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Six percent of U.$. people polled support Hezbollah's side in the conflict between Lebanon and I$rael. 68% support I$rael with the rest neutral or not sure.(1) This is true despite the fact that Bush himself has a low approval rating perhaps around 40% at the moment,(1, 2) rising from the low 30s maybe even because of Amerikan insecurities regarding Iran.
Imperialists and their lackeys
The imperialists claim Iran is backing Hezbollah ("Party of God," a party and militia in Lebanon and other countries that is valiantly fighting off I$rael as we speak) and Iran is saying it does but that Hezbollah has its own independence organizationally. The imperialists say weapons go from Iran to Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon, with a Syrian transport plane used for earthquake aid in Iran suspected by the imperialists.(3) If so, it is more than what we can say for the Maoists in aiding the Palestinian cause or the cause of Arabs near I$rael.
It was I$rael killing Palestinians daily or weekly in the Gaza Strip and imprisoning the elected government of Palestine, when Hezbollah stepped in, took two I$raeli soldiers and ended up opening a second front against I$rael. Even MIM has no idea how Hezbollah weeks into the campaign manages to kill so many I$raeli soldiers. More I$raeli soldiers are dying than I$raeli civilians, while it appears that I$rael kills approximately six civilians for every militia member or soldier.(4)
Yet despite a lack of concrete Maoist aid to the struggle in Lebanon especially relative to Iran, many organizations calling themselves "Maoist" refuse to tell the state agents and pseudo-Maoist zomby followers to shut up with their attacks on Iran and Islam in general. Globally, the supposed Maoists who adopted their Maoism after MIM did fail to attack the counterrevolutionary line and state agents in our camp.
Democratic Party for I$rael
The dramatic turn in events proves wrong the parasite zomby strategy of attacking Bush in particular. Knocking down his rating does not address the situation with Iran, because as MIM said all along, the labor aristocracy is aggressively militarist and chauvinist. It doesn't go away just by re-labelling it something it is not. It continues egging on I$rael regardless of Bush's situation. We can face up to that and fight consistently as a red minority or we can kid ourselves the way many tailing the Democratic Party do.
Ralph Nader made a good point for once as Ned Lamont successfully campaigned in Connecticut's Democratic primaries to knock off Connecticut Senator and former 2000 vice-presidential candidate Joe Lieberman. Nader pointed out that Lamont immediately jumped up in support of I$rael's vicious bombing of civilians and billions of dollars of civilian infrastructure in Lebanon.(5) (Of course, at the margin, it is a good thing Lieberman lost the election called a primary thanks to his support of the Iraq War.)
The fact is that some Republicans and many Democrats have egged on Bush to get tougher on Iran. The Democratic Party support has been overwhelming for I$rael's attacks. There is no state more Democratic than Massachusetts, but tell-tale signs emerge there.
Surely if there is a progressive place in the united $tates, Boston would have to be one of the top 100 cities. Yet radio disc jockeys that did not support the Iraq War are on WBCN, the lead rock station ridiculing Hezbollah. They seriously discuss that August 22nd may be the end of the world for two reasons: 1) that Iran is going to reply to the nuclear weapons controversy; 2) it is an important date in Iran's religious calendar--one fit for being the end of the world. This was not some David Horowitz operation talking about dropping nuclear weapons on Iran. It was the mainstream station in Democratic Boston blaming Iran for a potential nuclear catastrophe.
Then there is the alternative face of the Democratic Party in Boston, the Boston Phoenix. Not to be topped by any warmonger, the paper that called the Iraq War "imperialism" put in a picture of Hezbollah's leader Nasrallah and blamed him for the Mideast conflict.
"Nasrallah is the new Saddam, the new Bin Laden. Although he is neither a megalomaniac (like Hussein) nor a prophet of international jihad (like Osama), he may yet prove to be a greater threat to international peace than either one. Hezbollah, bankrolled by Iran and logistically enabled by Syria, is — even by terrorist standards — a political curiosity. Like Al Qaeda, it is extra-national, but it appears to have permanently insinuated itself into Lebanon's political DNA."(6)It is no accident that this same newspaper has run two positive articles about local fake Maoists including after the 2004 election, while castigating those who take a "jejune" line supporting Stalin and Mao straight-up in reference to MIM and some youth taking a MIM-like line on Stalin. Both the Phoenix and fake Maoists have decades-long historical ties to the highest ranks of the Democratic Party of Massachusetts. Both sang the "oust the Bush regime" tune. The Phoenix relies on pornography money to survive and it's just another example of why if it's not the labor aristocracy, or the back-door to the Democratic Party, the gender aristocracy is there as a prop too. Hezbollah represents a more gender oppressed people than the Democratic Party does, but the Phoenix regularly attacks any gender oppressed people for not being sexually liberated enough to allow their own oppression. The Phoenix opposes the resistance by desperate Islamic measures of the oppressed, which are only popular because of imperialism in the first place.
This is the kind of pressure that we face in the anti-imperialist movement in the united $tates. It is sad to see not only u.$.-based organizations capitulate but also other more recently formed organizations outside the united $tates. Though they always kow-towed to the labor aristocracy, they tried to hide it when it came to the principal contradiction in the past--no longer-- and that is the inevitable result of their psychosis on the question of how extensive the exploiter class is in the united $tates.
Again on the Jews
"So, the Republicans don't stop the Jews. The Democrats compete to save I$rael and even the 'alternative' papers opposed to the Iraq War are up for bashing Lebanon. Jews are controlling everything from the U.$. parties to the media to fake political parties," we can just hear some deluded people say. We need to get this clear or we will continue to make political errors in our international communist movement.
That 68% to 6% result involves a tiny percentage of Jews. The Zionists are but moderate versions of Amerikans, but many people in the world do not live with Amerikans while in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, many people do live with Jews who support I$rael or have already left to I$rael. So many people know about Zionists directly but not about what Amerikans do as oppressors on a daily basis. There is no point in flattering Amerikan psyches as if they were Christians about to rise up against I$rael. That is the flabby outlook of the Arab bourgeoisie who believe they are in too weak a position to challenge the real source of the problem.
Jews are not the problem. It's a class thing from top to bottom. That's why Amerikans are loony for I$rael. The middle classes in both I$rael and the united $tates have specific aggressive intentions in the Mideast.
Public opinion as it is in the united $tates really
Contrary to the left-wing of parasitism, the white so-called workers are not about to rise up any minute and dethrone U.$. imperialism. It is wrong to confuse right and wrong with an eye to convincing people who support 68 to 6 percent I$rael over Hezbollah. That is more than 11 to 1. In particular, it is wrong to support sexual liberalism just to please u.$. labor aristocrats who are not going to be mollified away from imperialist chauvinism anyway. The Islamic peoples are directly sexually threatened and oppressed by the West--including Western females--and this needs to be understood and not ignored in a patriarchal way. There is no point in blaming even extreme versions of Islam for the lower sexual status of oppressed nations peoples threatened by Western ways. That is what people in denial of the principal contradiction between oppressed nations and imperialism are doing.
What we need to understand is the gross conciliation and outright capitulation of the international communist movement in the face of united oppressor opinion in the united $tates. When state agents spread the CIA line on Iraq, regurgitated open intelligence cheerleader Phyllis Chesler on the Mideast, protested against Iran's nuclear weapons programs, wrote articles denying that war in the Mideast could be world war and then tried to rewrite the principal contradiction as between Islam and imperialism with neither side right, our international communist movement did not counter-attack. For organizations led by state agents of u.$. imperialism there is no surprise, but for the rest conciliating it is a question of revisionism, specifically a revision of Mao's teachings on the principal contradiction. The bottom line is the fear that our movement is too weak to do other than capitulate to the u.$. state with such seemingly fearsome backing as 68% to 6% inside u.$. borders. And so organizations that should be our friends capitulate to the u.$. labor aristocracy, something they have done consciously for a long time and now we see the result in spades in this war.
People without an attachment to reality are always going to capitulate when they get a chance, behind-the-back if necessary. They will say we proletarian fighters never had a chance anyway and justify their treachery that way, just to speak of capitulators who are not outright state agents. That is why we must be clear about where the international proletariat is and where it is not. Otherwise we will have the general problem common in parasite organizations where there is a superficial attack on imperialism while wholesale sell-out goes on through the back-door.
We apologize to our readers for having to discuss dialectics in a newspaper, but when people calling themselves "Maoist" are part of the problem in the news, we have no choice but to explain the whole topic in a space we usually try to reserve for other things. MIM is in a particular bind because of others who falsely claim the word "Maoist" lately.
Mao's conception of dialectics is not at all vague or impractical. It cannot be used for having things both ways. In fact, it teaches us to focus our might on the "principal contradiction," because in the material world there are many processes of cause and effect, but some are much more important than others. The most important one gets called, "principal contradiction."
The principal contradiction as taught to us by Stalin and Mao is not "sections of the oppressed we don't like against imperialism." It is not "Islamic theocracy against imperialism." The fact that any of that flies for even a second shows that our international communist movement has forgotten anti-imperialism.
The principal contradiction is imperialism versus oppressed nations, period, and all genuine Maoists are on record for that position going back decades in some cases--just as all genuine communists were on record before World War I as opposing the brewing inter-imperialist war. The betrayal of 1914 is the reason we now have the distinction between communism and social-democracy. In 2006, the betrayal of our times finally came out in the open with the Mideast conflict.
Our alleged international communist movement has faced a traumatic event and failed. Former U.$. House Speaker Newt Gingrich has called for World War III, because attacking Iraq and Afghanistan while occupying other less heated places is not enough. It is not considered a win to have Bush fall to 40% and then have Gingrich call for World War III on the basis of all-out war against oppressed nations that happen to be Islamic. If nothing else happens, and Lebanon and I$rael become best friends tomorrow, by itself, Gingrich's call should have been the end of any scientific discussion: not enough was done regarding deflecting the imperialists' warmongering. The focus was wrong.
In the united $tates, we have Hillary Clinton who voted for the Iraq War in the Senate and must now appear to be anti-war somehow or possibly lose her future 2008 bid for president. She does this by saying Bush is "incompetent" and now by calling for Rumsfeld's resignation. It reminds us of our own fake Maoists who build support for war half the time while claiming opposition to Bush is good enough the other half of the time. In general, we don't need Clinton's kind of fake anti-war stance, even in bourgeois politics. In proletarian politics, we also have our Hillary Clintons, people who are trying to pretend they are something they are not. Half the time they are making noise about opposing imperialism, but the other half of the time they are specifically siding with Bush's onslaught against Islam. It is they who deflect the proletarian counter-attack with petty-bourgeois formulations about how neither Islam nor imperialism are good. The international communist movement needs to deflect imperialism's specific attack on Islamic countries as principal at this time, and without any vacillation. The rest is Hillary Clinton-like political fakery.
1. http://edition.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/08/04/bush.poll/
2. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/07/11/politics/main1793845.shtml
3. http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/quake-aid-ruse-set-up-hezbollah-israel-says/2006/08/07/1154802823176.html
4. "At least 797 people have been reported killed in Lebanon and Israel since fighting broke out July 12 between Israeli forces and Hezbollah guerrillas.
"Lebanon: At least 689 have been killed including 605 civilians confirmed dead by the Health Ministry, 29 Lebanese soldiers and at least 55 Hezbollah guerrillas.
"The Lebanese government's Higher Relief Council said 973 Lebanese had been killed in the conflict.
"As of Sunday Israeli security officials said they had confirmed the deaths of 165 Hezbollah fighters and estimated that about 250 others had been killed.
"Included in the civilian deaths are eight Canadians, two Kuwaitis, one Iraqi, one Sri Lankan, one Jordanian and 23 Syrians.
"Israel: Ninety-seven have been killed, including 65 soldiers, 36 civilians, according to authorities."
Again we remind readers of the definition of "terrorism" found at dictionary.com:
n : the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimindation (sic.) or coercion or instilling fear."
Today imperialist war is always terrorism.
5. http://www.newhavenindependent.org/archives/2006/08/nader_rips_lieb.php
6. http://www.thephoenix.com/article_ektid19216.aspx