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The imperialists are taking their last stand on the Iraq War. The Bush administration had to sell itself to a casino billionaire to raise money for TV ads for the Iraq War. The Washington Post did an excellent job describing who is behind the $15 million in new money.(1)
Poor presidential candidate Mitt Romney the Mormon had to say he had nothing against taking casino money.(2) Now there will have to be a saying about sending bad money after bad money. We can only guess that Rush Limbaugh was engaged in self-mockery when he took up the casino metaphor in attacking Senator Leahy.(3)
As key military expert Republican Senator John Warner called for a partial withdrawal from Iraq,(4) another humorous incident arose as a top Republican lobbying firm suddenly took up the cause of British- Iraqi lackey Allawi to replace the Iraqi president, al-Mylackey. Allawi was an agent for England's MI6 and the CIA before he became the first neo-colonial administrator of Iraq in the current war. When asked why this suddenly came up, the White House said "maybe it was a really big contract." Money talks: "So, why would allies of the White House contradict the president publicly in this matter? 'They're making a lot of money,' the official replied."(5)
In actuality, President al-Maliki is in a complex geopolitical situation. Uncle $am threatens Iran almost as a matter of having something to offer the Saudi bourgeoisie and the Sunni bourgeoisie in Iraq. At first we heard from the likes of Daniel Pipes that having Iraqis fight among themselves was fine for I$rael and the united $tates.(6) Now there is a concern that al-Maliki plus Iran equals a new strategic balance of power in the Mideast or so Uncle $am tries to tell the Saudis. The combined intelligence agencies just reported that al-Maliki's government is in an impossible political situation,(7) with the religious animosity within Iraq.
"Director of National Intelligence" Mike McConnell then told Texans that some Iraqis have been slipping across the border at Mexico--with hints about terrorism.(8) While Texas was left to worry about its sovereignty and terrorism, the media admitted that Iraq still does not have it:
"Iraqi government officials concede things aren't working, but they say that's because the United States doesn't allow Iraq to really control its own destiny.The Wall Street Journal published Max Boot on the Vietnam War analogy president Bush has been using. Boot is from the imperialists' Council on Foreign Relations. The entire anti-war movement should back Boot on the following:"While the Iraqi government commands its own troops, it cannot send them into battle without U.S. agreement. Iraqi Special Forces answer only to U.S. officers.
"'We don't have full sovereignty,' said Hadi al-Amri, the chairman of parliament's Defense and Security Committee. 'We don't have sovereignty over our troops, we don't have sovereignty over our provinces. We admit it.'
"And because of the very real prospect of Iranian infiltration, the government doesn't fund or control its own intelligence service. It's paid for and run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
"Abdul Qarim al-Enzi, director of the parliamentary ethics committee, asks whether it is 'reasonable for a country given sovereignty by the international community to have a chief of intelligence appointed by another country.' advertisement
"One senior U.S. official in Baghdad told CNN that 'any country with 160,000 foreigners fighting for it sacrifices some sovereignty.'" (9)
"There are many Iraqis who would be left in equally dire straits should the U.S. pull all or even a substantial portion of its forces out of the country. Tens of thousands of Iraqis have worked closely with our forces, whether as translators, security guards, police officers, civil servants or cabinet ministers. Many have already been targeted for death, and need to flee for their lives. Yet so far we have been accepting only a trickle of Iraqi refugees to our shores -- a mere 200 in the first six months of this year."(10)That means we should favor giving out green cards to Iraqi lackeys of Uncle $am in order to end the war. Earth to labor aristocracy, you greedy pigs, it's a small price to pay to end this boondoggle. We do not want to see any U.$. bases in Iraq, but if Amerikans are so worried about "freedom," they can give Iraqis the freedom to live in the united $tates directly instead of the freedom to die from U.$.-caused disorder, failure of electricity, plumbing etc.
1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/22/AR2007082202555_2.html
2. http://www.latimes.com/business/investing/la-na-romney14aug14,1,3926721.story?coll=la-headlines-business-invest
3. http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_082107/content/01125115.guest.html
4. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/bulletin/bulletin_070824.htm
5. http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/Top_News/2007/08/24/gop_lobbying_firm_undermines_almaliki/7184/
6. http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/agitation/iraq/danielpipes030606.html
7. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20070824.IRAQ24/TPStory/TPInternational/America/
8. http://www.lcsun-news.com/latest/ci_6700230
9. http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/08/22/iraq.democracy/?iref=mpstoryview
10. Max Boot, "Another Vietnam?" http://online.wsj.com/article/SB118792232818807567.html?mod=googlenews_wsj