goes there.
Although this is said in an honest
sincere way, prison officials know they're
lying to your face any time they convey
this information onto other people. What
outsiders aren't privy to is the fact that
these oppressors held meetings and made
plans which would cause these or other
necessities to be taken from the prisoners
in IMU. Even before there was a rule
violation which could justify it.
Anyone with a view inside the
bourgeois mind knows there are
predators like this who will deceive
everyone in an effort to exploit other
people. It hardly matters that little would
be gained by it or that prisoners actually
pay a portion of their funds towards
incarceration and would be entitled to
showers on a daily basis to keep clear of
health problems associated with poor
If it means a free ride on tax dollars
these people will take as much as possible
in order to acquire easy money.
--a prisoner in WA, August 2002
Tennessee attacks
politically conscious
Dear MIM,
I received your letters about appealing
he returned magazines and the steps to
take. I never received a notice. I'm
thankful that you wrote a letter to the
warden here. I've been catching hell, for
the last 28 days I've been in the seg. unit
pending investigation. They say I'm the
ringleader. Here at WTSP there are 3
sites, all separate, and I'm at site #2 and
28 days ago at site #3 something went
down and I didn't have any knowledge
of it, but anyway while I was in the seg.
unit Internal Affairs came to visit me.
They asked me did I give the ORDER
for the inmates at site #3 to go on a hunger
strike. That was the first I heard of it.
They put me on administrative lock up,
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 11
Facts on U$ imprisonment
The facts about imprisonment in the United $tates are that the United $tates has been the world's leading prison-state per capita for the last
25 years, with a brief exception during Boris Yeltsin's declaration of a state of emergency.(1)
That means that while Reagan was talking about a Soviet "evil empire" he was the head of a state that imprisoned more people per capita.
In supposedly "hard-line" Bulgaria of the Soviet bloc of the 1980s, the imprisonment rate was less than half that of the United $tates.(2,3)
To find a comparison with U.$. imprisonment of Black people, there is no statistic in any country that compares including apartheid South
Africa of the era before Mandela was president. The last situation remotely comparable to the situation today was under Stalin during war
time. The majority of prisoners are non-violent offenders(4) and the U.S. Government now holds about a half million more prisoners than
China; even though China is four times our population.(5)
The rednecks tell MIM that we live in a "free country." They live in an Orwellian 1984 situation where freedom is imprisonment.
Notes: 1. Marc Mauer, "Americans Behind Bars: The International Use of Incarceration 1993," The Prison Sentencing Project, 918 F. St. NW, Suite
501, Washington, DC 20004 (202) 628-0871 Reference: SRI: R8965-2, 1994
2. Ibid., 1992 report.
3. United Nations Development Programme, "Human Development Report 1994,:" Oxford University Press, p. 186.
4. Figure of 51.2 percent for state prisoners there for non-violent offenses. Abstract of the United States 1993, p. 211.
5. Atlantic Monthly December, 1998.
From the MIM "Frequently Asked
Questions" page,
Internationalism is the ethical belief or
scientific approach in which peoples of
different nations are held to be or assumed to
be equal. Internationalism is opposed to
racism and national chauvinism.
We Maoists believe the nationalism of
nations experiencing oppression of
imperialism is "applied internationalism." We
oppose nationalism of oppressed nations
directed at other oppressed nations, because
the economic content of such nationalism is
intra-proletarian conflict. We seek a united
front of oppressed nations led by the
international proletariat against imperialism.
"I must argue, not from the point of view
of `my' country (for that is the argument of a
wretched, stupid, petty-bourgeois nationalist
who does not realize that he is only a plaything
in the hands of the imperialist bourgeoisie),
but from the point of view of my share in the
preparation, in the propaganda, and in the
acceleration of the world proletarian
revolution. That is what internationalism
means, and that is the duty of the
internationalist, of the revolutionary worker,
of the genuine Socialist."
V. I. Lenin, "What Is Internationalism?"
The Proletarian Revolution and the
Renegade Kautsky (Peking: Foreign
Language Press, 1965), p. 80.
What is internationalism?
they say I pose a threat to staff and
inmates and the good order of this
institution. All this has been a decision
by Warden Westbrooks.
-- a prisoner in TN, August 2002
Small victories but
repression and
censorship continue in
Dear MIM:
Greetings from the place where there
is no darkness except in the minds of
those around me and in the hearts of those
who hold me captive. I haven't touched
base in a while because I have been busy
battling these beasts over some of the
madness in these cages. For the first time
MIM Notes made it through the censor's
inspection here which really is surprising
considering the extreme pettiness and
determination to withhold knowledge
that these screws practice. The first thing
I noticed is that there's a whole lot of
censorship going on throughout the
Department of Corruption. I feel the
frustration that those imprisoned
throughout the nation are experiencing.
But here in Wisconsin censorship is at a
level not seen since the gestapo ran
rampant in Nazi Germany. Besides the
obvious and widely addressed policy of
denying books, magazines, papers, etc.
these beasts read all incoming and
outgoing mail. The only letters we can
seal are ones addressed to the courts or
lawyers. Recently I received 360 more
days in seg for sending out a personal
letter to my folks that I signed with my
nickname. (Which makes me ineligible
for promotion in this system till next
That's just the tip of the bullshit that
goes on here. In April the class action
against this present day concentration
kamp was settled and even though it all
looks decent on paper, no significant
changes have yet been implemented. I
still haven't seen the sun since I got here,
our canteen is still ridiculous, food's still
being used as punishment (I was denied
a meal just last week for not bowing
down to these pigs), our cells are still so
hot and humid that our walls sweat and
our sheets stick to us when we lay down,
and medical staff here are still
unqualified idiots.
Part of the settlement is that all
prisoners here shall have at least the same
rights and privileges that prisoners in
other maximum security prisons in
Wisconsin have in program and
administrative segregation. I must let you
know admin seg is supposed to be non-
punitive. Therefore we should be allowed
everything prisoners in general
population have. Call me crazy, but I
don't see us getting anything anywhere
near that. It's time for all of us to wizen
up and realize these fools aren't trying
to give us shit. The struggle is great here
but that shouldn't take away from the
significance of all the madness going on
elsewhere. We're all in this together so a
state's boundaries shouldn't stop us from
collaborating and coming up with a
course of action to push back the wave
of oppression that threatens to pull each
and every one of us under.
In related news, I saw on the news that
some prisoners in CA (and the ACLU)
are challenging a ban on internet access.
Do you know if that's receiving printed
internet material or do prisoners have
computers out there? I ask because SMCI
doesn't allow us to receive cutouts or
pullouts from books, mags and
newspaper articles, and internet material
nor are we allowed photocopies of any
of those either. Only SMCI (in WI) has
this policy and I was wondering if you
could keep me up to date on that Cali
case and give me any suggestions on how
to challenge this unnecessary censorship.
I want to comment on that demonstration
these Washington pigs tried to put down
on that comrade, denying him his mail
because the letter mentioned the goal of
establishing leaders in the injustice
system. They said it was a "cause for
concern". Hell yeah them beasts need to
be concerned. Cause when we become
unified, educated and structured up
things are gonna change and heads are
gonna roll. Be concerned, fear the future
and above all respect our young anti-
imperialist leaders.
Arms up, fists high. The struggle
continues relentlessly.
-- a prisoner in WI, August 2002
MIM adds: This comrade's letter also
included more detailed update
information on the Class Action lawsuit
against SMCI in Boscobel Wisconsin.
MIM reported on this case in MIM Notes
#253: "The state has conceded to many
of the prisoners demands including no
longer calling the prison a `supermax' for
`the worst of the worst.' Other
concessions include: keeping the exercise
room at room temperature, allowing
outdoor exercise, allowing face-to-face
visits on levels 4&5, not using food as
punishment, allowing religious articles
in cells, keeping lights at no greater than
5 watts at night, and regulation of cell
temperature and extra blankets and
sweaters in the winter."
While this clearly represented a
significant victory against the criminal
injustice system in Wisconsin, as this
prisoner describes above, most of the
agreements have not been implemented
by the prison. The lawyer fighting for the
prisoners rights described the conditions
in the prison in a motion for an
emergency hearing on cell temperature:
"...the average/mean temperature at bed
height in the test cells was 91.75 degrees
F and the average/mean inflow
temperature was 95.1 degrees F." The
Court Approved Settlement mandated
cell temperatures kept between 80-84
degrees in the summer. The excessive
heat is a danger to the prisoner's health.
On June 28, 2002 the counsel for the
DOC explained their reason for not
implementing the court's order on cell
cooling: "The rationale was not that the
Department of Corrections was unable
to fulfill the terms [of the agreement], but
rather that doing so would cause union
problems, upset the public, and cause
morale problems in other institutions."
MIM doesn't have any information on
the California internet censorship
challenge but we encourage our readers
to send us information about this case.
New York SHU's
repress oppressed
nation orgs
I would like to advise MIM that my
issues with NYS DOCS on keeping me
in admin seg for being a leader of the
New York State Latin King Chapter is
now in the Albany Co, Supreme Court.
The continued segregation and solitary
confinement of minority Latinos and
Blacks must come to an end. These
Special Housing Units (SHU's) in New
York State were built under the pretense
of placing extremely violent prisoners
within them. These new prisons have
been built within the past 4 years and 12
new prisons have been built for these
reasons. These prisons are not being used
for the violent, they are being used for
Security Risk Groups: Latin Kings,
Bloods, Crips, Rat Hunters & so on.
These new SHU's are filled with
people who are here for dirty urine. To
justify the money being spent for these
prisons they must keep them full! New
York State is the only state that gives 5
years solitary confinement on a dirty
urine for smoking a stick of weed!(joint)
This is their reform and rehabilitation for
the drug users!
The article on U.S. prison officials use
of torture and biological weapons in
MIM Notes 256 is 100% true, because I
live it every day of my life since 2000.
I've been in the New York State SHU
restricted diet (the "loaf") bread mixed
with cabbage then baked into a solid
gruel. The teargas, pepper spray and so
on to an asthmatic is a deadly practice.
The stunguns, and electric riot shield is
a deadly practice for anyone with a heart
problem. The United States Supreme
Court abolished cruel and unusual
punishment. If these practices aren't cruel
and unusual then deadly force along with
the governments dumbocracy has just
stepped up onto a new plateau!
It's time to wake up and become a part
of the resolution to fix the problem.
Peace almighty today, tomorrow and
forever. King's love,
-a NY prisoner, May 2002
MIM Notes 267 · October 1, 2002· Page 12
Notas Rojas
octubre 1, 2002, Nº 267 Fragmento del Periodico Oficial del Movimiento Internacionalista Maoista
¿Que es el MIM?
El Movimiento Internacionalista Maoísta (MIM) es un partido revolucionario
comunista que ejerce el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo. El MIM es una organización
internacionalista que trabaja desde el punto de vista del proletariado del Tercer Mundo;
es por esto que sus miembros no son amerikanos sino ciudadanos del mundo.
El MIM lucha para acabar con la opresión de todos los grupos sobre cualquier otro,
naciones por naciones, clases por clases, y géneros por géneros. La revolución es una
realidad para los Estados Unidos mientras su ejército continúa extendiendose en su
esfuerzo por asegurar la hegemonía mundial.
El MIM difiere de otros partidos en tres puntos basicos: (1) El MIM sostiene que
después que el proletariado conquiste el poder estatal, existira aún el potencial para una
restauración de tipo capitalista, bajo la dirección de una burguesía nueva dentro del
mismo partido comunista. En el caso de la Unión Soviética, la burguesía se apoderó del
gobierno después de la muerte de Stalin, en 1953; y en China después de la muerte de
Mao y del derrocamiento de la llamada "banda de los cuatro' en 1976. (2) El MIM
sostiene que la Revolución Cultural en China es la fase ms avanzada a la que llegó el
comunismo en la historia. (3) El MIM afirma que la clase trabajadora blanca de los
EE.UU. es primordialmente, una élite trabajadora no revolucionaria en el presente. Es
por esto que no es el principal vehículo para avanzar el Maoísmo en este país.
El MIM acepta como miembro a cualquier individuo que esté de acuerdo con estos
tres puntos basicos, y que acepte al centralismo democrtico, el método de gobierno por
la mayoría en lo que se refiere a cuestiones de línea del partido. El MIM es un partido
clandestino que no publica los nombres de sus miembros para evitar la represión estatal
dirigida históricamente contra los movimientos revolucionarios comunistas, y anti-
imperialistas. Si Ud. desea una suscripción para cualquiera de nuestros periódicos o
libros teóricos, en español o en inglés, por favor mandar dinero en efectivo o un cheque
al nombre de MIM a esta dirección:
MIM · P.O. Box 29670 · Los Angeles CA 90029-0670
Para detallar el papel de EE.UU. en
Colombia y para explicar porqué Bush decidió
cazar organizaciones colombianas como parte
de la "guerra contra el terrorismo" El MIM
ha decidido imprimir el siguiente artículo. El
MIM piensa que el pueblo colombiano debería
tomar el camino preparado por el Camarada
Gonzalo y el PCP. Y aunque tenemos
diferencias con las FARC-EP también tenemos
el deber de desenmascarar los propósitos del
Tío Sam, sin importar en contra de quién los
Por Doug Stokes
Traducido por Células de Estudio para la
Liberación de Aztlán y América Latina
Durante la década de los 80 tomaron un
nuevo carácter las operaciones
contrainsurgentes de EE.UU. y se convirtieron
en lo que hoy se conoce como una Guerra de
Baja Intensidad. Este cambio fue resultado de
dos importantes lecciones que los directores
estadounidenses sacaron de la experiencia de
la guerra contra Vietnam.
En primer lugar, el público norteamericano
no estaba preparado para aguantar grandes
pérdidas en las guerras imperialistas en el
mundo en desarrollo. Entre los estrategistas
norteamericanos este fenómeno se denomina
"Síndrome de Vietnam"; imágenes de fallecidos
soldados norteamericanos llegando a casa en
bolsas de cuerpo.
En segundo lugar, y aun más importante, los
estrategistas reconocieron que el blanco
principal de las campañas de baja intensidad
no es la victoria militar. Ahora el objetivo es
una manipulación de la opinión pública en el
contexto doméstico e internacional y una
defamación política del enemigo.
A consequencia de esto la guerra sicológica
estadounidense se volvió importantísima y una
manipulación de la opinión unánime se
convirtió en el nucleo de la victoria en general.
En pocas palabras, la victoria prosigue de la
destrucción del apoyo popular del enemigo.
Esta nueva guerra de baja intensidad se usa
bastante hoy en Colombia. Las encuestas sobre
la opinión pública en el año 1987 pusieron de
relieve que el 76% de todos los americanos
creían que el gobierno colombiano era un
gobierno corrupto y el 80% buscaban sanciones
para éste. Para el año 1991 la imagen del estado
colombiano sufrió más daños cuando el
gobierno colombiano se rehusó a entregar al
infame narcotraficante Pablo Escobar. Como
respuesta a todo esto el estado colombiano
comenzó su propia guerra de baja intensidad
para conquistar la mente y el corazón del
público norteamericano.
Colombia contrató los servicios del grupo
Sawyer y Miller, una compañía de relaciones
públicas que ingresó casi un millón de dólares
en derechos y gastos tan sólo durante la primera
parte del 1991. La tarea de los especialistas
fue transformar la imagen del estado
colombiano y hacerlo parecer un aliado
incondicional de EE.UU. en la llamada "guerra
contra el narcotráfico" en vez de un régimen
corrupto y atropellador de los derechos
El director a cargo del portafolio Colombia
del grupo Swayer y Miller explicó que "la
misión principal es educar a los medios de
comunicación estadounidenses sobre
Colombia, conseguir buenas coberturas y
fortalecer relaciones con periodistas, escritores
y grupos de intelectuales especializados.
Nuestro mensaje es que en Colombia hay
personas `malas' al igual que personas `buenas'
y que el gobierno es el lado bueno."
Para popularizar esta imagen y asesorar la
opinión pública, el grupo Sawyer y Miller
realizó encuestas y juntas de grupos de enfoque.
Tan sólo en 1991, Colombia pagó $3.1 millones
de dólares por una campaña de anuncios. Los
anuncios se dirigían a los legisladores
norteamericanos en Wáshington y se colocaron
en los periódicos y en la televisión. Todos los
anuncios compartían el mismo tema. Los
anuncios buscaban cambiar la imagen de la
relación entre Colombia como proveedor de
droga a EE.UU. como el consumidor, y pedían
al pueblo norteamericano que no se olvidara
de la valentía de las fuerzas armadas
colombianes en la guerra contra el narcotráfico.
Cada vez que algún noticiero norteamericano
pedía entrevistas con oficiales del gobierno
colombiano, la solicitud pasaba por las manos
de Sawyer y Miller. Periodistas afinos luego
eran conducidos por Sawyer y Miller a los
ministerios claves del gobierno mientras el
grupo se aseguraba de que no se acercaran los
periodistas que criticaban el espantoso historial
de derechos humanos en Colombia. Hubo un
caso en el cual después de un mitin con Warren
Hodge, el jefe de redacción del periódico New
York Times, este diario publicó una pieza larga
e incorrecta en la cual se le endosaba al entonces
presidente colombiano, César Trujillo, quien
había realizado su campaña electoral con dinero
del narcótrafico. El gobierno colombiano
adquirió el derecho de imprenta de la pieza y
prosiguió a enviar miles de copias a periodistas
norteamericanos y embajadas.
Por lo regular, el grupo Sawyer y Miller usa
a la prensa norteamericana para distribuir
propaganda pro-gobierno de Colombia y sus
operaciones comunes incluyen imprimir
folletos, mandar cartas a la redacción con firmas
de oficiales colombianos y colocar anuncios en
los periódicos New York Times y el Washington
Sin embar, lo que ha tenido mas consecuencia
es la transformación de los protagonistas
armados en el conflicto en Colombia. Según
documentos que acaban de ser declasificados,
Myle Frechette, el embajador estadounidense
a Colombia durante el año 1996, confiesa que
la imagen de las Fuerzas Armadas
Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) como
narcoguerrilleros "fue creada por las fuerzas
armadas del estado colombiano, que lo
consideraban un modo de ganar ayuda
norteamericana en la guerra de
Parece que el trabajo de relaciones publicas
ha funcionado. Hoy Colombia se ha convertido
en el tercer receptor más grande de ayuda militar
norteamericana en el mundo. Se supone que
esta ayuda sirve para la ofensiva en contra de
las FARC que han sido calificados como los
principales narcoterroristas.
En el año 2000 el senador demócrata Joseph
Biden dijo que "en la historia contemporánea
nunca ha habido semejante oportunidad para
dar un golpe contra el origen de todas las
dimensiones del narcotráfico. Es
importantísima para los intereses nacionales de
EE.UU. la ayuda a Colombia, pues es la fuente
de muchas de las drogas que envenenan a
nuestra gente." Peter F. Romero, ayudante al
Secretario de Estado de la Oficina de Asuntos
del Hemisferio Occidental bajo la
administración de Clinton, dijo que "Colombia
debe restaurar la autoridad sobre los `santuarios'
de la producción de narcóticos. Una solución
completa para los problemas de Colombia debe
contener la restauración de la autoridad estatal
en estas areas sin ley. Para lograr el objetivo
sugerimos prestarle al gobierno de Colombia
la potencia aérea para poder penetrar
profundamente en las regiones sin ley y
establecer ahí la seguridad para sus oficiales."
La elección de Bush y los ataques del 11 de
septiembre han resultado en una nueva
orientación "antiterrorista" en la política
norteamerican en relación a Colombia.
Colombia es parte del plan de la administración
de Bush y John Ashcroft, el Fiscal General de
EE.UU. quien dice que "El Departamento de
Estado ha declarado que las FARC es el grupo
internacional terrorista más peligroso en todo
el hemisferio occidental" que ha "llevado a cabo
una campaña terrorista en contra de ciudadanos
colombianos y estadounidenses."
Al principo presentaban la política
norteamericana como una campaña contra el
narcotráfico pero ahora se justifica como una
campaña antiterrorista. Las guerras
norteamericans en Colombia contra el
narcotráfico y contra el terrorismo.
Entre los años 2000 y 2001, Wáshington
envió $1.3 mil millones de dólares a Colombia
para llevar a cabo las guerras norteamericanas
contra el narcotráfico y el terrorismo y ya se
han preparado $700 millones más para el 2003.
Estas sumas llegan a parar en los cofres del
estado y las fuerzas armadas de Colombia. Las
instrucciones de EE.UU. indican que las fuerzas
armadas de Colombia deben enfocar la guerra
contra los insurgentes rebeldes izquierdistas de
las FARC en el sur del país ( lo que EE.UU.
llaman `un empujón al sur). Éstos
"narcoguerrilleros" y "narcoterroristas" deberán
ser el blanco porque se supone que ellos son
los principales "terroristas" y narcotraficantes.
James Milford, el ex-Administrador Sustituto
con la principal organización norteamericana
para la eliminación de drogas, la DEA, dijo en
1997 que el jefe de la organización paramilitar
AUC es "en sí un principal traficante de
cocaína" y que está muy relacionado con el
sindicato narcotraficante Valle del Norte el cual
es "uno de los grupos narcotraficantes más
potentes de Colombia." Añadió también que
"hay pocas pruebas que indiquen que las
organizaciones insurgentes trafican la cocaína
por medio de producción, venta a los sindicatos
mexicanos o sus propias redes de distribución
en EE.UU."
Donnie Marshal, el actual Administrador
Susitituto de la DEA, dijo en el 2001 ante la
Cámara Menor de la Justicia Criminal, Política
de Drogas y Recursos Humanos que las "FARC
controlan algunas regiones de Colombia y estas
regiones generan ingresos por medio de
impuestos sobre actividades relacionadas al
narcotráfico." Luego añadió categóricamente
que "presentemente no se ha confirmado
ninguna información que vincule a las FARC
con la exportación de drogas colombianas
destinadas al mercado internacional."
Continua el la edición siguiente.
El Plan Colombia y la propaganda: la manipulación de
la imagen de la guerra yanqui contra el terrorismo.