This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.

Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL)

Message of Solidarity

By Jose Maria Sison
Chairperson, International Network of Philippine Studies

I am glad that the documentary film, The Golf War, deals with the land problem in the Philippines. This is the main problem of Philippine society, afflicting the peasant masses who are the majority of the Filipino people.

The focus of the film is well chosen. It is the so-called flagship project of the big comprador-landlord government, in collaboration with a private development company, to convert Hacienda Looc into one of the largest golf and tourist spots at the expense of thousands of peasants who farm the land and fish the adjoining sea.

Comprehensively and in concrete images, the film shows the brute authority and deceptiveness of the landgrabbers, the outrageous plight and heroic resistance of the peasants (highlighted by the role of courageous women), the support of the people’s army, and the long-term hope of the people in armed revolution for national liberation and democracy.

The film is unique and well crafted, enlightening and entertaining. It succeeds as social satire. It rises above previous documentary films on the land problem.

I salute Jen Schradie, director and producer, and Matt DeVries, videographer and editor, for their internationalist spirit, serious commitment to the cause of social justice, taking the risks and working hard in creating The Golf War.

The realization and showing of this documentary film are splendid manifestations of international solidarity, involving the cooperation of filmmakers with Filipino organizations in the Philippines and the US as well as with American organizations and institutions.

The film is interesting to people of all countries. The land problem is not specific only to the Philippines. The largest social class in the world is still the peasantry, concentrated in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

The people in industrial capitalist countries need to be aware that the collaboration of imperialist firms and and banks and the big local compradors and landlords have degraded social conditions on a global scale and have been inimical to all people of the world.

The Golf War is an effective instrument for raising social consciousness, motivating militant action, and strengthening international solidarity.

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