
Our sacrifices are our future offsprings' stepping stones, built and embellished for them to tread upon the road of destiny, with far less arduous hurdles to leap over. It is evident throughout the ages that may a task be large or small, or where an objective is in dire need of attaining, then sacrifices, unreasonable risks, or some form of initiative, energy, or effort is more than necessary.

Too often we relent to thinking our small contribution will not make the difference, not equating our doings with those of others in our circle. In any political movement, it is the collective action of the whole that makes and creates the difference. Sometimes pain, sorrow, adversity, and contention are indispensable attributes that must be filtered through, in order to echo our message across the lands and oceans. It is through these misfortunes that we become strengthened and more capable of facing fear and hardships with fortitude. In turn, we make valiant strides, made of audacity, determination, and a balance of intelligence and vicious patriotism. We do first what fools do last, crumbling obstacles before us with grace, and using those same pieces to shape, mold, and construct our movement. By doing so we grow, and in growing we become that much closer to advancement.

Sacrifices must be willing, not forced. A forced sacrifice is easily detected and not fully respected. Without that respect, it is downgraded to a lesser form of manipulation by fear. Our tyrants impose fear on their malcontents they call soldiers, who acquire detestation for their countries. No sacrifices can be doubted or forgotten in our hearts and minds. They are indelible and met with encouragement and gratitude. It is an honor to serve amidst the solidified and committed. Our belittlers are shortsighted in that they cannot fathom the depth of sacrifice; they equate it to the pursuits of the individual behind the concept. If we do not sacrifice and do our individual harvest work, we will not advance, flourish, or attain the blessings of excellence. The act in itself should be selfless, not selfishly motivated for one's own personal gain or recognition.

We have grown up in a time of political disintegration, where men use their causes, organizations, and movements to put themselves in positions of power over the simple. They will inevitably trip themselves over the pot of lies they have handed their people, who will discover their true motives and remove them, only giving rise to a new voice, who will do the same as the last, in his own ways. We will obtain our freedom to unite. Only we can describe our hardships, punishments, and oppression. It is through this conscious conditioning that we progress and harness morale in our daily lives, which limits the potential for failure. This is not to say we are intimidated by our failures, for there is a lesson in our failures. Our predatorial mind is strengthened by them, couples with our discipline and confidence, so as not to burden or distract us from our intentions. Failure is a conditioning tool. We must perceive sacrifice as our shadow, for she is with us on the battlefield and off of it. She is constantly making herself known. But she is not accustomed to the light of day. It is our duty to guide her into the light of succession and maneuver her for our achievement. Our glory depends upon her very essence, just as we depend on each other to cultivate the field of destiny.

The process of sacrifice does not change; the process of sacrifice changes us. Patience is a virtue, but to wait too long is to bring about cowardice, hesitation, or laziness. We also lose leverage against those who believe they will construct themselves when our job is complete.

We must set the stage and on that stage we must represent every character. They are the means that fulfills the end. Cowardice, betrayal, hesitation, and stagnation are strangers to "us," who have no face, but who are nevertheless loathed enemies who will not be met with friendliness. What we bring to the table is a prize, great or small. This is not to say don't aim high: that is paramount. It is to say do not condemn yourselves to limitations. Always strive that extra mile--the fruit further along the valley is much sweeter there. Sacrifices don't seek to be rewarded; they are the reward. Our stance is aggressive and we maintain force behind our glare. With each new transition comes an assortment of sacrifices and with each new sacrifice comes an array of good will. This goes for inside and outside the penal system. As previously mentioned, sacrifices come in various forms: bloodshed, sweat, sorrow, loss of comfortable living conditions, money, loss of face, and strife. We make compromises for the greater vision that keep us aligned and functioning. We must accept sacrifice with embracement!

- a California prisoner, August 2005