This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 1
MIM Notes
August 1, 2002, Nº 263
The Official Newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)
INSIDE: * Library crackdown * Summer Movies* Una Página en Español...
This article is about an important
controversy over the continued life or
execution of an imprisoned revolutionary
leader in Peru, President Gonzalo. Our
only hesitation in publishing this article
is that we have not seen its author in
public. Nonetheless, we believe that
security must come first, public
appearances second and we also believe
that this article would be of interest in
any case. --MIM's International Minister
by Luis Arce Borja
n 1994 we (El Diario Internacional)
published the article "Operation
Capitulation: The Secret History of
the Peace Letters." We said that Fujimori
and Montesinos falsely attributed the
peace letters to the leader of the Peruvian
guerrilla and that the letters were
formulated as part of a sinister criminal
plan that implied the assassination of
President Gonzalo. We denounced the
letters as a vulgar fiction and as a
fabrication of the National Intelligence
Service (SIN) and we said that sooner or
later President Gonzalo would become
the principal victim of the genuine
authors. In light of our incontestable
`Andean Flood' and the assassination of
`Andean Flood' and the assassination of
President Gonzalo
President Gonzalo
condemnation we noted that the
publication of the first peace letter
(October, 1993) allowed for only two
possibilities regarding the fate of
President Gonzalo: The first refereed to
his assassination after April 1993 when
he was transferred to the Callao military
prison on the island of San Lorenzo. The
second assumed that President Gonzalo
was alive, but that he survived under
brutal prison conditions and under
conditions of mental and physical
Which of the two hypotheses of 1994
has proved more certain?
The idea that President Gonzalo was
secretly executed following April 1993,
and more precisely that it happened in
the month of October of that year has
become more concrete given a series of
secret documents made public following
the fall of Fujimori and Montesinos.
There are many indications, including
testimony, that more thoroughly verify
this hypothesis. For example, it is now
known that contrary to government
propaganda, the peace letters pleading for
Continued on page 6...
July 6
he first north American-wide
conference against U.$.
intervention in the Philippines
was convened in San Francisco. Initiated
by Filipino activist organizations across
the United $tates and Canada the event
drew 250 registered participants. The
goals of the conference included
deepening participants' understanding of
U.$. military intervention and
imperialism and building a North
Amerikan network to oppose U.$.
imperialism in the Philippines.
Following up on a successful
conference, organizers held a rally July
7th in downtown San Francisco to
"expose the truth about Filipino-
American Friendship Day." Carrying
balloons and signs reading "Friends don't
kill friends" and "U.$. out of the
Philippines," demonstrators marched and
chanted through the streets of SF. As their
flyer explained: "Initially, July 4th was
celebrated as Philippine Independence
Day, the day that the U.S. `gave' the
Filipino people `independence' in 1946
Link Arms, Raise Fists!
Conference demands U.$. troops out of the Philippines now
after nearly 50 years of colonization. July
4th is also the day that the first civilian
U.S. government was established in the
Philippines in 1901 and when President
Theodore Roosevelt declared the end of
the Philippine-American war in 1902
[despite the fact that unbroken armed
resistance to Amerika's seizure of the
Philippines continued for at least another
decade]. In 1962, President Macapagal
[father of current president Macapagal-
Arroyo] changed Philippine
Independence Day to June 12, the
anniversary of the 1898 Philippine
Declaration of Independence. Ironically,
July 4th was then celebrated as Filipino-
American Friendship Day."
Imperialism is terrorism
Two keynote speakers opened the
conference. The first, Omali Yeshitela,
Chairman of the African People's
Socialist Party, focused his comments on
the nature of imperialism. He pointed out
that imperialism today is in crisis. As an
empire built on the backs of oppressed
people, imperialism is not a stable
system. The fight against so-called
terrorism is
really a fight
against the
o p p r e s s e d
who are
reacting to
years of
He noted
that "the
t e r r o r i s m
that they [the
is...the oppressed people who will rise up
and take back what is theirs."
Yeshitela made an important point
about Hitler, saying that "Churchill made
Hitler look like a boy scout." Churchill
bragged about his country as "the empire
upon which the sun never sets" meaning
that it had more slaves than anyone else.
And MIM would say that all the
imperialists live up to Hitler's genocidal
reputation, liberal democracy in their
home countries or no (see resolutions on
fascism in the upcoming MIM Notes).
Yeshitela went on to say that white people
hate Hitler because "Hitler did to white
people what Europe did to the rest of the
world." This doesn't diminish the crimes
of Hitler, but puts it in perspective for
the genocide committed by imperialists.
Throughout his talk Yeshitala made clear
that "There can not be peace without
national liberation," pointing out that
George Bush wants peace as long as
imperialist exploitation is allowed free
reign, and many Amerikans want peace
so that they can go to the mall without
being hit by a plane.
Liza Maza was the second keynote
speaker. Former Secretary General of
GABRIELA, the largest national alliance
of women's organizations in the
Philippines, Maza is currently a
Congresswoman in the Philippines,
representing the only political party
serving the people, BAYAN MUNA (see
related article in this issue of MIM
Notes). Maza began by pointing out that
"U.$. capitalism is in crisis and Bush is
stepping up war preparations as a way
out of the crisis." MIM notes further that
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 2
MIM Notes
The Official Newsletter of The Maoist Internationalist Movement
MIM Notes is the bi-weekly newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement. MIM
grants explicit permission to copy all or part of this newspaper for any reason. Please
credit MIM Notes where appropriate. The paper is free to all prisoners. Overseas airmail
is $2 per issue. MIM Notes is the official Party voice. Material in the paper is the Party's
position unless noted to the contrary. MIM Notes accepts submissions and critiques from
anyone. The editors reserve the right to edit copy unless permission is specifically denied
by the author. Back issues of MIM Notes are available for $1 per issue. A bound volume
of the original MIM Notes 1-34 and MIM Theory 1-13 (old numbering) is available for
$15, post-paid. MIM has a complete literature list of progressive books and pamphlets.
Send $2 for a copy. MIM's ten point program is available to anyone who sends in a
SASE. MIM is an underground party that does not publish the names of its comrades in
order to avoid the state surveillance and repression that have historically been directed at
communist parties and anti-imperialist movements. MCs, MIM comrades, are members
of the Party. RCs are RAIL Comrades. The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL)
is an anti-imperialist mass organization led by MIM. MIM runs a books for prisoners
program which provides Maoist and general political material to prisoners for free. Make
checks or money orders payable to "Books for Prisoners, Inc." Federal EIN: 04-3475938.
Send to: Books for Prisoners, Inc. c/o the address below. Donations and books can be
sent to the address below. Send cash or check payable to "MIM Distributors".
P.O. Box 29670
Los Angeles, CA 90029-0670
eMail: <>
WWW: <http//>
What is MIM?
The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) is the collection of existing or emerging
Maoist internationalist parties in the English-speaking imperialist countries and their English-
speaking internal semi-colonies, as well as the existing or emerging Maoist Internationalist
parties in Belgium, France and Quebec and the existing or emerging Spanish-speaking
Maoist Internationalist parties of Aztlan, Puerto Rico and other territories of the U.$. Empire.
MIM Notes is the newspaper of MIM. Notas Rojas is the newspaper of the Spanish-speaking
parties or emerging parties of MIM. MIM upholds the revolutionary communist ideology
of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and is an internationalist organization that works from the
vantage point of the Third World proletariat. MIM struggles to end the oppression of all
groups over other groups: classes, genders, nations. MIM knows this is only possibly by
building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle. Revolution is a reality for
North America as the military becomes over-extended in the government's attempts to
maintain world hegemony. MIM differs from other communist parties on three main
questions: (1) MIM holds that after the proletariat seizes power in socialist revolution, the
potential exists for capitalist restoration under the leadership of a new bourgeoisie within
the communist party itself. In the case of the USSR, the bourgeoisie seized power after the
death of Stalin in 1953; in China, it was after Mao's death and the overthrow of the "Gang
of Four" in 1976. (2) MIM upholds the Chinese Cultural Revolution as the farthest advance
of communism in humyn history. (3) As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has
reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third
World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so-
called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty-
bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to
advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on
imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in the Canada, Quebec,
the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. MIM accepts people as
members who agree on these basic principles and accept democratic centralism, the system
of majority rule, on other questions of party line.
"The theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable. We should
regard it not as dogma, but as a guide to action. Studying it is not merely a matter of
learning terms and phrases, but of learning Marxism-Leninism as the science of revolution."
- Mao Zedong, Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 208.
Editor, MC206; Production, MC12
MIM is looking for distributors and
sponsors to step forward. Sponsors pay for
papers; distributors get them onto the
streets and officers do both distribution and
financial support:
Cost per year
12 (Priority Mail)
25 (Priority Mail)
50 (Priority Mail)
900 (Express Mail!)
900 (8-10 days)
If you know you have some good places
distribute, we suggest starting at 200 and
working your way up. If you are not willing
to distribute, just send money. If you are
not willing to pay, then request papers after
somehow proving to the party that you are
serious (words won't count). You who will
cough up/raise the money to distribute 900
papers each issue and then do the
distribution -- you are what drives this party
Make anonymous money orders payable
to "MIM." Send to MIM, attn: Camb.
branch, PO Box 400559, Cambridge, MA
02140. Or write
A call for MIM Notes sponsors and distributors!
MIM Notes has seen a big spike in
circulation since the "war on
terrorism" began. It's not surprising:
MIM Notes is a free and independent
newspaper. Yes, there are especially
now knee-jerk patriots who believe
everything Bush says and pass by a
chance to read MIM Notes. There are
other patriots and internationalists
who realize that at this time papers
like MIM Notes can undo the huge
spectacle that Uncle Sam is creating
for its own benefit.
Sure, you have seen MIM Notes
around, but MIM Notes needs people
to do two simple things: 1) Pay for it
(postage and printing), 2) Distribute
MIM is looking for sponsors,
distributors and officers. Sponsors pay
for papers; distributors get them onto
the streets and officers do both
distribution and financial support.
Distribute # Cost per year
12 (Priority Mail)
25 (Priority Mail)
50 (Priority Mail)
900 (Express Mail!)
900 (8-10 days)
If you know you have some good
places to do distribution, we suggest
starting at 200 and working your way
up higher. If you are not willing to do
distribution, just send money. If you
are not willing to pay, then request
papers after somehow proving to the
party that you are serious (words
won't count). You who will cough up/
raise the money to distribute 900
papers each issue and then do the
distribution, you are what drives this
party forward.
A call for MIM Notes
sponsors and distributors!
Make anonymous money orders payable to "MIM." Send to MIM,
attn: Camb. branch, PO Box 400559, Cambridge, MA 02140. Contact
MIM in regards to this campaign by writing
MIM Theory calls for articles,
MIM's theory magazine is
preparing for future issues. We are looking
for well-researched articles on Nazi
Germany and eastern Germany, especially
in the 1945 to 1953 period. Please follow
some footnote format.
Stickers with this graphic on them are available for sale and
distribution. Contact or write to MIM at PO Box
29670, Los Angeles CA 90029-0670. ("Kills" is red, and there's red
blood on the blade.)
Another area we are working on is research
on psychics. If you stopped paying psychics,
please send us a letter telling us how you did
so and give us your permission to use your
statement as a testimonial. We also would
appreciate any statistical research or articles
on the subject of the effectiveness of psychics.
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 3
Get the new issue of MIM Theory, #14, and read the latest
theory on building the movement to overthrow
imperialism once and for all, in 174 pages. Articles include
MIM congress resolutions, history from the Spanish Civil
War to Puerto Rico, Kenya, and Stalin -- plus international
documents, reviews, and much more. Send $7.50 to the
address on page 2.
Attention subscribers
MIM now sends MIM Notes
subscriptions to individuals in monthly
mailings, third class mail. If you have a
subscription and would like a refund for
the remaining months, please write to
MIM,PO Box 29670, Los Angeles, CA
We constantly update MIM's
coverage of the U.$. war on
our web site, with news and
opinion, agitation materials,
articles in English, Spanish,
French, Chinese and
Read and distribute the
newspaper -- and get the
latest: Politics/MIM
San Francisco
n July 4 MIM and RAIL
attended a teachout hosted by
the All People's Coalition to
Stop U.S. Terror and Occupation entitled
"Whose Independence?" Most speakers
focused on the contradiction between the
oppressed and oppressor nations, both in
the United $tates and around the world.
One speaker from the Committee for
Human Rights in the Philippines spoke
of U.$. oppression in the Philippines,
starting with a history of "liberating" the
country from Spain by killing off tens of
thousands of Filipinos and creating a new
colonial relationship with the U.$.
Speakers from the Barrio Defense
Committee detailed the history of
oppression against the Mexican peoples
whose land was stolen for U.$. "freedom"
and who continue to face national
oppression within u.s. borders. And a
speaker from the African Peoples
Solidarity Committee (APSC) stressed
the role of the white nation within the
U.$. in supporting the imperialist
government, pointing out that Bush is
just one man but it is the white people in
this country who support him.
The keynote speaker, Omali Yeshitela,
the chairman of the African People's
Socialist Party (APSP), correctly
stressed the terrorism of the U.$. around
the world. Representing an
internationalist viewpoint, he pointed out
that "the vast majority of people in the
world have a different relationship with
imperialism than do white people in this
country." And he went on to say "The
question for all of us is what side will
we stand on in this struggle."
MIM made a statement at the event,
first commending the organizing groups
for their understanding of the
contradiction between oppressed and
oppressor nations that characterizes
imperialism today, and for the correct
position on the white nation as a part of
the oppressor and not as oppressed. The
MIM speaker went on to discuss the
meaning of the 4th of July:
In 1776 Thomas Jefferson wrote in the
Declaration of Independence: "When a
long Train of Abuses and Usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same Object,
evinces a Design to reduce [the people]
under absolute Despotism, it is their
Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such
Government, and to provide new Guards
for their future Security."
We could go on to use Jefferson's words
to describe what the United $tates is doing
today: The history of the United $tates is
a history of repeated injuries and
usurpations, all having in direct object the
establishment of an absolute tyranny over
the majority of the worlds people for the
benefit of the minority, the Amerikan
The evidence for this is found
throughout Amerikan history. During the
war for independence with Britain 65,000
African slaves joined the British forces,
over 10 for every 1 enlisted in the
continental U.$. ranks--because the Brits
promised to free them. Those who fought
on the side of the United $tates. were
disarmed at the end of the war and put
back in chains in spite of promises of
freedom for their blood sacrifices.
From 10 million indigenous people
who once inhabited land now called
North America there were maybe
300,000 surviving descendants in 1900.
From the legacy of internal genocide
and slavery the u.s. went on to
colonialism around the world, killing
millions to create puppet governments
that support the Amerikan "right" to
exploit the people and resources of the
Third World. 40,000 children die every
Fourth of July: Whose Independence?
Continued on next page...
survey of public libraries across
the United $tates found that in
recent months about 8% "had
been asked by federal or local law
enforcement officers for information
about patrons related to Sept. 11." (1)
Almost all of these libraries were in large
urban areas. (3) For about 30 years prior
to September 11, library records --
traditionally, what books people checked
out, and more recently including their use
of public Internet stations -- were
protected by privacy laws at the state
level in almost every state. But thanks to
section 215 of the U.$.A. Patriot Act,
which "allows an FBI agent to obtain a
search warrant for `any tangible thing,'
[including] books, records, papers,
floppy disks, data tapes, and computers
with hard drives," the state laws are now
The American Library Association, a
professional and lobbying organization
whose most recent bourgeois liberal
victories include defeat of mandatory
Internet filtering in public libraries (the
Children's Internet Protection Act),
correctly opposes these new and
expansive police powers, which clash
with the ALA's First Amendment
sensibilities and professional ethics
safeguarding privacy. The Patriot Act
"permits the FBI to compel production
of library circulation records, Internet use
records, and registration information
stored in any medium [and] does not
require the agent to demonstrate
Congress authorizes FBI to snoop in public libraries
`probable cause,' the existence of
specific facts to support the belief that a
crime has been committed or that the
items sought are evidence of a crime.
Instead, the agent only needs to claim
[in front of a court that meets in secret
(3)] that he believes that the records he
wants may be related to an ongoing
investigation related to terrorism or
intelligence activities." Finally, the Act
makes it illegal for libraries served with
search warrants to disclose their
existence, or to warn patrons that they
are being investigated. (2)
The ALA has issued guidelines to
libraries to help prevent their staff from
becoming the newest deputized agents
of the police state. These guidelines
include not capturing or retaining
personal information about patrons
beyond what is needed to operate the
library, protecting private information
(such as sign-in sheets) from public view,
and, if served with a subpoena, to
monitor searches carefully, ensuring that
no additional information is gathered
along with what is permissible in the
court order. Judith Krug, ALA director
for intellectual freedom, told the
Associated Press "`It's unfortunate
because these records and this
information can be had with so little
reason or explanation,' ... `It's super
secret and anyone who wants to talk about
what the FBI did at their library faces
prosecution. That has nothing to do with
patriotism.'" (3)
MIM disagrees. Xenophobia and police
repression are patriotic Amerikan values.
MIM urges people to break with
patriotism and recognize that laws like
the U.$.A Patriot Act are not exceptions
but more extreme examples of legislation
as usual. This is why Maoists say, "there
are no rights, only power struggles," and
why MIM cautions its supporters to
protect against police linkage of their
persynal identities with political activism.
The American Library Association,
along with the American Civil Liberties
Union and other liberal organizations like
it, fight battles for bourgeois "rights" that
in the context of escalating police power
become important united front issues.
While we have never trusted bourgeois
liberal groups to protect the people from
the police, we will support their efforts
to resist police encroachment in ways that
make more operating room for political
organizing against imperialism.
1. San Francisco Chronicle, 23 June 02.
2. American Library Association, "The
USA Patriot Act in the Library," <http://
w w w . a l a . o r g / a l a o r g / o i f /
3. Associated Press, 24 June 02.
Xenophobia and police repression
patriotic Amerikan values.
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 4
Fourth of July
day in the Third World from starvation
or simple preventable diseases. This is
the legacy of imperialism where there is
sufficient food to feed everyone but the
rich get fat while the poor die of
At home, the United $tates has been
the world's leading prison-state per capita
for the last 25 years. To find a comparison
with U.$. imprisonment of Black people,
there is no statistic in any country that
compares including apartheid South
Africa of the era before Mandela was
The rich and the U.S. government
spend money at home and abroad to win
elections. When the Yankee imperialists
and their lackeys lose elections they send
in the Marines and depose elected
governments or pay to subvert them.
Money or guns settle the matter, not the
interests of the majority. The U.$.
government serves the minority: the
settlers in this country who have achieved
wealth and power at the expense of the
majority of the world's people.
MIM believes survival rights--the
right to sufficient food, decent health
care, basic shelter and sanitation--are
self-evident. Those who deny the
oppressed these rights, forcing starvation,
disease and poverty on the people, should
be actively repressed. The majority has
a right to rise up and overthrow the
Amerikan tyranny by whatever means
necessary. And we in this settler society
have a responsibility to support the just
struggles of the nations oppressed by
Amerikan imperialism.
After MIM spoke an audience member
rose his hand and asked if he could make
a "pro-Amerika" statement. MIM takes
this as a sign that our message was clear:
we condemn Amerika for it's history of
genocide and for the genocide that is
ongoing Amerikan imperialism.
Afterward a number of people at the
event stopped by our literature table to
commend MIM's correct line on the
historical reality of the United $tates.
MIM agrees with the All People's
Coalition that the principal contradiction
in humyn society is that between
oppressor and oppressed nations. Some
member organizations underestimate the
extent that parasitism influences
Amerikans. We caution these groups that
moderate success pulling off progressive
events in big, international cities like Los
Angeles, San Francisco, and New York
is not indicative of the mood in Amerika
as a whole. The APSP and APSC have a
class analysis much closer to MIM's. We
disagree on the extent that parasitism also
affects oppressed nations within U.$.
borders, the universal applicability of
Maoism, the role of individuals from
oppressor nations in the revolutionary
movement, and other issues. Interested
readers can find details of our differences
in MIM Theory 8, available for $5 from
the address on page two.
Continued from previous page...
Music review: Diskarte Namin
Alternating between reggae, hip hop,
rock, acoustic and tradition Filipino
sounds Diskarte Namin (which means
Our Strategy in Tagalog) kicks out a
powerful political message. Calling
themselves cultural workers, the band
members make a point of explaining the
message behind each song and telling
audiences that they are all activists.
Rocking shows up and down the west
coast, Diskarte Namin can usually be
found in the Bay Area playing political
The lyrics don't spare words, with each
song pushing the fight for national
liberation. In the song 100 Years, one of
the Diskarte lead singers declares "100
years after bridges were built from
America to overseas / Now we're 2
million strong in a land that is rich with
a few opportunities / No more little
brown brothers sisters, no more of this
bullshit about backward friends / Now
we're 2 million strong in America means
that we all are our homeland's revenge /
No more of the silence / No more will
we hide from our past / We will fight for
a future / Where we take back our place
in our land / act out our pride in our land
/ take back our land."
In this same song the lead rapper
pushes the struggle: "United States to this
day is raping us Filipinos ... Our strategy
a full frontal attack ... and when the dust
clears we'll grab our land back ... and
we won't stop until all our people are
In the song Diaspora about Filipino
wimmin forced into the sex trade to
support their families, Diskarte proclaims
"Now in the darkness, neons flash the
music starts / I dance to rhythms of a
thousand lonely hearts / these men
between my legs, they thrust a million
lies / but these men between my legs,
they're how my children survive."
Their support for the national liberation
struggles of the Filipino people comes
through clear in songs in both English
and Tagalog. The English songs are all
original and those in Tagalog are
traditional resistance songs of the
Philippines. Diskarte Namin performs at
political events and hold fundraisers for
political causes, always keeping the
activism front and center in their cultural
work. The band's brochure provides a
few columns of info on the group
alongside listings for Filipino activist
organizations and information about
several political struggles, encouraging
people to get involved. At concerts they
make political literature available and sell
"Serve the People" buttons and t-shirts.
In their own words: "To counteract
silence and oppression, Diskarte uses
music as a tool for organizing, spitting
hard-hitting political messages to
listeners drawn in by the danceable
The band has recorded a short demo
CD which lacks polish but makes up for
it including a traditional Tagalog song
performed at a political event with a
talented guest flutist and a track with
recordings of various Filipino and
Amerikan politicians spewing political
lies about the Philippines and reactionary
garbage about global political events
while declaring the Philippines
subservient to the United $tates.
According to one band member
interviewed by MIM "Diskarte works
with student groups to connect issues of
gentrification, commodification and
discrimination here with issues of
globalization and third world liberation
in the Philippines and around the globe,
and we encourage students to produce
cultural work of their own creation."
Diskarte Namin focuses on "our
opposition to the very real problems of
gentrification, racial and immigrant
discrimination, and worker exploitation."
MIM stands with Diskarte in
opposition to these symptoms of national
oppression. And we agree with them that
focusing on fighting national oppression
under imperialism means attacking
pieces of the system. In many cases this
means fighting for reform within the
system while building for revolutionary
change. Diskarte's lyrics correct connect
these reforms to the battle for national
MIM's main disagreement with
Diskarte is on the question of worker
exploitation. MIM sees discrimination in
the workplace which results in a
relatively lower wage and worse working
conditions for the oppressed nations
within U.$. borders (including Filipino
workers). But on the whole, we can not
call the wages received by documented
workers in this country exploitation.
MIM uses the definition of exploitation
from Marx which states that exploitation
is the extraction of surplus labor from the
workers by the capitalists. Essentially this
means the bourgeoisie pays the workers
less than the value of their labor.
As we wrote in the essay "On the
internal class structure of the internal
semi-colonies": "The `Brown' peoples
are the most proletarian within the
internal semi-colonies. There are also
immigrant Haitians and African
nationalities and `boat people' from
Asia--all terribly exploited or super-
exploited and oppressed. To the extent
that these people are workers and they
are subjected to oppression outside the
law applying to U.$. citizen laborers, we
can say there is a small Black and Asian
proletariat. What we must be clear about
though is that only class sectors
dominated by undocumented work in the
productive sectors form a proletariat. Not
even all undocumented people are
proletariat or lumpenproletariat. A good
portion enters the petty-bourgeoisie
immediately upon migration through
family connections and various legal
"The vast majority of the employed
Black, First Nation and Asian-descended
peoples is labor aristocracy or higher. An
examination of the figures in
`Imperialism and Its Class Structure in
1997' makes clear that the repatriation
of profits from the Third World, the
transfer of surplus-value from the
productive sector in the Third World to
the unproductive sector in the First World
and the administrative fixing of prices by
multinational corporations to artificially
lower prices of Third World goods and
thus disguise transfer of surplus-labor --
all these add up to such an extent that it
is impossible to see any proletariat where
there is an imperialist country minimum
wage in effect. That minimum wage is
almost ten times the average wage in the
Third World."
Diskarte Namin responded to MIM's
comments on their positions stating: "We
are all revolutionaries whose ideologies
are rooted in community organizing and
empowering people locally to think and
act in support of radical change
throughout the world. Because our work
is rooted in community we see that issues
of discrimination and homelessness and
worker rights are real issues affecting real
people, and that these issues rather than
being mere symptoms are integral
mechanisms of the system that need to
be attacked and ameliorated as the
groundwork of any revolutionary
movement. Any other stance would
alienate us from the people we work with
and serve."
For MIM it is important to be clear on
the class structure of the people within
imperialist borders because it will
determine our strategy and how we fight
specific battles. But this disagreement
with Diskarte and other organizers of the
oppressed nations within U.$. borders
does not keep MIM from working with
these groups. MIM's position is still that
the principal contradiction within u.s.
borders is between imperialism and the
oppressed nations. And so we unite with
these groups in fighting for the national
liberation of the internal semi-colonies,
tying these struggles to the battles of the
international proletariat against
The revolutionary movement needs
more cultural workers. Diskarte Namin
sets an example for musicians and other
artists, putting their talents to good use
and helping to build the National
Democratic movement in the Philippines
by building the anti-imperialist
movement in the U.$.
Filipino cultural workers build national liberation movement
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 5
Men in Black II
Starring Tommy Lee
Jones & Will Smith
oles are reversed in "Men in
Black II" (MIBII), because in
this episode, Agent J is the
experienced intergalactic cop, while
Agent K comes back from working in the
post office, which, by the way, director
Barry Sonnendale tells the audience is
composed almost entirely of aliens. The
new elements of MIBII are more
progressive than the story carried over
from the original "Men in Black,"
although the eponymous agency
composed of intergalactic elite cops still
strives mightily to keep the population
ignorant yet somewhat protected from the
outside universe.
In the future depicted by "Men in
Black," customs and immigration, trade
and black markets remain important with
the same dynamics as we see now under
imperialism. The recognizable black
market trade in the universe includes
evermore sophisticated handguns,
including the "Reverberating
Carbonizer," "Noisy Cricket" and the
more rifle-like "Series 4 Deatomizer."
With such a "vision" of the future, the
Hollywood bourgeoisie reassures the rest
of the bourgeoisie that its rule is
permanent, while details such as what the
latest guns are, which government
agencies do what and which aliens are
the truly important ones all change.
Being a sequel, MIBII operates within
the framework of the original reactionary
premise; nonetheless, important new
elements do arise within MIBII. The
movie opens with a space alien deciding
to take the form of a "Victoria Secret"
model. A species both flower-like and
snake-like poses as a magazine model,
and immediately ingests a would-be
rapist in the park, only to defecate the
rapist in order to regain her figure.
For the rest of the movie, we are left
wondering whether the villain is right,
that with the right set of mammary
glands, evil can take over the world. It
certainly seems that the villain Serleena,
the Kylothian monster has her tentacles
around most of the world. Another new
bad guy has a prison record for selling
away the ozone of Earth. These new "bad
guys" appear to be softcore pornography
and pollution incarnate; yet Agent J and
Agent K are still just super-cops.
MIBII is witty and mentally
challenging compared with most movies;
the acting is good and overall MIBII is
an expensive-to-produce-movie, a real
work of art. MIBII also has the added
bonus relative to the original that it seeks
to put things "in proportion." From
MIBII's instant sociology and
anthropology, we learn of a society that
lives in a locker and that worships a wrist
watch, an MIB agent, commercials they
have heard somewhere and pornography.
MIBII even seems dialectical somewhat
in pointing out that the universe seems
to have infinite depth in both directions--
universes smaller than the MIB universe
and universes that may be larger and
making Earth seem like little more than
a locker in Grand Central Station. If there
is an MIBIII, we hope it continues to add
in more positive elements, the way MIBII
did. We still feel that most of the effort
going into MIBII is wasted, but we could
easily see how this movie could be
improved in progressive directions.
MIBII: Drivel, but not completely worthless
Minority Report
Directed by Steven
review by MC12
teven Spielberg expresses some
very contemporary liberalism in
his new movie, Minority Report.
For him, there is a divine spirit within
individual people. This is especially
apparent in people who are suffering
victims. In Schindler's List, it was the
little girl in the red dress, the only thing
that wasn't black-and-white in the movie.
In A.I. (Artificial Intelligence),
Spielberg's last movie, this humyn spirit
miraculously appeared in androids that
were programmed to act emotionally.
In Minority Report, this ideal humyn
spirit is found in the "pre-cognitives."
These are the children of drug-addicted
mothers, born with what looks like
autism, but with the power to see or feel
murders in the future. (Not all future
events -- that would be too unrealistic
-- just murders, because those are
especially damaging to the universe's
In Minority Report, as in A.I.,
Spielberg's divinity is threatened by
Technology. For him, the principal
contradiction under advanced capitalism
is that between ever-increasing
Technology on the one hand, and Civil
Liberties on the other. As Technology
Technophobia long on problems, short on solutions
grows, Civil Liberties are threatened.
And only the victory of Civil Liberties
can protect the human spirit from the
death grip of Technology.
MIM sees things differently, of course.
It is true that the imperialists use
technology in many ways that erode the
rights and liberties afforded different
classes under bourgeois democracy. We
do not doubt that if imperialism is still
around in 50 years, we could all be having
our retinas scanned every time we get on
the subway, and that the police will be
free to deploy robotic retina-scanning
spiders into the housing projects when
they are searching for so-called criminals.
But we don't put as much stock as
Spielberg does in the liberal defense of
civil liberties to stop this future from
coming to pass.
[Spielberg is basically appealing to the
good will of the bourgeoisie: "Don't
exploit people too much; do unto others
etc." Problem is, people have been saying
this to the oppressors for thousands of
years to no avail. Communists did more
to eliminate oppression in the 20th
century than Christians did in the 19
previous centuries--and the Communists
decidedly did not base their strategy on
appealing to "humyn divinity."]
We are also not as afraid of technology.
Under a system of different social
relations, we would not fear the effects
of advanced technology. We oppose the
development of nuclear weapons and
advanced surveillance systems by
imperialist powers today, but we are not
inherently afraid of nuclear power or
artificial intelligence. Social relations are
the key determinant in the effects of
technology, not technology itself. (And
of course, what technology is developed
depends on social relations -- there is
no predetermined linear development of
technology that must be either stopped
or advanced.)
Despite his vision of how amazing
technology will be in 50 years,
Spielberg's view of society is very static.
Nothing else is really different. The
underpinnings of imperialism, class
structure and conflict, the raging World
War Three, all of these issues remain
invisible (except that he does show that
there are still poor people in Washington,
D.C. -- who spend their time having sex,
engaging in domestic violence, or
fearfully clutching their children). Good
science fiction shows a vision of a social
future that offers much more for the
present. For Spielberg, it's all about
whether technology will let you shop at
the Gap in peace, or the police will arrest
you for a crime you are about to commit.
So little has changed that he even still
has the FBI as the good guys, and the
privatized policing company as the bad
Minority Report offers some exciting
action scenes, with dramatic moments as
the plot unfolds, some good acting and
some neat technological ideas backed by
big-budget effects. Some people will
enjoy it just for that. We can recommend
it only as a lesson in the shallowness of
liberalism's critique of present social
relations and its paltry vision for the
Spieldberg's conception
of human divinity among
suffering victims, and the
threat of Technology.
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 6
Militarism is
war-mongering or
the advocacy of
war or actual
carrying out of war
or its preparations.
While true
pacifists condemn
all violence as
equally repugnant,
we Maoists do not
consider self-
defense or the
violence of oppressed nations against
imperialism to be militarism.
Militarism is mostly caused by
imperialism at this time. Imperialism
is the highest stage of capitalism--
seen in countries like the United
$tates, England and France.
Under capitalism, capitalists often
profit from war or its preparations.
Yet, it is the proletariat that does the
dying in the wars. The proletariat
wants a system in which people do not
have self-interest on the side of war-
profiteering or war for imperialism.
Militarism is one of the most
important reasons to overthrow
capitalism. It even infects oppressed
nations and causes them to fight each
It is important not
to let capitalists risk
our lives in their
ideas about war and
peace or the
environment. They
have already had
two world wars
admitted by
themselves in the
last 100 years and
they are conducting
a third right now
against the Third World.
Even a one percent annual chance of
nuclear war destruction caused by
capitalist aggressiveness or "greed" as
the people call it should not be tolerated
by the proletariat. After playing
Russian Roulette (in which the bullet
chamber is different each time and not
related at all to the one that came up in
previous spins) with 100 chambers and
one bullet, the chance of survival is
only 60.5% after 50 turns. In other
words, a seemingly small one percent
annual chance of world war means
eventual doom. After 100 years or turns
of Russian Roulette, the chances of
survival are only 36.6%. After 200
years, survival has only a 13.4%
What is militarism?
The assassination of President Gonzalo
The assassination of President Gonzalo
negotiations over the people's war were
not written by President Gonzalo.
According to his confession verifying
their authorship, the writer was Rafael
Merino Bartet, (Declarations to Caretas
Magazine, May 9th 2002). Merino's
declarations do more than uncover the
real author of the peace letters: they also
reveal inconsistencies in their
management and set-up. As we will
show, as a result of the lies with which
for 9 years the government has attempted
to conceal the disappearance of the
guerilla leader, and put up a peace accord
that never took place, Merino's account
is inconsistent when compared with
statements by Montesinos (in the
It is now also known, according to
Vladimiro Montesinos, that the plan
developed and carried out by the SIN to
make Gonzalo capitulate was called
Andean Flood, or Andean Tempest,
according to statements made by Merino
to the magazine Caretas. In Merino's
version the plan had two phases: Phase
A consisted of information gathering
about the prisoner and Phase B consisted
in convincing President Gonzalo that his
capture represented the beheading of the
organization, and that capitulation was
the only option. Merino conceals the
methods that were used in both phases.
There is no doubt that this plan was
carried out in the cellars of the National
Intelligence Service and that the
ingredients were torture, crime,
cinematic set-up, falsification of letters
and abundant media publicity. The
pivotal elements in support of the Andean
Flood plan were the videos about
President Gonzalo, and the peace letters
that Fujimori as well as Montesinos and
Merino have produced in order to show
the verity of Gonzalo's capitulation.
Merino is a 69 year old civilian who spent
34 years providing services for the
military. Since 1968 he's clung onto the
successive military dictatorships. He
served General Velasco Alvarado, and
later General Morales Bermudez. In 1980
(at the end of direct military dictatorship)
he began his career under the SIN and
since 1990 he has been under the
leadership of Montesinos.
We now also know (according to
testimony provided in this article) that
upon his disappearance Gonzalo was
replaced by a person who physically
doubled as President Gonzalo. The
virtual life of President Gonzalo is based
upon this theatrical production. This
laboratory resurrection now serves as
propaganda for Gonzalo's hunger strike
or the more recent (May 1st) dialogue
between the President of the Commission
for Truth and Reconciliation and the
guerrilla leader. It has also been
discovered that Montesinos was the one
in charge of the Central Committee of
the Communist Party of Peru which since
1993 the SIN has operated from the
Callao Naval Base. Via the vladivideos
Montesinos himself discloses how he
organized and directed the central
committee's debates which were
composed of Osman Morote, Edmundo
Cox, Maria Pantoja and other capitulators
who have been working for Montesinos
and the SIN.
Peace Letters: the strategic
dimension and the death
of Dr. Guzman
The peace letters are the key to
understanding why Fujimori and
Montesinos secretly executed the leader
of the Peruvian guerrilla instead of
following their original plan of
September 1992, which was approved by
a council of ministers, to execute him
before the firing squad. Why the letters?
The letters constituted the marrow of a
strategic, long-term, anti-subversive plan
whose fundamental purpose was the
application of a police program aimed at
liquidating the ideological and political
framework (Gonzalo Thought) of the
Maoist guerillas. Montesinos himself
said that the application of this
psychological program was to ensure the
strategic defeat of Sendero Luminoso. In
effect the American experts, who had
been actively participating since 1980 in
the struggle against the Maoist guerillas,
as well as the Peruvian police, were
convinced that Gonzalo's capture
(September 1992), while an important
event in the counterrevolutionary
struggle, was far from destroying
Sendero Luminoso.
The official propaganda identifying the
capture of President Gonzalo with the
strategic defeat of the People's War
deflated as soon as subversive activity
in Peru increased. While official military
and police figures registered 2,992
subversive actions, by 1993 they had
grown to 3,760. Both police and
American officials noticed that this
reality was diametrically opposite to that
of the propaganda about the defeat of
Sendero Luminoso. Colonel Benedicto
Jimenez Bacca, an ex-chief of the
Peruvian Anti-Terrorist Police
(DINCOTE), and a member of the team
that captured President Gonzalo said:
Abimael Guzman Reynoso's detention
on September 12th, 1992, along with
three other members of the Central
Committee was an important victory
solely from the tactical, and not strategic
standpoint (Benedicto Jimenez Bacca in
Inicio, Desarrollo y Ocaso del Terrorismo
en el Peru, Tomo II, May 2000. Origin,
Development and Downfall of Terrorism
in Peru, Vol. II May, 2000 Trans.). What
could be done to ensure that the capture
of the Maoist leader should go from a
wishful victory into the strategic defeat
of subversion? This very question was
framed in more solemn terms by the U.S.
Congressional Subcommittee on Western
Hemispheric Affairs. Just a few days
prior to the capture of President Gonzalo,
on September 23, 1992 this session of
the American congress called a special
meeting to analyze the "Sendero
Phenomenon." This meeting was
presided by Robert G. Torricelli and
posed a single question: The most
immediate concern, however, is what to
do with Guzman and how to ensure that
his capture results in the demise of the
guerilla organization, Sendero Luminoso.
The Andean Storm plan emerged by
means of questions like those posed in
the American Senate with the purpose of
demolish[ing] Gonzalo Thought and
attempt thereby to liquidate the
ideological fiber of the Peruvian
Indeed, as we said in Operation
Capitulation, the political goal of the
peace letters was to shatter the unity
between Gonzalo Thought and Gonzalo
himself. It was clear that undermining the
PCP's ideological and political
foundations could not be accomplished
through state agencies, and much less
from the police and the armed forces
which by their very nature and
intellectual composition are incapable of
facing-off against subversion on this
terrain. The official political parties and
their most famous intellectual ideologues
(senderologists, etc.) had failed in this
arena since 1980 when they made several
vain attempts at opposing the doctrine
and theoretical principles of the Peruvian
The only way to achieve the goal was
to pit Gonzalo against Gonzalo, or rather
to make the leader of the Peruvian
guerillas reject the entire practical and
theoretical path he had covered since the
first half of the 1960's until the time of
his capture. Fundamentally, they sought
to put him up as rejecting his ideological
and political principles and his militant
practice of Marxist doctrine. By way of
the peace letter scheme, President
Gonzalo who prior to his capture had
labeled Fujimori everything from a poor
devil, scheming and cynical to a prickly
pear strung onto the bayonets a man with
no principles (Discourse and
Commentary, 2nd Plenum of the Central
Committee, April 1992), now warmed up
to his gifts as a victorious president with
whom it was possible to establish peace
negotiations. In the same way, if he had
before said that war was the only way to
solve the problems of the poor in Peru,
now he said that peace was a national and
inescapable necessity of Peruvian
society. If in September 1992 (Discourse
from the Cell) he called for continuing
the People's War, he now said that people
should abandon it and turn themselves
over to Fujimori's police. If earlier he
said that bureaucrat capitalism was not
viable, he now said that Fujimori was
preparing the groundwork for the
country's economic development and,
naturally, for bureaucrat capitalism. If
earlier he said that leadership never dies,
Continued from page 1...
Continued on next page...
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 7
he now said that the party had been be-
headed and that there was no use in
continuing the struggle for power. If in
his last discourse he called for the
creation of the People's Liberation Army,
he now said it should be dissolved. And
successively, in this fashion, engrossed
in the negation of his life and work,
President Gonzalo went from being the
foremost of the great political and
revolutionary strategists in Peru and
Latin America to a low-level politician
who turned global and national problems
on their head and analyzed them stupidly.
The source of the strategic dimension
of the peace letters was a mobster regime
that governed the country
unscrupulously, where the arts of
deception, trickery, conspiracy, swindling
and political deceit supplied the alchemy
for transforming day into night and
falsehood into truth. One of the principal
characteristics of the political context for
the peace letters was the state's dictatorial
policy and administration over judicial
power and the media. Now that the
vladivideos have been revealed we know
that the government mob handed out
millions of dollars to the daily papers, to
magazines and to television stations. In
this environment the SIN and other
military and political agencies had
absolute control over news and
information. On this favorable terrain and
medium of conspiracy the peace letters
flourished, from the beginning shrouded
by the incoherent lies fabricated by
Vladimiro Montesinos and the SIN. It is
important to note that absolutely
everything that the Peruvian press
reported on since October of 1993
regarding the peace letters was
exclusively nurtured by the hands of the
SIN and Vladimiro Montesinos. There
is no known independent investigation
of Peruvian journalism regarding this
fact. In light of this fact, the information
about the peace letters and Gonzalo's
Capitulation from beginning to end had
a political, anti-subversive aim.
A collection of schemes and
inconsistent lies
To put an end to whatever doubts
remain about the true origin of the peace
letters with the SIN and not with
president Gonzalo it is sufficient to trace
the absurdity and incoherence of the lies.
For example, on December 13th, 1993
on Channel 2 (TV operated by
Montesinos) Fujimori disproved that the
Peruvian government was negotiating
with the chief of the Maoist guerrilla of
whom he said: his capitulation was
unsuccessful due to the rigid mental
framework of the leader of the subversive
war. He added that Abimael Guzman
does not have access to television nor
radio. He does not get newspapers nor
magazines and only has a Catholic Bible
which he re-reads continuously (La
Republica, September 13, 1993). Oddly
on the same day that the interview with
Fujimori was broadcast, the SIN was
conducting the first recording of the
reading of the peace letters(as is
chronicled in a document entitled Taking
up and Struggling for the New Great
Decision and Definition that the
government attributed to president
Gonzalo and that the SIN was in charge
of distributing in Peru and abroad). Did
Fujimori not know this?
Two days after making these
declarations, on September 15, merely 48
hours after noting the failure of Gonzalo's
capitulation, Fujimori receives the first
peace letter pleading the negotiation of
the people's war. We can't forget the
curious fact that the first peace letter was
made public on October 1st, 1993 at U.N.
headquarters. This was the same place
where in August 1990 the North
American contingent presented the
staged film (the murder of 300 newborns
in Kuwait) as a humanitarian and moral
pretext to get the U.N. Security Council
to approve a war against the State of Iraq.
What sort of miracle took place so that
Gonzalo, whom on television Fujimori
admitted was completely isolated from
the outside world and who read only the
Bible would end up signing the
capitulation declaration? This
inconsistency becomes more notorious
when on October 6, 1993 (almost 20 days
after the first letter) Gonzalo once again,
while locked up in a hole in the ground
and having eyes only for the Bible, sends
a second, more explicit letter that claims
to contain an analysis of the concrete
situation in Peru that affirms the defeat
of the People's War and throws praise on
the progress achieved by Fujimori. How
was he able to carry out a concrete
analysis without being able to look out
at reality? The trickery in this case is
evident and the authors and originators
of this analysis are easily discerned.
Fujimori and Montesinos were the only
ones interested in presenting a flowery
picture of the situation in Peru. They were
interested in showing the opposite of the
brutality of this reality. In October 1993
the political system in Peru was breaking
apart because of the military coup led by
Fujimori and Montesinos and the
corruption at the State level was limitless.
Bankruptcy at the economic, social and
political levels was at its highest and its
most significant manifestation was the
poverty of more than 60% of the
population in Peru. The advance of the
Maoist guerrilla was more than evident
in this context, and was expressed
(according to government figures) in 305
guerrilla actions per month.
But the irrationality and incoherence
in the story of the peace letters does not
spring forth exclusively from Peru's ex-
president. Both Vladimiro Montesinos
and Rafael Merino, each of which lays
claim to Gonzalo's capitulation,
continuously resort to glaring
contradictions on this topic. For example,
in a secret conversation held on April 14,
1998 with U.S. agents, Montesinos says
that he spent one year working to get the
Peace Letters signed and that every night
he had to talk to Abimael Guzman from
10 PM to 3 or 4 AM (Transcript of
vladivideo 876, April 14 1998). For his
part, Rafael Merino Bartet says that it
took him three or four meetings to crush
Guzman and lead him the point of
capitulation made him realize that there
was no sense in carrying on with the
armed struggle, says Merino. And
successively in this fashion, one after the
other they take turns making up the most
disparate lies. Talking about a video with
images of President Gonzalo buying into
the peace letters Montesinos says that it
took him a year to make the recording.
On the very same topic, Merino says he
made a similar film but that it was made
on the first days of meeting with Gonzalo.
Speaking about President Gonzalo
Montesinos says: he is an analyst brain
philosopher, he is not just any man, that
is, he speaks profoundly; he is a thinker,
a very fine man, a genius, a brilliant
person. (Transcript of vladivideo876,
April 14 1998). When speaking about the
intellectual level of President Gonzalo
Merino says: I was profoundly
disillusioned. I thought I would face-off
with a heavyweight but I found only a
featherweight. I got the impression of
being in front of a one-book man.
Abimael only knew Mao (Declarations
to Caretas Magazine, May 9th 2002).
Why are there so many inconsistencies
in the official story about the peace letters
and President Gonzalo? Wouldn't it
suffice to tell one story and settle the
matter that way? The method of
divulging different versions of what
happened in order to hide the real story
is a decades-old army and intelligence
agency trick. In military jargon its called
psycho-social warfare or intelligence
warfare. The web of lies by Fujimori,
Montesinos and Merino serves to throw
the story into chaos and thereby conceal
President Gonzalo's disappearance and
cover up the entire scheme by way of the
peace letters. These apparently harmless
and oftentimes stupid stories have a well
established political aim. For example,
Merino says that in one of his
conversations with Guzman they asked
him if he would have killed us had he
seized power. Obviously he said no and
that instead the party would have given
us important positions. We asked him
which positions. He said that Dr.
Montesinos would have been Minister of
the Interior and that I would have been
in charge of the National Intelligence
Service (Ceretas Magazine, May 9,
2002). Merino's invention has a concrete
purpose here: to paint President Gonzalo
as a poor man for whom it took merely a
few weeks in prison in order to lose all
traces of the class character of his
organization and the socialist
underground. And this to the extent that
he could name Montesinos Minister of
the Interior instead of serving him justice
through capital punishment!
There are many other indications just
like the example we have just mentioned
that demonstrate that the peace letters
were added to a scheme that began in
1993 and which through subtler means
continues to this day. In one of the
vladivideos one can see the cynicism
with which Montesinos is treating the
whole issue including the lies that he was
telling to his closest allies. In the
transcript to vladivideo no. A15-B8
Montesinos is talking to Tuleda Van
Brugel. Here he says that Gonzalo told
him that the interview conducted by El
Diario in July 1988 never took place and
that it was a scheme that he (Abimael
Guzman) had authorized to prove that it
took place. Montesinos tells the story of
his alleged conversation with the guerilla
leader in the following way: Look, in
1988 you came out with the interview,
Arce Borja did it in El Diario The
Interview of the Century. Is it or is it not
true? Well, he (Gonzalo) said, I really
didn't do it: I never gave it, but I
authorized that they do it to make it look
like it took place (Audio transcription by
the Congress of the Republic, October
13, 2001). The Montesinos-Tudela
conversation is an exceptional example
that shows how Montesinos put the most
The assassination of President Gonzalo
The assassination of President Gonzalo
Continued on next page...
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 8
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absurd lies into the mouth of the
President. To affirm that the guerilla
leader said that the interview was a
fiction made up by El Diario at that
instant corresponded to the government's
aspirations to strike from the map the
entire invaluable theoretical legacy,
realized in a space of 30 years of social
struggle, by the leader of the Peruvian
guerrillas. "The Interview of the
Century," as we call it, is an authentic
document of the Peruvian revolution and
one of the best examples of Peruvian
journalism. Additionally, it is impossible
to think that (in so far as he is alive)
President Gonzalo could negate an
interview that was realized in line with
an accord of the First Congress of the
PCP which took place in 1988. The
negation of the "Interview of the
Century" by Montesinos carries the same
trademark as the peace letters. This
chicanery has been leisurely organized
with the security of knowing that the
long-disappeared Gonzalo could do
nothing to correct those who slandered
Contrary to what has officially been
said, the peace letters did not seek to
establish political negotiations between
the guerrillas and the government.
Whether its in Peru or any other country,
negotiations between subversives and the
State lay out contesting elements which
discuss principles and demands in line
with the political character of the
negotiations (capitulation, diplomatic
proceedings etc.) In the Peruvian case,
armed struggle could never be negotiated
by those bound to it, not even by its
highest leaders whom, upon capture (for
reasons of party security and through the
application of logical norms) are isolated
by the leadership of the war. As a scheme
and anti-subversive plan the case of the
peace letters only brought benefit to its
inventors (the government). In the
hypothetical case that President Gonzalo
had negotiated with Montesinos, he at
least had the chance to demand relief
from the hard prison system where he
was kept and from his cell, more than 6
meters underground. Because nothing
like this has taken place publicly its
absurd to think that the negotiations ever
took place. Even the most ingenious of
mortals knows that in the course of a
negotiation demands are made and
something is won. Dealing with a
guerrilla war like the one in Peru which
by 1993 realized 4 thousand military
activities per year, negotiations, had they
taken place, would have been much more
substantive and practicable. In this case,
the negotiators (which have been
presented as guerrilla leaders) could have
come away with juicy personal benefits
and, why not even liberty? It appears not
to have been like this and the capitulators,
like Morote, Maria Pantoja, Cox
Beuzeville and others that laid
themselves down like a rug before
Montesinos are still in prison, just as
before, and can only hit on hunger strikes
to continue peddling the knick-knack of
The Murder and virtual life of
President Gonzalo
According to the sinister logic of the
peace letters, President Gonzalo had to
be assassinated in order resurrect later on
and demand a peace accord with
Fujimori. In this chapter of the secret
history of the peace letters Montesinos,
under the guidance of experts from the
American CIA and supported by the
government and the armed forces is in
charge of constructing the virtual life of
the guerilla leader. There was no
technical or political difficulties in
preparing the stage nor in presenting the
peace letters as if they had originated
with President Gonzalo. The money
available for this was incalculable. The
dollars came from drug trafficking,
looting the state and direct North
American collaboration. Both
Montesinos and Fujimori received more
than $100,000.00 annually from drug
sales. All of this with approval from the
CIA. As pointed out by the article by the
American journalist, Karen de Young, on
several occasions the CIA argued that
Montesinos was a good ally of the U.S.
and that the accusations raised against
him regarding human rights and narco-
trafficking had not been confirmed
(Washington Post, September 22, 2002).
Montesinos was, in effect, the favored
godson of the CIA and it is with this
agency's support that Fujimori's advisor
dares also to fabricate a manipulative film
scheme against General MacCaffrey, the
czar in the U.S. war on drugs.
Between 1990 and 2002 the CIA
secretly turned over 10 million dollars
to Montesinos to fund national
intelligence work. The biggest fraction
of this was used to finance the fabrication
of the peace letters. Apart from the
money, the political classes in Peru and
their parties, sinking lower in a process
of total decomposition transformed into
docile opponents of a regime that held
complete control over the State and Civil
Society. Part of this control the SIN held
over the country's television, most of the
daily newspapers, magazines and radio
stations. As is now known, Montesinos
gave millions of dollars to various
television channels and to at least a dozen
printed media outlets. Under these
conditions and for a mob government that
imposed its will by means of crime,
repression and blackmail writing some
letters in President Gonzalo's script and
fabricating one or several videos for
television posed no problem.
The virtual life of President Gonzalo,
as stated by Montesinos, was a result of
the inspiration from a movie. This part
of the story came to light when
Montesinos narrated his evildoings to
Tudela, who at that time was Fujimori's
ambassador to the U.N. There, while
talking about the peace letters
Montesinos said the following: "That's
how it is and you know where I got that,
from the movie. Reading the text the
theme occurred to me. This work lasted
a year and later the President gets to the
U.N. with the letter asking for a Peace
Accord. Do you remember? That letter
took a year of work, a whole year
(Montesinos-Tudela conversation, Audio
transcription by the Congress of the
Republic, 13, October 2001). Through
this cinematic virtual life the guerrilla
leader disappeared physically only to
return to life by way of cinematic trickery
and why not replaced by an actor when
circumstances demanded it?
On this last part there is testimonial
proof that with certainty leads to the fact
that since 1993 someone assumed the
theatrical role of replacing the guerilla
leader. An important proof for this
conclusion was the accusation, not
publicized by any media, that was
delivered in a public communique
(March 2001) by a group of prisoners of
war at the Yanamayo penal compound.
The prisoners point out that on November
22 of 2000 they were taken from
Yanamayo to penal compound at the
Callao Naval Base to meet with President
Gonzalo. There they were taken to lounge
where they were visited after a while by
a naval official and someone who was
passing himself off as the leader of the
Maoist guerillas. The official said to them
here's your chief and a short conversation
ensued between the visitors and the
alleged President Gonzalo. The
conclusion arrived at by the Yanamayo
prisoners concerning their encounter with
the President Gonzalo they met at the
naval base was that this was an quite
rudimentary impostor with zero political
preparation. According to the Yanamayo
prisoners' narration, the person with
whom they talked demonstrated no
knowledge of party events and accords.
In their zeal to continue to hide the truth
and to continue to lie to the people with
that invented peace accord, which has
already failed, the reactionaries have
tried to fool us by supplanting President
Gonzalo. "An analysis of the facts leads
us to conclude that the possibility exists
that President Gonzalo has been
disappeared." (Yanamayo Penal
Compound Prisoners of War, March
Without a doubt, for Montesinos the
fabrication of the virtual life of President
Gonzalo is one of his greatest
accomplishments under the service of the
SIN. Placed on the anti-subversive scale,
this accomplishment carried more weight
than the capture of the guerrilla leader in
September of 1992. This did not go
unnoticed by Montesinos, who in
October 2000 (without anyone having
asked him) and while he was plainly out
of favor, via telephone announced to
Radio Programas del Peru that he saved
Abimael Guzman from the firing squad.
He also said that thanks to his invention,
a legal decree establishing that President
Gonzalo should be executed along with
Mrs. Myriam Iparraguirre and a third
leader of the PCP was not put into effect.
How can we interpret these statements
by Montesinos? It is clear that he was
sending a message to Fujimori,
reminding him that it was he
(Montesinos) who took care of
eliminating President Gonzalo and of
bringing him back to virtual life by means
of the peace letters.
El Diario Internacional No. 59.
Brussels, May 17, 2002
Translation: Studies for the Liberation
of Aztlan and Latin America
The assassination of President Gonzalo
The assassination of President Gonzalo
What questions do YOU have?
Wasn't Mao a butcher? Why do you spell it "Amerika"? Shouldn't you
try non-violence first? What is internationalism? Isn't hating white
people reverse racism? Why don't you leftists work together? Why
don't you tone it down? What is a cardinal principle? What is your
program? What is necessary to join MIM? What concrete actions can I
take? How do I write articles for MIM? What is your copyright policy?
Go to
and get real answers to these and other questions.
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 9
Conference demands U.$. troops out of the Philippines now
capitalism is characterized by crises and
war. The wars are necessary to divide and
re-divide colonies in the world, to put
down the peoples' resistance to
imperialism, and to prop up the
imperialist economy with the production
of the tools of war.
U.$. invades Philippines (again)
Four thousand Amerikan troops have
been sent to the Philippines since
September 11. According to Maza, the
Filipino and Amerikan governments
want Amerikan soldiers in combat
situations. The Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP) is preparing for 5000
U.$. troops and an expansion beyond
Mindanao (where they are currently
located) to other areas of operation.
In the Filipino congress BAYAN
MUNA sponsored a resolution to
investigate the U.$. troops which are
currently carrying out "joint military
exercises" in the Philippines. These
troops were sent shortly after the
September 11 attacks on the World Trade
Center under the guise of fighting
terrorism. Filipino president Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) immediately
offered to allow the U.$. military into the
Philippines in spite of the fact that this is
prohibited in the constitution of the
Philippines. She got around this by
inviting the troops for "military
exercises" rather than military
operations. The troops were purportedly
sent to help train the Philippine army to
fight the Abu Sayaaf, a small band of 100
thugs initially funded by the imperialists,
who could easily be crushed by the
Philippine military. The true goal of the
Amerikan military is to help crush the
strong national liberation movement in
the Philippines.
During the congressional investigation
into possible constitutional violations
Maza had the opportunity to question
military leaders responsible for the
relationship with the Amerikan troops.
She asked them about the difference
between military operations and military
exercises. The response was an
admission that the Amerikan troop
presence is a violation of the Filipino
constitution: "It's actually almost the
same. The definition of military exercises
changed after September 11."
Maza made clear that even if this was
not a constitutional violation the troops
presence is a violation of Filipino
national sovereignty and constitutes an
imperialist invasion of the country. In
fact, even without a military presence,
Maza noted that the $4.6 billion in U.$.
aid to the Philippines is a "total sell out
of the Philippines." Maza went on to ask
the military leaders how long
"temporary" will be (the exercises are
supposed to be only temporary). No clear
answer was given but the military leaders
said they would consider five years to be
The U.$. troops now invading Filipino
soil constitute the largest U.$. military
intervention in that country since the Fil-
Am war "ended" in 1901. But this is not
the first time U.$. troops have engaged
in combat in the Philippines. During the
Marcos regime when that corrupt
government was fighting against the
communist-led New Peoples Army,
Green Berets assisted the reactionary
Filipino military.
The New People's Army (NPA) is now
on the U.$. list of terrorist organizations
(expanded after the September 11
attacks) and the Moro Islamic Liberation
Front (MILF) is being demonized and
linked with Abu Sayaaf. The
Communist-led NPA is not connected to
Abu Sayaaf in any way. Neither is the
MILF, which springs from the national
liberation struggle of the Moro or Islamic
people of Mindanao. They are waging a
just struggle with the people of the
Philippines to kick out Amerikan
imperialism and it's puppet government.
Discussing the political system in the
Philippines Maza pointed out that "The
status quo is not giving space for our
divergent voices...for marginalized
peoples." Noting that "The continued
domination of u.s. imperialism has
worsened landlessness and poverty,"
Maza commented "and they wonder why
a growing number of Filipinos are going
to the hills to join the revolutionary
One speaker at the conference was part
of a recent fact finding mission in Sulu,
an island near Mindanao, where the AFP
is carrying out military operations after
training with the U.$. military.
The speaker showed slides of houses
destroyed by rocket launchers and
looting. People are afraid to return to their
homes because if found there they will
be shot, so there has been massive
displacement. Banana trees are rotting
along the sides of the road in Sulu while
people are going hungry because no one
can get to the crops. The Sulu high school
was destroyed and graffiti on the walls
inside read "MNLF --> BABOY"
(baboy means pig). Although the Filipino
and Amerikan governments claim the
target is the Abu Sayaaf, this reveals their
true target, the Moro National Liberation
Front (MNLF), another organization
rooted in the national struggles of the
Moro people.
In the five day fact finding mission the
investigators were fired upon 13 times
at or near checkpoints in Sulu. They were
never warned before the firing began
(from helicopters), but they did notice
that the children in Sulu are so used to
the military attacks that they have created
a chant warning that the MG520
helicopters are coming which they sing
before running for cover.
As this speaker pointed out, increased
U.$. military presence in the Philippines
only brings increased repression of the
people. In addition to the direct attacks
on the people and destruction of their
homes and property, more than 600,000
Filipina wimmin and children are forced
into the sex trade due to extreme poverty
in the Philippines. According to the
speaker, the Amerikan military men have
developed a new way to get prostitutes
in the Philippines. Because they are
afraid to leave the bases (for fear that the
Filipino people will attack them), the
Amerikan military personnel now call out
to order a pizza which is brought to the
base by a prostitute.
Filipinos face national oppression
in Amerika and Canada
In addition to the repression Filipinos
face in their country at the hands of the
Amerikan government and it's puppet
GMA, as of the date of the conference
63 Filipinos living in the United $states
were arrested and deported on charges
of over staying their visas in June and
July. The INS is pursuing thousands more
deportations for people from Third World
countries. 314,000 people are on the INS
"Absconder's Apprehension List" for
overstaying their visas. The United $tates
steals the wealth from countries in Latin
America, Asia and the Middle East,
creating conditions of poverty for the
majority of the people there, and then
refuses to let these people into U.$.
borders to seek work and a better life.
While the United $tates and Europe are
closing their borders tighter, GMA is
marketing Filipinos around the world as
the country's top commodity. The
Philippines is the number one labor
exporting country with 8 million migrant
workers worldwide. This has been
sanctioned by government policies
instituted through World Bank and
International Monetary Fund structural
adjustment programs.
One activist from Canada spoke of the
institutionalized racism Filipinos face
there. (MIM calls this national
oppression because it is a systemic
oppression, not just a problem of
attitudes.) Immigration to Canada started
in the 1960's, bringing the current count
to about one half a million Filipinos in
the country. One third of these were
brought as domestic workers through a
program that offers work in Canada with
the possibility of getting citizenship in
the future. Wimmin are bonded into
virtual indentured servitude through this
system. The activist stated that Filipinos
were the most likely group of people to
have a university degree in Canada, yet
they earned the least amount of money.
The system of national oppression has
created schools, media and a justice
system that serve to keep immigrants'
children in the cheap labor force. This
demonstrates a contradiction in which
oppressed people are largely kept out of
imperialist countries which have stolen
their wealth, yet imperialist country
people are willing to let in certain
numbers of oppressed on a conditional
basis so that they can carry out the work
that the labor aristocracy refuses to
engage in.
Labor aristocracy rears its
chauvinist head
A representative of Bayan USA
correctly spoke on the militarization of
the Philippines as well as the struggle of
undocumented workers in the united
$tates. While discussing of the billions
of dollars being spent to fight terrorism,
the speaker stated that this was being paid
by U.$. taxpayers. Clearly trying to
outrage Amerikans in the audience that
they are funding these activities, the
speaker missed the point that this
campaign is really being paid for by
stolen wealth from Third World workers
such as those in the Philippines.
While this position on the imperialist
country so-called workers (petty
bourgeoisie) was not voiced elsewhere
in conference speeches, it was clear that
many participants shared this incorrect
view of the labor aristocracy and the
possibility to rally them to the side of the
revolutionary struggle by appealing to
their immediate economic concerns. At
the end of the conference there was a
forum to discuss and adopt a unity
statement. The statement focused on the
national liberation struggle in the
Philippines and the anti-imperialist battle
to get U.$. troops out and was overall
correct though there were a few sentences
subtly pandering to the Amerikan petty
The discussion began with a white
labor representative standing up and
criticizing the lack of the voice of labor
in the conference and the lack of
discussion of the workers in the
statement, proposing a change in the first
sentence to include "workers". Many
people in the audience took up this
rallying cry, agreeing that the "workers"
should be represented in the statement.
Most of the participants in the conference
were students and a few of them
questioned the need to declare that the
statement was coming from "workers"
when that was clearly not true. Several
people in the room identified themselves
as "workers" because they have jobs and
one of the conference organizers
moderating the discussion ended the
debate by stating that we all must clearly
be workers and have an interest in this
struggle or we would not be there.
MIM strongly disagrees with this
position taken by most of the white so-
called left in Amerika and which has also
seeped in to many of the organizations
supporting national liberation struggles.
These activists believe that the "workers"
in Amerika are exploited and proletarian
just like workers in the Third World.
They fail to recognize that these
"workers" are being paid more than the
value of their labor, receiving huge bribes
from the imperialists to secure their
allegiance. We can not indiscriminately
label everyone with a job as proletarian.
This ignores materialism and the labor
theory of value. And this erroneous belief
that all the workers in Amerika are
proletarian leads to appeals for their
support that will never achieve anything
more than rallying them for greater
national chauvinism.
Continued from page 1...
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 10
Under Lock & Key
News from Prisons & Prisoners
Keefe: How can one
company dominate?
In the March 15 issue of MIM Notes
[issue 254] an Indiana state prisoner
wrote about Keefe Foods distributing
company. I'm a federal prisoner and since
1993 I have often wondered how one
company can virtually corner the market
on commissary sales in the federal prison
system across the U.$. I once asked my
brother to look the company up on the
Internet and find out exactly who owned
it or who the major stock holders were.
To supply all of the federal prisons',
FCIs', camps' and detention centers'
commissaries with food items such as
coffee, hot sauce, peanut butter, rice,
beans, jelly, etc. would seem to be a very
lucrative contract.
I'm just surprised that a scandal hasn't
broken out about that company such as
the scandal that came to light about Vita
Pro. Perhaps you'll be able to find out
why that one company doesn't have any
-- a Federal prisoner in California, 16
April, 2002
I was reading an article in MIM Notes
254 Under Lock & Key called "Indiana
prisoners fight price fixing" and I thought
y'all might be interested in looking at the
commissary list we have here in Bresoria
County (Texas) Jail. As you can see, the
prices are pretty damn outrageous:
Noxema, 2.5 oz. $1.70
Pocket dictionary $4.09
Hot pot $18.59
Playing cards $3.13
[an Indiana prisoner submitted a
complete new commissary price list as
well, it includes these items:
VO5 shampoo & conditioner, 15 oz.
$1.75 each
Acne lotion, 1 oz. $1.90
Ivory soap, 4.5 oz. $.65
Efferdent, 90 count $6.35
Sugar Twin, 100 ct. box $3.00
V-8 Juice, 11 oz. Can $.95]
An organization called the Federal
Consumer Information Center publishes
a book called "The Consumer Action
Handbook" and distributes it free of
charge to anyone who requests one. It's
got a pretty sizeable list of agencies you
can write who'll investigate scams like
this. You can get a copy from:
Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office, P.O. Box
37594, Pittsburgh, PA 15250.
-- a Texas prisoner, 28 April, 2002
MIM adds: We looked the Keefe
Commissary Network and its affiliate,
Keefe Supply Company, up on the
Internet. Both companies are part of the
Centric Group, a holding company of
Enterprise Rent-A-Car in St. Louis,
MO.(1) All of these companies are
privately held, so their shares (stocks) are
not traded in the public markets.(2) This
means they are not obliged to publish
information about who owns how much,
or a great many other details about their
Keefe Supply Company was founded
in 1975 and since then has become a
model of the type of company that could
only exist in a parasitic economy. The
company individually packages products
it does not manufacture (Tang, Nescafe,
the items listed above and more), and
distributes them to prisons from 11
service centers spread around the
Keefe became popular with prisons by
maintaining memberships in national,
state and county law enforcement
associations. Some of these memberships
include: American Correctional
Association, Buckeye State Sheriff's
Association, Georgia Wardens'
Association, Mississippi Jail
Association, Oregon Criminal Justice
Association and West Virginia
Association of Correctional Employees,
to name a small handful. In other words,
Keefe does business by shaking hands
and slapping backs with the
stormtroopers who run and work in the
u.$. criminal injustice system.
We encourage prisoners to continue to
write in with information about you
experiences with Keefe, and any
comparisons you can make between
Keefe and other commissary supply
all other information from
More comrades down
for the struggle in
New Jersey
Hello Comrades! I'm writing in the
belly of the beast here in Northern State
Prison gang unit. In the May 15, 2002
MIM Notes Under Lock and Key I read
about the hunger strike that we had here.
The comrade that wrote stated that after
the administrator came to the unit (3-
wing) and talked to a selected few of the
masses [and everything ended]. This is
not true at all.
I don't know what organization this
comrade is claiming and that is not an
important issue because we all fight to
end oppression and we move as one unit.
But for this comrade to state that he and
a few other comrades in phase one were
the only ones to stand strong throughout
the whole hunger strike is bullshit. I
myself and five other comrades (which
is not a lot) in phase two made no
movements including showers and
accepted no food during that day.
Now I'm not trying to knock this
comrade because I do understand where
he's coming from and I'm on his side.
But to that comrade, when you speak dog
speak facts. As far as phase two and three
no programming, I feel you, but if that's
gonna happen we need to stop all
movements, including showers, yard and
have another hunger strike, etc. If
sacrifices are going to be made they need
to be made as a whole, not just one
organization or phase, you feel me? And
until that happens things will remain the
way they are now.
In closing, we ride, we die, we live on,
we conquer, we fall, we stand strong.
in struggle,
-a comrade in New Jersey, May 2002
Dear MIM,
Thank you for the many newspapers
covering topical discussion over issues
wrought by prisoners across the nation.
Unfortunately things have transpired at
this prison that need to be brought to
light. This letter is sent via the location
called IMU (Intensive Management Unit)
a type of solitary confinement with a new
catchword to replace its original intent.
There is a current despotic course to force
all prisoners at Oregon State Penitentiary
to submit a DNA sample. Recently, and
more importantly, this prisoner is facing
severe reprimand for failure to comply
with this order. On the 18th of April 2002
I was ordered to surrender a DNA
sample. I adamantly refused.
Over the coming week perhaps events
will challenge the integrity to remain civil
with these hostile forces, i.e. the IMU
guards. The undercurrent of silent
administrative violence has, in my
opinion, gone on too long and much too
Next week or maybe sooner, a trained
team of cell extraction specialists will see
their way at degrading my person in an
effort to procure a blood DNA sample.
While this is an interlude for the near
future, attempts will transpire to coerce
me to volunteer a saliva DNA sample. I
will be sanctioned further by robbing me
of everything personal and legal within
my confines. Even my ability to
correspond will be suspended. That's
why I'm writing now, because frankly
there may be a long interval of time
without much of any ability to
-- a prisoner in OR, April 2002
Fighting censorship
and repression in
Dear MIM,
I realize the difficulty you are having
getting your newsletter into Oregon
prisons, you aren't the only ones. I am
an inmate at Snake River Correctional
(Corruptional) Institution and
Administrative Rules, Constitutional
Rights, or even State laws, have little or
no meaning with the way this 2,800
inmate Desert prison is run, especially
when it comes to mail rejection and
censorship. We thank you for your
persistence. You finally made it through.
We are on lock-down day 7 after 3 riots
happened. This institution is facing
major budget cuts due to not getting the
Federal Funding to support their
mandatory Minimum Sentencing that
state legislation conned Oregonians into
voting in. Well every time the prisons in
Oregon need money they threaten the
public to let "violent criminals" loose,
or someone conveniently escapes and
after getting caught they claim to need
more money to beef up security. Well
this time they are implementing a new
inmate rule book with rules we are forced
to break, such as: Everything must now
be stored inside our property drawer (all
canteen, personal papers, extra hygiene
items, and non-programming books and
paperwork, plus socks, underwear,
magazines, etc.) However, our drawer
is only 5 3/4 deep, and too small to hold
certain canteen items.
This may seem like a little thing, but
we will all be in violation of their rules,
and not by our choosing. They can now
"Bum-beef" an inmate here for any rule
violation and can throw him in Seg and
fine his account, and he has no recourse
for due process, unless it is a Level 1 or
2 violation. This means they can simply
rob the inmates here, then make them
work for free (no merit pay) until their
probation period is over. This is basically
theft/slavery. (I am fighting this through
the procedural process, just to find out,
we have no leverage against any DOC
policy or Employee Action unless we file
civil suits against them for damages.)
Robert Lampert, was run out of Texas
where he got caught with his hands in
the cookie jar at the last prison he ran.
Now he is Superintendent in this
Institution that is so far out in the Desert
that the normal rules of Oregon Prisons
don't apply here. We are forced to fight
for any Medical, Dental, or Eye Care by
litigation. Now with these rules that
basically give them free reign to just take
our property, write us up, then take our
DNA samples taken by force in Oregon
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 11
MIM on
Prisons & Prisoners
MIM seeks to build public opinion
against Amerika's criminal injustice sys-
tem, and to eventually replace the bour-
geois injustice system with proletarian jus-
tice. The bourgeois injustice system im-
prisons and executes a disproportionately
large and growing number of oppressed
people while letting the biggest mass mur-
derers -- the imperialists and their lack-
eys -- roam free. Imperialism is not op-
posed to murder or theft, it only insists that
these crimes be committed in the interests
of the bourgeoisie.
"All U.S. citizens are criminals--
accomplices and accessories to the crimes
of U.$. oppression globally until the day
U.$. imperialism is overcome. All U.S.
citizens should start from the point of view
that they are reforming criminals."
MIM does not advocate that all
prisoners go free today; we have a
more effective program for fighting
crime as was demonstrated in China
prior to the restoration of capitalism
there in 1976. We say that all prisoners
are political prisoners because under
the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, all
imprisonment is substantively
political. It is our responsibility to
exert revolutionary leadership and
conduct political agitation and
organization among prisoners --
whose material conditions make them
an overwhelmingly revolutionary
group. Some prisoners should and will
work on self-criticism under a future
dictatorship of the proletariat in those
cases in which prisoners really did do
something wrong by proletarian
Facts on U$ imprisonment
The facts about imprisonment in the United $tates are that the United $tates has been the world's leading prison-state per capita for the last
25 years, with a brief exception during Boris Yeltsin's declaration of a state of emergency.(1)
That means that while Reagan was talking about a Soviet "evil empire" he was the head of a state that imprisoned more people per capita.
In supposedly "hard-line" Bulgaria of the Soviet bloc of the 1980s, the imprisonment rate was less than half that of the United $tates.(2,3)
To find a comparison with U.$. imprisonment of Black people, there is no statistic in any country that compares including apartheid South
Africa of the era before Mandela was president. The last situation remotely comparable to the situation today was under Stalin during war
time. The majority of prisoners are non-violent offenders(4) and the U.S. Government now holds about a half million more prisoners than
China; even though China is four times our population.(5)
The rednecks tell MIM that we live in a "free country." They live in an Orwellian 1984 situation where freedom is imprisonment.
Notes: 1. Marc Mauer, "Americans Behind Bars: The International Use of Incarceration 1993," The Prison Sentencing Project, 918 F. St. NW, Suite
501, Washington, DC 20004 (202) 628-0871 Reference: SRI: R8965-2, 1994
2. Ibid., 1992 report.
3. United Nations Development Programme, "Human Development Report 1994,:" Oxford University Press, p. 186.
4. Figure of 51.2 percent for state prisoners there for non-violent offenses. Abstract of the United States 1993, p. 211.
5. Atlantic Monthly December, 1998.
money in fines, keep us from getting our
mail, rob us on the phone calls home, and
now the food isn't in the budget., the
inmates are just going off, and it's with
each other instead of with those that are
really at fault. Now Lampert can go to
the public or the Feds and claim the need
for more money to keep these rioting
inmates controlled. 68 inmates went to
the "hole." the tension was so thick, it
was bound to go off, (enemies v .
enemies) and you can guarantee it was
all part of Robert Lampert's plan to get
more taxpayers money to east the budget
cuts he was going to have to face while
prisoners suffer.
--a prisoner in Oregon, June 2002
Dear MIM,
I am writing to let you know that I am
following up on the current rejections of
MIM materials. I have been
communicating with a Ms. Kathy
Stevens, the SRCI mailroom coordinator,
concerning the violations. She recently
informed me that the directives to violate
MIM's material came from the office of
Rich Holder, 2575 Center St, NC, Salem,
OR 97310. I have just written him and
am awaiting a reply. I have included an
address in case you would like to do the
What these fuckin' pigs are doing is
bullshit! It's blatant discrimination. I
wasn't even aware my materials were
denied until I received a copy of your
letter to the mailroom administrators.
They, once again, violated their own
policies by not providing me a violation
notice form. When I addressed this issue
I was completely ignored.
I am currently exhausting my
administrative remedies so that I can take
legal action. this is one revolutionary who
won't give up without a fight. I'll keep
you posted.
In struggle,
-a prisoner in Oregon, June 2002
MIM adds: Several prisons in Oregon
are rejecting mail sent by MIM including
MIM Notes, books, and many letters. The
reasons for rejection vary from "MIM not
authorized distributor" to "Not from
publisher" (not true since this is stamped
on MIM Notes and MIM Theory) to
"Catalogs, advertisements, brochures,
pamphlets, and materials where the
primary purpose is to sell a product or
service shall be prohibited" (again not
true since MIM Notes does not come
close to meeting this definition). Virtually
all of the rejected mail is being returned
unopened. This includes letters we sent
to the mail room administrator to point
out the error in these rejections.
Apparently mail with MIM's return
address is being censored categorically
without review of the contents or even
note of intended recipient. We ask for
your support in protesting this
censorship. You can write to Rich Holder
at the address above.
Corruption and
censorship in
Dear MIM,
during he last week of May this year
we had a murder that happened here in
the seg unit. I find that hard to
comprehend. That goes to show that
security is too busy sexually harassing
the women and stealing money here. The
murder took place in the segregation
unit. Upon entering the unit you are
suppose to be strip searched and personal
property checked thoroughly too. So how
did this inmate get a knife in seg? The
unit manager that runs the seg unit, James
Becker is crooked as they come, he
promotes gang violence and takes money
to falsify dockets. Not too long ago I was
telling a friend that somebody was going
to lose their life at the hands of unit
manager James Becker and gang
members and it happened.
Just 10 minutes ago I had a visit from
the in house internal affairs. They want
to know why was I communicating with
trouble makers referring to MIM. So that
let me know they are reading my mail as
I always have suspected.
-- a prisoner in TN, June 2002
MIM responds: MIM is quite aware
that the prison administrators read our
mail. And we know that writing to us can
get prisoners branded as trouble makers
themselves. Further, MIM has been
branded as a "security threat group" in
one prison in Tennessee, West Tennessee
State Penitentiary. This institution
recently rejected copies of MIM Theory
sent to two separate prisoners. On the
envelopes they wrote "STG Material",
"Contraband" and "Not allowed due to
contents." Contained inside each envelop
was a copy of MIM's theory journal,
which contains educational material
about political theory and history.
There is no justification for labeling
MIM a security threat group or
"troublemakers" except that it scares the
prison administration when inmates
began to educate and organize
themselves to demand their legal rights.
MIM works with prisoners to study
revolutionary politics and fight the
repressive criminal injustice system. But
we do this within the legal system right
now. MIM will continue to demand our
legal right to educate and work with
From the MIM "Frequently Asked
Questions" page,
Internationalism is the ethical belief or
scientific approach in which peoples of
different nations are held to be or
assumed to be equal. Internationalism is
opposed to racism and national
We Maoists believe the nationalism of
nations experiencing oppression of
imperialism is "applied
internationalism." We oppose
What is internationalism?
nationalism of oppressed nations directed
at other oppressed nations, because the
economic content of such nationalism is
intra-proletarian conflict. We seek a
united front of oppressed nations led by
the international proletariat against
"I must argue, not from the point of
view of `my' country (for that is the
argument of a wretched, stupid, petty-
bourgeois nationalist who does not
realize that he is only a plaything in the
hands of the imperialist bourgeoisie), but
from the point of view of my share in the
preparation, in the propaganda, and in the
acceleration of the world proletarian
revolution. That is what internationalism
means, and that is the duty of the
internationalist, of the revolutionary
worker, of the genuine Socialist."
--V. I. Lenin, "What Is
Internationalism?" The Proletarian
Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky
(Peking: Foreign Language Press,
1965), p. 80.
MIM Notes 263 · August 1, 2002· Page 12
Notas Rojas
mayo 15, 2002, Nº 258 Fragmento del Periodico Oficial del Movimiento Internacionalista Maoista Gratis
¿Que es el MIM?
El Movimiento Internacionalista Maoísta (MIM) es un partido revolucionario
comunista que ejerce el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo. El MIM es una organización
internacionalista que trabaja desde el punto de vista del proletariado del Tercer Mundo;
es por esto que sus miembros no son amerikanos sino ciudadanos del mundo.
El MIM lucha para acabar con la opresión de todos los grupos sobre cualquier otro,
naciones por naciones, clases por clases, y géneros por géneros. La revolución es una
realidad para los Estados Unidos mientras su ejército continúa extendiendose en su
esfuerzo por asegurar la hegemonía mundial.
El MIM difiere de otros partidos en tres puntos basicos: (1) El MIM sostiene que
después que el proletariado conquiste el poder estatal, existira aún el potencial para una
restauración de tipo capitalista, bajo la dirección de una burguesía nueva dentro del
mismo partido comunista. En el caso de la Unión Soviética, la burguesía se apoderó del
gobierno después de la muerte de Stalin, en 1953; y en China después de la muerte de
Mao y del derrocamiento de la llamada "banda de los cuatro' en 1976. (2) El MIM
sostiene que la Revolución Cultural en China es la fase ms avanzada a la que llegó el
comunismo en la historia. (3) El MIM afirma que la clase trabajadora blanca de los
EE.UU. es primordialmente, una élite trabajadora no revolucionaria en el presente. Es
por esto que no es el principal vehículo para avanzar el Maoísmo en este país.
El MIM acepta como miembro a cualquier individuo que esté de acuerdo con estos
tres puntos basicos, y que acepte al centralismo democrtico, el método de gobierno por
la mayoría en lo que se refiere a cuestiones de línea del partido. El MIM es un partido
clandestino que no publica los nombres de sus miembros para evitar la represión estatal
dirigida históricamente contra los movimientos revolucionarios comunistas, y anti-
imperialistas. Si Ud. desea una suscripción para cualquiera de nuestros periódicos o
libros teóricos, en español o en inglés, por favor mandar dinero en efectivo o un cheque
al nombre de MIM a esta dirección:
MIM · P.O. Box 29670 · Los Angeles CA 90029-0670
Traducido por Células de Estudio para
la Liberación de Aztlán y América Latina
¿Cuál es la base
material del
¿Cuál es la postura del Partido frente a
Le Pen y el crecimiento general de la
derecha en Europa? Según tengo
entendido, el Partido sostiene que el
crecimiento del fascismo es acompañado
de una caída de la socialdemocracia, es
decir, al ser agotadas/encogidas fuentes
de superganancias, la alianza entre la
clase obrera y el capital se ve en peligro
y el capital usa elementos de la clase
obrera como tropas de choque con fin de
controlar a la población mediante
ideologías nacionalistas, racistas, etc.
Pero según entiendo, el Partido sostiene
que esta alianza es muy fuerte y que,
desde luego, el flujo de superganancias
tiene el paso libre. Entonces, ¿a qué se
debe el crecimiento de la derecha?
Mi primera respuesta ha sido la idea
de que conforme progrese el
imperialismo y la clase obrera blanca
vaya en ascenso, aparece la necesidad de
mano de obra de inmigrantes (en su
mayoría de color). Pero para que los
inmigrantes se mantengan hundidos en
el fondo del mercado laboral y ya que
una discriminación racial legal es
demasiado obvia, se les mantiene
sumisos mediante el sistema jurídico
criminal (inmigrantes ilegales) y la
instigación de un racismo "natural" de
la nación blanca dominante a través de
varias rutas (por ejemplo, el racismo
institucional de las cortes y leyes, el
cambio hacia la derecha de partidos
laborales [socialdemocráticos], etc.) En
este caso, el crecimiento de la derecha
es una de las formas de controlar al
proletariado al situarlo entre el mal
policía del fascismo y el buen policía de
Pero estos argumentos parecen basarse
en la conciencia falsa. Es decir, a la clase
obrera blanca le va bien, pero se le ha
engañado induciéndole pensar que los
inmigrantes le están quitando trabajo. La
postura del movimiento
antiglobalización es que la clase obrera
blanca está sufriendo; por lo tanto, a la
falsa conciencia se le opone un verdadero
mejoramiento de condiciones materiales.
Si bien dicha postura puede ser falsa, por
lo menos no carece de coherencia lógica.
Si a la clase obrera blanca le está yendo
mejor, igual o insignificativamente peor,
como sostiene el Partido, entonces ¿cómo
explicar el éxito de Buchanan, Le Pen
Haider, neonazis por toda Europa, etc.
desde el punto de vista materialista?
Obviamente, el crecimiento de la
derecha no constituye una vuelta al
fascismo y desde luego, lo que tenemos
en el poder no es el fascismo. Por lo
tanto, una respuesta podría ser que el lazo
entre el fascismo y la socialdemocracia
(todavía) no es la causa. Más bien los
altibajos del fascismo inmanente de la
socialdemocracia se dan dentro de ciertos
límites materialistas basados sobre todo
en cambios ideológicos/culturales. Por
lo tanto, aun si a la clase obrera blanca le
va bien, su chovinismo nacional hasta
cierto punto puede ser avivado sin que
se de un cambio significativo de
condiciones materiales.
Respuesta del MIM: Si bien
sostenemos que la alianza entre los
imperialistas y la aristocracia obrera aún
es fuerte, no sostenemos que entre ambas
clases no existen contradicciones o que
diferentes alas de la burguesía no están
haciendo maniobras para conseguir el
respaldo de la aristocracia obrera.
Tampoco sostenemos que en países
imperialistas, la situación económica de
cada "obrero" siempre está en ascenso.
Está claro que la tasa de desempleo de
"obreros" en ciertas industrias que se
encogen (por ejemplo, la industria del
acero en EE.UU.) sobrepasa la de otras.
Estos "obreros" están a favor de una
política económica nacionalista (tarifas
de protección con fin de proteger sus
trabajos). Los que están desempleados
creen que el acabar con la inmigración
les proporcionaría trabajo.
Buchanan, Le Pen y otros muchos no
solamente avivan una retórica racista,
sino que también abogan por propuestas
económicas y sociales concretas. De
semejante forma, Hítler no simplemente
logró incitar al frenesí al pueblo alemán
basándose en una supuesta
predisposición alemana hacia el
antisemitismo. También llevó a cabo un
programa económico basado en un
expansionismo, preparaciones bélicas y
algunas reformas socialdemocráticas que
reflejaron los intereses de la pequeña
burguesía y la aristocracia obrera
Entonces el impacto del parasitismo y
por lo tanto el éxito de neofascistas como
Le Pen quienes están dispuestos a tomar
fuertes medidas para preservarlo, es
material y no ideológico. Como decimos
en la página cuatro de este número, "Los
desempleados no viven en un vacío.
Tienen hermanos, tíos, etc. con vidas
cómodas características de la clase media.
Los desempleados de naciones opresoras
miran a su alrededor y ven que la gran
mayoría de gente blanca lleva este tipo de
vida debido a una explotación del tercer
mundo. Al darse cuenta de esta situación,
Le Pen calculó de una forma correcta los
sentimientos de los desempleados blancos
franceses. Este no es el caso de
desempleados de la nación opresora de
Francia que al mirar a su alrededor, vieron
una necesidad de un cambio radical de
sistemas. Lo que ellos creen como mucho
es que una expulsión de todos los
extranjeros les proporcionará trabajos que
ya tiene el resto de la nación opresora
francesa. Por lo tanto, el votador de Le
Pen, si bien aboga por un cambio, no cree
que tiene que ser un tipo de cambio que
eche abajo al entero carro político sino que
solamente al carro de los extranjeros. Es
por esa razón que los desempleados
acogieron el parasítico mensaje militar de
Le Pen".
El MIM promociona
fronteras abiertas en
una marcha por la
legalización de
Traducido por Células de Estudio para la
Liberación de Aztlán y América Latina
Los Ángeles
En una marcha del 1 de Mayo por la
legalización de inmigrantes indocumentados,
los respaldantes del MIM recogieron
alrededor de 100 firmas endosando nuestra
demanda de "Abrir la frontera
estadounidense" con México y oponerse a la
"Operación Guardián!" lanzada por el
Servicio de Inmigración yanqui (INS). Desde
su comienzo en 1994, la "Operación
Guardián!" ha asesinado a más de 740
inmigrantes que estaban tratando de cruzar
la frontera con fin de buscar empleo en
EE.UU. Son cientas de personas más que las
que murieron en un intento de cruzar la
frontera alemana entre el este y el oeste
durante más de 25 anos de su existencia- un
hecho que ha sido injuriado bastante por la
propaganda yanqui.
Casi todas las personas a las que nos
acercamos con la solicitud nos trataron con
simpatía y aprobación; muchos nos
aconsejaron que "siguiéramos con el
esfuerzo" y nos desearon suerte con las
firmas. Nuestros camaradas que no hablaban
espanol presentaron la solicitud tanto en
inglés como en espanol contando con el
apoyo de manifestantes biling?es y la
paciencia de la gente con fin de hace oídas
nuestras demandas.
Una muchacha blanca de Orange County
pensó que estaba bien extender el estatus legal
a trabajadores dentro del país pero no quiso
ver las fronteras abiertas para todos los
inmigrantes. Según su aserción, en California
del Sur ya había demasiada gente y el tráfico
era verdaderamente insoportable. Un
camarada del MIM senaló que ni siquiera los
inmigrantes dentro de EE.UU. tienen carros
porque se les paga muy mal y que la causa
del tráfico era el expansivo deseo yanqui de
obtener casas unifamiliares en las afueras de
centros urbanos. Este estilo de vida requiere
un aumento adicional de mano de obra barata
para construir casas, poner céspeds, cuidar a
los ninos y limpiar casas.
Unas brigadas antidisturbios del
Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles-
muchos vestidos de uniformes antidisturbio
y agarrandos a sus armas y palos- saludaban
a los manifestantes a lo largo del camino. En
el cuartel de policía, un escuadrón de
caballería de unas 25 personas- los caballos
con yelmos de cabeza- hizo su presencia.
La Red de Organización de Trabajadores
Inmigrantes Multiétnicos (MIWON) organizó
la marcha del 1 de Mayo con fin de exigir
"una verdadera legalización" de trabajadores
indocumentados "por medio de permanente
estatus legal y ciudadanía que no deben
limitarse a ningún país de origen o industria
de trabajo".