This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 1
MIM Notes
May 15, 2002, Nº 258
The Official Newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)
INSIDE: Global Exchange * Under Lock & Key * Una Página en Español...
by and
he neo-fascist National Front came
in second in voting in the French
national primary and thus won the
chance to elect Jean-Marie Le Pen
president in a run-off election May
5th.(1) Conservative Jacques Chirac,
already known for broadly regressive
policies faced an even more aggressive
and regressive opponent.(2) [With 96
More analysis of the French
elections inside:
* Chirac wins big in runoff (p. 9)
* Unemployed voted for Le Pen (p.4)
* Algerian settlers support Le Pen (p.5)
* Abstainers look best to MIM (p.8)
slanders Mao
Zedong on
The state-capitalist regime in China
implementing "Deng Xiaoping Theory,"
has slandered Mao Zedong yet again.
According to the Nepalese Foreign
Secretary, Madhuraman Acharya the
Chinese government told him that the
People's War in Nepal was misusing the
name of Mao Zedong.(1)
Through its numerous publications, the
Chinese regime could have denied the
accusations, but it did not. In fact, it is
already in print referring to the People's
War in Nepal as "ultraleftist." The
Chinese regime also told Nepal that it
would not allow Tibet to be used by the
"ultraleftist" guerrillas fighting in Nepal.
Although it debated the question at
some length, the current regime in China
claims still to uphold "Mao Zedong
Thought" as a system of thought behind
"Deng Xiaoping Theory." Thus, the
regime in China is telling the
revolutionaries in Nepal that they are
fakes and they are doing this in the name
of Mao. At the same time, the Chinese
regime is not supporting any alternative
in Nepal that eliminates semi-
Semi-feudalism is the system of land
ownership concentrating power in a few
landlords' hands that also puts the
peasants in a position of exploitation.
Farming under capitalism is done
through a wage system, but under semi-
feudalism, most peasants do not own
by MIM
IM, RAIL, and Studies for the
Liberation of Aztlan and Latin
America (SLALA) kicked off
a campaign to get the University of
California to pull its investments from
companies supporting Israeli aggression,
with an event at UC Los Angeles in early
May. A small but enthusiastic audience
listened to speakers from MIM and
SLALA lay out the rationale for the
campaign, and then participated in a
discussion about the issues raised.
The speakers explained the historically
progressive role played by student
divestment campaigns, especially in the
case of Vietnam in the 1970s, the 1980s
South African campaign (which MIM
participated in), and the anti-sweatshop
campaign of the 1990s. Once again,
students in Amerikan schools have a
chance to apply public pressure on
university officials to pull their support
from an oppressive, U.$.-backed regime.
The UC system is an ideal target, because
the system invests hundreds of millions
of dollars in companies like General
Dynamics Corp., General Electric Corp.,
Honeywell Corp., Lockheed Martin,
Raytheon and United Tech Corp., each
of which invests heavily in Israel and
provide it with helicopters, jet engines,
F-16 fighters, M1-A2 Tanks, avionics
control systems, rocket launchers,
aircraft missiles, launch systems, other
missiles and more.
The campaign calls on the UC system
to investigate the companies it invests in
and does business with for ties to the
Israeli apartheid state and divest from
those companies with large investments
in Israel -- especially those involved
with the Israeli military. This divestment
should continue at least as long as Israel
refuses to withdraw from the territory it
occupied in 1967.
Neo-fascist Le Pen advances through French primary
percent of the national vote counted on
the evening of the 5 May, Le Pen received
18% of the vote, Chirac 82%. See p. 9.]
The primary results for Chirac and Le
Pen respectively were 19.7% and
17.0%.(3) The ex-Trotskyist Jospin,
representing the pseudo left only won
about 16%(4)--and thus is excluded
from the final election. The so-called
French Communist Party led by Robert
Hue only won 3.5%(5) and will receive
no state funding, since a party must win
at least 5% in the primary to win state
subsidization.(6) Another fascist
candidate named Bruno Megret who
splintered away from Le Pen's political
party won another 2%. This means that
20% of French voters have already pulled
the lever for fascism and probably more
will in the second round of voting.
MIM sees the upset of Jospin by Le
Pen in a radically different light than the
mainstream news. Most of the
mainstream authorities presume that Le
Pen's votes are protest votes. But taking
second place in the national primary
means Le Pen has genuine supporters--
despite the denial of the republican
MIM sees the victory for Le Pen in the
primaries as proof positive of the labor
aristocracy thesis--that dominant-nation
"workers" in imperialist countries are in
fact a new petit-bourgeoisie, a labor
aristocracy. They support imperialism
because they benefit from it. The real
proletariat, on the other hand, resides
overwhelmingly in the so-called Third
Many self-styled "leftists" or
"communists" insist that the aristocracy
is exploited and hence revolutionary.
MIM and RAIL kick off UC divest campaign
Hey, soldier, where'dya get that gun? The University of California
invests in the Israeli war machine to the tune of billions of dollars.
As the SLALA speaker said: "With its
declaration of all-out war against the
people of Palestine, Israel's recent
military invasions into all the major cities
in the already occupied West Bank -
Including Ramallah, Bethlehem, Nablus
and Hebron - has meant mass dislocation,
unwarranted search, seizure, thousands
of arrests and detentions, and the deaths
of hundreds, many of whom died as
ambulances were prevented from
reaching them, or literally were left to
rot on the streets."
Audience members signed a petition
supporting the demands of the campaign,
and took postcards to distribute for others
to send to the UC administration.
The event also included a film
screening of a recent documentary
showing the continued expansion of
Israeli settlements on Palestinian land
after the so-called peace agreement
between Israel and the Palestinian
Authority brokered by former U.$.
President Bill Clinton. Palestinians
interviewed in the film showed how their
homes and land were seized as Israel
systematically expanded the areas of
greater Jerusalem that are under Israeli
control. One family, evicted from their
ancestral home by the city of Jerusalem
to make way for new settlements, fought
a long battle in the courts, and finally
won. But instead of getting their home
back, they were given a dilapidated bus
to live in as compensation.
Another man won a court battle saying
a certain piece of land seized by Israelis
was indeed his, but he was not allowed
to re-claim it.
Activists from Students for Justice in
Palestine (SJP), associated with the
International Socialist Organization
(ISO), are leading a campaign for UC
divestment from Israel on the Berkeley
Continued on page 4...
Continued on page 6...
Continued on page 8...
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 2
MIM Notes
The Official Newsletter of The Maoist Internationalist Movement
MIM Notes is the bi-weekly newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement. MIM
grants explicit permission to copy all or part of this newspaper for any reason. Please
credit MIM Notes where appropriate. The paper is free to all prisoners. Overseas airmail
is $2 per issue. MIM Notes is the official Party voice. Material in the paper is the Party's
position unless noted to the contrary. MIM Notes accepts submissions and critiques from
anyone. The editors reserve the right to edit copy unless permission is specifically denied
by the author. Back issues of MIM Notes are available for $1 per issue. A bound volume
of the original MIM Notes 1-34 and MIM Theory 1-13 (old numbering) is available for
$15, post-paid. MIM has a complete literature list of progressive books and pamphlets.
Send $2 for a copy. MIM's ten point program is available to anyone who sends in a
SASE. MIM is an underground party that does not publish the names of its comrades in
order to avoid the state surveillance and repression that have historically been directed at
communist parties and anti-imperialist movements. MCs, MIM comrades, are members
of the Party. RCs are RAIL Comrades. The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL)
is an anti-imperialist mass organization led by MIM. MIM runs a books for prisoners
program which provides Maoist and general political material to prisoners for free. Make
checks or money orders payable to "Books for Prisoners, Inc." Federal EIN: 04-3475938.
Send to: Books for Prisoners, Inc. c/o the address below. Donations and books can be
sent to the address below. Send cash or check payable to "MIM Distributors".
P.O. Box 29670
Los Angeles, CA 90029-0670
eMail: <>
WWW: <http//>
What is MIM?
The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) is the collection of existing or emerging
Maoist internationalist parties in the English-speaking imperialist countries and their English-
speaking internal semi-colonies, as well as the existing or emerging Maoist Internationalist
parties in Belgium, France and Quebec and the existing or emerging Spanish-speaking
Maoist Internationalist parties of Aztlan, Puerto Rico and other territories of the U.$. Empire.
MIM Notes is the newspaper of MIM. Notas Rojas is the newspaper of the Spanish-speaking
parties or emerging parties of MIM. MIM upholds the revolutionary communist ideology
of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and is an internationalist organization that works from the
vantage point of the Third World proletariat. MIM struggles to end the oppression of all
groups over other groups: classes, genders, nations. MIM knows this is only possibly by
building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle. Revolution is a reality for
North America as the military becomes over-extended in the government's attempts to
maintain world hegemony. MIM differs from other communist parties on three main
questions: (1) MIM holds that after the proletariat seizes power in socialist revolution, the
potential exists for capitalist restoration under the leadership of a new bourgeoisie within
the communist party itself. In the case of the USSR, the bourgeoisie seized power after the
death of Stalin in 1953; in China, it was after Mao's death and the overthrow of the "Gang
of Four" in 1976. (2) MIM upholds the Chinese Cultural Revolution as the farthest advance
of communism in humyn history. (3) As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has
reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third
World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so-
called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty-
bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to
advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on
imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in the Canada, Quebec,
the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. MIM accepts people as
members who agree on these basic principles and accept democratic centralism, the system
of majority rule, on other questions of party line.
"The theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable. We should
regard it not as dogma, but as a guide to action. Studying it is not merely a matter of
learning terms and phrases, but of learning Marxism-Leninism as the science of revolution."
- Mao Zedong, Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 208.
Editor, MC206; Production, MC12
MIM is looking for distributors and
sponsors to step forward. Sponsors pay for
papers; distributors get them onto the
streets and officers do both distribution and
financial support:
Cost per year
12 (Priority Mail)
25 (Priority Mail)
50 (Priority Mail)
900 (Express Mail!)
900 (8-10 days)
If you know you have some good places
distribute, we suggest starting at 200 and
working your way up. If you are not willing
to distribute, just send money. If you are
not willing to pay, then request papers after
somehow proving to the party that you are
serious (words won't count). You who will
cough up/raise the money to distribute 900
papers each issue and then do the
distribution -- you are what drives this party
Make anonymous money orders payable
to "MIM." Send to MIM, attn: Camb.
branch, PO Box 400559, Cambridge, MA
02140. Or write
A call for MIM Notes sponsors and distributors!
What is the material
basis for neo-fascism?
What is the position of the Party on Le
Pen and the general rise of the right in
Europe? The line as I understand it is that
fascism rises as social democracy falls.
I.e. when sources of superprofits are cut
off/slowed the alliance btw. labour and
capital is threatened and capital uses
elements of the working class as shock
troops to control the population, using
ideologies of nationalism, racism, etc,
etc. But my understanding is that the
Party's line is that the alliance is very
strong and certainly the flow of
superprofits is unimpeded. So why the
rise in the right?
My first response is that as imperialism
develops and the white working classes
move upward, there is a need for (largely
nonwhite) immigrant labour. But to keep
these immigrants stuck at the bottom of
the labour market, since legal racial
segregation is too obvious, they are kept
there via the criminal justice system
(illegal immigrants) and through
encouraging the "natural" racism of the
dominant white nation through various
channels (e.g. institutional racism in the
courts/legislature, rightward drift of
[social democratic]/labour parties, etc.)
So the rise of the right is just one of the
channels of controlling the proletariat,
putting them btw. the bad cop of fascism
and the good cop of the liberals.
But these are arguments that seem to
rely on false consciousness. I.e. the white
workers are doing fine, but they are
tricked into thinking immigrants are
taking their jobs. The anti-globalization
movement position is that white workers
are suffering so the false consciousness
is countered to a real change in material
conditions. While this may be untrue, it
is at least logically consistent. If the white
workers, as the Party posits, are either
doing better than ever, doing the same,
or doing just marginally worse, then how
to explain the rise of Buchanan, Le Pen
Haider, neo-nazism all across Europe, etc
in a materialist way?
Obviously the rise of the right doesn't
constitute a return of fascism, and
certainly not fascism in power. So one
answer is that the link btw fascism and
social democracy is not (yet) the issue
here. Rather, the immanent fascism of
social democracy ebbs and flows within
certain materialist limits based on
primarily ideological/cultural shifts. So
even if white workers are doing fine, their
national chauvinism can be stoked to
some extent absent a significant change
in material conditions.
MIM responds: While we do say that
the alliance between the imperialists and
the labor aristocracy is still strong, we
do not say that there are no contradictions
between the two classes, or that different
wings of the bourgeoisie aren't
maneuvering for labor aristocracy
support. Nor do we say that the lot of
every imperialist country "worker" is
getting better all the time.
Clearly "workers" in some shrinking
industries (think steel in the United
$tates) have higher unemployment rates.
These "workers" favor a nationalistic
economic policy (protective tariffs to
protect their jobs). Those that are
unemployed believe that stopping
immigration will give them jobs.
Buchanan, Le Pen et al. do not just
spout racist rhetoric, they also put
forward concrete economic and social
proposals. For that matter, Hitler did not
just whip Germans into a frenzy based
on some supposed German propensity for
anti-Semitism. He also carried out an
economic program based on
expansionism, war preparations, and
some social-democratic reforms--which
appealed to the German petit bourgeoisie
and labor aristocracy.
So the pull of parasitism--and hence
of neo-fascists like Le Pen who are
willing to take strong steps to preserve
it--is material, not ideological. As we
write on page four of this issue,
"Unemployed people do not live in a
vacuum. They have brothers, sisters,
uncles etc. who are leading successful
middle-class lives. The oppressor nation
unemployed look around and see that the
vast majority of white people do live such
lives as exploiters of the Third World.
"When Le Pen saw this situation, he
correctly assessed how the white
unemployed of France feel. It is not a case
where the French oppressor nation
unemployed looked around and saw a
need for drastic change of systems. At
most they believe expelling all foreigners
will give them the jobs that the rest of
the French oppressor nation already has.
So the Le Pen voter, while wanting
change, does not believe the change is
so great that the whole apple-cart has to
be upset, just the apple-cart of the
foreigners. For this reason, the
unemployed took to the militant parasitic
message of Le Pen."
Atom-bomb lover
hates MIM
I was looking for photographs of the
dropping of little boy [an atomic bomb]
on Hiroshima, on google, and saw a photo
I liked. It brought me to your website. It
said the bombing was an atroccity [sic].
You [sic] what was an atroccity [sic]? The
Baton [sic] Death March. The Holocaust
was an atroccity [sic]. But what were we
going to do? Invade Japan? You blame
everything on evil capitalists dont [sic]
you? You need to get your facts straight
you crazy socialist, the USSR is dead!
And you arent [sic] gonna be
redistributing my paycheck as long as Im
[sic] alive. So go to China, you ccna [sic]
Continued on page 9...
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 3
Get the new issue of MIM Theory, #14, and read the latest
theory on building the movement to overthrow
imperialism once and for all, in 174 pages. Articles include
MIM congress resolutions, history from the Spanish Civil
War to Puerto Rico, Kenya, and Stalin -- plus international
documents, reviews, and much more. Send $7.50 to the
address on page 2.
MIM Notes has seen a big spike in
circulation since the "war on
terrorism" began. It's not surprising:
MIM Notes is a free and independent
newspaper. Yes, there are especially
now knee-jerk patriots who believe
everything Bush says and pass by a
chance to read MIM Notes. There are
other patriots and internationalists
who realize that at this time papers
like MIM Notes can undo the huge
spectacle that Uncle Sam is creating
for its own benefit.
Sure, you have seen MIM Notes
around, but MIM Notes needs people
to do two simple things: 1) Pay for it
(postage and printing), 2) Distribute
MIM is looking for sponsors,
distributors and officers. Sponsors pay
for papers; distributors get them onto
the streets and officers do both
distribution and financial support.
Distribute # Cost per year
12 (Priority Mail)
25 (Priority Mail)
50 (Priority Mail)
900 (Express Mail!)
900 (8-10 days)
If you know you have some good
places to do distribution, we suggest
starting at 200 and working your way
up higher. If you are not willing to do
distribution, just send money. If you
are not willing to pay, then request
papers after somehow proving to the
party that you are serious (words
won't count). You who will cough up/
raise the money to distribute 900
papers each issue and then do the
distribution, you are what drives this
party forward.
A call for MIM Notes
sponsors and distributors!
Make anonymous money orders payable to "MIM." Send to MIM,
attn: Camb. branch, PO Box 400559, Cambridge, MA 02140. Contact
MIM in regards to this campaign by writing
Attention subscribers
MIM now sends MIM Notes
subscriptions to individuals in monthly
mailings, third class mail. If you have a
subscription and would like a refund for
the remaining months, please write to
MIM,PO Box 29670, Los Angeles, CA
May 4, 2002
MIM mourns the deaths of eight North
Carolina jail inmates who died in a fire
while locked in their cells on Friday, 3
May. They were: Edmond Banks, Danny
Johnson, Jesse Davis, Jeremiah Presnell,
Jason Boston, Joey Grindstaff, Tywain
Neal, and Mark Thomas. Their average
age was 29. There were 17 inmates in
the jail at the time of the fire, either
serving time for misdemeanors or
awaiting trial as is common in jails.
Those who survived the fire and three
state employees went to nearby hospitals
to be treated for injuries.
As we go to press we do not know what
caused the fire in the 47-year old
Mitchell County Jail in Bakersville. Nor
do we know if the building's status in
the National Register of Historic Places
contributed to its lack of modern fire-
protection measures. But we do know
what caused the deaths. Sheriff Ken Fox
said: "You don't know what to say You
can't find the words. It's just tragic."
Tragic and entirely culpable. The jail's
cells each had to be opened individually
and there were no sprinklers in the
building. It is criminal to forcibly hold
any persyn in a cell without basic safety
measures. Buildings catch fire and floods
happen, 21st century Amerika has the
technology to see that people do not die
for not being able to exit a jail cell.
While we do not know how many of
the inmates had yet to be tried it seems
that at least one of the dead was likely
awaiting trial, or bail, as he died while in
a holding cell on the first floor of the jail.
We can also say with certainty that none
of the inmates had been sentenced to die
for his crime. The Mitchell County
Sheriff's Department has blood on its
hands, and under socialism the proletariat
could demand blood to pay for this crime.
The Sheriff is a government official
charged with responsibility for citizens'
lives. The proletariat's message to such
officials is: if you don't want blood
responsibility for citizens' lives, don't
take the job! The leadership principle
dictates that the public does not need to
suffer any careerists who want the power
of life and death but are not prepared to
pay in kind for their own failures.
Notes: "Eight die in N.C. Jail Fire," Guardian
Unlimited, 4 May, 2002; "Weekend Edition,"
National Public Radio 4 May, 2002; http://
North Carolina Sheriff's incompetence kills eight
A newspaper billing itself as a daily
for "Russian-Americans" has reported
that there was a pogrom style attack on a
Ukrainian synagogue on April 13th. Such
an attack on Jews is nothing new in
Soon after there was a swift arrest and
Jews reported satisfaction with the
cooperation of the government. What
was astonishing was the rally of
thousands chanting slogans for I$rael and
opposing Arafat and fascism for the 54th
anniversary of the foundation of I$rael.
The rally in downtown Kiev reputedly
had more than 10,000 participants.
Organized by the Ukrainian Jewish
Congress, the rally also heard greetings
sent by I$raeli ruler and mass-murderer
Ariel Sharon.
All those countries and leaders
attempting to gain Uncle Sam's support
on the "terrorism" question now face
internal questions in that light. Anti-
Semitism has had a long and strong
history in Ukraine, but the question of
"terrorism" has given Ukrainians
interesting choices.
Lumping Arafat in with fascism shows
that some are prepared to say that
defending Jews justifies anything done
by Jews. This is wrong and there can
never be peace if Jews take the Holocaust
as a carte blanche to commit genocide
themselves. The Palestinian people are
attacking Zionist occupiers-- both
troops and civilians who are occupiers.
It is a war of national liberation, not
On the other hand, it is possible that
Jews in a synagogue do not support I$rael
themselves. Some Jews who become
victims may not be exploiters at all, but
rather poor people.
The fact that anti-Semitism is arising
around the globe while the Zionists are
murdering people on the West Bank raises
some challenging questions of sorting out
anti-Semitism and anti-imperialism, since
I$rael is one of the world's leading and
most vicious imperialists. MIM's May
Congress will take up the controversy.
Every year we hold votes on questions of
party line and then implement those lines
until the next Congress.
Source: New Russian Word April 20-
21, p. 11.
MIM Theory
calls for
MIM's theory magazine is preparing
for future issues. We are looking for
well-researched articles on Nazi
Germany and eastern Germany,
especially in the 1945 to 1953 period.
Please follow some footnote format.
Another area we are working on is
research on psychics. If you stopped
paying psychics, please send us a letter
telling us how you did so and give us
your permission to use your statement
as a testimonial. We also would
appreciate any statistical research or
articles on the subject of the
effectiveness of psychics.
Ukrainian violence against Jews creates new history
We constantly update MIM's
coverage of the U.$. war on
our web site, with news and
opinion, agitation materials,
articles in English, Spanish,
French, Chinese and
Read and distribute the
newspaper -- and get the
latest: Politics/MIM
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 4
Thirty-eight percent of unemployed
French voters voted for Le Pen.(1) That
is a huge percentage given that no
candidate in the election garnered more
than 19% of the total and Le Pen received
17% overall.
This is not some foggy "false
consciousness" by the French
unemployed people. Le Pen has
campaigned in French politics forever--
four times for the presidency--and the
French know what he stands for very
well. It's been 30 years since he formed
his neo-Nazi "National Front" party and
Le Pen has served many years in both
French and European parliaments. By
1988 he had already won 14% of the
presidential vote and 15% in 1995.(2)
63% of Le Pen voters had decided on Le
Pen months before the election.(4)
After all, if the unemployed simply
demonstrated "false consciousness"
fogginess, there were seven "leftist"
candidates or three green candidates they
could vote for and four more "moderate"
right-wing candidates.(3) Hence, there
was nothing stupid, arbitrary or lucky
about Le Pen's victory in the first-round
amongst the unemployed. Although other
candidates blasted unemployment, Le
Pen received the overwhelming support
of the unemployed, and not just the
support that one of 16 candidates could
If "false consciousness" as the phony
Marxists say is the reason for the problem
of the Le Pen vote by the unemployed,
then we would expect Le Pen to obtain 1
in 16 votes, say 6% of unemployed votes.
Instead, Le Pen received 38% of the
unemployed vote and 30% of the
workers' vote while obtaining only 8%
of the so-called liberal professions'
voters--something closer to the
traditional petty-bourgeoisie.
Amongst the unemployed the next
closest candidate was Jospin at 13%.
Chirac was at 12%. The leading
candidate by far amongst the unemployed
was abstention, with 46% of all
unemployed people abstaining and Le
Pen winning 38% of the remaining 54%
of unemployed people who did vote.(4)
The rest of the candidates received so
little of the vote that overall it looks like
"false consciousness" could only apply
to those unemployed who did not vote
for Le Pen. Perhaps most embarrassing
to the phony communists is that the
"Communist Party" of France candidate
Hue received 0% of the unemployed vote
and 3.4% overall.
Looking at the economic status of the
voters, Le Pen got his lowest proportion
from students, but that was still a tie for
first place. For a fascist movement to
occur, students have to be a part and thus
his 15% amongst students is very bad
news. Also shocking to social-democratic
theorists, Le Pen received the highest
percentage of salaried public sector
professionals' votes with 17%. Jospin
was second amongst public sector
workers at 16%.
Amongst the "workers," the two
Trotskyists pulled 16% of the vote and
Jospin 15% of the vote. However, Le Pen
pulled 30% of the worker vote. Another
3% of "workers" pulled the lever for the
even nuttier fascist Megret. Combined
with the Chirac vote and other rightists,
48% of "worker" votes went to
unabashedly "conservative" or more
reactionary politicians. The definition
that the polling agency used for "worker"
excluded farmers, professionals,
"employees," traders and artisans. The
"worker" and unemployed voting results
in France could hardly be greater proof
of what MIM is saying: the left-wing
parasites do all the talking about the
"workers," but the fascists do all the
reaping of the fears and insecurities that
the left-wing parasite parties stir up. That
is why the MIM line is necessary, because
casual opportunism does make things
Amongst the reactionaries, lower
income reactionaries voted for Le Pen
and Megret and upper income people
voted for Chirac and Madelin. By
education level, Le Pen had his hardest
time amongst those with education above
a bachelor's degree, with only 8% of such
people voting for him. Higher education
people also abstained the most, with 29%
The fact that Le Pen received 38% of
the unemployed vote disproves the "false
consciousness" hypothesis. We have to
look at some other explanation.
As MIM has said all along, even
amongst isolated unemployed minorities
of oppressor nations in the imperialist
countries, the pull of parasitism is very
strong. That pull is material, not
ideological. Unemployed people do not
live in a vacuum. They have brothers,
sisters, uncles etc. who are leading
successful middle-class lives. The
oppressor nation unemployed look
around and see that the vast majority of
white people do live such lives as
exploiters of the Third World.
When Le Pen saw this situation, he
correctly assessed how the white
unemployed of France feel. It is not a case
where the French oppressor nation
unemployed looked around and saw a
need for drastic change of systems. At
most they believe expelling all foreigners
will give them the jobs that the rest of
the French oppressor nation already has.
So the Le Pen voter, while wanting
change, does not believe the change is
so great that the whole apple-cart has to
be upset, just the apple-cart of the
foreigners. For this reason, the
unemployed took to the militant parasitic
message of Le Pen. Clearly Jospin and
Chirac were already in power and not
going to do enough. Various green
candidates founded themselves on issues
of low priority for the unemployed and
so it was that the candidates most
aggressive about advancing parasitism
did best amongst the unemployed of
France. It goes to show that stirring up
the economic fears and concerns of the
imperialist country oppressor nation as
if it had a substantial proletariat will
backfire and produce fascist movements.
In contrast, in a Third World country,
there is no foreigner to expel that would
nearly equal the number of unemployed
people. The unemployed, the proletariat
and even the middle-classes share a
tenuousness of economic life not seen in
imperialist countries and hence the
proletariat exerts more influence and pull
on the lumpen-proletariat and the petty-
bourgeoisie in the Third World than it
does in imperialist countries like France.
4. The most informative web page on this whole
subject is:
French unemployed voted for Le Pen
They argue that the white worker is
merely bamboozled, hoodwinked, or
deceived into a "false consciousness."
Consequently, they attempt to out-race
Chirac and Le Pen in putting gravy on
the labor aristocracy's potatoes--and this
means contributing to the imperialist
drive for war and repression.
With the failure of the mainstream
candidates Jospin and Chirac, the labor
aristocracy is looking for someone more
aggressive in France. However, in
imperialist "democracy," no party gathers
much support for telling the population
that this competition to increase
parasitism leads to global repression, war
and environmental degradation. Among
other things it would mean bursting the
bubble of national pride about France's
global role as an imperialist--and this is
something that politicians do not do, the
equivalent of telling voters that they have
bad breath; even though it is the useful
truth that needs learning.
MIM stands for a global minimum
wage and reparations to the Third World
Neo-fascist Le Pen advances through French primary
with an eye to environmental protection
and sustainable development, and we do
not care how many votes we win for
promoting these basic planks of our
platform. Rather than participate in the
race to sell-out to parasitic classes, MIM
is glad to seek out and promote altruists
and scientists who are willing to accept
that part of the privilege of power will
be the responsibility to renounce profit
in a long term struggle to win public
opinion and change the world. In this way
MIM will build a credible alternative to
hypocrisy which will not ignite fascism
and another global inter-imperialist war.
If we have the negative examples of
Hue and Jospin, who show us that those
who argue for the "false consciousness"
and "revolutionary potential" of the white
working class in the first world are full
of crap, we can also look to the other side
of the political spectrum: Le Pen makes
arguments which look revolutionary. He
talks about empowering the voiceless,
listening to the little guy and getting the
votes of steelworkers.
Just as Jospin, Laguiller and Hue are
the proof of the failure of the "left" to
understand the labor aristocracy, so Le
Pen shows us that fascists are willing to
recognize the hard facts. Le Pen sees the
Trotskyists, social-democrats and phony
communists clamor for militant
parasitism--Le Pen does the same thing
with simpler solutions. Unemployment
going up? No problem: Deport the
foreigners stealing "our" jobs. (Never
mind that stolen Third World labor made
France rich to begin with.)
MIM reaches from this the uneasy
conclusion that Le Pen or someone from
his party could indeed win the French
presidency, if not today, then some day
soon. All the candidates of parasitism
more or less legitimize each other,
whether they subjectively intend to or
not. Not for nothing Le Pen is now
making a big deal out of his anti-
globalization stance, pushing for
withdrawal from the European Union and
thereby making a move for militant
parasitic voters on the "left" who did
spade work for Le Pen by taking the same
stance toward global trade, which is
traditionally associated with the
beginning of major wars amongst great
President Chirac is basically seen,
correctly, as crooked. He is loved by no
one except those whom he has corrupted.
When Le Pen argues that he is honest and
Chirac isn't there is substance to his
statements: Le Pen is honest about his
neo-fascism, considering the holocaust a
detail of the history of the second world
war. He is also honest about his
militarism and about his enmity toward
immigration.(12) Le Pen seems to
recognize, correctly, that people respect
honesty and also acknowledges the
importance of placing material facts prior
to ideology.
Hitler was also very honest and
detailed clearly in "Mein Kampf" exactly
what he intended to do: exterminate the
Jewish minority in Germany if not all of
Europe, rearm for another imperialist war
and forge an alliance between a nascent
labor aristocracy and the imperialists.
Meanwhile, Le Pen has also promoted a
Continued on page 8...
Continued from page 1...
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 5
There is often a thesis from the
bourgeoisie that the far left and far right
meet at the extremes. President George
W. Bush spoke in this manner and
condemned anti-Semitism in France; the
major social-democratic French
newspaper Le Monde also did so by
condemning the "protest" votes of the left
and right.(1) When it comes to France
however, there is hardly any casual
switching between left and right in
France's parliamentary charades.
Fascist Megret received close to none
of his votes from the "extreme left"
Trotskyist and similar parties and also
received none of his votes from the voters
for these parties--thus blocking some
hypothesis of extreme protest voters. In
2002, Megret received 0% of the 1997
voters who chose the "Communist Party"
of France.
Likewise Le Pen was confined to 6, 7
or 8% of "extreme left" or green voters
of the past in his 2002 bid. In contrast,
18% of the 1997 voters for mainstream
reactionary parties such as Chirac's
"Rally for the Republic" voted for Le Pen
this time. If Jospin and Chirac are the
"responsible" moderates then it is those
"responsible" moderate voters giving the
largest portion of votes to Le Pen.
Even if we go back to 1995 elections,
only 3 to 5% of the left-wing parasite
voters voted for Le Pen this time. The
"extreme left" voter was much more
likely to abstain in 2002 than vote for Le
Pen (see "Abstaining voters look best to
MIM," this issue).
As for Le Pen voters, they are very
consciously anti-left. In all elections
since 1995, Le Pen voters have ranged
from 0 to 2% support for any of the seven
parties of the French left of 2002. In fact,
the 10 green and left parties combined
in 2002 received only 5% of Le Pen
voters of 1995.
The real danger is not amongst voters.
There is nothing to be done as an electoral
political party to win over the Le Pen and
Megret voters. No amount of
opportunism will change their minds.
The countless left-wing parasite pundits
telling MIM to add some racism to our
message to fool Le Pen types have no
data to back their views. 10 French
parties tried in various ways to win Le
Pen voters to the left-parasitic or green
position, and they only obtained 5% of
those Le Pen voters from 1995.
Our real task is to win the abstentionists
over and not let the fascists have them.
Electoral candidates do not meet at far right and left
On May 2nd Jean-Marie Le Pen
returned to Marseilles where 3000
gathered to hear his last rally speech of
the campaign for the presidency with
elections coming up on May 5th. The
providence which contains Marseilles--
Provence--gave Le Pen 23% in the first
round.(3) Provence is filled with French
settlers kicked out of Algeria by forceful
revolution. It does not surprise MIM that
a major candidate for the political
leadership of an imperialist country gets
his strongest support from former settlers
on Arab land.
Algeria is composed of 99% Arabic
population by ethnicity. However, until
1954 when the final guerrilla war for
independence started, France occupied
Algeria as a colony. By 1962, Algeria was
free. The war was a horrible but
necessary and hence beautiful one in
which civilians on both sides died--
something referred to as "terrorism,"(2)
but which is really war over land. One of
the soldiers in the war was Jean-Marie
Le Pen.
While other French soldiers such as Le
Pen's superior officer remember him
well, the Algerian people do not.
Algerians remember Le Pen as
"extremely violent" and a "torturer."(4)
Ironically, one proposed settler solution
to that war at the time appeared to be
making all the Muslims there French
citizens with France thereby annexing the
land across the sea from France in
northern Africa. This would have left Le
Pen and others living with even more
Africans that they object to than they do
Although Le Pen called the Nazi
genocide of Jews "a detail of history,"
and although Le Pen echoes Hitler in
many ways, there is another imperialist
politician who derives political support
from settlers on Arab land: his name is
Ariel Sharon. Whether it is English
settlers killing Indians in Amerikkka,
French settlers killing Algerians in
Algeria, Australian settlers killing
indigenous people in Australia or I$raeli
settlers killing Palestinians in the West
Bank, the most reactionary people are
colonialists tainted by the theft of land
from other peoples. Allied with
imperialist ruling classes, the settlers
know no limits to their irrationality and
petty property-oriented vindictiveness.
1. Mort Rosenblum, "Le Pen criticizes Chirac. .
.," Associated Press, May 2nd http://
his135/MODULES/events/algeria62.htm is an
example referring to French settlers and
Algerian nationalists both as "terrorists" in this
Le Pen's final rally gains French settler support
MIM would point out that it refers to
"left" and "right" in politics in these Le
Pen articles to refer to the various wings
of the parasitic political ideology of
imperialism. MIM is neither left nor right
in this regard, because MIM opposes
parasitism altogether. Left-wing parasites
want to spread the super-profits more
evenly amongst the exploiters while
right-wing parasites want greater class
differentiation within the exploiter camp.
The terms "left" and "right" mean
something else when referring to lines
within MIM. "Ultra-left" lines assume
advanced conditions which do not exist
and thus cause damage--an
overestimation of what is possible.
"Rightist" lines underestimate what can
be achieved in today's existing conditions
and also cause damage.
Within a communist party, and its
vocabulary, sometimes the "left" is
considered the best and sometimes
neither "left" nor "right" line is the
correct line doing the most that can be
done in existing conditions. Mao stated
polemically and perhaps sardonically that
he was "center-left" in China especially
relative to his wife and the "Gang of
Four" of the "left" and those further "left"
who were "ultra-left." This is not to say
that "centrist" is considered a good thing
in the communist movement either.
The complication arises in
distinguishing simple talk of ideological
principles and the actual strategic
situation of any given day. Generally
communists seek to be genuine left within
the communist movement and correct
overall. The "correct" approach has
neither left nor right deviations and also
does not "split the difference." The
correct approach to achieving ideological
goals or implementing ideological
principles is simply scientifically correct.
When it comes to relatively timeless
ideological principles communists favor
classless society, while socialists do not
and seek to ameliorate class differences
without eliminating them. Next are those
conservatives who prefer to keep class
differences as they are and finally there
are reactionaries who support increasing
ruling class privileges perhaps by going
back to earlier times in humyn history
when there were slave-owners or feudal
lords for instance. Thus we have
described a range going from "left" to
"right" in which "left" is best. Often it
makes little sense to talk about
achievements or implementation with
people who do not share your ideological
goals at all, which is why there is some
value to talking about "left" and "right."
However, talk of timeless ideological
principles and goals can only refer to
"nominal left" and "nominal right." What
is more important than dogma is who
actually delivers progress toward
classlessness. Sometimes people hiding
behind "leftist" verbiage are actually
sabotaging the communist movement in
practice. This is known as "making the
perfect the enemy of the good" and thus
destroying the good without achieving
the perfect. Thus, it is simply best to be
"correct" in practice, because mistakes
can come from both the "left" and
A note on terminology: left and right
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MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 6
Militarism is war-mongering or the
advocacy of war or actual carrying out
of war or its preparations.
While true pacifists condemn all
violence as equally repugnant, we
Maoists do not consider self-defense
or the violence of oppressed nations
against imperialism to be militarism.
Militarism is mostly caused by
imperialism at this time. Imperialism
is the highest stage of capitalism--
seen in countries like the United
$tates, England and France.
Under capitalism, capitalists often
profit from war or its preparations.
Yet, it is the proletariat that does the
dying in the wars. The proletariat
wants a system in which people do not
have self-interest on the side of war-
profiteering or war for imperialism.
Militarism is one of the most
important reasons to overthrow
capitalism. It even infects oppressed
nations and causes them to fight each
It is important not to let capitalists
risk our lives in their ideas about war
and peace or the environment. They
have already had two world wars
admitted by themselves in the last 100
years and they are conducting a third
right now against the Third World.
Even a one percent annual chance of
nuclear war destruction caused by
capitalist aggressiveness or "greed" as
the people call it should not be tolerated
by the proletariat. After playing
Russian Roulette (in which the bullet
chamber is different each time and not
related at all to the one that came up in
previous spins) with 100 chambers and
one bullet, the chance of survival is
only 60.5% after 50 turns. In other
words, a seemingly small one percent
annual chance of world war means
eventual doom. After 100 years or turns
of Russian Roulette, the chances of
survival are only 36.6%. After 200
years, survival has only a 13.4%
What is militarism?
campus. There, after a successful sit-in
protest led to many arrests, the UC
administration has pressed serious
criminal charges against student and
community activists, and also suspended
SJP from campus activities under a brand
new "zero tolerance" policy against
dissent. (See "No free speech for pro-
Palestine group at UC Berkeley," in this
issue.) Although the MIM-led movement
is not affiliated with SJP or ISO, we
support their call for divestment, and also
support them in their struggles against
repression by the UC administration.
To find out to get involved in the UC
divest campaign, visit
UC divest
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP),
a student group at UC Berkeley, was
suspended by the University after helping
to organize a demonstration on April 9th
in solidarity with the Palestinian people
and demanding that the University of
California divest from Israel. More than
a thousand students participated in the
demonstration which culminated in a sit-
in in Wheeler Hall. Seventy-nine people
were arrested, and all are facing criminal
charges. The 41 students arrested are also
facing student conduct charges and
potential suspension for up to one year.
The suspension of Students for Justice
in Palestine, pending an investigation,
means that SJP is barred from holding
events on campus, tabling, distributing
literature, and organizing. The
investigation may conclude that SJP
should be banned as a student
organization at Berkeley.
As SJP has pointed out: "No other
student group that has participated in
non-violent civil disobedience has been
suspended and no students have faced
charges of this severity in the past several
years at UC Berkeley. We believe that
this is a systematic attempt to silence pro-
Palestinian voices on campus and to
intimidate students from being
activists...In fact, the policy that makes
SJP subject to these charges (the
Chancellor's so-called `zero tolerance'
policy) was implemented only a few days
before the protest, specifically to make
SJP subject to higher standards and
harsher consequences."
In another statement the SJP points out:
"the Chancellor's so-called `zero
tolerance' policy, threatens students and
student groups with expulsion for
participating in actions. The interesting
thing about the `zero tolerance' policy is
its sudden appearance, without oversight,
and without student or faculty review.
This policy, along with the targeting of
SJP, have the effect of chilling speech,
especially speech by activists in defense
of reforms and change in university
In response to protest letters in support
of SJP, the Assistant Chancellor's office
sent a form letter stating that the
suspension of the SJP is not punishment
for political demonstrations, it is
punishment for "taking over classroom
buildings and depriving the right of other
students to an education." What this fails
to recognize is that education is not
devoid of political content. In fact the
political organizations on campuses
provide much needed education to
students who are otherwise inundated
with mainstream media and textbook
Amerikan chauvinist information.
Perhaps anticipating the current
standoff with SJP, Chancellor Robert M.
Berdahl made a statement on April 8, the
day before the building occupation: "This
University has a proud history in the
defense of free expression. It is our
responsibility to provide a neutral forum
for individuals and groups to advocate
their cause. ... Most importantly, it is our
responsibility to protect the rights of all
members of the campus community to
pursue their reason for being here - the
work of teaching, learning, and research
- uninterrupted by anyone."
Again MIM points out, there is no such
thing as a "neutral forum" in the context
of imperialist educational institutions.
The Chancellor makes this clear by
passing judgment on what counts as
education by suspending SJP while
continuing to supervise nuclear weapons
development at Lawrence-Livermore and
Los Alamos labs. (See also "UCLA
professor defends `Black Book of
Communism' lies," in this issue.) Taking
part in organizing for social change,
fighting to save lives around the world,
and educating the general public about
issues of life and death are crucial
elements of teaching and learning.
Protecting the rights of all members of
the campus community to pursue these
activities should mean not only allowing
political organizing, but promoting and
protecting it.
Further, as the SJP points out, the UC's
view of education rights are limited to
the privileged few who live in this
country: "the University of California's
investments in Israel have done nothing
but interrupt the education of thousands
of students in Palestine, whose
universities and colleges and schools
have been closed as a result of the Israeli
occupation." They go on in another
statement: "Berkeley's sister school,
Bethlehem University, lies in ruins. Bir
Zeit University has been closed for
months. Thousands of students in
Palestine have had their education
disrupted by the Israeli occupation.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor and the
Assistant Chancellor continue to pretend
as if `uninterrupted education' is
something more than a fiction financed
by the Israeli occupation and the US
support of it."
On April 29, in defiance of the
suspension, SJP set up a table in the
center of campus. About 40 students
turned out to stand by the table and
distribute literature while other student
groups tabling in the area also displayed
signs reading "We are all Student for
Justice in Palestine." Within an hour of
setting up the table, Student Judicial
Affairs Director Neal Rajmaira hand-
delivered a letter that threatened the
group with "further and additional"
sanctions if they continued to table.
SJP is associated with the International
Socialist Organization (ISO). Although
the MIM-launched divestment campaign
(see page one) is not affiliated with SJP
or ISO, we urge readers to fight against
this crackdown on free speech at
Berkeley continues and send protest
letters to the administration at the
addresses below (also send a copy to
Chancellor Robert Berdahl
MAIL: 200 California Hall #1500
Berkeley, CA 94720-1500
TEL: (510) 642-7464
FAX: (510) 643-5499
Assistant Chancellor John
MAIL: Office of the Chancellor
200 California Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-1500
TEL: (510) 642-7516
FAX: (510) 643-5499
No free speech for pro-Palestine group at UC Berkeley
Continued from page 1...
Photo from
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 7
In the April 1, 2002 MIM Notes we
reviewed the Global Exchange website
and mentioned its program of taking
people to Afghanistan to meet Afghans
on the subject of wimmin's status. After
repeated questioning, the tour guide for
that Afghanistan program has refused to
deny working with the CIA.
To MIM, this project all along sounded
suspiciously like an ideal CIA project.
[Global Exchange has also sponsored a
speaking tour by a Tibetan Monk with
ties to the CIA. See page seven.] On
March 30th, the press including CNN
discovered that the Bush administration
had pressed Black TV talk show host
Oprah Winfrey to tour Afghanistan
herself and she refused, citing scheduling
So we interviewed Global Exchange.
On March 7th, we sent an email to the
tour coordinator Nilufar Shuja and we
asked for answers to our questions within
two days. There was no response.
Later, an Afghan tour volunteer from
Global Exchange contacted MIM on
March 14th, to say that Nilufar Shuja had
gone to Afghanistan and will answer our
questions upon return on March 17th;
although we have the impression that the
trip was after she received our questions.
On March 20th, we queried again and
this time we received a response, not
from Nilufar Shuja, but from the Global
Exchange Communications Director. At
no time between March 7th and March
30th did we actually hear from the tour
MIM Notes: Do you or your tour
receive any funding from the U.S.
Government? Has Global Exchange
received any U.S. government grants or
contracts or other sources of money?
Jason Mark for Global Exchange:
Global Exchange does not receive any
money from the U.S. government or from
multinational corporations. Nor do we
receive and U.S. government contracts
or other sources of money.
MIM Notes: The same above questions
apply to Afghanistan government
Jason Mark: We don't received any
money or funding from the Afghan
MIM Notes: How did you establish
your ties with the Afghanistan
Jason Mark: We don't really have any
formal ties with the Afghan government.
We have met with several government
minister, including interim president
Hamid Karzai and the Women's Affairs
minister Sima Simar, but we have no
formal relationships with the provisional
government there.
MIM Notes: Where does scholarship
money come from?
Jason Mark: Scholarship money comes
from our general support budget. We also
use a portion of every paid participant's
contribution to support the scholarships
we give out.
MIM Notes: Are you receiving any
assistance from the CIA?
Jason Mark: No, we do not receive any
assistance from the CIA.
MIM Notes: How will participants fly
to Afghanistan? Are there regular
commercial flights yet?
Jason Mark: So far our participants
have flown on commercial flights from
London to Islamabad and then on UN
flights (Global Exchange has UN
observer status) from Islamabad to
Kabul. We look forward to the
resumption of commercial flights.
Jason Mark further informed us that
Global Exchange was not giving us one
answer for itself and another from the
Afghan coordinator, and said that the
answers would be the same except that
the Afghan coordinator has only been
with Global Exchange for two months.
Since most CIA agents are "former"
CIA agents anyway, and do not announce
themselves, we pressed further. Although
Jason Mark claims that the Global
Exchange is not currently receiving U.S.
Government funding or working with the
CIA, we pressed him further: "Prior to
being with Global Exchange has Nilufar
formerly worked as employee, contractor
or consultant or received money in any
way from the U.S. Government?
Specifically did she work with any
intelligence agency, the Department of
Defense or the State Department?"
Jason Mark said, "I highly doubt it,"
but he advised to ask the tour guide
ourselves. So we did. It is now March
30th and she still has not replied. We are
left wondering how it is that Global
Exchange just so happens to know the
president of Afghanistan installed by
George Bush.
The Global Exchange brags about
bringing Jennifer Harbury on staff in
1998. The CIA killed Harbury's husband
in Guatemala. Other things from Global
Exchange could have been lifted from the
MIM website, but it's important to realize
that the CIA can use all such covers if it
so needs.
CIA shenanigans muddy the waters in Afghanistan
Would-be progressives must aggressively demarcate themselves from the CIA
Lately the "Free Tibet" movement is
making a stink about Palden Gyatso, who
had a book come out in 1997 about his
imprisonment in China. According to his
own book, Palden Gyatso was told his
teacher Gyen Rigzin Tenpa was a spy for
India, but he denied the charges and
according to Palden Gyatso himself,
other Tibetans saying that he deserved
to die beat and tortured him from 1959
onwards till his release/escape in 1992.
From MIM's point of view, it is not
surprising that former slaves and serfs in
Tibet have bitterness about people like
Palden Gyatso who wanted to go back.
Such bitterness is typical in any society
undergoing major change.
As of March 30th, a Google search
shows that Global Exchange is in first
place on the subject of Palden Gyatso for
sponsoring his speaking tour in 2000.(1)
From reading various sources, it
continues to be apparent that the "Free
Tibet" movement has no serious
intentions of leading Tibet forward. In
his autobiography, Palden Gyatso admits
that when the Chinese came to question
him in 1959, he and his colleagues did
not know what the word "exploitation"
meant. He had a hard time talking with
the Chinese about "oppression" and so
on, or so he said. Given the education
situation in Tibet at the time and the fact
that even many top lamas were illiterate,
his statement does in fact ring true.
Palden Gyatso's statement is actually
a fairly accurate picture of what the
problem in Tibet is. Fifty years ago a
movement arose to free Tibet of slavery,
serfdom and economic backwardness.
Young monks joined, but the defenders
of the system killed people like Lama
Geda for favoring change and peace with
China. Naturally, such events created
bitter divisions within Tibet.
Fifty years later, a country that just
elected George Bush and has as an
Attorney General someone actively
defending flying of the Confederate
Flag--that country is again supporting
people like Palden Gyatso. Why not? The
Confederacy is back in vogue in the
United $tates, so people defending
serfdom and slavery in Tibet should not
get a bad shake.
Palden Gyatso should have realized
that there was a problem that he did not
know what "exploitation" was. At the
very least, that left him open to being
used by pro-slavery activists. We do not
understand how he can be righteous
about the conflicts in his life after
admitting something like that. He should
be honest that he participated in the
rebellion in 1959 without much
knowledge of what he was doing.
Global Exchange and some of the
people sounding like John Birch Society
activists refer to Palden Gyatso as the
"Venerable Palden Gyatso." The Global
Exchange web page advertising Palden
Gyatso spews out the typical "Free Tibet"
confusion: "In 1959, Palden was jailed
along with thousands of other religious."
Yet as Palden Gyatso himself admits,
he was not accused of religion but of
activity in connection to a spy and a
violent uprising in Tibet. Of course, there
are going to be thousands of people in
jail in a country as large as China who
happen to be religious. However, religion
has nothing to do with Palden Gyatso's
case. The highest spiritual authority,
(maybe second highest if you count the
Dalai Lama as first) the Panchen Lama
was in harmony and peace with the
Maoist government in Beijing in 1959
when Palden Gyatso took a wrong turn.
The Dalai Lama himself was busy calling
off demonstrations that people like
Palden Gyatso pushed too far and too
violently. Unless the Panchen Lama was
not Buddhist, people should not say
Palden Gyatso went to prison for his
religion. If people want to dispute
whether or not Gyen Rigzin Tenpa was
really a spy, that's one thing, but turning
Palden Gyatso into a religious prisoner
is an example of lying propaganda.
Palden Gyatso himself admits he
organized a large group of monks at one
of the temples and that 100 English rifles
were distributed. He himself had charge
of guarding one portion of the temple.
There is also no factual conflict over who
started the fighting in 1959: it was the
reactionary Tibetans calling for China out
of Tibet. The fighting started much
earlier, and it is now evident in both Dalai
Lama documents and U.S. Government
documents that the CIA was already
involved militarily.
While the Dalai Lama was writing
poetry in homage to Mao Zedong in the
mid-1950s, his elder brothers started
contacts with the CIA at least as early as
1956. Those contacts included weapons
support for rebellions in Tibet already
under way. Describing the CIA, even the
Dalai Lama's brother running the
contacts said it was "dirty business." Yet
despite these known facts and the Dalai
Lama's admission of them, the "Free
Tibet" movement repeatedly
characterizes the movement in Tibet as
"non-violent" and "religious."
When Palden Gyatso arrived in the
United $tates, he organized a march/
demonstration with none other than the
same brother of the Dalai Lama Thubten
Jigme Norbu connected with the CIA as
his co-leader. As it turns out, Global
Exchange took its description of Palden
Gyatso from an organization created by
this same CIA-affiliated brother of the
Dalai Lama, called the "International
Tibet Independence Movement." There
Palden Gyatso is listed as one of four
leaders of the marches for Tibet.(4)
While almost all books published in the
West are slavishly pro-Dalai Lama or
Global Exchange honors CIA-tied colleague
Continued on page 9...
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 8
book, "The Black Book of Communism"
now published with all its bone-headed
mistakes by Harvard University Press
and it's no accident that this book became
wildly popular in France at the same that
Le Pen and the Trotskyists criticizing
Stalin were on the rise in France. As
before, it is the attack on communism that
precedes the success of fascism.
The fact that Le Pen could come to
power in France illustrates several
interesting facts about imperialism, the
conflicts which it necessarily generates,
and the parasitical "workers" in the first
world. Despite much clamor to the
contrary, the imperialist countries did not
learn the lesson of World War II about
fascism, and that is why fascists have
come to power in Italy and Austria
already and why they are now moving
up in Denmark, Belgium and France as
1. The Economist, 22 Apr 2002.
2. Reuters (Fr.), 22 Apr 2002.
3. BBC, 22 Apr 2002.
4. BBC, 22 Apr 2002.
5. Agence France Presse, 22 Apr 2002.
6. Agence France Presse, 21 Apr 2002.
8. In fact the bourgeoisie is now whining that
the left and right should or will make a coalition
against Le Pen! Just as in World War II crypto-
fascists come crawling like cockroaches out
from under the rotten planks of social-
democracy and vote for Le Pen. Both Chirac
and Le Pen are imperialists and neither is the
answer to the problems facing the world.
Joining a large republican coalition to defeat Le
Pen risks confusing the advanced who are ready
to move beyond parliamentary democracy. On
the other hand, it is not clear which candidate of
parasitism--Chirac or Le Pen-- will actually be
better or worse. Le Pen will presumably do
more against immigrant workers and this is a
concern of MIM's. He also says he will abandon
the European Union, and such a move must be
evaluated for its likelihood to trigger further
world war.
9. MIM Theory 1, "A White Proletariat?"
12. "Socially, I am left, economically I am right,
nationally I am French" Le Pen, quoted in
Liberation, 22 Apr 2002.
Liberation notes: "Avec ce score, se retrouvent
les défenseurs de Vichy, les activistes de l'OAS,
les nostalgiques de l'Algérie française et les
soldats perdus de l'empire colonial." [This score
unites the defenders of Vichy, the activists of the
Secret Army Organization, those nostalgic for
French Algeria and the lost soldiers of the
colonial empire
Neo-fascist Le Pen advances
land and cannot choose their exploiters.
The second largest political party in
Nepal's parliament, the "Communist
Party of Nepal-United Marxist-Leninist"
(CPN-UML)(3) has the same ideology as
the government in China. In the past it
was the largest party and held state
power, but it has never eliminated semi-
feudalism or the monarchy disgracing
Nepal today.
From the point of view of the ordinary
citizen in the imperialist countries this
may come as a shock. People calling
themselves "communist" followers of
Mao win the elections and they wage
People's War in Nepal. Those not calling
themselves "communist" are in the
minority in Nepal and have been for some
time. It is clear that a large majority of
people in Nepal are friendly in at least a
foggy way toward Mao, communism and
Nepal is a lesson against those who
think differences amongst those calling
themselves "socialist" do not matter. Not
surprisingly, it is more difficult to see this
in imperialist countries where no
"communist" party is about to seize
power. It is much easier to see differences
in Nepal, because both the fake pro-Deng
communists and the Maoists hold
considerable power.
In Nepal, even unity behind the
"communist" banner is not precise
enough to bring about the end of the
economic system of semi-feudalism.
Today, as in Mao's day, those waging
People's War are the ones bringing about
an end to semi-feudalism. In contrast, the
party that China ties itself to in Nepal
continues to speak of "reform,"
opposition to the April general strike and
the damages done by revolution like
petty-bourgeois shop-owners afraid of a
little broken glass and landowners afraid
of peasant violence.(4)
Meanwhile in China, the regime is
selling Mao's name in exchange for
support from Nepal on the questions of
Tibet and Taiwan. The deal announced
April 16 appears to be that Nepal will
not support the Dalai Lama or the like
while the Dengist regime in China will
not support what it calls the "ultraleftists"
in Nepal.(5)
The British BBC announced May 2nd
that Maoists in Nepal have offered the
tottering feudal monarchy in Nepal
renewed peace negotiations.(6) MIM is
unable to confirm the truth behind that
statement. What is more important is that
the BBC says that Nepal's Prime Minister
Sher Bahadur Deuba is going to meet the
U.S. Government about increasing
military aid. Yet there is not a word
against such aid from the U.S.
Government from the "communists" of
Nepal the CPN-UML or their supporters
abroad like "Workers World."(7)
In fact, the CPN-UML website links
to both the watery "Communist Party-
USA" and "Workers World Party" while
denouncing the general strike in April in
Nepal. We call on "CP-USA" and
"Workers World" parties to denounce the
CPN- UML or at least demand that the
CPN-UML publicly and urgently oppose
U.S. military aid to Nepal.
Mao Zedong liberated China from
semi-feudalism through People's War. If
liberating Nepal from semi-feudalism
through People's War is not Maoist, then
nothing is.
pressreleases.html#14 is an example of
the work of those calling themselves
"communist" in Nepal
partyinparliament.html has election
briefs0118.html shows the U.$. "Workers
World Party" support for the CPN-UML.
Chinese Regime slanders Mao Zedong on Nepal
Continued from page 4...
look best
to MIM
The unemployed made up the
highest percentage of abstaining
voters in French presidential
elections with 46% of the
unemployed not voting. 39% of students also did not vote. We do not have the
figures broken down by race or nationality, but we suspect that the unemployed
is where there might be an immigrant proletarian influence.
Also based on elections in the past, 2002 non-voters most likely came from
what the experts call the "extreme left" or the environmentalists. For example,
41% of voters in 1997 elections who picked "extreme left" candidates for the
legislature abstained in the 2002 presidential election. Overall, only 27% of
French voters abstained.
The students and the lumpen, people who have considered "extreme left"
parties in the past and people who are environmentalist--these are the people
who abstained and who MIM regards as typical revolutionary material in the
imperialist countries--a minority to be sure.
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What questions do YOU have?
Wasn't Mao a butcher? Why do you spell it "Amerika"? Shouldn't
you try non-violence first? What is internationalism? Isn't hating white
people reverse racism? Why don't you leftists work together? Why
don't you tone it down? What is a cardinal principle? What is your
program? What is necessary to join MIM? What concrete actions can I
take? How do I write articles for MIM? What is your copyright policy?
Go to
and get real answers to these and other questions.
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 9
even more reactionary, a couple started
to come out otherwise. Thomas Laird has
written how the CIA was already
conducting operations in 1949-1950 in
Tibet, thus further justifying the Maoist
charge that lackeys in Tibet worked
militarily with Yankee and British
imperialism. Let's not forget that India
was an outright colony of England until
1947 and it did not immediately
transform its government by 1949 either.
In another recent book, we can judge
how difficult conditions were for the
Dalai Lama's slaves and serfs by looking
at what one named Tashi Tsering had to
do to escape: "Tsering developed a strong
dislike of his country's theocratic ruling
elite. As a 13-year-old member of the
Dalai Lama's personal dance troupe, he
was frequently whipped or beaten by
teachers for minor infractions. A
heterosexual, he escaped by becoming a
drombo, or homosexual passive partner
and sex-toy, for a well-connected monk,"
according to Publishers Weekly.(5)
In other words, the most ardent
defenders of slavery and serfdom went
to prison 50 years ago, after rebelling to
defend a system like the one that made
Tashi Tsering a sex-toy for a monk. These
reactionary activists were too radically
reactionary even for the Panchen Lama
and the Dalai Lama at the time, but after
passage of 50 years of time, these people
come out of prison and lo-and-behold
they are "Venerable" to the lightly read
and historically nonchalant "human-
rights" activists, John Birchers and petty-
bourgeois non-profits like "Global
Unlike Palden Gyatso, the Panchen
Lama took a peaceful road to dealing
with the Han Chinese. More importantly,
unlike today's apologists for slavery and
serfdom, who deny such conditions
existed, the Panchen Lama said in 1960
a year after the violent counter-
revolutionary rebellion: "the past year
has seen in Tibet earthshaking changes.
Former slaves have become masters of
Global Exchange honors CIA-tied colleague
their destiny."(6)
Today the Dalai Lama likes to say that
the Panchen Lama changed his mind on
some things about Tibet's relationship to
China, but in 1987, the Panchen Lama
still said, "In 1959 there were rebellions
in Tibet. Forces were dispatched to quell
the disorder, which was a right decision
and should not be gainsaid."(7)
Although countless members of the
"Free Tibet" movement are in deep denial
as much as the pro-Confederacy
movement in the united $tates, the
Panchen Lama's words cannot be burned
and buried. The Panchen Lama,
recognized by the Dalai Lama, was an
unquestioned authority of Tibetan
Buddhism. He is not "rehashing myths"
as the Dalai Lama's website of denial
would say about the slavery and serfdom
problem, which existed in most countries
in the world.
One can only wonder how much
further along world peace would be if
people like Palden Gyatso had
cooperated with the Panchen Lama at the
time. Instead, Tibet has endured more
frustration and less development than
possible thanks to the energy-wasting
activities of the backward activists
representing the old ruling classes.
has another discussion of the neo-confederate
6. Anna Louise Strong, When Serfs Stood up in
Tibet (Red Sun Publishers, 1976), p. 307.
7. The Dalai Lama's official website,
Continued from page 7...
hang u [sic] with the fre [sic] people
there. But get out of the US.
MC206 responds: "Little Boy"
(dropped on Hiroshima on August 6,
1945) and "Fat Boy" (dropped on
Nagasaki on August 9) killed over
200,000 civilians, and wounded and
poisoned many many more. This writer
implies that the bombings were necessary
to force Japan to surrender, but there is
clear evidence that the Amerikan
government knew that Japan was
planning to surrender as soon as the
USSR declared war on Japan--which
was scheduled to happen several days
after the bombings.(1)
The United $tates dropped the bombs
anyway to send a clear message: don't
fuck with us or this is what you'll get.
This brutality and arrogance will
actually help bring about Amerika's
downfall, by isolating the United $tates
from the peoples of the world and stoking
the fires of resistance to Amerikan
imperialism. As Chairman Mao liked to
say, the Amerikan imperialists "are lifting
a rock in order to drop it on their feet."
The letter writer should ponder the
September 11 attacks and reconsider h
"not while I'm alive" bluster, lest it
become self-fulfilling prophecy.
And we never said the Bataan Death
March and the Holocaust weren't
atrocities. They were terribly predictable
atrocities under a system which thrives
on war and genocide: capitalism.
As for the "free country" crap: the
United $tates has been the world's
leading prison-state per capita for the last
25 years.(2) People like this letter writer
live in a fantasy Orwellian world where
freedom is imprisonment.
1. See e.g.
2. Marc Mauer, "Americans Behind Bars: The
International Use of Incarceration 1993," The
Prison Sentencing Project, 918 F. St. NW, Suite
501, Washington, DC 20004 (202) 628-0871
Reference: SRI: R8965-2, 1994.
Continued from page 2...
The President of France Jacques
Chirac won re-election on May 5th by
an 82% to 18% margin over fascist Jean-
Marie Le Pen. Analysis of voters showed
that so-called workers gave Le Pen his
highest support with 31%. The liberal
professions and people with higher
educations gave Le Pen the least votes--
9%. Men gave 26% of their votes to Le
Pen and wimmin only 11%.
Overall, the results mean that the
French people support bourgeois
democracy, because only about one more
percent of voters turned out for Le Pen
in the second round. Had Le Pen gained
30% of the vote, many analysts would
have concluded that there was a long-
existing reservoir of opposition to
bourgeois-democracy, people ready for
The best news was that students did
not support Le Pen as much as they had
in the first round. Only 2% of students
voted for Le Pen in the second round.
Also the unemployed cut back their
support for Le Pen for unknown reasons
from 38% to 11%. The surveys for the
two figures regarding the unemployed
had over 4000 and 2000 respondents
respectively and unemployment runs at
about 9% in France. If we presume there
was not some kind of bungling by the
bourgeois pollsters in their counting, it
gives support to the idea that at least
students and unemployed people are
"protest" voters. Once they "protested"
and put Le Pen into the run-off for May
5th, other social groups in France turned
to give Le Pen their votes, the "workers"
being most steady in so doing.
Based on the small rallies that Le Pen
held prior to the May 5th election and
the depressed turnout amongst students
and unemployed people, it seems likely
that Le Pen will not be able to mount
street battles of the Nazi kind any time
soon--despite his "worker" support.
Amongst all voters who voted for
candidates calling themselves "socialist"
or "communist," no more than 5% voted
for Le Pen in the run-off second round
vote of May 5th. What the pundits call
"extreme left" did not produce support
for Le Pen.
Even more interesting is the fact that
41% of people who abstained in the first
round of voting voted for Chirac in the
second round. 3% of abstainers voted for
Le Pen. The meaning of this is that
French voting and politics is actually very
well defined and predictable without
large reservoirs of undefined voters.
About 90% of the French public voted
in either the first or second rounds. There
is not a huge untapped apathetic layer
waiting for a chance to vote for fascist
Le Pen. Moreover, amongst those who
cast null ballots in the first round, 56%
voted for Chirac in the second round
according to the pollsters.
Not many Trotskyist voters voted for
Le Pen in the second round. That means
that militant parasitic politics come in
two varieties in France--a "left" and
"right" and they do not mix that much;
even though militant parasites both
criticize the parties in power and oppose
globalization for their own anti-
immigrant reasons. There is very little to
speculate on with French voters. As the
situation exists in France, the parasitic
"left" and "right" are fairly evenly
matched and leaders simply prove their
value by mobilizing a few percentage
points more or less than usual.
The Chirac and Le Pen election results
teach MIM again what the social basis
of fascism is in the European Union--
the oppressor nation labor aristocracy,
wage-workers, manual workers who wish
an exclusive relationship with their
imperialists, without immigrants. In
contrast, the traditional petty-
bourgeoisie is less vicious politically.
Neither manual wage workers nor
traditional petty-bourgeois professionals
are a firm basis for a real communist
party in the imperialist countries. Without
recognition of this fact, our line and
strategy is bound to converge with Le
Pen's whether we know it or not. For this
reason, MIM spells it out that people
seeking a majority of Chirac's and Le
Pen's voters are sell-outs to proletarian
Chirac wins big election victory in France
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 10
MIM on
Prisons & Prisoners
MIM seeks to build public opinion
against Amerika's criminal injustice sys-
tem, and to eventually replace the bour-
geois injustice system with proletarian jus-
tice. The bourgeois injustice system im-
prisons and executes a disproportionately
large and growing number of oppressed
people while letting the biggest mass mur-
derers -- the imperialists and their lack-
eys -- roam free. Imperialism is not op-
posed to murder or theft, it only insists that
these crimes be committed in the interests
of the bourgeoisie.
"All U.S. citizens are criminals--
accomplices and accessories to the crimes
of U.$. oppression globally until the day
U.$. imperialism is overcome. All U.S.
citizens should start from the point of view
that they are reforming criminals."
MIM does not advocate that all
prisoners go free today; we have a
more effective program for fighting
crime as was demonstrated in China
prior to the restoration of capitalism
there in 1976. We say that all prisoners
are political prisoners because under
the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, all
imprisonment is substantively
political. It is our responsibility to
exert revolutionary leadership and
conduct political agitation and
organization among prisoners --
whose material conditions make them
an overwhelmingly revolutionary
group. Some prisoners should and will
work on self-criticism under a future
dictatorship of the proletariat in those
cases in which prisoners really did do
something wrong by proletarian
Under Lock & Key
News from Prisons & Prisoners
U.$. Prisons, making
outlaws of inmates
Greetings comrades,
I am a revolutionary who's been back out
here almost one year. Since I've been on this
side of the colony, I've had odd menial labor
jobs, which I'm sure you know don't pay
much. No matter how many applications I fill
out, this is the only kind of work I've been
able to get. I'm currently living with my
mother and her husband, who can't seem to
understand why I can't get and keep a decent
There's a ban in Illinois now that bars "ex-
felons" from working in the field of 56 jobs,
and those are mostly skilled positions. So
even if brothers/sisters get educated inside the
micro-colonies, they're still run up against the
barrier. This is along with other obstacles and
temptations that are bound to push them back
on the block: paper chasin' and living the
life of an outlaw. Which is what the state of
imperialism wants anyway. Crime pays for
them, not for us -- the lumpen and proletariat.
-- an ex-prisoner in Illinois, 21 April, 2002
Illinois DOC: Stop the
attack on dreadlocked
I send my greeting to the brothers and
sisters who are a part of the struggle.
I write from the confinement of a cage, in
my quest to expose the injustices and
inhumane treatment of African prisoners upon
my transfer from a Northern district facility
(Stateville) to the Southern district of Illinois
and Menard Correctional Center. I was placed
in segregation behind a steel door with poor
ventilation, denied my fan and, can you
imagine not being able to take a shower and
given a cellie. I am denied all movement
outside my cell. Doctor call line, showers,
yard and visits.
Officials at this facility told me that my
dreadlocks pose a potential threat to the
security of this facility and I have been placed
in segregation since my arrival in January. I
have filed a number of grievances, due to the
fact that dreadlocks are an essential tenet of
my religious beliefs as a Rastafarian.
There's a small number of African
prisoners in the Illinois Department of
Corrections with dreadlocks. Most of them
are in Stateville, where they are not being
oppressed for the exercise of their religious
or cultural practices in the wearing of locks.
Menard has traditionally shown no respect
or regard for African prisoners. This facility
has installed token negroes in positions of
authority to give the appearance of fair play.
This policy has no lawful authority on a state-
wide basis. The officials here at the Menard
Correctional Center must create various
reasons to conceal their true motivation. They
are in the business of breaking African souls.
-- a prisoner in Illinois, 2 April, 2002
People of the world:
There is a critical cycle of hate and
prejudice being committed under the shield
of law, against Blacks who are incarcerated
in the Illinois Department of Corrections. In
September and November, 2001, I exposed a
cadre of racist prison officials in The Chicago
Defender. These officials dressed up in orange
suits and armed themselves with billy clubs
while forcefully cutting the hair of Black men
with dreadlocks. They threatened to attack
every prisoner with dreadlocks in like fashion.
I wrote these articles while I was
incarcerated at Hill Correctional Center, in
Galesburg, IL. Our struggle to end the attacks
and terror seemed successful until the month
of November, 2001. A Black man with
dreadlocks was scheduled to transfer out of
Hill. But the racist administration led by
Warden Mark Pierson decided that they
wouldn't pass up the opportunity to
dismember this brother's dreadlocks (to them
it is like a metaphoric castration). They
promise to continue doing this until we stop
They are creating arbitrary and non-existent
security issues to cloak their discontent and
hate of Blacks who express their cultural pride
and self-respect. To this day, these attacks
against Blacks with dreadlocks are being
perpetrated at Hill C.C.
Back in 2001, I had an opportunity to
question Warden Mark Pierson about the
legality of these attacks. He stated: "A law
does not exist that says we cannot [attack
Black prisoners and forcibly cut their
dreadlocks]." Pierson's statement sounds
much like the 1853 Dred Scott opinion that:
"a black man has no rights that a white man
is bound to respect." The dignity and rights
of Blacks can be abused and neglected so long
as no one is bound by any written law to
protect them.
Because of my efforts to expose the racists
at Hill, I was able to transfer to another facility
without them trying to dismember my
dreadlocks. However, after I was transferred
here to Jacksonville Correctional Center,
another cadre of racists within this
administration began the attacks where the
ones at Hill left off.
Jacksonville's Warden, Raymond Bensko,
maintains that he will be enforcing haircuts
on individuals with "multiple parts" (i.e.,
braids and dreadlocks). I even witnessed Mr.
Bensko threatening a Black man who sports
his hair in a long ponytail, a very nubian look.
Bensko said this man is going to have
problems and will have to cut his hair. He
also said that dreadlocks, braids and long hair
pose a safety and security risk, jeopardizing
himself and his staff.
At Hill, the administration tried the same
line, saying that they could not effectively
search dreadlocks. This was their explanation
of the alleged security threat. But we know
that this was a hoax because every facility in
the Illinois Department of Corrections has
hand-held metal detectors and thousands of
pairs of search gloves.
I have had my dreadlocks for over five
years. We know that the only way to take them
down is to cut them out. So how can searching
be an issue? If the dreads cannot come down,
I cannot hide anything in them. It would be
easier for a white man with medium to long
hair to conceal something in his hair than it
would be for someone with dreadlocks. No
whites have been attacked, approached,
accosted or threatened about their hair.
So why is it that they only target Blacks
with dreadlocks now? We have worn braids
and dreadlocks in the IDOC for decades.
These racists cannot cite a single incident in
which dreadlocks or braids have presented
anyone with any danger or disrupted anyone's
security. The only security that is being
threatened is the insecurity of white racists
who fear that strong, conscious Black men
threaten their survival. The only safety at risk
is mine and that of others like me who have
dreadlocks and are under attack.
I urge everyone to call and write to the
people listed below. Let these people know
that you are not in agreement with the conduct
of these prison officials and that this situation
should immediately change for the
preservation of justice.
-- a prisoner in Illinois, 22 February, 2002
Notes: "Deadlocked on Dreadlocks," The
Chicago Defender 29 September, 2001;
"Castration of the African Culture," The
Chicago Defender 16 October, 2001.
Raymond Bensko, Warden, Jacksonville
Correctional Center, 2268 E. Morton Ave.,
Jacksonville, IL 62650, Phone: (217) 245-
Mark Pierson, Warden, Hill Correctional
Center, 600 South Linwood, Galesburg,
Illinois 61402, Phone: (309) 343-4212
Jonathan R. Walls, Warden, Menard
Correctional Center, 711 Kaskaskia Street,
Menard, Illinois 62259, Phone: (618) 826-
Donald R. Snyder, Director, Illinois
Department of Corrections, 1301 Concordia
Court, Springfield, IL 62794, email:
IL prisoner sez `Don't
censor MIM Notes'
For the past 34 years I have served time in
Illinois prisons. In all my years of prison life
I have never been involved in a violent
incident with prison staff or inmates. I had a
few fights but they were all fisticuffs. I have
been a regular reader of MIM Notes for three
or four years. I find MIM Notes to be
informative and educational. MIM Notes is
a newspaper that allows poor prisoners, like
me, to express themselves. At least two of
my poems have been printed in MIM Notes,
names: "Drugs" and "Prison".
MIM Notes has given me permission to use
material from their paper in my book on the
game of Chess. All in all, I conclude by saying
MIM Notes is a great friend to prisoners that
are seeking to make themselves (ourselves)
better people while in prison.
-- an Illinois prisoner, 4 February, 2002
Hunger strike in
New Jersey
Dear MIM,
I would like to make you guys aware of a
situation that occurred here on the gang unit
at Northern State Prison in New Jersey on
April 17, 2002. All organizations decided on
that day to start a food strike due to the
conditions and negligence that the institution
have failed to provide. Once the food strike
took place for that day, we finally got the
attention of the administration. As they came
around to speak to mostly every individual
who decided to stop them, I could hear that
the inmates were arguing for things like
showers, food, recreation, linen and law
library. The administration claimed they had
no idea that we were being denied such things.
I'm on Phase I, I've been on that level since
July because I refuse to sign any document
and refuse to submit to this system. Phase I
does not take showers every day and this the
administrator promised to give us. As the
administration came to my door to speak to
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 11
Facts on U$ imprisonment
The facts about imprisonment in the United $tates are that the United $tates has been the world's leading prison-state per capita for the last
25 years, with a brief exception during Boris Yeltsin's declaration of a state of emergency.(1)
That means that while Reagan was talking about a Soviet "evil empire" he was the head of a state that imprisoned more people per capita.
In supposedly "hard-line" Bulgaria of the Soviet bloc of the 1980s, the imprisonment rate was less than half that of the United $tates.(2,3)
To find a comparison with U.$. imprisonment of Black people, there is no statistic in any country that compares including apartheid South
Africa of the era before Mandela was president. The last situation remotely comparable to the situation today was under Stalin during war
time. The majority of prisoners are non-violent offenders(4) and the U.S. Government now holds about a half million more prisoners than
China; even though China is four times our population.(5)
The rednecks tell MIM that we live in a "free country." They live in an Orwellian 1984 situation where freedom is imprisonment.
Notes: 1. Marc Mauer, "Americans Behind Bars: The International Use of Incarceration 1993," The Prison Sentencing Project, 918 F. St. NW, Suite
501, Washington, DC 20004 (202) 628-0871 Reference: SRI: R8965-2, 1994
2. Ibid., 1992 report.
3. United Nations Development Programme, "Human Development Report 1994,:" Oxford University Press, p. 186.
4. Figure of 51.2 percent for state prisoners there for non-violent offenses. Abstract of the United States 1993, p. 211.
5. Atlantic Monthly December, 1998.
me, I started to complain not only of the things
that are a must under the inmate handbook
but of the contradictions of this so-called gang
Around dinner time, many inmates from
other organizations started to fall and submit
and started to get food and showers. This right
here threw me off. So I decided to call a tier
meeting during the night shift with all
organization on all three floor. As I started
the meeting I told everyone that we shouldn't
be content with a shower every day, especially
when a shower is a must. I stated when
something is started I like to finish it and go
all the way. I spoke to them to see if they were
willing to start another hunger strike to stop
all movement and most importantly for Phase
II and III to stop programming. Now is the
time for us to make things happen because at
this moment they are re-doing the rules and
regulation of this program. I tried to make
these individuals aware of the main objectives
trying to make this program change its policy.
But they were not willing and felt content with
a shower everyday.
Before I ended that meeting I specifically
told them that we cannot claim victory,
especially when we still carry this label,
victory will be claimed when we all walk out
of here without anymore labels and we won't
have to worry about being targeted anymore.
One more thing I told them that the
administration can say anything out of their
mouths but if it isn't on paper then it does not
mean shit.
Just as I predicted, it is April 22 and the
food is still coming cold, showers for Phase I
have gone back to every other day, no
cleaning supplies what so ever for these cells.
I had written a couple of demands in case
everyone was willing to sacrifice. They are
printed below.
Platform for Demands
1. We want showers for Phase I everyday.
2. We want the food to be hot upon arrival.
3. We want cleaning materials.
4. We want access to the law library and
paralegal assistance when requested. We want
a list to be made by the tier sergeant or housing
officer so we can utilize this access as soon
as possible. We want to utilize the law library
at least 3 days out of the week and we want
the handcuffs removed while in the law
5. We want recreation as scheduled. We
want to utilize the regular yards, we don't
want to be caged up. There should be no
reason for us to be caged up when we can
utilize the regular yard.
6. We want the medical department to take
every call that's made seriously and to come
as soon as an issue is brought to their
7. We want a different document to be made
concerning the completion of the program,
stating that we no longer are affiliated with
any organizations. This will end the targeting
of individuals who have completed the
program and go to other prisons.
8. We want visits every week. Not only
from our immediate family members but from
9. STGMU (gang unit) uniforms should not
be a must to be worn when going to recreation.
10. We should no longer be handcuffed
from the back.
11. We want rubber mats to be used outside
of the showers, to avoid any slip or fall caused
by puddles.
12. We want new linen every month.
13. We want all ventilations from each cell
to be cleaned.
14. We want tier recreation as previously
provided to Phase II and III.
15. We want a literature cart to pass around
every month.
16. We want to be able to participate any
school program regardless of our age for
those who choose to enroll in school.
17. We don't want those who refuse to enter
Phase II to be segregated from this regular
18. We want canteen to arrive the following
week prior to the submission of our slips.
19. We want each floor to be provided with
3 phones so that each individual in each
catwalk will be able to use the phone. There
are 52 inmates in each floor which is too many
for 1 phone.
Corcoran SHU:
massive search
and seizure
On February 14, 2002 there was a sweeping
search of the prison. Almost all prisoner
property was confiscated including important
legal documents from some prisoners, myself
The purpose of this massive search was to
"bring you prisoners up to code." The only
personal property admitted in the SHU is one
personal book, a magazine and six envelopes
of legal property. In a move to bring a bit of
camp X-Ray to Corcoran prisoners are
escorted to doctors' and other appointments
in full restraint gear, including leg shackles!
There are signs that prisoners are at least
willing to voice their discontent with this
brutal form of open oppression and
disrespect. In our particular section/building
prisoners are refusing to perform the usual
tasks, such as cleaning the showers and
accepting canteen unless it is processed
according to the rules. And prisoners are
lending support to each other by filing group
appeals. We are attempting to put together a
multi-racial legal team to address the
systematic abuses and other conditions we are
all subjected to on a daily basis. Of course,
there is much work to be done, especially so
when most prisoners are conditioned to look
at each other as the enemy!
However, as a group themselves, prisoners
possess a wealth of power. Nothing that is
being done to us today could be successful if
we didn't in some way contribute to it. The
rise of the "rat and the stoolie" demands that
we double our efforts.
The Bush War on Terrorism only validates
comrade George's piece on fascism: everyone
oppressed anywhere in the world has the right
to resist, by any means necessary. So get up,
stand up. Stand up for your rights. Fascism
won't relent even if you do. Keep pushin.
-- a prisoner in Corcoran SHU, 14 April,
MIM responds: The only answer to the
problem of "the rat and the stoolie" is as Lenin
said: comrades earn our trust and their own
proletarian prestige by their practice. There
is a lifetime of revolutionary activism to be
done by anyone with the will, and we as
leaders must know our priorities and be
prepared to put younger (or greener)
organizers directly to work.
George Jackson knew that study was key
to advancing the national revolution and that
without advanced theory the revolutionary
army he envisioned would be led down a blind
alley. "To seize power for the people and
relegate fascism to the history books the
vanguard must change the basic patterns of
thought. We are going to have to study the
principles of people's movements. We are
going to have to study them where they took
place and interpret them to fit our situation
here. We have yet to discover the meaning of
people's war, people's army." Still, this
analysis could not be mistaken for a mindless
acceptance of violence as a tactic: "It may
serve our purpose to claim nonviolence, but
we must never delude ourselves into thinking
that we can seize power from a position of
weakness, with half measures, polite
programs, righteous indignation, loud
MIM knows that for us in the First World,
it is not our turn yet for revolutionary armed
struggle. That task still falls to the people of
the neo-colonies in Asia, Africa and Latin
America. Imperialism remains too strong
within these borders, and our subjective
conditions with the overwhelming majority
of u.$. citizens belonging to the exploiting
and allied classes are very wrong for armed
struggle. We must advance our struggle
through building public opinion in opposition
to imperialism, and through winnable battles
like this prisoner describes. Readers can
investigate and protest the situation at
Corcoran SHU by writing or calling: Warden
George M. Galaza, 4001 King Avenue, P.O.
Box 8800, Corcoran, CA 93212-8309, (559)
Lockdown at
Corcoran CSATF
I am on lockdown and have been since
December (Crips since December and the rest
of population since January 7th). They claim
that we (Crips) were plotting something so
they could place us on a lockdown. Then on
January 7th they let us off, until they claimed
that a large number of Black inmates assaulted
several pigs. I don't know exactly what
happened because they never got around to
releasing my building. But I do know that not
a single shot was fired, and Corcoran is a
trigger-happy facility. So to me this story
simply doesn't add up.
-- a prisoner in CA Substance Abuse
Facility 14 April, 2002
From the MIM "Frequently Asked
Questions" page,
Internationalism is the ethical belief or
scientific approach in which peoples of
different nations are held to be or assumed to
be equal. Internationalism is opposed to
racism and national chauvinism.
We Maoists believe the nationalism of
nations experiencing oppression of
imperialism is "applied internationalism." We
oppose nationalism of oppressed nations
directed at other oppressed nations, because
the economic content of such nationalism is
intra-proletarian conflict. We seek a united
front of oppressed nations led by the
international proletariat against imperialism.
"I must argue, not from the point of view
of `my' country (for that is the argument of a
wretched, stupid, petty-bourgeois nationalist
who does not realize that he is only a plaything
in the hands of the imperialist bourgeoisie),
but from the point of view of my share in the
preparation, in the propaganda, and in the
acceleration of the world proletarian
revolution. That is what internationalism
means, and that is the duty of the
internationalist, of the revolutionary worker,
of the genuine Socialist."
V. I. Lenin, "What Is Internationalism?"
The Proletarian Revolution and the
Renegade Kautsky
(Peking: Foreign
Language Press, 1965), p. 80.
What is internationalism?
MIM Notes 258 · May 15, 2002· Page 12
Notas Rojas
mayo 15, 2002, Nº 258 Fragmento del Periodico Oficial del Movimiento Internacionalista Maoista Gratis
¿Que es el MIM?
El Movimiento Internacionalista Maoísta (MIM) es un partido revolucionario
comunista que ejerce el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo. El MIM es una organización
internacionalista que trabaja desde el punto de vista del proletariado del Tercer Mundo;
es por esto que sus miembros no son amerikanos sino ciudadanos del mundo.
El MIM lucha para acabar con la opresión de todos los grupos sobre cualquier otro,
naciones por naciones, clases por clases, y géneros por géneros. La revolución es una
realidad para los Estados Unidos mientras su ejército continúa extendiendose en su
esfuerzo por asegurar la hegemonía mundial.
El MIM difiere de otros partidos en tres puntos basicos: (1) El MIM sostiene que
después que el proletariado conquiste el poder estatal, existira aún el potencial para una
restauración de tipo capitalista, bajo la dirección de una burguesía nueva dentro del
mismo partido comunista. En el caso de la Unión Soviética, la burguesía se apoderó del
gobierno después de la muerte de Stalin, en 1953; y en China después de la muerte de
Mao y del derrocamiento de la llamada "banda de los cuatro' en 1976. (2) El MIM
sostiene que la Revolución Cultural en China es la fase ms avanzada a la que llegó el
comunismo en la historia. (3) El MIM afirma que la clase trabajadora blanca de los
EE.UU. es primordialmente, una élite trabajadora no revolucionaria en el presente. Es
por esto que no es el principal vehículo para avanzar el Maoísmo en este país.
El MIM acepta como miembro a cualquier individuo que esté de acuerdo con estos
tres puntos basicos, y que acepte al centralismo democrtico, el método de gobierno por
la mayoría en lo que se refiere a cuestiones de línea del partido. El MIM es un partido
clandestino que no publica los nombres de sus miembros para evitar la represión estatal
dirigida históricamente contra los movimientos revolucionarios comunistas, y anti-
imperialistas. Si Ud. desea una suscripción para cualquiera de nuestros periódicos o
libros teóricos, en español o en inglés, por favor mandar dinero en efectivo o un cheque
al nombre de MIM a esta dirección:
MIM · P.O. Box 29670 · Los Angeles CA 90029-0670
Traducido por un preso de Tejas y
Células de Estudio para la Liberación
de Aztlán y América Latina.
Se tomo uno días pero finalmente una
fuente de información imperialista dijó
que la metodología vaquera de los
yanquis puede entreguar armas nucleares
a nuevos usuarios en Pakistán. Al mismo
tiempo que Bush dijó que Ben Laden se
busca vivo o muerto y descaradamente
decia que tomó la idea del viejo oeste, el
periódico Los Angeles Times publicó una
pieza con algo de lógica el día 18 de
Septiembre: "El Comodin Nuclear de
Pakistán" por Paul Richter.
El articulo señaló que puede haber 30
armas nucleares en Pakistán. No ayuda
para nada a la estabilidad en Pakistán y
mundial el llamado de Bush para una
"guerra" prolongada contra un enemigo
disperso que acabará con "los países."
Todos los portavoces ya han dichó que
las fuerzas pro-Talibanes en Pakistán
pueden derrocar al gobierno Pakistaní. Es
una gran irresponsabilidad por parte de
los gobernantes que le dan forma a la
opinión pública por medio de sus
portavoces el hecho de que sólo el Los
Angeles Times a relacionado la posible
derrota del gobierno de Pakistán con las
armas nucleares.
Es decir que el gobierno yanqui ya ha
provocado algunos musulmanes hacia la
guerra y ahora juega con la posibilidad
de que en medio de la guerra en contra
de EE.UU., las armas nucleares de
Pakistán lleguen a manos de las fuerzas
pro-Talibanes. Cómo dijó la revista Time,
esto viene de parte del mismo gobierno
yanqui que sabe que Osama Ben Laden
intentó comprar armas nucleares rusas en
los años 90. Por lo tanto, desde el punto
de vista de la definición yanqui de "los
buenos" y "los malos", de nuevo el
gobierno yanqui juega con nuestras
vidas, y cuando trata de armas químicas
y nucleares no sólo se ponen en peligro a
vidas yanqis.
El ex-funcionario del gobierno yanqui
y ayudante de la secretaduría de la
seguridad nacional, Ivo Daalder ya
admitió que se trata de una "situación de
pesadilla" que merece la mayor atención.
Los especialistas academicos en esta área
han dichó que no pueden dormir gracias
a la cuestión de las armas nucleares en
Hasta el reverendo Pat Robertson
demostró más razon y dijó que los
"terroristas" ya tienen armas nucleares.
La cuestión se presenta: Sí este
predicador de Yale entiende la situación,
¿porqué sigue mintiendole al público
sobre los riesgos el gobierno yanqui? Un
líder responsible enfrentaría al pueblo y
diría que en el año 2001, el poder
destructivo y militar de cualquier persona
supera todo lo que se podía imaginar en
la historia anterior, de tal modo de que
puede ser un golpe de estado o unos
cuantos terroristas quienes ocasionas una
guerra nuclear.
Mientras tanto, un oficial yanqui no
identificado dijó que si existía un riesgo
pero lo único que pudo decir a favor del
gobierno fue que ése riesgo no se debería
"exagerar". El MIM se pregunta ¿porqué
les parece aceptable hasta el menor riesgo
en este caso a los líderes yanquis? Hay
dos razones por cuales juegan con las
vidas de otras gentes. En el primer lugar
arriesgan sus propias vidas porque
pueden sacarle ganancias. En segundo
lugar es que esta gente son iguales que
los locos exaltados de Ohio quienes
conducieron su auto a alta velocidad (130
km/h) y lo estallaron contra una mezquita
el día 17 de Septiembre.
Lo que le occurrió al World Trade
Center puede repetirse donde sea. La
incapacidad de lograr la paz mundial le
otorga a todos los ciudadanos del mundo
el derecho a pedir respuestas.
William R, Arkin, escritor de
espionage militar y reportero del
Washington Post hizó lo correcto cuando
dijó en su artículo el día 16 de Septiembre
titulado "La Primera Guerra del Siglo":
"Señor preisdente, debemos preguntar:
¿De verdad ha protegido al pueblo
Americano esta información? Es decir,
"¿Del modo en el que opera el viejo
sistema? Y además: Mientras nos
preparams para luchar contra este
enemigo, ¿debemos comportarnos del
mismo modo de siempre?"
Estos líderes que se preocupan por la
"seguridad" con sus téorias fracasadas,
los mismos quienes dijieron que la Unión
Soviética nunca cabiaría dentro de si
misma si no por fuera porque dentro de
si era "autoritaria" -estos mismo líderes
ponen en peligro a todo el mundo y nadie
debería aguantarlo. Ahora dicen que ellos
fracasaron porque el pueblo no les tuvó
suficiente confianza, y por lo tanto deben
realizar sus maneobras militares de
formas más secretas que antes y necesitan
más vigilancia sobre toda la población y
deben gastar más dinero haciendo todo
esto. Arkin le pegó la cola al burro
cuando dijó: "Cuando sugieren que
rindamos nuestros derechos
fundamentales debemos acordarnos que
la sugerencia nace de las mismas
instituciones que se han probado
incapaces de realizar su función básica,
el proteger a sus ciudadanos"
¡Campaña para aumentar la circulación
de MIM Notes! Nueva York, El Paso,
Chapel Hill/Greensboro Carolina del
Norte, Madison Wisconsin, Champaign/
Urbana Illinois: ¡No dejen de recibir la
cantidad de MIM Notes que les
Desde el comienzo de la "guerra contra el
terrorismo" la circulación de MIM Notes ha
aumentado rápidamente. El hecho no es
sorprendente: MIM Notes es un periódico
gratis e independiente. Claro, en estos
tiempos hay más patriotas impulsivos que se
tragan todo lo que dice Bush, y se les pasa la
oportunidad de leer MIM Notes. Pero hay
otros patriotas e internacionalistas que se dan
cuenta de que ahora periódicos como MIM
Notes pueden desenmascarar el gran
espectáculo que el Tío Sam está poniendo a
su favor.
Claro, Uds. han visto MIM Notes en las
calles pero MIM Notes requiere que las masas
hagan dos cosas fáciles: 1) sostener el
periódico (pagar por su imprenta y envío) y
2) ¡distribuir el periódico!
Buscamos a personas para concretar los
avances en la circulación por todo el país y
estamos dispuestos a dialogar con gentes
fuera del país para extender la distribuición
al extranjero. Dentro de las fronteras de
EE.UU., ¡la ciudad de Nueva York puede
mejorar su distribuición! Y todos los demas
también deben tomar un paso adelante para
distribuir en su área porque Uds. pueden
garantizar que se cumpla el trabajo.
El MIM busca patrocinadores y
distribuidores. Los patrocinadores pagan por
los periódicos y los distribuidores los llevan
a las calles mientras los oficiales hacen las
dos cosas.
# Cantidad de
MIM Notes para Costo
distribuir anual
-------------- -------
12 (Correo de Prioridad) $120
25 (Correo de Prioridad) $150
50 (Correo de Prioridad) $280
100 $380
200 $750
900 (Correo Expressl!) $3,840
900(8-10 días)
Si Uds. conocen algún lugar bueno para la
distribuición les sugerimos empezar con 200
ejemplares y avanzar desde ahí. Si no están
dispuesto a ditribuir, sólo mándennos dinero.
Si no quiere Ud. pagar, solicite ejemplares
después de demostrarle al partido de una
manera u otra que de veras está Ud. interesado
(¡las palabras no valen!). Los que juntan el
dinero para distribuir 900 ejemplares de cada
edición son los que avanzan al partido.
Dirijan giros postales anónimos hechos a
la orden de "MIM":
MIM, Atención: Rama de Cambridge, P.O.
Box 400559, Cambridge, MA 02140.
Para más información, o para dirigir sus
La ineptitud de la clase dominante yanqui pone en peligro a todo el mundo:
el pueblo no debe aguantar más las mismas excusas de siempre