Kim Jong Il
This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
Selected Works, vol. II, 1970-2
Foreign Languages Publishing House
Pyongyang, Korea, 1995

[Compared with some recently published work of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il's work
published in 1995 leans a little bit more toward Mao.

First, we will quote Kim Jong Il on the refutation of the "blood lines theory" as it was called
in China, but which also raised its ugly head in Korea. Oddly enough, Kim Jong Il rejected
the idea of punishing the generations raised under socialism for being offspring of ex-exploiter
classes, but he did not believe there were new enemy classes formed. However, Kim's statement does successfully point the spearhead of struggle away from anyone in the party.

We also quote Kim Jong Il extensively on his clear Stalin-like stance toward Mao.]

"On Intensifying Political and Ideological Education Among Public Security Workers," March 29, 1970, pp. 62-3:
"Public security workers, to be efficient in the class struggle, must distinguish clearly between friend and foe. We must judge a person by his or her present tendency. We must educate and deal magnanimously with people who, in spite of their undesirable class origin, are willing to follow our Party steadily along the road of socialism; we must fight uncompromisingly against those who oppose socialism. This is our Party's class policy and the principle by which we distinguish between friend and foe.

However, some public security workers do not judge people, or distinguish friend from foe according to this principle. They are waging the class struggle in a superficial manner, defining one person as a hostile element and another as a fine person by going by these people's personal files. If we conduct class struggle in this manner, it is impossible to discover enemy spies and counterrevolutionaries lurking in our ranks. If we tell friend from foe based simply on their family backgrounds, we may take good people for bad and vice versa and may commit errors in the class struggle.

Some people whose class origins are bad, or who repent of the crimes they have committed against the people, end up by taking an active part in socialist construction, whereas some people with the best of family backgrounds still do evil things. A man from a good family may become degenerate if affected by bad ideas, and may harm the socialist system by playing into the hands of the enemy. The enemy is resorting to all sorts of ways and means to bribe not only the surviving elements of the exploiting class in our ranks but also the people with good family backgrounds."

[MC5 comments: Our objection to the quote below is that it calls the Soviet Union "socialist."]

Kim Jong Il, "On Properly Conducting the Work with the People with Complex Backgrounds," December 28, 1971, p. 342:

"This summer, when a certain country requested us to send our art troupe there, I gave the official concerned the assignment to select the artists to be sent to the country; the official selected only the artists with good family backgrounds in disregard of their artistic skill, leaving out some other artists who were highly qualified but had somewhat involved family backgrounds and personal records."

Kim Jong Il, "Let Us Inspire the Young People with the Spirit of Continuous Revolution," October 1, 1971, pp. 284-6:

"An important matter in the education of the young people at present is to intensify anti-revisionist education.

"Today the situation within the international communist movement and around our country requires that ideological education and ideological struggle against modern revisionism be intensified more than ever before. Modern revisionism, though its essence and counterrevolutionary aim are the same as those of revisionism in the past, including the one inside the Second International, is more harmful than the former revisionism, because it has appeared in the government party of the country with long revolutionary records and because it is being enforced as a policy of the party and state. On the plea of developing Marxism-Leninism creatively, the modern revisionists are paralyzing the people's revolutionary spirit by crafty methods. It can be said, therefore, that the struggle against revisionism is in a sense more difficult than the struggle against the aggressive schemes of the imperialists. In order to encourage young people to clearly understand and staunchly fight against the real nature and harm of modern revisionism, we must organize anti-revisionist education among them meticulously and conduct it effectively.

"Judging by the way Party and LSWY organizations are conducting anti-revisionist education at present, I must say that in most cases they merely emphasize in general terms that revisionism is bad and so a struggle needs to be launched against it, instead of offering detailed explanation as to what revisionism is, why it is harmful and what the forms are of its expression and harmfulness. If you merely say that revisionism is bad, you cannot give people a clear knowledge of it, nor can you encourage them to launch a vigorous struggle against revisionism in a principled manner. We must conduct anti-revisionist education in depth so as to prevent even the slightest revisionist elements from germinating among us or trickling in from outside.

"Today the struggle against revisionism is not merely a theoretical question but a vital matter bearing on the destiny of revolution--whether to continue with the revolution or give it up, fight imperialism or yield to it. In some socialist countries today, contemporary revisionists are preaching class cooperation and weakening the state function of dictatorship and party leadership by saying that since the exploiting class and the exploitative system no longer exist after the establishment of the socialist system, then class struggle, proletarian dictatorship and party leadership are not necessary. It is as clear as daylight that if in a socialist society the class struggle is given up and the state function of dictatorship and party leadership are weakened, then hostile elements and the remnants of obsolete ideas will revive and bring back bourgeois liberalism in all domains of social life, with the result that the cause of socialism itself will be jeopardized. Contemporary revisionists are also grovelling at the feet of the imperialists, scared by their political and economic pressure and their military threat and blackmail, disarming people ideologically by spreading war phobia and bourgeois pacifism and unhesitatingly opposing the revolutionary struggles of the oppressed people. Not only have they given up an anti-imperialist struggle but they are actually obstructing the anti-imperialist struggle of other countries, jabbering that if the struggle for national liberation expands, it may develop into an allout war that will turn into a nuclear war and plunge mankind into a nuclear holocaust. According to them, independence and revolution are good but peace is more valuable.

"As the leader has instructed, we can never compromise with imperialism as revisionists do nor flinch from the anti-imperialist struggle by yielding to the imperialist policy of war-blackmail. If we give up the anti-imperialist struggle in the wake of the revisionists, we can neither realize the historic cause of national reunification nor keep the valuable achievements gained through a long-drawn revolutionary struggle. Kneeling down and licking the imperialists' boots is not the way to maintain peace or keep the dignity of the nation. We do not want war, but we are not afraid of it; we are determined to fight the imperialists resolutely when they encroach upon the sovereignty of our country. When our heroic People's Army captured the US imperialist armed spy ship Pueblo, the revisionists asked us to return the ship and the crew immediately, saying that if they were not returned, war would break out. Also when we shot down the US imperialist spy plane EC-121, which had intruded into our territorial space, they grovelled before the US imperialists in a cowardly manner, trembling over a possible breakout of war. But we rose to the occasion, firmly determined that we would retaliate against the enemy for his 'retaliation' and return all-out war with all-out war. Thus we resolutely frustrated the war moves of the US imperialists and safeguarded the dignity and sovereignty of the motherland. We must therefore educate the young people along a revolutionary line lest they be affected by the war phobia and war-weariness spread by the revisionists. It is of utmost importance to equip them with revolutionary determination to fight the imperialists whenever the latter attack us.

"We must prevent any kind of decadent bourgeois culture or way of life advocated by modern revisionists from infiltrating into the younger generation. These revisionists are championing bourgeois liberalism and introducing a reactionary bourgeois culture and way of life, thus degenerating the young people ideologically and morally. As the leader said, revisionism and the bourgeois way of life are cousins, so to speak. Steeped in the bourgeois culture and way of life promoted by modern revisionists and imperialists, young people will become egoists who do not care about their society or collective, but are interested only in money--degenerates who dislike struggling and working and who are only after a life of comfort."