Imperialism, Economics and Heart Transplants
by Landon Williams
Plainly put, imperialism is a system who
main concern is the profit. Without something or someone to exploit,
imperialism would soon die and perish into dust. These are true facts
independent of man's arguments. The first regard of imperialist
is always with getting the most profits and most usefulness out of everything.
Oil is one example of what that means and the use of the hog is another. Oil is
used for many purposes other than putting in cars for joyriding. Plastics, some
synthetic fabrics, bug spray and even imitation flavorings for ice cream are
made from oils. On the hog everything is used in some way, the guts, the brain,
the tongue, and even the vital organs. Imperialism
makes the most economic use of all its materials and wastes nothing.
Some of the things Black revolutionaries have used to try and wake up some of our dreaming brothers and breakdown the myth of Black people ever being assimilated into America's imperialist system, has been the fact that Black people everyday are becoming less of an asset and more and more of a deficit here in racist America and the fact that racist U.S. imperialism in Viet Nam, when faced with losing its profits, has falsely thought it more economical to try to destroy people of color than to risk profits with them around. Some of our brothers and sisters however refuse to believe these facts and [refuse to] recognize the real danger that this situation presents to Black people. Some even go so far as to spout forth such insane things as "America can't do without the Black man, she needs us." By this, I take it that they mean it would be uneconomical for America to get rid of the Black man because to think of America needing us in anyway other than dollars and cents or profit motives would be unrealistic and completely opposite to the true nature of American imperialism.
After observing the latest medical developments and most recently what took
place last week I hate to admit it but they may be right. It may be a decadent
America's interests to keep the Black man around. A white "doctor" from racist
like South Africa seems to have found a very economical and profitable answer
to the problem of what to do with Black people. Last week Sept 8-14, Dr.
Christian Bernard succeeded once again in making medical history and doing
another barbaric act remini
ent of Hitler's mad doctors. His feat was shockingly ghastly and showed the
true savage nature of racist imperialism. Dr. Christian Bernard ripped the life
giving heart from the breast of a pregnant Black woman and transplanted it into
the cancer infested chest of a racist white pig. The details weren't fully
released though the regular newspapers and only one radio station carried a
partial report of the story. Dr. Bernard was being very economical
indeed he succeeded in killing three birds with one stone. That is he one:
aided in the genocide racist imperialism is waging against people of color by
murdering a fertile young Black woman, two, he eliminated the future threat
that the yet to be born black child might have presented to racist imperialism
by dealing with the child in typical cowardly racist manner and snuffing the
life out of the unborn Black child in its mother's womb, and thirdly, he
extended the life of a decaying white pig in Nazi South Africa.
Black people everywhere in the world and especially here in cancerous decaying
America, must begin to pay closer attention to what's being done, all around
us, in white
countries, in the name of "medical science" and "humanity". Black people must
begin to analyze what's happening everywhere around us. When we realize that
the only logic imperialism follows is the logic of profit and loss, then
perhaps the reasons why so many white "christian" Americans, after 100 years,
are suddenly so against black seperation will become much clearer. Perhaps it
is not that they believe so much in intergration, as they insist, or equality
but rather that they, like Dr. Christian Bernard see the usefulness of keeping
Black people handy as a ready supply of spare parts. Anyway with the rate that
heart disease and lung cancer deaths are increasing and with the enormous
profits to be made from cancer ridden pigs, who wish to extend their lives, it
would beho
ve each of us, when we feel ourselves being watched by the pigs, if we think
not only of the immediate and obvious threat to our lives that they constitute
armed with their guns and tanks, but also think of the su
tler but far more gruesome threat of Tule Lake
, the Stanford Medical Center
and Heart-transplants.