This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.

Maoist Internationalist Movement

Credits for MIM Internet Volunteers

Central Committee Rules and Credo for Internet Work

Email credits

Email Minister-- handles general correspondence.

International Minister -- handles Satanist circles and people outside U.S. borders.

Web page credits

Web Minister -- is in charge of political line and organization.

Senior Deputy Web Minister --; all web pages were done by unless otherwise specified.

Deputy Web Minister,, arts, movies pages.

Deputy Web Minister, bookstore, RAIL,

Deputy Web Minister, MN special projects,

Deputy Web Minister, MC18.

Deputy Web Minister, MC12.

MIM web page rules for creators

The challenge of the MIM web page is to put forward the Maoist line in all spheres and counteract the bourgeois line in all aspects of the superstructure. It serves as a central reference location with electronic searching and index capacity and makes possible the spread and duplication of the Maoist line with less paper. The rules of its operation are as follows:

1. We oppose nihilism. We do not destroy existing written or artistic work or take it down. When in doubt back up a file you are working on. Files are reorganized and improved technically all the time.

2. We follow the political leadership of the Central Committee, as incarnated by on questions of political content.

3. We proceed with our technical work confidently. We understand that web page work is constantly improving technically speaking; however, we do not put off our own attempts to do the best job possible while waiting for complete unity of form and technique amongst all the web page workers. Dialectics tells us that development is always an uneven thing.

4. We take credit for own work by listing either our account or MIM-affiliated moniker on our web pages; where multiple authors are involved, we list them in rank of work done. This is a matter of both political accountability to the Central Committee and the masses and also to inspire the masses to take up their own share of the work and create their own political persynalities.

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