When we look at the Kosovo problem, which is on today's agenda, it is very clear to see that the main point is the effort of imperialist states' partition plans. The Kosovo problem must be apprehended as part of the partition plans by the imperialistic states in the Balkans, such as the regions around the world, Middle East, Caucasia, and Central Asia.
"Oh civilisation! Europe, if they seriously prevented Ottomans' skinning the fathers in front of their children, their interests would be damaged greatly! The very vital interests of European Civilisation, the interests of above all other values! Certainly, Trade, sea trade, markets industrial plants. What else could be more valuable in the eyes of Europe? These interests will not be allowed to be touched. You cannot even touch those interests in theory, let aside pointing with your finger. Damn these interests of European civilisation! Yes, damn these sorts of interests of any civilisation, which allows skinning others just for the continuation of their own existence."
Dostoyevski had written these lines in 1876. His aim was to show 500 years of oppression inflicted on Balkan people by the Ottomans. The Europeans just sat and watched these brutalities until the invasive character of capitalism entered the arena.
To be able to understand, we have to look at the realities and reasons behind the conflicts and genocide policies which have been inflicted on Balkan people who used to live side by side for hundreds of years. For this reason, we must scan the history of the Balkans and her geographical position.
"The Balkans is the most eastern peninsula of the three large peninsulas
in Southern Europe. The name of Balkans means "wooded mountain ranges."
name has been used since the beginning of the 19
century. It is very hard to define its northern borders, because it is not
separated from the European Continent in definite geographical shapes. The
Danube and it’s the branch Sava which once separated the Ottoman Empire and
Christian World could be taken as physical borders, but this line is incoherent
with the political and demographic borders, because the borders of Yugoslavia
expanded over the Danube after 1918.
For this reason, we have two definitions for the borders of the peninsula. Its physical geography was drawn as the lower parts of the Danube and the Sava on the north, the Black Sea on the east, the Aegean on the south east, the Mediterranean on the south, the Ionian on the south west and the Adriatic on the west. Its surface area within the above borders is about 505.000 square kilometres.
If we look at its political geography, the Balkans include Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey's European part, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Yugoslavia and Romania. In this sense, the Balkans cover an area of 788.682 square kilometres. Their population is about 76.000.000 in 1991." (2)
During the period of feudalism in Europe and the Balkans, the Ottomans crossed Gallipoli and advanced into the heart of Europe. The aim of the Ottomans was to Islamicize the Balkan and European states. After the conquest of Istanbul in 1453, the Balkans remained under the Ottoman Empire's hegemony for 500 years.
Europe went through a series of bourgeois revolutions that started in the 16 th century. The Balkan countries, which were not cut with definite borders, were obviously affected by these revolutions. When the Ottomans accepted defeat after the war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire in 1878, the Balkan countries were encouraged in their struggle for independence.
Obviously, the national consciousness within the Balkans was developed neither because of the European revolutions nor the brutal hegemony of Ottomans. Without forgetting the effects of (bourgeois) revolutions in Europe, we must emphasise and identify that the main reason of this national consciousness is that the way of developing the mode of production system in the Balkans did not tally with the feudal economic system and annexation policies of the Ottomans.
Though the widespread revolts in the Balkans were crushed brutally by the Abdulhamit (Ottoman) regime, these revolts were the signals of the Ottoman Empire's incapability of ruling the Balkans. The European states and Russia, which realised this situation, started having diplomatic relations in 1908 to put into practice the railway project which was intended to run through the Balkans to the Aegean Sea and Adriatic.
Austria wanted to reach the Aegean Sea with the Novi Pazar (New Market) railway project; Russia intended to reach the Adriatic with the Danube-Adriatic railway project; Italy wanted to reach the South of Albania with the Avlonia-Monastry (Vlore-Btola) railway project. Greece and Bulgaria were trying to annexe Central Macedonia.
In the 20 th century, whilst capitalist-imperialist states' expansionist ambitions were increasing in the international arena, the Balkan states had not yet won their independence. The bourgeois governed the regions, which were liberated from the Ottomans, and they were using the struggle of liberation for their own benefit. They were in collaboration with the imperialists who did not want to lose their powers in the Balkans.
Imperialists, with the help of collaborators in the region, ruled the independence movements by dividing them in the Balkans. Because of this, the Balkans became a dangerous place ("gunpowder store"). This was done in the name of "Balkanising" politics, which was against the wills of Balkan peoples.
After the Ottomans lost power in the area, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Montenegro set up an alliance among themselves and started the First Balkan War in 1912. At the end of this war, they gained their independence. Again in 1913, the Second Balkan War started among the alliance members-- Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece who were intending to expand their territories. This war ended with a treaty that was signed in Bucharest on 10 August 1913 to the disadvantage of Bulgaria.
The Balkans were liberated from Ottoman hegemony by the Treaty of Istanbul on 29 September 1913. This was the last treaty between the Ottomans and the Balkan states after the wars around the region.
In the beginning of 1914, the expansionist status and advances of European imperialists and Tsarist Russia became clearer. European capitalists needed new markets for the goods in their stocks. This market-colony research was putting them against each other in the international arena. Sirens of the first partition war (first world war) were ringing.
It should be made clear that this war started due to the desire of partition of markets between imperialist states, not because of the myth of the "assassination of Prince Ferdinand by the Serbs in Sarajevo," as the real war criminal imperialist and their bourgeois historians try to put in our brains.
Whilst Germany was preparing for the imperialist war, and trying to take-over colonies from Britain and France, She was also calculating to break the Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic regions from Russia. Germany laid the Baghdad railway and she was threatening Britain's hegemony in the Near East. The increase of naval weapons in Germany was frightening Britain.
Tsarist Russia was planning for the partition of Turkey; she was trying to take over the straits connecting Istanbul and the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. It was within the plans of the Tsarist Government to take over Galitia, which was then part of Austria-Hungary.
Britain was trying to eliminate its dangerous rival Germany with a war; the reason for this was that before the war German goods were gradually replacing British goods in the world markets. On the other hand, Britain was trying to take over Mesopotamia and Palestine from Turkey. Britain also wanted to settle firmly in Egypt. French capitalists were trying to take over the Saar River-basin, which was rich in coal and iron mines, and Alsace-Lorraine, which was taken over from France in the 1871 war by the Germans.
These big contradictions between these two groups (see Entente-alliance) of the capitalist states started the imperialist war. The booty war that was intending to redistribute the ownership of countries again was in the interest of all imperialistic states. That is why Japan, USA, and other states became involved in this war afterwards.
It must be repeated that, the 1 st . Partition War is nothing more than the first "arrangement" of capitalist assets into imperialist hands in the international arena. During the 1st Partition War, the contradictions between the Balkan states continued as wars from place to place.
Entente (cordiale) Powers with alliances and Balkan states between themselves started making a series of agreements with the St. Germaine Pact (10 September 1919) and ended with the Sevr Pact (10 August 1920), which was signed by the Ottomans. After these agreements, the territorial problems among the Balkan states were resolved to a great deal.
During this period, Slovenians and Croatians assembled a national council in Zagreb and created "Yugoslavia" by bringing in the Olden Austria (Habsburg) lands where the Southern Slavs used to live. Later Montenegro joined this unity.
Germany, which was defeated in the 1 st War of Partition lost its colonies and went into depression of raw materials. This depression became chronic with its militarised economy. The only way of coming out of this depression was to increase exploitation and possess new markets. The solution for this problem was fascism. The Nazis came into the arena as a product of this period and Germany started to invade new countries with a ruthless terror and pitiless exploitation policy.
Austria was occupied by the German fascists in 1938. Czechoslovakia , Norway, Denmark, Holland and Luxembourg surrendered to Germany in 1939. A year later Belgium surrendered. Germany attacked first France and then Greece in 1940. In 1941, fascism led by Hitler attacked with its all might against the Soviet Union.
Though Germany was defeated in the First World War, she became powerful in a short time and was able to put in action her aggressive imperialistic policies. The main purpose was to eliminate the USSR and occupy and colonise the Balkans and Baltic States. Although nazi policies could not escape being dumped in the dustbin of History, one should not forget the support of German monopolists and the USA, Britain and France's imperialist support to Germany.
During this period and soon after, many countries in the Balkans declared Peoples Democracy with the leadership of communist parties. Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Albania became fully independent states against imperialism.
At the time, the Republic of Yugoslavia was dissolved after the invasive German forces entrance in the area. Nationalistic-fascist Ustasas set up a government with the leadership of Ante Pavlovic in Croatia. Bosnia and Herzegovina were annexed. The fascist Croatian administration brutally murdered Jews, Gypsies and most of the Serbs.
Again, the Serbs, who were the members of Republic of Yugoslavia, formed an army from discharged racist-fascist soldiers, called "Chetnik." This army was trying to build up "the Great Serbia," which was the dream of Serb nationalists. They were collaborating with the Nazis and fighting against the Partisans. However nationalist-fascist Chetniks fled from the Partisans like the Nazi forces fled from Soviet soldiers after defeat upon defeat. They ended up sharing the same faith, like the Nazis.
After the war in 1945 elections were held. "The Peoples Front" won the elections with a huge majority. After consolidating his regime, the Yugoslavian leader, Tito's real face came into the light. Tito, who was collaborating with the world's reactionary forces, tried to establish an alternative block against the USSR. Tito tried to form the "Balkan Federation" with Bulgaria and other Balkan states. When he could not succeed in this ambition, he tried to nurture chauvinist feelings against the Albanians who used to be part of the Republic of Yugoslavia in Kosovo and Dukagyin.
In that period, Tito tried to blackmail the Communist Party of Albania. The Albanian communists did not bow their necks and took sides with the USSR in the leadership of Stalin against modern revisionist Tito. After Bulgaria and Romania joined this front, Tito was left alone with his racist policies with the imperialists, with whom he was longing to collaborate (especially the USA).
Yugoslavia was recognised as a socialist country by the USA and European imperialists and its socialism masked a version of Russian Social Imperialists (RSI) after the Stalin era. The RSI supporters in our country also recognised Yugoslavia, as a socialist country.
Is Yugoslavia really a socialist country?
"All the Marxist-Leninists shared the view that Yugoslavia was not a socialist country. The leadership of the Unity of Yugoslavian Communists betrayed Yugoslavian people and Marxism-Leninism. This clique consists of people, who betrayed the communist movement and became slaves of imperialism. "(4)
This definition was given by the communist comrades from China as an answer to modern revisionists led by Krushchev about Yugoslavia, on 23 September 1963. The Maoists, who targeted social liberation in Turkey and Turkish Kurdistan, also accepted this definition.
After the dissolution of Russian Social Imperialism Yugoslavia also started to dissolve. With Germany's support, Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence from the Yugoslavian Federation (25 June 1991). Until that time, Yugoslavia consisted of 6 republics and 2 autonomous regions.
Germany was the first country who recognised the independence of Croatia and Slovenia. Serbs started to encourage the Serbian population of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. If they revolted, Serbia would recognise their autonomies. This happened after Serbia recognised the signals, that the other EU countries would also recognise the independence of Croatia and Slovenia.
That is how the war between Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina started. Brutal methods were used in the war. Intensified racist-fascist propaganda methods were applied. Europe and other imperialists sat back and watched, because, in those days their interests told them to hold back.
To understand the reasons behind the Kosovo problem, that drive today's agenda and a possible Balkan war, we must be aware of the quarrels between the imperialists and their partition policies. The imperialists make people fight against each other for the sake of their own interests. These policies come into the open day by day.
Racism Policy
Racism policies in the Balkans go a long-way back. Let us give some examples of these policies from the most nearest past history; during the period of the liberation struggle from the Ottoman hegemony, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Albania were often fighting against each other due to border disputes. Moreover, that is why the Ottomans defeated these revolts.
In the beginning of the 20th century, Europe's hegemony was gradually increased in the Balkans. Europe's desire of owning the Balkans ensured that racism stayed in the daily agenda. As we mentioned earlier in the second War of Partition, the Croatians used massacre methods against the Serbs, Gypsies and Jews. The Serbs also used same massacre methods against other nationalities by collaborating with the Nazis.
In Tito's time in the name of "socialism," chauvinist feelings were kept alive with the help of "self-administration" and revisionist trade union policies. Today, racism is continuously increasing and developing like a blood-fed vampire in the Balkans. What is Tito's "Self- administration" policy? Let's answer this question by quoting from the answer given to Krushchev revisionism by the comrades from the Communist Party of China under the leadership of Mao Tsetung, on 26 September 1963.
"Tito clique describes assets under 'workers self-administration' as ' a higher method of socialist ownership.' According to their claims 'the real socialism will be built only with workers self-administration.'" "This is completely a trick."
"Theoretically, everybody who has a bit of knowledge of Marxism knows that slogans such as 'workers self-administration,' 'factories for workers' have never been Marxist slogans. Everybody knows that these slogans are put forward by anarcho -trade unionists, bourgeois socialists and the old type of opportunists and revisionists." Workers self-administration meant nothing more than encouraging and developing nationalism in Yugoslavia--workers' self-administration left on paper.
Workers could not have the opportunity to put their views forward because of local party managers, bureaucrats and technicians. The aim of this practice was to increase the profit margins in the workplace. Workplaces competed with other workplaces, which were under "workers self-administration." The competition, which developed within the workplaces, created workplace egotism. It was not very difficult to turn this egotism to nationalist ideologies. The main cause of the dissolution of Yugoslavia is its being formed of six federal republic and two autonomous regions.
The system of "workers self-administration," which was put in practice in 1950, made rich countries richer and poor countries poorer. Whilst the richest republics like Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia got richer and the poorest republics like Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia became poorer. One of the main factors was the different level of industrialisation in different parts of the country.
Subsurface resources were taken away from the poorest areas and processed in industrialised parts. These policies created hatred between the nations, and people blamed other nationalities for their poverty. The old wounds were opened. Add to these, the nationalist propaganda made by those in power.
As you can see below, unbalanced development does not belong to only capitalism, but also belongs to the modern revisionist policies of Tito, who used a socialist mask to implement his political economy .
Country | % Share of Yugoslavia's exports | Monthly income per head $ |
Slovenia | 29 | 533 |
Croatia | 21 | 512 |
Voyvadina | 8 | 440 |
Serbia | 2 | 423 |
Montenegro | 2 | 371 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | 14 | 365 |
Macedonia | 4 | 300 |
Kosovo | 1 | 254 |
Resource: Time International Magazine
15 June 1991 No: 28 pg. 53
Bosnia-Herzegovina war and Kosovo problem;
Bosnia-Herzegovina is still ready for a sudden explosion. Its ethnic mixture and the richness of subsurface resources are the main reasons for that. The total population in Bosnia-Herzegovina is 4.4 millions, 44% Slavic Moslems, 31% Serbs and 17% Croatians. [Cut unintelligible lines on Dayton agreement--mim3@mim.org]
"Federal Republic of Yugoslavia gets 85% of its iron ore, 40% of its lignite and coal, 40% of its bauxite, 60% of its asbestos and its entire rock salt from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Moreover, the area is quite rich in zinc, lead, manganese, chrome, iron pyrites and silver reserves. Besides the richness of subsurface resources, Bosnia-Herzegovina was supplying 25% of the power in the Yugoslavian Federation." (6) Existence of these subsurface resources whets the appetites of countries around the region, and imperialists.
Today when we look at the Kosovo problem, it is very clear to see that the main thing is the effort of the imperialist states' partition plans. The Kosovo problem must be apprehended in a such a way that it is part of the partition plans by the imperialist states in the Balkans, such as the regions around the globe, the Middle East, Caucasia and Central Asia.
Kosovo disintegrated at the "London Ambassadors Conference," which was organised by the imperialists in 1913. Today's Kosovo is broken up from Albania and annexed to lands of Serb-Croatian-Slovenian Kingdom. This annexation was formed by the European imperialists and their collaborators.
During the period of "the People's Front" the Kosovon people wanted to be a republic and this demand was refused by modern-revisionist Tito. In 1963, they were given some rights after growing popular opposition. Despite the recognition of two languages (Albanian and Serbian), a national flag and the setting up of a university, they were not given republic status.
The Yugoslavian government forcibly cracked down on republic demands of the people in 1981. Kosovo's autonomous status was taken back in 1989 and it became a part of Serbia as before. The Kosovo problem was not taken into consideration at the Dayton Treaty in 1995, which brought a "solution" to Bosnia-Herzegovina.
This nurtured an opposition within the Kosovon people against the Yugoslav administration. By setting up committees, Kosovors set up their own education and health services as an alternative to the Serb administration. However, they were not able to legalise this "underground state" system. The Kosovon people consist of 95% Albanian Moslems and most of the other 5% consist of Turks.
The interests of European and USA and Russian imperialists in Kosovo should not make us imagine that these blood-fed vampires could sometimes be optimistic. Their interests in Kosovo were based on gaining the region and using the geo-political status of the Balkans. This problem shows once more their intentions and interests in the area.
When the events in Kosovo came on to the agenda, Madeleine Albright, the U.S. Secretary of State went to Europe to attempt to persuade European states to impose some sanctions on Serbia. In their meetings, though they do not say so openly, they talk about the need to redraw the map of the Balkans.
For the moment, European imperialists support an autonomous Kosovo, because it suits their purpose. The USA supports this view for now, because of the fragility of balances in the region. On the other hand, Russia wants to resolve the problem, by getting China's support, within the Serbian territories, against the view of the USA and Europe.
Ibrahim Rugova, the leader of Kosovors was calculating on gaining some rights and calling people into the streets to use the opportunity of the USA and Europe's support in his speeches. [Cut unintelligible part on negotiating position of Rugova-- mim3@mim.org]
Whilst Ibrahim Rugova was requesting NATO forces' involvement in Kosovo against the Serbian attacks, he was also trying to give the image of being the only leader to negotiate with the European and USA imperialists.
The Serbian administration did not show any sign of an intention to give up their racist-fascist policies. Kosovo was considered by the Serbs as an old Serb land, and this time they would not lose the subsurface resources as they did in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
[mim3@mim.org interjects for MIM: Serbia is not a fascist country, because it is not imperialist, but as the TKP/ML pointed out above, the German and Italian fascists had set up various puppet organizations to do their bidding in the World War II era. The ideology of that period continues to the present day.]
Serbia has never lost the historical backing of Russia. That is why Slobodan Milosevic gives the "do not get involved" messages. He also threatens Kosovons by saying "do not take the issue to international platforms; otherwise it will be bad for you." (8) With these threats he tries "to solve" the problem.
The Imperialist states (USA, Italy, Germany, France, Britain and Russia) set up a "Contact Group," during the period of Bosnia-Herzegovina war, to "solve" the problems of the Balkans. According to their agreements Serbia should end its racist and aggressive policies against Kosovo, and Kosovo should be recognised as an autonomous state. The agreement took place on 9 March 1998. The agreed points are:
The hard lines of the "Contact Group" are prevented by Serbia's traditional ally Russia. The unseriousness and falsehood of the "Contact Group" came in to the open in a short period. The group declared on 25 March that they were suspending the 5-clause embargo and other implementations for a month.
Why do the imperialists (mainly U.S. imperialism) not become actively involved with the crisis in Yugoslavia? The reason is: today international power balances differ, compared with olden days. Today, the imperialist powers support the idea of "autonomy" for Kosovo, because of the sensitivity of the power balances. If the imperialists become involved physically or implement their hard line policies on Serbia, this may be the beginning of a war in the region.
There is a great possibility that Albanians who live near Macedonian’s Kosovo border may become involved in this war, with the possibility of setting up a republic on their own. If Macedonia becomes involved in the war, Greece may also become involved, because Greece already has an eye on both the south of Albania and Macedonia. If Greece invades the area there will be a sudden war, where Greece, Serbia, Albania, and even Turkey would take part.
When the Defence Minister and the Secretary of State of the USA gave an explanation to the National Security Committee in the House of Representatives, about why the U.S. soldiers should continue to be in Bosnia, they were showing the position of the USA and the sensitivity of the region. They were also explaining their imperialistic policies in the Balkans.
"The two ministers asked for 490 million dollars for 1989 and 1.9 billion dollars for the next year for military spending in Bosnia. Whilst the two ministers were trying to persuade Congress, they warned Congress of "not losing the struggle of world leadership" title. Cohen said that, "The flames of the war, that starts in Kosovo will spread to Macedonia. What if NATO-members Turkey and Greece take part? Have you thought of its cost?" (10) The speech of the two ministers displays the degree of sensitivity of the region.
Yes, U.S. imperialism on its own does not possess world hegemony. Europe led by Germany and Japan and Russia are rivals of the USA. Today, though Russia does not bring her expansionist policies into the open as the others do, with the military power she has, one cannot avoid asking Russia's opinion about the partition of the world.
If we try to answer the question of what is happening today--especially in the Balkans--the short answer will be: This is a trade war among the imperialists.
wants to use the advantage of being from the same race as the Serbs and wants to control the East Mediterranean trade roads, which is the dream of Russians for hundreds of years. Russia always sided with Serbia in the "regional" conflicts and makes its future plans for competing with the other imperialists.Germany
after annexing East Germany, is trying to play the most effective role in Europe, as being the only powerful country in Europe. Behind the reasons why Germany inspired Croatia and Slovenia to separate from Yugoslavia and being the first country to recognise their independence, Croatia possesses strategic importance as a gateway to the Mediterranean.Germany is one of the industrialised countries, which does not possess petrol. The other is Japan. Japan has fulfilled almost all its petrol needs from the Philippines since the Gulf crisis. Germany wants to meet its petrol needs from Caucasia and the Middle East, which are nearer to them.
According to the strategic projects, Caucasian petrol will be brought through north of the Black Sea and connected to the Danube-Rhine and Central Europe and Hamburg. Thus, both Europe and Russia's soft belly Ukraine would be taken under control, so Europe will be provided with cheaper petrol and Caucasian petrol would be under the hegemony of Europe. Iraqi petrol would be brought to the Mediterranean Sea through pipes and again by sea. Petrol would be brought to the historical harbour town Dubrovnik and then to Hamburg through Central Europe.
is still effective in the Middle East, but the image of the USA was shaken after the implementation of a hard line and aggressive policies against Iraq through the United the Nations and the policies against Syria, Libya and Iran weakened the U.S. image in the Middle East. The USA is trying to save her image by threatening Middle East Countries with a Turkey-Israel military co-operation.At the same time as being able to take over Caspian petrol and the markets of Caucasia and Central Asia, she tries to be protective over Moslems in the Balkans. The United States uses religion with the false plans of protection of Moslems. She is trying to implement policies, which would secure her geo-political position in the Middle East, Caucasia, and Central Asia for her future plans.
That is why she tries to be the only protective force for Moslems against Serb attacks. "Unprotected" Moslems were already under the protection of the United States after Germany and Russia partitioned the region. Thus, the United States of America was giving the "struggle of not losing world leadership."
Turkey and The Balkans
Ottomans, who wanted to settle in the Balkans and then from there make an attempt to reach Europe with the Kosovo war in 1839, turned back from Vienna's gates. Today, the descendants of the Ottomans' religious and nationalistic policies want to settle in the Balkans and want to become EU members.
However, they shared the same fate as the Ottoman. Turkey’s name was taken out of the EU membership applications list by the EU Members. The essence of recent dominant Turkish policy is that "being Balkanised increases her European identity." During the latest Kosovo crisis, Turkish politicians quarrelled between themselves and could not get out of the crises.
Their spokespersons and MPs threatened each other with military coup. They were not able to show the necessary interest for Kosovo. Nowadays they try to compensate for the damages by the visits of the Minister of Foreign Affairs abroad.
Besides Turkey's calculations of settling in the Balkans, in the name of the protection of Moslems and Turks in the Balkans, a summit of three heads of the three heads of states (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey) shows that this is part of the implementation of the Turkish thesis. However, these theses are not independent, they are implemented by their imperialist masters.
Seeing today's problems in the Balkans and Kosovo as the image of trade battles and restructuring (globalisation) of imperialistic policies, is a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist analysis.
As Dostoyevski said in 1876, "Damn any civilisation, which allows skinning others just for the continuation of their own existence." Though Ottomans do not exist today, these words must be slaps in the face for Europeans and other imperialists.
And finally; imperialists like Russia, Germany-Europe, and the USA did not change their strategic policies for hundreds of years. Their gravedigger Proletarian Internationalism also did not change its targets.
Summer 1998
1-Nikoloy Todorov, History of Bulgaria.
2-Anna Britannica
3-Stalin, The History of Bolshevik Party, Pg.207-208
4-Polemik, pg.135
5-Polemik, pg. 147
6-Erol Mutercimler, 21 st Century and Turkey "High Strategy"
7-8-Yeniyuzyil Newspaper 03.03.1998
9-Yenyuzyil Newspaper 10.03.1998
10-Cumhuriyet Newspaper 20.03.1998
11-Erol Mutercimler, Age
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