On the occassion of March 8 International
Women's Day, a rally and March was held in Berkeley in solidarity with a
4-day march in Europe organized by the Campaign for the Abolition of All
Misogynist, Gender-Based Legislation & Islamic Punitive Laws in
Iran. The call for the European march begins: "If you are against death
by stoning! If you are against forced veiling! If you are against the
prosecution and imprisonment of women! If you are against lashing a
woman’s body! If you are against any form of patriarchy! If you are
against the medieval laws of Iran’s Islamic Republic of Iran imposing
inequality on women! – Join the great walk against anti-women laws in
Iran’s Islamic Republic on 8 March 2006!"

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On the occassion of March 8 International Women's Day, a
rally and March was held in Berkeley in solidarity with a 4-day march in
Europe organized by the Campaign for the Abolition of All Misogynist,
Gender-Based Legislation & Islamic Punitive Laws in Iran.
call for the European march begins: "If you are against death by stoning!
If you are against forced veiling! If you are against the prosecution and
imprisonment of women! If you are against lashing a woman’s body! If you
are against any form of patriarchy! If you are against the medieval laws
of Iran’s Islamic Republic of Iran imposing inequality on women! – Join
the great walk against anti-women laws in Iran’s Islamic Republic on 8
March 2006!"
The Iranian regime criminalizes women on the grounds
of such simple normal habits of life as going out in public with uncovered
hair and or wearing un-Islamic clothing (anything except a head-to-toe
cover), or strolling in public with men who are not their husbands or
blood relations. The Islamic Republic’s laws make death by hanging or
stoning the punishment for unfaithful wives and "un-virtuous" women; they
allow a father to marry off daughters as young as nine years old; and give
men a free hand to kill their wives, sisters, mothers and daughters for
violating their "honour". Women have to obtain their husband’s officially
signed permission to travel. Their worth is considered half of that of men
in matters such as bearing witness in court. They can be divorced
unilaterally or denied divorce depending on the man’s wishes. Abortion is
a crime. Islamic judges can interpret all other matters not spelled in
these civil laws by relying on Sharia (Islamic law) and their own
interpretations and referring to books written by any ayatollah (high
ranking priest in the Islamic hierarchy).
For the last 27 years
these Islamic laws have deprived women of their most basic rights as human
beings and intensified the marginalization of women, creating a gender
segregation that has made society a hell for all and forcing many women
into suicide, prostitution and drug addiction. Women are setting fire to
themselves in increasing numbers. These laws represent and impose a state
of semi-slave social relations on women. They have strengthened the
already brutal patriarchal and male-supremacist relations in the country.
A vast apparatus of morality police has been set up to keep an eye on
women and punish them if they violate these medieval moral codes of
conduct. This is the dark ages in the 21st century.
The campaign
and European march also has opposed plans for a U.S. invasion of Iran,
explaining in one of its leaflets: "The American government… has declared
that it seeks to liberate the women of the Middle East from the yoke of
Islamic fundamentalism. This is a ridiculous claim that makes a mockery of
real liberation and is an insult to the women of the Middle East. The
march of events in Afghanistan and Iraq should have helped those who were
taken in by these self-styled liberators of Middle Eastern women to
realize how badly they were fooled. If anyone still believes that George
Bush and his ilk are liberators of women, please talk to American women
fighting to prevent him from taking away their right to abortion as well
as against the efforts of the Christian fascists to dominate every aspect
of the lives of women in the U.S. What George Bush is taking away from the
women in the USA he will not deliver to women in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan
or any other country."
The Berkeley rally and march drew about 70
people and brought out the similarities between the anti-woman laws of
Iran AND Bush’s anti-woman crusade! Other slogans raised were:
the Right to Abortion and Birth Control!
No to US Imperialism/ No US
Attacks on Iran!
Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for

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