Fuel reviewed by mim3@mim.org July 16, 2004 If you like Pearl Jam, you'll probably like Fuel. "Something Like Human" is pretty consistent all the way. It's all love songs and missing people type stuff. I also have to confess that I could not help wondering if Bryan Adams would have been Brett Scallions if born a little later. Chalk up Fuel as another band that needs a jolt to get a purpose in life worthy of its talents.
Scallions should have gone with his instincts about the Iraq War: BTW, if Saddam Hussein really had nukes etc., would it have been a good idea to send 150,000 troops to get nuked? Perhaps that should be rethought too, eh, Brett Scallions?
Note: MIM has explained that one might even "like" this music while knowing rationally that there is something wrong with it, maybe even profoundly wrong and evil. Being a Maoist means being a revolutionary scientist and that means having the ability to question everything that we like.
See MIM Theory on feminism and gender issues. Read Mao on politics in all literature and art