This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
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It's Right to Rebel! Forums Index > La economía marxista / Marxist Economics  ~  A response to the liar and Crypto-Trot Carl Miller
PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11 am  [Reply with quote]

Joined: 09 Nov 2005
Posts: 886

Carl Miller (or "Maoist Thinker" as he has gone by in the past) has once again demonstrated what passes for analysis over at rcp=u$a. We should also note that Miller did not inform IRTR of his latest criticisms of MIM and IRTR on his blog. Usually, when making a criticism of an organization, one invites the other organization to respond. For example, IRTR has given rcp=u$a plenty of opportunities to post in the Marxist Economics section of the forum. IRTR has also informed Miller that his blog entry has been responded to on IRTR.

Last year, Miller made some ridiculous posts to IRTR; they were so ridiculous that IRTR wasn't sure if they were real or a parody. In any case, after informing IRTR that communists did not fear criticism, Carl Miller left quietly, not responding at all or making a self-criticism that he had been refuted. Apparently, Carl Miller is afraid of criticism. This is typical of rcp=u$a, they don't really care about truth. To see Miller run off after being refuted on IRTR:
7e6475f4c95962ad971861e7b91130d.html?board=math&action=display&thread=1120084785 (remove spaces in order to view link)

Miller's latest blog entry is entitled, "MIM is C-R-A-Z-Y" and can be viewed at: as of April 7th, 2005.

[Miller] First off, MIM's 3 main points are:

1. Potential for Capitalist Restoration after Revolution.

2. Cultural Revolution was the highest point of class struggle.

3. In Imperialist countries a "labor aristocracy" of workers exists.

Right off the bat, Carl Miller mischaracterizes MIM's position. On the "About" section of MIM's web page and in just about every MIM publication, MIM describes the 3 cardinal points as follows:

[MIM] 1. MIM holds that after the proletariat seizes power in socialist revolution, the potential exists for capitalist restoration under the leadership of a new bourgeoisie within the communist party itself. In the case of the USSR, the bourgeoisie seized power after the death of Stalin in 1953; in China, it was after Mao's death and the overthrow of the "Gang of Four" in 1976.

2. MIM upholds the Chinese Cultural Revolution as the farthest advance of communism in humyn history.

3. As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so-called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty-bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in Canada, Quebec, the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. (See MIM Theory #1 on the White-Working Class and MIM Theory #10 on the Labor Aristocracy and Imperialism and its Class Structure in 1997)(Artistic rendition of MIM's third cardinal principle)

Right away, we can see that Miller has totally mischaracterizes point 3 and the other points. MIM does not merely think that some vague labor aristocracy of workers exists in imperialist countries; point 3 is much more than that. In fact, almost everyone claiming to be socialist thinks that a labor aristocracy exists to some degree. Trotskyists tend to say that the labor aristocracy is limited to just union bureaucrats; some Hoxhaists can be found saying that a substantial part the first world so-called workers are bought off. So, nothing about the way Miller has characterizes point 3 distinguishes MIM from any other party. As anyone who can read can see, MIM's third point is much more specific and even discusses the size of the labor aristocracy and mechanisms that transfer surplus value to create the labor aristocracy.

This is a great place to point out rcp=u$a's method. Rather than actually criticizing what Maoists have written, rcp=u$a instead would misrepresent, dumb things down, and set up strawmen. Maoists have long pointed out that rcp=u$a is simply incapable of scientific discussion. Miller is just one more example of this.

[Miller] ... The Maoist Internationalist Movement is not Maoist, Internationalist, or even a movement...

Again, we note rcp=u$a's inability to deal with scientific analysis. MIM has a long movement history that is public knowledge. In fact, MIM was calling itself "Maoist" when Avakian was still calling for "Marxist-Leninist" (not Maoist) unity. MIM has always been principled in its debates and honest about its history -- whereas, what the rcp=u$a does is straight up lie.

[Miller] I agree with all of those points, but MIM takes all of them, especially number 3 to crazy extremes.

The points that Miller lists and "agree(s) with" are not even MIM's. Again, anyone who had done even 10 minutes of online research could tell you that those are not MIM's cardinal points. Mao said, "No investigation, no right to speak."

[Miller] First off, MIM claims that revolution could never happen in the USA, and that the 3rd world will have to invade the U.S.

Again, Miller provides no citations; Miller mischaracterizes MIM. Maoists say revolution will happen in the u$. In fact, the only example we have of imperialist nations having anything like socialist revolution is the example that MIM provides of how the Soviet Union under Stalin invaded nazi germany, although the GDR became revisionist along with the Soviet Union itself. In terms of who can point to real examples of revolutions in labor aristocratic first world nations, so far MIM is in the lead. MIM =1; rcp=u$a and the Trotskyists=0.

[Miller] MIM believes that "white workers are not proletarians but labor aristocracy".

The line of MIM is that, if Joe and Bob work in a poultry factory, gut and clean 90 birds an hour, and make a tiny bit of money (the same amount!), and Joe is white and Bob is black, Bob is a proletarian, Joe is not. Why? Because of the color of his skin. This is racism.

You cannot determine someone's class because of their skin color. Now, I admit things are probably a lot of worse for Bob because he is black, but that doesn't make Joe any less of a proletarian.

Firstly, this is really comical considering that Carl Miller's blog, in another entry, actually lists Harry Haywood's Black Bolshevik as one of the books he is trying to read. I suggest Miller actually finish the book. Haywood explains the line of the Comintern and Stalin on the National question. It is the main topic of Haywood's book. Again, this is to show that rcp=u$a not only have an inability to think scientifically and do math, they also have major reading comprehension problems (if they read at all). Notice that Miller, again, has not actually quoted MIM's position. Serious and honest critics actually quote the positions they are criticizing to avoid misunderstandings -- not so with the zombies at rcp=u$a. Like Haywood and Stalin, MIM and IRTR have distinguished over and over that "white" and "Black" refer to nations, not races nor skin colors. Mao said, "No investigation, no right to speak."

Secondly, Miller gets it wrong again. Where does MIM say that members of the Black Nation who make labor aristocratic wages are proletarian? MIM, nor IRTR, has ever made this claim. Again, Miller hasn't even bothered doing any research. Once again, Miller engages in total intellectual dishonesty and doesn't bother to offer any citations or quotations. In fact, the majority of the Black Nation is labor aristocratic, like the white nation. However, the Black Nation is an oppressed nation nonetheless. In this regard, it is like Occupied Ireland. All of Ireland is labor aristocratic, yet, Occupied Ireland is still oppressed by english imperialism. MIM, like the Panthers, says it is best to go with the lumpen under first world conditions where there is no significant proletariat.

The question of who is and who is not a proletarian is a question of class, not skin color as Carl Miller's strawman assumes. Non-proletarians can be nationally oppressed by imperialism. In fact, this is the case with the Third World national bourgeoisie. So, once again, Miller and the rcp=u$a demonstrate their utter lack of understanding of Maoism and the principal contradiction between imperialism and oppressed nations.

[Miller] So, this brings me to my point that MIM isn't Maoist, because Chairman Mao Tse-Tung said, in his red book "Among whites in the United States, it is only the reactionary ruling circles who oppress black people. They in no way represent the workers, farmers, revolutionary intellectuals, and other enlightened persons who comprise the overwhelming majority of white people". (Quotations from Chairman Mao, P. 10)

This is a great example of why the Maoists launched the campaign to criticize Confucius (and Lin Biao) during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Look at Miller's lack of argument here. Miller thinks that a Mao quote out of the Red Book (published by Lin incidentally) is a serious refutation of MIM. Mao couldn't stand this rcp=u$a style dogmatism.

This is a good example of the inability to think critically and the pure dogmatism over at rcp=u$a. Mao was getting most of his analysis of the u$ from revisionist organizations like cp=u$a and plp. Where did Mao ever do a class analysis of the u$? Where has rcp=u$a ever calculated global surplus value and its origins? Miller can't show that the Maoist line is wrong, all he can do is quote revisionists second hand. If one examines Beijing Review throughout the Cultural Revolution, there is more than one line on the first world that runs throughout. One example of this is Beijing Review publishing Robert Williams on the white nation. Other examples have been cited on IRTR. Anyways, Maoist analysis has shown that Mao was wrong on this point.

[Miller] Mao was correct. Yes, black people are an oppressed nation in this country, but there are plenty of white people who are working class, exploited and abused. The swollen stomachs in Appalachia belong to white proletarians. The non-union miners who risk their lives everyday in unsafe mines are white proletarians. Mao knew this, MIM does not. MIM is not Maoist.

This more hot air, emotionalism, and dogma from Carl Miller. IRTR restates its challenge to Miller, Bob Amerikan, or any other Trotskyist or revisionist: Prove that there is a significant number of exploited whites in the u$. Marx has a very scientific concept of exploitation and class in Capital (for those poorly read Avakianites reading this post who don't know Marx's titles: Capital is Marx's most systematic and advanced development of his economic theories.). MIM has already offered hundreds of pages filled with economic data and scientific analysis. IRTR is currently holding a class, for serious students, on Capital in the People's University.

[Miller] MIM has ranted about Avakian being a cypto-trotskyist because he is "too critical" of Stalin and Mao in his work "conquer the world". Mao said "we communists do not fear criticism", not "anyone who is to critical of me or Stalin is a crypto trotskyist". MIM is not Maoist.

This is ironic because the last time Miller used the phase "we communists do not fear criticism," Miller ran off rather than face it. See:
7e6475f4c95962ad971861e7b91130d.html?board=math&action=display&thread=1120084785 (remove spaces in order to view link)

It's good Miller realizes that Avakian is critical of Stalin and Mao; Avakian throws Stalin and Mao in the trash. However, I would like to know where exactly MIM and IRTR says Avakian is "too critical?" When quotation marks are used like Miller has used them, it indicates it is a direct quotation, not a paraphrase. On MIM's google search engine "too critical" is nowhere to be found. In the criticism of the 5 parts of Conquer The World at the words "too critical" don't appear in a word search. Again, this is just more sloppiness or dishonesty by Carl Miller. He is okay with apparently mis-quoting, but nowhere does he actually quote MIM or IRTR.

Although it is true that Avakian throws Stalin and Mao in the trash, Miller shows has complete lack of reading ability and lack of investigation. Miller misses all the main points about crypto-Trotskyism. Among other things, Bob Amerikan is Trotskyist because: 1. He adopts Trotsky's class analysis. 2. He takes up Trotsky's line on national liberation. 3. He takes up Trotsky's line on the relationship between the first and Third World. 4. He adopts Trotsky's theory of productive forces. 5. He rejects (in content) Stalin's "socialism in one country" for the same reasons as Trotsky. 6. He adopts Trotsky's international strategy and conception of the Party as a world party.

Those wanting to see rcp=u$a being creamed in the debate, visit the following links:

IRTR Marxist Economics Forums: (also look in the archives)

MIM's crypto-Trotskyism page:

This is a good thread (Third World is the motive force) that has a post where Avakian's quotes are compared side by side with Trotsky's:

Does Carl Miller address any of this? Of course not. Like the rcp=u$a, he is a pure dogmatist who doesn't know the difference between a Maoist epistemological approach and a religious one.

[Miller] Also, MIM is not internationalist. Internationalists are people who see the working class as an international class that should unite and overthrow the ruling class. MIM sees the proletariat in the United States as the enemy, and hates them with passion. On their websites the have jokes about American women (or womyn, or wimmin) being raped, as well as discussion on their forum of turning America (or Amerikkka) into a gulag. MIM is not internationalist.

Where are jokes about rape? Again, let's see this quote. Or, is Miller straight up lying again?

Yes, Stalin era gulags and China's re-education techniques were both mentioned. It is interesting to see that Carl Miller shares the basic Trotskyist and liberal view that forced political re-education of enemies is bad. Another crypto-Trotskyist/pig (who was here at IRTR under false pretenses, wearing various masks), last year, promoted negative views about the Stalin's Soviet Union. They also adopted the liberal anti-communist stereotyped view of communist societies. It should also be mentioned that they were invited to discuss economics again and again, yet they proved themselves incapable. Crypto-Trotskyists can post their economic analysis to Marxist Economics section -- public posting is enabled.

Miller says yet more ridiculous things without any citations. Yes, the proletariat is an international class -- where has MIM or IRTR said otherwise? The proletariat obviously exists across many nations. However, this does not mean it is evenly distributed across all these nations. Although the rcp=u$a's new program does read this way with their ridiculous mechanical "Two 90/10s." The crypto-Trotskyists have never put forward a scientific class analysis. This latest blog entry by Carl Miller just shows how truly dismal things are over there at rcp=u$a. If any Trotskyist or crypto-Trotskyist wants attempt to disprove the Maoist line in the Economics forum, then they are welcome to try. IRTR even allows them to post in the Marxist Economics forum anonymously.

[Miller] Finally, MIM is not a movement. The most anyone has seen of MIM is one old hippie-looking guy. A movement means lots of people, MIM is a group of aging hatefilled old men, the few who exist. They decended from a group at Harvard called "Radacads" or "radical academics". They are not a movement, they a coookie old white men who hate white people.

Yet again, we see typical rcp=u$a tactics. Rather than talk about line, Miller makes up a fiction about MIM's supposed identity. Miller even engages in standard identity politics and pig background baiting.

[Miller] They think all sex under capitalism is rape. This must be some crazy idea for winning teenage boys over to overthrowing capitalism, so they can have sex and not be rapists!

Again, Carl Miller is capable of neither correctly characterizing the Maoist line (all sex is rape under patriarchy) nor refuting it. Instead, he comes up with some half baked non sequitur. MIM has said again and again that whether one has sex or not has no relationship to overthrowing patriarchy. This kind of individualist stance is called "sub-reformism" by Maoists. Individuals having sex or not having sex is not going to bring down the system.

[Miller] Someone should sue MIM for false advertising, but what would be the point, you wouldn't get much money.

What an odd thing for someone claiming to be a communist to say, but then again, there is nothing communist about rcp=u$a. The vast majority of communists in the world are dirt poor. Whether it is true of MIM or not, it is interesting that Miller sees that as some kind of fault. This should be expected given that the line between the rcp=u$a and the DNC blurs everyday. At least the rcp=u$a isn't calling all hours of the day (yet) asking to fund their sustainer program to get the demokrats into office. For information on the Bob Amerikan sustainer program, visit

[Miller] But it would be cool if we could get some judge to force them to change their name to MUW, Maniac Uninternationalist Whiteguy(s).

More identity politics from Carl Miller.

[Miller] Alas, we need revolution and real revolutionaries, not crazy MIMists.

There is no basic unity between Maoists and the rcp=u$a. Even if rcp=u$a was capable of any level of reasonable discussion, there would be no two line struggle with them. Bob Amerikan's revolution is white nationalist (look at their line on Aztlan, for example), they exist somewhere between social demokracy and fascism. As a first world Trotskyist organization, they represent the labor aristocracy. Besides this, they work for the police and intelligence agencies -- for example, rcp=u$a publishes CIA articles approvingly, writes positively of admitted CIA agent Gloria Steinem, they worked with the intelligence agencies against the Peruvian Maoists, they are now beating the war drums against Iran under the guise of rescuing Third World wimmin.

Readers here should really examine Carl Miller's blog entry and look at the methods he uses: 1. no citations or quotations from the material he claims to be criticizing. 2. blatant mischaracterization and even misquotes! 3. sloppiness and lack of any investigation on even the most basic issues, let alone the deeper ones. 4. no scientific analysis at all. 4. no examination of MIM's line at all. 5. identity politics. 6. background baiting. 7. total idealist dogma.

Carl Miller is a good negative example. Miller is really very typical of the level at which rcp=u$a works. Not long ago, Bob Amerikan spoke of an epistemological break. The real meaning of Bob Amerikan's epistemological break is the blatant rejection of material, scientific, analysis.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9 pm  [Reply with quote]

wow... just... wow...

thanks for reading my blog...

it's good to know there are folks out there reading it.

First off, I don't see my summary of the 3-main-points as being misrepresentative. I said the same thing your 3-main points say, except in fewer words. My readers don't want to read a MIM Rant full of "Amerikkka"s and references to "Bob Amerikan". (Though I do like "Amerikkka"! And yes, I did use it in my entry on Mao: The Unknown Story.)

Secondly, I AM NOT AN RCP REPRESENTATIVE, SPOKESMAN, OR MEMBER! I am a revolutionary who supports the RCP! Perhaps you already knew this, but I just want to make it clear. When Carl Miller speaks he speaks for Carl Miller and no one else!

Now, I will issue a self-criticism, Priairie Fire is right, I should have cited my sources.

Here are a few of them:

5. How does the Amerikan womyn avoid the singles bar scene?
Answer: She marries her kidnapper.


MIM hates Americans, not the idea of America like the RCP Hates, but actual Americans with such a passion, that the idea of an American woman being raped/kidnapped is humorous.

Also, I think my post did some good, because MIM previously had a light bulb joke on their site about rape. Yes, I can't prove it. But it seems that when I put up the post, suddenly MIM realized that rape isn't funny, and took it down. I have done a good thing.

Also, Invasion by the third world is not revolution. Maoism, as I understand, depends on the masses of people being mobilized, not a foreign army coming in and taking over.

I don't want a foreign country to come and invade the USA, I believe we can make revolution of our will, but alas, perhaps I am an idealist.

MIM has an entire webpage devoted to the concept that there is no white proletariat. They even call it, "The Myth of the White Proletariat".

And, on that note, I would be curious to learn about how the swollen stomachs in Apalachia are exploiters? I would also like to know how homeless people on the street who happen to be white are not proletarians?

This doesn't make sense!

Wake Up!


Avakian does not throw Stalin and Mao in the trash! He sums up some serious mistakes they have made. Saying that "Conquer the World" "throws Mao and Stalin in the trash" is pretty much infering that Avakian is too critical. There is no way getting around that.

Stalin, Mao, are not God! Sorry to burst your bubble, they made some pretty fucked up decisions, and if you can't admit that, you are being too dogmatic.

Now, you went after me for not siting my sources, I will go after you for not siting yours. Where does Avakian say he doesn't believe in Socialism in One Country? That's redicules. Absolutely redicules. He upholds China, Russia, and the draft programme of his party calls for Socialism in one country. Wow! Just, Wow!

First off, I am correct in saying no one has ever seen more than one MIMist at a time.

And I don't how anything relating to MIM could be public knowledge. Most people have no idea that MIM even exists, so I doubt they are aware of MIM's history.

Yes, I made some jokes toward the end of my writings. How horrible of me! Do I dare do anything but spew dogmatic rhetoric!

I have wasted my time on this entry. But I really don't have that much to do these days. So this is my response, and it's the only one I'm giving. I dislike the tone of this forum, I joined this forum and people attacked me from the second I entered, I felt uncomfortable, and I had no more desire to be here.

But let me say this, if any MIM folks wish to leave comments on my blog, I would love to hear them. I don't mind alternative veiws, and your comments will be posted. That's all...
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Mikhail Rodsky
PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 11 pm  [Reply with quote]

I would also like to know how homeless people on the street who happen to be white are not proletarians?

According to even RCP's analysis of classes in the U$, wouldn't tose persyns be lumpen or lumpen-proletarians?

First off, I am correct in saying no one has ever seen more than one MIMist at a time.

Wow, you must work for the CIA to know this for sure!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12 am  [Reply with quote]

Joined: 14 Nov 2005
Posts: 1546

CarlMiller wrote:

5. How does the Amerikan womyn avoid the singles bar scene?
Answer: She marries her kidnapper.


The point of MIM's joke is that Amerikkkan bio-wimmin are gender oppressors. In no way was MIM making fun of violence against wimmin. I don't wish to waste more time discussing it with you, since you are clearly dealing with peripheral rather than core issues.

MIM hates Americans, not the idea of America like the RCP Hates, but actual Americans with such a passion, that the idea of an American woman being raped/kidnapped is humorous.

This is thinly disguised Amerikkkan chauvinism. Prove that "MIM hates Ameri[kkk]ans."

Also, I think my post did some good, because MIM previously had a light bulb joke on their site about rape. Yes, I can't prove it. But it seems that when I put up the post, suddenly MIM realized that rape isn't funny, and took it down. I have done a good thing.

I am not familiar with the alleged joke and cannot discuss it.

Also, Invasion by the third world is not revolution. Maoism, as I understand, depends on the masses of people being mobilized, not a foreign army coming in and taking over.

There are no masses to speak of right now in the united $nakes. How revolution will be played out will depend on the objective situation. An invasion from the Third World may or may not be necessary. Another possibility is that an exploited proletariat will develop among the Amerikkkan labor aristocracy as more and more Third World countries become socialist and cut off the flow of stolen superprofits to Amerikkka. Even in that case, it will be the Third World that engenders the collapse of Amerikkka.

In any event, you keep avoiding the issue of the eastern part of Germany, a country that was invaded by the socialist Soviet Union and that did not have a revolution of its own. It was in fact fascist and had to be defeated militarily from the outside. Strong parallels to the united $nakes exist.

I don't want a foreign country to come and invade the USA, I believe we can make revolution of our will, but alas, perhaps I am an idealist.

You are indeed an idealist. You repeatedly fail to address material reality, even when confronted with it. Blinded by your idealist Amerikkkan chauvinism, you simply accept proletarian revolution in Amerikkka as an article of faith. You have yet to post a valid argument for Amerikkkans' revolutionary potential; you merely spout nonsense about what you "believe," which is of no interest to me unless you can support your claims.

And, on that note, I would be curious to learn about how the swollen stomachs in Apalachia are exploiters? I would also like to know how homeless people on the street who happen to be white are not proletarians?

This has been discussed countless times, both at MIM and at IRTR. You apparently lack the most minimal understanding, such as the fact that homeless persyns who do little or no work are almost universally classified as lumpenproletarians, not as proletarians. Even Trotskyists usually manage to get that one right. You also lack current information. There may have been swollen stomachs in Appalachia eighty years ago, but you won't find any there today.

First off, I am correct in saying no one has ever seen more than one MIMist at a time.

Stop pig-baiting us! You're just hoping to get someone to refute your claim by disclosing information that could be harmful to MIM if made public. We don't tolerate such pig tactics at this site.

Of course, even if MIM were only one persyn, it would still be the vanguard party in the Eng£ish-speaking imperialist countries. So your allegation would be of no relevance whatsoever even if it were not unfounded and incorrect.

I have wasted my time on this entry. But I really don't have that much to do these days.

So you have a lot of idle time on your hands, yet you don't want to put it towards progressive purposes. Instead, you post irresponsible articles designed to weaken the communist forces. No serious communist would say "I really don't have that much to do." Most of us regret that we have only 24 hours in a day.

If you have so much free time and are serious about revolution, go to the People's University. You have much to learn, so get busy.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8 am  [Reply with quote]

Joined: 09 Nov 2005
Posts: 886

Much of this is just repeating myself because Carl Miller has still not addressed anything from the last response.

First off, I don't see my summary of the 3-main-points as being misrepresentative. I said the same thing your 3-main points say, except in fewer words. My readers don't want to read a MIM Rant full of "Amerikkka"s and references to "Bob Amerikan". (Though I do like "Amerikkka"! And yes, I did use it in my entry on Mao: The Unknown Story.)

Where in MIM's statement of their 3 cardinal points do they mention Bob Amerikan? "Amerikkka" isn't mentioned in the 3 points either. Anyone is welcome to scroll up to my last post in this thread where I quoted MIM's actual points. Carl Miller doesn't even bother reading what is actually posted. Again, this shows how dismal it is over there with the crypto-Trots.

Miller's 3 points are not MIM's, especially point 3 which is central to what it means to be a Maoist in the u$. Let me repeat. Most everyone on the first world so-called "left" agrees with Miller's point 3 that there is some labor aristocracy. Not everyone agrees with MIM's point 3 that the labor aristocracy is the majority in the first world and there is no significant first world proletariat and what makes this situation possible is value transfers in the form of super-profits from the Third World to the first world. I already covered this.

"In Imperialist countries a 'labor aristocracy' of workers exists" does not mean "..imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third World and in part uses this wealth to buy off ***whole populations*** of oppressor nation so-called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty-bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy." Miller's point and MIM's are obviously not the same.

Miller even says on the blog that he agrees with his own point 3 yet doesn't agree with MIM (saying MIM goes to extremes) about whole populations being bought off. That's a good indication that the two points are not the same! Miller is upholding the position, which is also popular among Trotskyists, that the labor aristocracy is just the very upper strata of first world workers. MIM's 3rd point says that MIM is talking about whole populations.

As I already said, Miller's characterization is obviously not accurate and Miller should admit it.

Secondly, I AM NOT AN RCP REPRESENTATIVE, SPOKESMAN, OR MEMBER! I am a revolutionary who supports the RCP! Perhaps you already knew this, but I just want to make it clear. When Carl Miller speaks he speaks for Carl Miller and no one else!

Rcp=u$a is free to disown Miller. Miller's blog is part of the RCYB/WCW web-ring. Self-identified RCYB and WCW and various Bob Amerikan fans comment and link to Miller's blog. This is an issue of rcp=u$a's complete lack of accountability. This kind of thing is repeated again and again:

A crypto-Trotskyist makes a criticism of Maoists. Sometimes the criticism is completely unprincipled silly material like Miller's blog, where I note, he has chosen to include in his moderated comments space (as of April 13, 2006), comments threatening violence against Maoists and attacking some womyn. Other times, the crypto-Trotskyist interventions will be a bit more sophisticated. They will be by Avakian's professional liars or cops working with Avakian. When these people are exposed as liars, hacks, or cops, they immediately say "I don't speak for anyone but myself!" Even though some of these individuals are well known persynalities in the crypto-Trotskyist camp, as soon as they are exposed, they act like they are acting as isolated individuals. This shit has been happening for a long time.

Nothing is stopping Bob Amerikan from disowning this kind of behavior and the individuals engaging in it.

Crypto-Trotskyists link to Miller's blog, they obviously read it from time to time. It is even posted on a pro-Avakkkian message board. Not one of them has said a thing criticizing Miller's unprincipled behavior, or now, the talk of violence against Maoists and some womyn in Miller's moderated comment space. This just shows how rcp=u$a quietly allows its "fans" and so called "supporters" to carry out stupid unprincipled attacks of all kinds. Rcp=u$a gives them the nod to do it.

Miller was asked to give sources on a number of false claims he made about Maoists. These claims ranged from a mischaracterization of the line on sex to a mischaracterization that MIM thinks Blacks making labor aristocratic wages are proletarian. We should note that Miller provided no further comment on any of these false claims he made. Nor, has he admitted he was wrong in his characterization of MIM's position. Miller is so stuck in his dogmatism that he is unable to make any basic criticism of his uprincipled and factually incorrect blog entry.

Let's look at the few "sources" Carl Miller listed:


5. How does the Amerikan womyn avoid the singles bar scene?
Answer: She marries her kidnaper.
MIM hates Americans, not the idea of America like the RCP Hates, but actual Americans with such a passion, that the idea of an American woman being raped/kidnapped is humorous.

Carl Miller said this was a joke making fun of rape victims. How so? If anything, it is pointing out that what are considered normal relationships in amerika are twisted and violent. It is ridiculing romance culture and gender oppressors. It is pointing out the systematic nature of gender inequality and also how this violence is invisible to most.

This joke should only offend those who have some kind of liberal idea about relationships.

Also, I think my post did some good, because MIM previously had a light bulb joke on their site about rape. Yes, I can't prove it. But it seems that when I put up the post, suddenly MIM realized that rape isn't funny, and took it down. I have done a good thing.

This is just more nonsense from Carl Miller. MIM's etext web page is cached on goggle. Anyone can search google's backed up etext pages and see Miller is just making stuff up here. If he isn't he can easily take the time to go through google and find it. Rather, he is too lazy to actually substantiate his fictional claim. This is in line with Miller's entire method: factual errors, dumbed down, gossipy, no citations at all.

Also, Invasion by the third world is not revolution. Maoism, as I understand, depends on the masses of people being mobilized, not a foreign army coming in and taking over.

Is Miller saying that Stalin was wrong to invade labor aristocratic nazi germany? Is he saying that Stalin should have waited for the nazi labor aristocracy to mobilize and overthrow Hitler? There is a massive war on right now against the Third World. Does Miller oppose a Third World invasion of the u$?

Look at how mechanical Miller's method is. Obviously the first world is not China in 1930. The form that revolutions will take match objective conditions where they take place. Mao came to power in a great tide of peasant revolution led by a proletariat. He led a people's war which surrounded the cities from the countryside. Obviously, a people's war carried out mostly by a peasantry is not how revolution will come to the u$.

Lenin led an urban insurrection. He was brought to power by the industrial proletariat and an alliance with the peasantry. After this insurrection, a civil war followed. Obviously, this is not going to be the way revolution comes to the u$. For one thing, there is less and less employed in an industrial sector at all in the u$. More and more, amerikans are employed in completely parasitic sectors like the service sector or white collar work. It should be noted that white collar workers opposed Lenin's revolution and went on strike against it.

In the case of China and the Soviet Union, there was massive exploitation in oppression. The masses lived under the heal of brutal systems of oppression. In the u$, there are no significant number of white masses. In the u$, the vast majority benefit from imperialism to such a degree that they are not exploited at all. In fact, the average amerikan is an exploiter. The Marxist and scientific definition of exploitation is when someone makes less than the full value of their labor. Amerikans make far in excess of the value of their labor. They also receive all kinds of secondary benefits from being at the center of imperialism. The reason amerikans make above the value of their labor is because the imperialist economy transfers value from the Third World to the amerikan population as a a whole. All over this economic forum and on MIM's web page, one can find hundreds of pages documenting this view of the relationship between the Third World and the labor aristocracy.

Miller mechanistically assumes that the proletariat is evenly distributed throughout all nations. It isn't. There will be no amerikan proletarian revolution because there is no amerikan proletariat. The amerikan so-called "worker" is not exploited according to Marxism. Luckily, history has given us an example of a case where a first world labor aristocratic nation has had a revolution. This case was the example of the invasion of nazi germany by the armed proletariat led by Stalin. As I already said, in terms of who can point to real examples of revolutions in labor aristocratic first world nations, so far MIM is in the lead. MIM=1; rcp=u$a and the Trotskyists=0. So far, the Maoists have more historical evidence backing their view. The crypto-Trotskyists have none, but evidence has never mattered to them. Rcp=u$a is not a communist organization. It is a new age cult that intervenes on behalf of social democracy and the pigs to undermine Maoist revolution.

MIM has an entire web page devoted to the concept that there is no white proletariat. They even call it, "The Myth of the White Proletariat".

So what? Miller implied that MIM says skin color determines class. MIM, nor IRTR, says that. Miller still hasn't given any source! Maoists are talking about NATIONS, not skin colors. And, if Miller bothered doing any research, Miller would know that. Instead, Miller just makes himself look foolish.

And, on that note, I would be curious to learn about how the swollen stomachs in Apalachia are exploiters? I would also like to know how homeless people on the street who happen to be white are not proletarians?

This is just emotionalism. Comrade Serve The People has already pointed out Miller's errors here. Carl Miller's posts amount to nothing more than waving his arms up in down. There is no argument in anything Miller writes. MIM gives plenty of up to date data on white amerika. Why doesn't Miller point out the specific places where this data is wrong?

Avakian does not throw Stalin and Mao in the trash! He sums up some serious mistakes they have made. Saying that "Conquer the World" "throws Mao and Stalin in the trash" is pretty much infering that Avakian is too critical. There is no way getting around that.

Stalin, Mao, are not God! Sorry to burst your bubble, they made some pretty fucked up decisions, and if you can't admit that, you are being too dogmatic.

I am just repeating myself here. Miller has a habit of mis-quoting throughout his post. Miller attributes to others, sometimes using quotation marks, things that they did not say. This is a pattern of dishonesty in Miller's posts, just like Miller mischaracterize MIM's 3rd cardinal point. If Miller uses quotations, then he better be damn sure that he is actually quoting the persyn.

Obviously, Avakian, like any Trotskyist, is critical of Stalin and Mao. Even if I had said he was "too critical," that would be massively understating the issue. Bob Amerikan throws Stalin and Mao into the trash. Like Miller, Avakian does think that Stalin and Mao fucked up. Avakian upholds classic Trotskyist positions with a thin Maoist facade. Avakian may nod to the GPCR here and there, but when one looks at the positions he actually upholds, they are in direct opposition to Maoist positions. They are classic Trotskyist and liberal ones.

Now, you went after me for not siting my sources, I will go after you for not siting yours. Where does Avakian say he doesn't believe in Socialism in One Country? That's redicules. Absolutely redicules. He upholds China, Russia, and the draft programme of his party calls for Socialism in one country. Wow! Just, Wow!

I did cite my sources. Here they are again:

IRTR Marxist Economics Forums: (also look in the archives)

MIM's crypto-Trotskyism page:

This is a good thread (Third World is the motive force) that has a post where Avakian's quotes are compared side by side with Trotsky's:

Specifically, if Miller wants to see Bob Amerikan reject socialism in one country and national liberation for the Third World, check out Conquer the World Part 2 and the criticism right here in this forum. The entire thrust of Conquer The World is to reverse the Maoist approach to socialism and national liberation and replace it with a Trotskyist world party model.

First off, I am correct in saying no one has ever seen more than one MIMist at a time.

And I don't how anything relating to MIM could be public knowledge. Most people have no idea that MIM even exists, so I doubt they are aware of MIM's history.

First off, MIM's history can be read about on their web page. There are several documents explaining how MIM was formed. It is public.

Second off, what is Miller talking about? MIM is an underground party. MIM is not running for office or building some kind of free love cult.

What is Miller's point here? MIM is small? So what? Since when is correctness of line determined by numbers? All organizations claiming to be communist in the u$ are tiny. For obvious reasons, the more social demokrat ones tend to attract more numbers. If Miller bases correctness by how many members a group claims, Miller should probably join the demokrats, or at least the greens.

Like comrade Serve The People said, even if MIM was only one persyn, it would be better to follow MIM than an organization with an incorrect line.

Maoists in the u$ are behind enemy lines. We have to take seriously what Lenin said about numbers: Better Fewer, but Better.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4 pm  [Reply with quote]

Joined: 15 Nov 2005
Posts: 65

I don't want a foreign country to come and invade the USA, I believe we can make revolution of our will, but alas, perhaps I am an idealist.

This is not idealism. It's straight up white nationalism, period.

"I don't want ..." Yeah, here's the out-of-the-mouth-of-babe-Kkkarl fundamental truth behind the r"c"p=u$a's white nationalist line on revolution in amerikkka. Usually hidden behind unsubstantiated assertions that amerikkkans are revolutionary so invasion of the u$ won't be necessary, Kkkarl at least lays out the truth plain and simple: "I don't want". He 'believes' "we [amerikkkans] can make revolution" but that's just tacked on for filler. Bottom line: a thundering white nationalist "I don't want". This is not feigned philosophical idealism about amerikkkan revolutionary potential in the service of white nationalism. This is the fundamental "I don't want" of unadulterated white nationalism paraded front and center, with that feigned idealism tagging along, bring up the rear.

"I don't want" ... what? "I don't want a foreign country to come and invade the USA ..." Not idealism. White nationalism. Only white nationalism denies that the "foreign invasion" has already taken place, hundreds of years ago, when the foreign white settlers invaded the hemisphere. Only white nationalism trumpets the "USA" as a legitimate political entity rather than the empire built on conquest and genocide that it is. Only white nationalism denies that amerikkkans are the foreigners and invaders who illegally occupy oppressed nations' lands, who owe reparations in terms of land to the First Nations, Latino Nations, and the Black Nation. Only white nationalism treats the stolen land and riches of the "USA" as sancrosact and considers those from whom this parasitic wealth is stolen from as "foreign." The nations of theThird World, like the internal oppressed nations, are not "foreign" to the "USA," their wealth is native to amerikkka's birth, growth, and continued imperialist existence. Only white nationalism sees it otherwise.
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