Zionist pigs and cops forge MIM and other email addresses thousands of times
by maoist3@yahoo.com October 30, 2002
[maoist3@yahoo.com for MIM: I'm posting this letter from the moderator of another Yahoo! group with this proviso at the top. The letter purportedly from the "Stalinist" moderator says "posts have bounced because THEY ARE NOT SUBSCRIBED MEMBERS OF THE GROUP." That is a key fact but misconstrued by the author below. The blame for that rests squarely on Yahoo! shoulders, because Yahoo! makes it possible to send messages to groups without being signed in.
The list of names below could include some real spammers, but recently, the Zionists/FBI have been FORGING From: lines in emails. The purpose has been to create conflict between FROM: and TO: people. Thus hundreds of emails forging my identity in the past three months have included inane Zionist messages to Islamic groups. The weeks of tedious work dedicated to forging my email identity at all hours of the day and night is actually a kind of compliment from the enemy, the kind Mao spoke of when he said "it is a good thing when the enemy attacks." The work is so tiresome that the Zionists are now sometimes just copying and pasting mild mainstream articles on the Middle East in my name instead of doing the usual work of writing childish or incredibly stupid posts with a Zionist spin--often times starting out sounding pro-Arab to get attention and ending with pro-Zionist propaganda. It goes to show what kind of money and time the Zionists and FBI have on their hands.
My maoist3@yahoo.com address and others could be added to the list below, but it would be WRONG. Any Arab-related Yahoo! group moderator could compile a list like the one below of people supposedly communist sending them Zionist or incomprehensible emails designed sheerly to spread confusion and create communist vs. Muslim conflicts. Such a moderator of an Arab issues group would also be mistaken.
My advice to people: totally discount emails from people and their FROM: line. If you get into a dialogue with someone via email, then you have some chance of knowing who you are dealing with, because it's not as easy to forge a whole machine's existence instead of just the FROM: line. If you get an actual reply to something you send to the FROM: address, and that reply shows proof that it knows exactly what you said in your letter, then you might finally be speaking with someone who is not forged. If you receive an email that you suspect is not genuine, forward it back to the address it came from. You may be told that it was a forgery. The key is to take the FROM: line with a grain of salt.
For example, the liberate-palestine Yahoo group email address listed below is likely caused by the same Zionist hacker forging my existence. It is not likely the liberate-palestine owner in reality, but someone wishing to cause bad blood between the "Stalinist" list and the liberate- palestine list.
Also keep in mind that the the hackers have proved that someone exists working 24 hours a day to create forged appearances by email. There are countless possibilities to create leadership splits in organizations, the way the FBI did to the Black Panthers by forging letters about the leaders there. Some concrete solutions to this problem include using software with SSH tunnels--not crap like Yahoo! groups software. Another possibility is to establish your public PGP or GPG key and sign articles with it. Yet the most commonsense approach is to communicate by email with people making sure that the other persyn demonstrates knowledge of what you said and some kind of concrete details of what is going on. We do not recommend that people speak more openly with concrete details, because that too risks security. We only tell people that it is easy to forge a FROM: address but more difficult for a forger to receive email on behalf of the people being abused by the forger.]
As some of you may know, I am the List Owner of the "Stalinist" list, here on Yahoo. One of the features of these e-list is that moderators are able to see which posts are "bouncing" (ie. unable to be sent or received). Usually a post that bounces means that someone has changed their e- mail address and not bothered to change their group settings. The moderator's board to these groups allows the moderators to see not only which posts are bouncing, but who is sending them and why they are bouncing.
There has been a plague of hacking and spamming attempts of late on all Left groups at Yahoo.
The following is a list of persons who have attempted to send posts to the "Stalinist" group, but whose posts have bounced because THEY ARE NOT SUBSCRIBED MEMBERS OF THE GROUP. Curious, eh? Why would someone who is not a member of the group wish to post a message? Why would someone who is not a member of the group wish to post HUNDREDS of messages? Indeed, why would someone, such as jefferson_taylor@yahoo.com, who is not a member of the group attempt to post OVER TWO THOUSAND messages? The same applies to the individual named knightsofthekkk@yahoogroups.com
I am sending this post to other M-L, Left, and progressive e-lists in a spirit of comradely aid and co-operation. The same people who are spamming and trying to disrupt the "Stalinist" List are probably doing the same elsewhere. I think some action is called for. Those comrades who are able to, and know how to, should feel free to apply revolutionary measures.
Here are our spammers (all of these are persons who are not subscribed members of the "Stalinist" List, but have attempted to post 12 or more messages):
david.staub@aol.com events@powermedia.com.au
sales@powermedia.com.au root@ensim.rackshack.net
bravenet_return@bravenet.com al-awda@bus-
consult.com thomas.paulin@hertford.ox.ac.uk
sshibel@excite.com thomas.paulin@hertford.ox.ac.uk
ewilderness@msn.com sami@mashneylaw.com propuesta-
r8jxwi@icime.com sami@terrin.com
rfalk@princeton.edu fboyle@law.uiuc.edu
m1582m@hotmail.com news@supportersofshariah.co.uk
info@davidmyatt.cjb.net citizens@vcn.bc.ca
drx@mail.comsats.net.pk bin-laden-is-in-
k_az_z@yahoo.com angelqueenfox@yahoo.com
haque@comsats.net.pk aminaqureshi@aol.com
soyeb@btinternet.com thorsprovoni@aol.com
almanaar2000@aol.com labibkobti@aol.com
red_card@hotmail.com am answer-la@action-mail.org
eajsm63192850qte@aol.com sshibel@excite.com
scottishrepublican@aol.com info@davidmyatt.cjb.net
nicemails2000@yahoo.com aqabbas@hotmail.com
celticknight88@yahoo.com infotimes@rcn.com
mustafadavies@yahoo.co.uk umm_uz_zubair@as-
smashney@netzero.net acarterchef@earthlink.net
arab@mail.fibercommunity.com boursy@earthlink.net
tstaik@cox.net ahensell@prodigy.net
mike_liljenquist@hotmail.com boursy@earthlink.net
ccosentin447@earthlink.net nelsbacon@earthlink.net
ranimar@cyberia.net.lb k_az_z@yahoo.com
jefferson_taylor@yahoo.com tw5u-7y60@xemaps.com
kidsafe2002@excite.com root@ensim.rackshack.net
wmmmandel@earthlink.net almanaar2000@aol.com
eajsm63192850qte@aol.com lucie2cat@aol.com
h525631nf@aol.com sadiqalifillistin@yahoo.com
In struggle, Alfonso List owner, and co-moderator,
Stalinist List
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