Revolutionary Greetings,

I received your correspondence dated 10/11/02. I'm extremely grateful for the support you will be giving me when and if I encounter censorship battles here. I'm more than willing and able to go to Federal Court in order to get your much needed voice in here behind these prison walls. When I received your letter dated Oct 1st, 2002 I immediately wrote the Deputy Superintendent of Programs inquiring as to why my MIM Notes was being censored and why the appeal mechanism wasn't being enforced. Enclosed is both the letter and response that I received. In essence they are saying that for you to send the publications to me and if all is well so be it. If they feel there is any rule violations it will go in front of media review (Dir #4572). Other than that all is well. I'm doing my part, please start to send MIM Notes to the above address.

a New York Prisoner
October 2002

8 October 2002
Dep. Supt. of Programs R. Savage,

Mr. Savage, Hello how are you? Fine I pray. I'm writing you becasue a problem has arisen that I would like for you to address. I received a letter from the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) publications dated Oct 1st, 2002. In the letter they explained after my inquiry about my not receiving my publications, that Attica Correctional Facility is censoring and not allowing in MIM Notes. They aren't even abiding by the guidelines as set forth in DIR #4572 Media Review and are sending back publications without any appeal process. I would like to know why has my MIM Notes been denied as set forth in DIR #4572 so that I can activate the appeal process as set forth in DIR 4572. I appreciate your time and patience inthis matter. I've enclosed a copy of the letter for your information. I hope to hear from you shortly.

NY prisoner

Date: 22 October 2002
From: Media Review Committee, Attica Correctional Facility
Edward O'Mara, Chairman

Deputy Superintendent Savage has asked that I respond to your inquiry regarding a publication entitled: MIM Notes.

The publication is subject to the same provisions as any other publication, which arrives at the Attica Correctional Facility. If staff determines that there are possible violations of Directive #4572, the publication is to be sent to the Media Review Committee for further scrutiny. All concerned employees are aware of this regulation and this Facility is in COMPLIANCE with the directive. There have been no MIM Notes denied entry into the facility by the Media Review Committee in your name. The appeal process is always an option when Directive 4572 is employed.

We hope that this clarifies this matter for you.

Campaign update: This letter is a step forward in an ongoing struggle against censorship in Attica that started a year ago. With the help of comrades on the inside and supporters on the outside we are ready to take this campaign to the next level. This is the first word from Attica we have received and they have denied violating their Media Review policies. However, MIM has evidence of materials being rejected at Attica addressed to other prisoners including MIM Notes, books and personal letters. Generally speaking other prisons in the state do follow Directive #4572 and as a result most allow our mail through, while others only censor occasional materials while providing specific explanations (which we argue against). Attica has been the exception, just denying mail across the board. Therefore we must pressure Chairman O'Mara to stand by his word that they will be in compliance with their own regulations in which case we will be able to regain contact with many revolutionary comrades being held in Attica

We encourage those on the outside to write Chairman Edward O'Mara and Deputy Superintendent of Programs R. Savage at: Attica Correctional Facility Box 149 Attica, NY 14011-0149 and to cc: MIM with a copy of your letter. Get in touch with MIM to provide further legal or campaigning support to this effort.

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