This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.

Revolutionary feminism

Page created and maintained by Web Minister

The importance of "all sex is rape":

Oppressor nationalism destroys feminism

March 29 2006

"Feminists are Republicans and Democrats, right-wing conservatives and left-wing radicals; feminists are both religious and antireligious, anti-abortion and pro-abortion, antipornography and pro-pornography, anti-gay marriage and pro-gay marriage."--Phyllis Chesler(1)

In other words, "feminism" means nothing and Amerikkkan nationalism rules. All people of Western culture are feminists according to Chesler, except those "multicultural" people who fail to join the Crusades.

If Amerikan females were the only females in the world, then MIM would have to change its whole line on feminism and admit that the National Organization for Women (NOW) does a good job and that the conflict between Phyllis Chesler and Robin Morgan is an in-house spat. The trouble is that the exact opposite is true. Over 90% of oppressed wimmin live in the Third World and Amerikkkan females are disproportionately privileged as a gender aristocracy.

Under a picture of a bloodied blonde from Sweden that David Horowitz's magazines say was gang-raped by Muslims, Nancy Kobrin said the day before International Wimmin's Day:

Those who defend the rapists and their culture (no matter where they are located on the spectrum of politics) have unconsciously adjusted their perceptions of how Muslim males should act. . . . We need to stay grounded in what is predicted to be a very long marathon on terrorism. The Israelis say between 300 to 500 years and considering the transgenerational transmission of trauma, to my analytic ear that sounds just about right.

It's statements like these that prove MIM right about how to handle the question.

Going through the articles from the Horowitzists, we find the entire discourse of pseudo-feminism on rape co-opted. Gone is any hesitation from Republican Party old days. When it comes to Muslim males, there are almost no limits. Suddenly and selectively the neo-conservatives adopt the liberal-radical feminist discourse-- something made possible by all Liberalism, which never pretended to an overall approach and always made itself available as a whore of any individual cause. The Horowitzists say do not "blame the victim" and they refer to "male domination." Then we are told on March 6th by Phyllis Chesler again on Horowitz's web page, that progressives and feminists have to unite with right-wing Christians to fight Islam.

It is as MIM said all along, a love-fest of conservative Liberals, liberal Liberals and fascists. The one thing they cannot co-opt, the one line you will not hear them say is: "all sex is rape." In one fell swoop, we have defeated their lynch mob with internationalist feminism. This is key in the imperialist countries: Liberalism cannot go there and fascism can only to celebrate it.

Chesler knows all this well. That's why her indictment of the Muslim male is that "he did not adopt an American lifestyle."(2)

1. Phyllis Chesler, The Death of Feminism: What's Next in the Struggle for Women's Freedom (NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), p. 1.
2. Phyllis Chesler, The Death of Feminism: What's Next in the Struggle for Women's Freedom (NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), p. 179.