This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.


苏联的死亡率(千分率) 1000 美国的死亡率(千分率) 1000
1913 30.2 13.2
1940 18.3 10.8
1950 9.6 9.6
1953 9.0 9.6
1956 7.5 9.4

我们从1913年开始,不从俄罗斯革命的年份1917年开始。有的资本主义历史学家认为不 应该把第一次世界大战中的死亡归咎于资本主义制度,而1913年是第一次世界大战之前 的最后一年。

于1924年列宁逝世,斯大林在苏联上了台。于1953年斯大林逝世。赫鲁晓夫于1956年的 “秘密演说”中痛斥了斯大林。自从那个时候苏联在资本主义复辟道路上日益衰落。

苏联的儿童死亡率(千分率) 1000 美国的儿童死亡率(千分率) 1000
1913 273 99.9
1940 184 47.0
1950 81 29.2
1953 68 27.8
1956 47 26.0

摘自John F. Kantner, "Basic Demographic Comparisons Between the USSR and the United States," (1959)...paper submitted to the Subcommittee on Economic Statistics of the Joint Economic Committee, Eighty-sixth Congress, First Session, Washington, DC. in Alex Inkeles & Kent Geiger, eds. Soviet Society: A Book of Readings (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1961年), 第18页.

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