Wisconsin Woman: Connecting Women in the Greater Madison Area
August 2005
MIM suspects murder in the case of the disappearance of Madison, Wisconsin radicalism. In following the disappearance case over the years, we notice something that has appeared to fill in where once there was radicalism. In other words, we have found someone with a motive and opportunity to commit murder and then seize the space and identity of the victim. The forensic evidence for the murder is to be found in places such as this magazine.
Real estate, wimmin real estate agents, wimmin's radio stations, wimmin in government agencies--wimmin with every possible connection to the system that's what this magazine is all about. Well, that is a slight exaggeration, only because it's also about what wimmin do in their upper-middle class leisure time, like eco-tourism. Eco-tourism is great since there does have to be tourism, but that's exactly it: there's just ever so slight a progressive hook, one that decreases year by year, but one that nonetheless shows how it was possible to get away with murder without anyone's noticing.
Relationships, relationships, relationships--to children, older people, the state and yes boyfriends. "What color eye shadow is best for you?" So in the spot where you used to pick up the free Madison Insurgent newspaper, you now pick up Wisconsin Woman.
MIM targets a generation of pseudo-feminism for good reason. It is the only new feature of parasitism in the last 40 years. Females make up an ever-increasing majority of college students in the united $tates. The next serious wave of student radicalism will either evade pseudo-feminism as the anti-globalization wave did or convict it in the interests of a wider and more alive across-the-board radicalism.