This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
German "NE" organization This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.

Homophobia as proof of phony communism: part II

German "NE" organization sees homosexuality and not heterosexuality as decadence

MIM rebuts NE: Most sexual abuse of children is by heterosexual adults

[The below is by a German organization that claims to be Maoist and opposes the "Gang of Four." For MIM, it is further proof that this organization "NE" cannot be communist at all, because communists are for the abolition of all oppressions. MIM comments follow in brackets. We discovered the article in December, 1998. It is a follow-up to an article MIM already rebutted.

The authors seek to confuse two things--oppression of children and "homosexualism." Yet even in the three quotes below there is no evidence that Engels saw "homosexualism" as more corrupt than "heterosexualism." Quite the contrary, the published quote below from Engels's major work on gender quite clearly states that homosexual oppression is the by-product of heterosexual oppression: "the degradation of the women recoiled on the men themselves." Such statements are the routine view of communists, that it is impossible to have one isolated oppression. Oppression in one area taints everything else.

The quotes from Engels also have another unintended consequence for "NE." We thank NE for pointing out a mention by Engels of "bodily tribute." MIM and Catharine MacKinnon often come under fire from labor bureaucrats and gender bureaucrats for upholding a theory of "sexual appropriation." They want us to focus narrowly on boosting wages. Yet, there is Engels talking about "bodily tribute." For Engels, the word "tribute" is used in a way meaning a form of "exploitation" of a pre-capitalist sort or of some sort of oppression.

From the quotes below it is clear Engels wanted to expose the ruling class's top circles for sexual abuse of children. This is correct and MIM views the oppression of children as the principal aspect of sexual oppression in the imperialist countries.

That is not at all the same thing as seeing gay or lesbian practice as more corrupt than heterosexual practice. Having severely criticized patriarchy, Engels was correct to take on oppression by homosexuals as well. "NE" is tailing sub-reformist lifestyle-focussed people including devout Catholics and born-again Protestants by making the issue one of "homosexualism." We communists believe ALL sexuality is conditioned by decadent forces under imperialism.

Tactically it is fair game to target the ruling class in particular and attempt to split it by pointing to its abuse of children, both heterosexual and homosexual. That is what Engels was doing.


Today in the imperialist countries, it is correct to make the sexual oppression of children principal, because adults both male and female in the imperialist countries are net gender oppressors. The struggle against patriarchy focussed in such a way has every possibility of shaking the whole system of imperialism and patriarchy. NE's presentation of Engels's views vulgarizes them into narrow, sub-reformist born-again Christian views.

Gay and lesbian liberals who see their lifestyle as less oppressive and bigots like NE who see gays and lesbians as more oppressive are both focussed on lifestyles, not radical politics.]

Internet statement 12/98

Unequivocal statements by

Friedrich Engels


In the sixties of the 19th century the Lassallean current within the labor movement came to the fore, and, for the first time, a downright pederasm and homosexualism as well. Ferdinand Lassalle promoted a person in the organisation who had been sentenced because of pederasty, who later became his successor, and was resolutely fought by Marx and Engels: Johann Baptist v. Schweitzer. In connection with this person also a certain Karl Heinz Ulrichs appeared, who is regarded as the first propagandist of homosexualism and today is being fêted by the so-called homosexuals‘ movement. This Ulrichs sent his book also to Marx and Engels, apparently hoping to find support (already then they tried to use the labor movement for their own ends). Marx apparently refused to essentially take note of this book at all, and gave it to Engels, who in general was more familiar with these cultural questions, and the latter expressed himself unequivocally.

Friedrich Engels:

"That is really a very odd ‚Urning‘ you just sent

me. Those are just unveilings being extremely

against nature. The pederasts begin counting

themselves and find that they are forming a power

within the state. Only an organisation was missing,

but according to this it seems to be already existing

in the secret. And as they are counting so important

men within all the old parties and even in the new

ones, from Rösing to Schweitzer, their victory is

inevitable. ‚Guerre aux cons, paix aux trous de

cul‘, (1) it will go now. It is only a luck, that we

personally are too old to have to fear, this party

gaining victory, to have to pay bodily tribute to the

victors. But the young generation! By the way, only

possible in Germany that a guy like that appears,

translates the dirt into a theory and invites: introite

(2), and so on. Unfortunately he was not yet as

courageous as to confess openly being ‚That‘, and

still has to operate coram publico ‚from the front‘

even though not ‚from the front into‘ as he once

says by mistake. But first wait until the new

north-german penal law has acknowledged the

droits de cul (3) then it will turn out quite

differently. As for poor people from the front like

us, with our childish favour for women, things will

be going badly enough. If one could make use of

that Schweitzer, it was to elicit from this strange

man of honour the personal details of the high and

the highest ranging pederasts, what surely would

not be difficult for him as a congenial person...."


(Marx Engels Werke vol.32 -German edition - p.

324/5. Engels to Marx, June 22, 1869)


Acting behind the back of Marx and Engels, Wilhelm Liebknecht in connection with the leaders of the Lassalleanians initiated the notorious "Gotha program" which is a strange collection of phrases, by which a reactionary body of thought is carried into the labor movement through the backdoor. About this program Marx wrote a devastating critique which belongs to the most fundamental documents of communism at all ("Critique of the Gotha Program").

There are several further documents dealing with it. The Gotha program is an opportunistic and arch-reactionary program, and those responsible for it had for a long time blocked the publication of this critique. In the beginning of the nineties Engels, who thus incurred the anger of Liebknecht and others, pushed through the publication of the "Critique of the Gotha Program". The reactions were corresponding. It is absolutely interesting that Engels, describing Liebknecht‘s activities, does so in connection with expressions about the homosexuality among Lassalleanians, as the decisive Lassalleanian, Hasselmann, again was one of the "guild", and Engels was suspicious against several Lassalleanians to be of this nature.

He writes in a letter to F.A. Sorge of Febr. 11, 1891:

Friedrich Engels:

"......Liebknecht, naturally, is angry as the whole

criticism especially was aimed at him and he is the

father who has begetted the rotten program

together with the ass-fucker Hasselmann. ..."

(Marx Engels Werke vol.38, German edition - p.

30/31) ( remark4 )


These two quotations already make it clear in the most drastic fashion how Engels looked at the matter. But Engels thought also about questions of the descent and the origin of homosexuality. This is to be seen very clearly by the fact that he worked a passage into "The Origin of the Familiy, Private Property and the State".

Friedrich Engels:

"The latter [the Greek men], who would have been

ashamed to evince any love for their own wives,

amused themselves with hetaerae in all kinds of

amours. But the degradation of the women recoiled

on the men themselves and degraded them too,

until they sank into the loathsomeness of boy-love,

degrading both themselves and their gods by the

myth of Ganymede." ( remark5 )


This book and its whole body of thought also corresponded to what Marx thought. Thus the position of Marx and Engels in this question is completely unequivocal. And all the more it is blatant, and aims at murdering the thinking, if a majority of the homosexualists simply wipes out the fact that this cannot have anything to do with Marxism, and wants to imprint their total mental and physical filthiness upon this movement. To everybody, however, who uncovers these things, the reaction from their part is a verbal running down, which cannot be limited by any means, with a subliminal threat also to all the others never to touch upon these things.

Editorial staff of Neue Einheit




(1) "war to the cunts, peace to the assholes"

(2) become member

(3) rights of the ass back to text

( remark4 ): By "Liebknecht" Wilhelm Liebknecht is meant, who in 1875

worked together with the Lassalleanians.

Wilhelm Hasselmann was one of the leaders of the Lassalleanian

"Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein" - "General German Workers‘

Union" back to text

( remark5 ): The translation by Progress Publishers, Moscow, Karl Marx

and Frederick Engels, Selected Works in three volumes, III, p. 239, was

checked over by us. Their translation of the German "Widerwärtigkeit der

Knabenliebe" by "perversion of boy-love" is not correct, so we had to

replace it by the direct counterpart "loathsomeness" back to text